The Mightiest Leveling System-Chapter 4753

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Chapter 4753

Longfei's heart beat and thrilled, and even the scorpion burst into a light.

This sentence, for Longfei, is simply a stimulant.

I thought that the things that broke out this time can only be used as antiques.

But now, the system sister directly in the heart of the dragon, once again uttered unlimited hope.

"Well, I know that the system sister is sure to be arrogant, and this matter will be handed over to you. If you break the sixth monument, my strength will probably improve a lot."

Longfei said.

Even the system description is ignorant, but added a horror to describe.

If it is cracked by the system sister, it can be regarded as a killer.

Even the means of killing.

"Well, the owner is relieved, I will hurry and break the inscription."

The system girl is encouraged and she is also an expression of excitement.

Longfei was slightly gratified in his heart, and then looked to the end.

"The lottery, the system benefits that have not come out for a long time."

"However, it is not anxious now, and good steel should be used in the blade."

Longfei thought of it and temporarily recovered his mind.

This time, Longfei can be said to be a bumper harvest, whether it is experience or reward, it is a breakthrough.

Moreover, this is not the key to the problem. The most important point of the problem is that since the Promise the Lord died, that is to say, the behind-the-scenes existence of the hero who bound the Alliance was completely lifted.

Next, it is to conquer the hero of the league.

As soon as I read this, Longfei's figure fell.

The thought flashed and directly informed Xuan Zang and others.

At this time, lost on the mainland, everyone saw the dragon flying, his face is a hi.

The horror just made them directly on the verge of collapse.

Even the aftermath of the battle has made them feel desperate.

Fortunately, Longfei finally exerted the power of eternal life, and quickly and quickly decided that they would not be wiped out by the horror.

"Big,,,,,, adults, is the crisis lifted?"

The head of the school government asked with courage.

In front of Longfei, he didn't even have the courage to speak.

Thinking of the suspicion of Longfei before, the heart is already afraid of death.

That is, Long Fei is too lazy to care about him. Otherwise, he does not need to shoot with a dragon, he can directly cut himself.

Longfei ignored it and walked into the school.

Now, he knows that the sea is crushed by the power of eternal life, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

Even if nothing can be seen on the surface, every step of the way, the soul of Longfei is like the gravity of hundreds of millions of people, it is extremely painful.

If it wasn't for the incredible perseverance of Longfei, it would have been fainted.

The head of the school government was silent for a moment, and did not dare to speak again.

"The adults are returning safely, and Yunding has dissipated. Are you saying that the crisis has been lifted?

moron. ”

"You have asked this idiot question. If you anger the adults, we don't have to live."

"In any case, you must serve well. Otherwise, we will die without a place to die."

Lost the mainland's several lords madly accused, with incomparable resentment in the eyes, for fear of being involved in the government of the war school.


At this time, countless figures began to fall on the lost continent.

Xuan Yu is headed, followed by Raytheon and Blush.

Then there are the heroes of the league.

"Adult, has that person solved?"

The same question, Raytheon asked again.

Longfei nodded undecidedly.

In an instant everyone is a big sigh of relief.

Especially the heroes of the league are even more relieved and grateful.

"Thank you for the adults to shoot, if it is not an adult, now we are still slaves of others, life and death in the hands of others."

"Yeah, I am waiting for the war, advocating freedom, being controlled by others, and being really uncomfortable."

"Everything, because of adults, we will see the sky again."

"If the adults are sent in the future, we will never give up."

Everyone said a lot.

And Longfei's heart is a move.

These gratitude and excitement are not disguised, but an excitement from the heart.

"The opportunity is coming."

As soon as I read it, Long Feiqiang supported the pressure on the soul and looked up at everyone: "I don't have to, I will give you this opportunity today."

Longfei's eyes locked everyone, and he said.

"The world changes, I believe you can feel it."

You are born warriors, and the warriors should be in the endless battlefield. ”

"Follow me, I will take you to experience the vastness of the world, to create higher glory, to go, and, to kill the true God."

"Follow me, you will see a higher view."

Longfei has a word.

But every word is as heavy as it is, and it is heavily bombarded in the hearts of these alliances.

As the dragon said, they are warriors, the natural leader of the battlefield, only in the battlefield, their wild vision and style can bloom.

Only the blending of war and fire can show them the true meaning of life.

Therefore, Long Fei's words now hit their hearts and let them have an infinite desire.

However, no one dares to speak.

Despite this silence, the fighting on them has soared, and the infinite horror seems to condense a sea of ​​war, but no one has ever expressed his attitude.

Longfei is not in a hurry, just waiting quietly.

Finally, the barbarian Wang said: "Adult, your words make us heart."

"But, with the strength of the adults, what battlefield needs us?

I am afraid that the enemy that adults must face is already terrible.

In that battlefield, we are very similar to seeing it, but,,,,,,, want us to be cannon fodder, my heart is really unwilling. ”

The barbarian king said, his face was a bit lonely.

And this sentence also tells everyone's mind, everyone is the same in mind.

For them, they used to be the guardian heroes of the various forces on the mainland. Although the camps are different, they are constantly in the baptism of blood and war.

They have the dignity of being a strong person.

If, let them come into contact with the level of dragon flying, for them, it is not a war, but a murder, and they are all cannon fodder.

This result is absolutely unacceptable to them.

When Long Fei heard it, he instantly guessed what everyone thought.

However, thinking of the system rewards that will be received when the mission is completed, Long Fei's mouth is moving, saying: “Who told you to do cannon fodder?”

Cannon fodder, simply impossible, these are the main forces in their own special army, how can they be allowed to do cannon fodder.

In the plan of Longfei, these are the masters of the future in the mythical world. Who can use them as cannon fodder?

Everyone is a glimpse, and they don't understand what this sentence means.

"But adults, our strength,,,,,," said the emperor, his face is ashamed.

"Reassure, since you are following me, I naturally have the means to upgrade your strength. At that time, it is enough to be alone and to slash one side for me."

As soon as the heroes of the league heard it, they all looked at each other, but without any surprise, they all showed excitement and yearning.

"It is!"

In the eyes of Longfei, the light flashed, and the bottom of my heart thought.

If not, it is in the mind of Longfei.

The sound of the system reappeared: "Hey, congratulations to the player Longfei to complete the task: to relieve the alliance crisis, and to assemble the alliance players."