The Law of Attraction-Chapter 601: The Sun Will Always Shine

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At Chua mansion, after Sarah left, Kenzie was back inside to torture her brain again by training in economics, business, markets, and everything.

"I think you should rest for at least an hour ma'am," Cris suggested. She had witnessed how Kenzie had worked hard for days that it was beginning to worry her. She herself was surprised that an easy-going woman, who was specifically branded as a spoiled brat, was such a natural genius when it came to business.

She could see great potential in Kenzie just in her training period… No, it was not just simply potential… She was confident Kenzie would pull everything through.

"I can't wait to see her in action," she whispered to Professor Jho, one of Kenzie's trainers, who was sitting next to her while they watched Kenzie voice out her opinion on the current situation of the company.

Kenzie created a presentation on her own about how she would reorganize the company.

"She got the best trainers in the city and a very reliable and competent assistant. No wonder, Senior Chua would move mountains just to make sure you would stay in the company," Professor Jho complimented, making Cris chuckle.

"That's not true… Senior Chua is my mentor and I owe him too many favors. I will do anything for him and his family. My loyalty is with him forever," Cris whispered, recalling how she met Senior Chua who became her savior.

She strived hard in life after he saved her that day to make sure that she could repay him with the best that she could. She smiled as her thoughts drifted back to that day...

On the day she met him she was as good as dead since she had run away, ready to take her own life. She was sixteen at that time when her mother had just passed away and her uncle became her guardian.

Life was really tough but what made it worse was that her uncle tried to molest her whenever he was drunk. She tried to run away but since he was a policeman, it was easy for him to track her down.

That night, he almost succeeded in raping her when he found her but she accidentally killed him while defending herself. She ran from there as soon as possible but she knew her doom was near.

His wife was hellbent on sending her to prison, so she made sure Cris would be found dead or alive. Cris was being searched by both the police and the gang her uncle was supporting…

She went to Dami Bridge that night, crying really hard, ready to jump off the bridge at any moment. It was at that time she heard a man speak behind her, "Hmm, I like the sea breeze in this area. Whenever I get confused I will often stop here and just look at the vast sea from above.

I prefer coming at this hour most of the time since there is no one here unlike daytime. I usually shout and curse letting out my frustrations. Well, at first I thought jumping from here would be better since it would end everything. You see it always seems like the best solution when you think you don't have an option anymore but trust me it's not…"

Cris halted and looked at the vast sea below. She wondered if it would kill her immediately if she jumped the bridge. She thought about hanging herself or just drinking poison but decided that jumping off this high bridge would be better since she could not even afford to buy a rope or poison. She let out a scornful chuckle at the thought of how tough life was even while killing herself.

Starving to death was another option but she could not wait anymore. It would be better to die instantly rather than being dragged and torture by the police or the gang members.

The man was now near her and was leaning against the rails of the bridge. He looked down and asked, "Do you think you will die if you jump off this bridge?"

She did not reply but continued sobbing.

The man smiled and said, "I lost my wife when she gave birth to our daughter. It was a tough choice for me. The chance of survival was 50/50 for her because of her heart problem while our daughter had a hundred percent chance of surviving. I only have to choose one of them to live.

I cried really hard knowing that no matter what choice I made I would lose an important person in my life… my wife or my daughter… I questioned God several times as to why He would give me this kind of trial. I begged him to take my life instead of in exchange for one of them but I know it can't be…"

"Who did you choose?" Cris could not help asking.

The man had a sad smile on his face and whispered, "My wife was the one who decided. She desperately wanted our daughter to see the world so she chose her. Well, the trial did not end there because right after that, my company fell. I went bankrupt and the bank seized everything I had. I felt the world crumbling down around me…

I was thinking about ending my life when I heard my daughter crying loudly as if she was scolding me about how wrong my thinking was at that time."

"You have your daughter who needs you to survive… Our situation is very different… I have no one…" Cris hopelessly whispered.

"Hmm, you are very wrong child. You always have someone… and that is yourself. You may think that there's no option but that doesn't mean you have to give up on your life that easily. We, humans, are very special creatures specifically created by God according to his like.

Well, it's not about religion but more about faith so don't misunderstand but I think in every religion it is given that we humans are very special… There are many people trying their best to stay alive and extend their time but then their life span was already decided. Their fate is just like my wifes'.

Yours… Hmm, you're still breathing and have a long life ahead but you want to end it… That's not your fate but your weak decision. Why not fight for your life and try hard to live well while you still have your life? There are always storms in our life but you must remember that the sun will always shine after every storm...

Not everyone is lucky like you to be alive… I don't know what you're going through but I guess God sent me to you since your fate is to stay alive. I'm reaching my hand to you now but it's for you to decide whether to take it or not my child. You are still young, so whatever you are going through right now, face it bravely and have faith in yourself that you will overcome it."

Cris snapped back to reality when she heard Kenzie call her. She smiled and immediately walked towards her. She would spend all her life helping Senior Chua. She would not let anyone trample on her savior and his loved ones.