The Real Rich Daughter is Exposed at a Variety Show-Chapter 447 - : The Second Night

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Chapter 447: The Second Night

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As soon as Yan Ruo went out, he bumped into Bai Lin who was outside the door. Bai Lin was curious why he was at Sheng Chuanโ€™s room. โ€œWhy are you here?โ€

Sheng Chuan poked his head out and saw that it was Bai Lin. He originally wanted to tell Bai Lin the truth and then get a DNA test. Now that Yan Ruo said that he wanted to help him, there was no need to alert the girl.

โ€œItโ€™s nothing. Best Actor Yan came over to get the bowl that I finished eating.โ€ Sheng Chuan laughed.

โ€œThen what did you want to tell me just now?โ€ Bai Lin felt that the two of them were a little strange but she could not figure them out.

โ€œItโ€™s fine, itโ€™s fine. I just noticed that you donโ€™t look well. I wanted to ask if youโ€™ve been in a bad mood recently. After all, Iโ€™m the one who cares the most about people in this house.โ€ Sheng Chuan did not know how to explain it either. It was obvious that he was trying to cover it up.

Bai Lin was relieved. She was just over here to ask about it. After all, what if the two of them could reach some kind of cooperation?

Seeing that Sheng Chuan was fine, she did not ask further. โ€œThe production team said that everyone should gather downstairs.โ€

After everyone had gone downstairs to the living room, the production team began to announce, โ€œThe Werewolves can continue killing people tonight. Today, you can publicly vote for a person to be executed. You can continue to chat now.โ€

Chu Yi could not wait to raise her hand to vote. โ€œl vote for Sheng Chuan! Heโ€™s obviously a Werewolf, and Bai Linโ€™s also a Wolf. If we throw them out, only one Wolf will be left. Itโ€™ll be exposed soon.โ€

However, no one agreed. Sheng Chuan and Bai Lin looked at her as if she was an idiot.

โ€œWhy are you looking at me? Itโ€™s just a reasonable suspicion.โ€ Chu Yi did not think that there was anything wrong with her. Her intuition told her that Bai Lin was a Wolf, and so was Sheng Chuan.

โ€œLast night, Lin-jie was eliminated. The Werewolfโ€™s self-destruction on the first night must be in their interest. If Lin-jie exposed that she was a Witch and no Witch gave her the antidote when she was killed, either the Witch didnโ€™t save her, or the antidote was ineffective because Xiao Lin was killed. So far, no oneโ€™s competing with Best Actor Yan for the Seerโ€™s identity, so we can only follow the Seer. So, Sheng Chuan and Ruanjing are the good guys. As for Jian Xi, He Ao, me, and Chu Yi, there are three Wolves out of the four of us. Of course, Iโ€™m the good guy, so the remaining three can only be Wolves. But I keep feeling that somethings not right.โ€ Meng Lan fully displayed her role as a hardcore Werewolf player.

Bai Lin smiled but did not say anything. According to the rules, people killed by Werewolves could not speak.

โ€œThe Witch didnโ€™t want to save her? Unless they donโ€™t want to win. Iโ€™m more inclined to believe that Lin-jie was killed so the antidote was ineffective.โ€ Sheng Chuan pursed his lips. โ€œOn the other hand, Chu Yi trampled Lin-jie and me to death right away. I feel like sheโ€™s more of a Werewolf.โ€

โ€œWhat did you say? Iโ€™m a good person. I canโ€™t be any better,โ€ Chu Yi quickly retorted.

โ€œWhat if itโ€™s a Villager taking the kill? Bai Linโ€™s a commoner, but she jumped out to help the real Witch block the attack,โ€ He Ao suddenly expressed his opinion.

โ€œThatโ€™s not quite possible. As long as the Witch doesnโ€™t jump out, itโ€™ll be fine. The Werewolves might not know who the Witch is and kill the Witch accurately. Xiao Lin has no reason to take the kill for the Witch.โ€ Yan Ruo also joined the discussion for the first time.

โ€œDirector, if I point out everyoneโ€™s identity now, can you give the prize to me alone?โ€ Bai Lin raised her hand and looked at the director with a smile.

The director looked at the others in a difficult position. Was it not too exaggerated that Bai Lin was able to see through everyoneโ€™s identity?

For the fairness of the game, the director said, โ€œNo, Bai Lin is now a person who p s been killed. She canโ€™t speak. Only her team wins can it be considered a victory.โ€ ๐“ฏ๐™ง๐™š๐™š๐’˜๐™š๐“ซ๐’๐™ค๐“ฟ๐™š๐™ก.๐™˜๐™ค๐’Ž

Bai Lin put down her hand wearily and muttered softly, โ€œHow am I supposed to play this? I canโ€™t talk after 1 die. How bored would that make me?โ€

Seeing that Bai Lin had completely lost interest in this game, the others also felt that it was a little cruel.

Everyone analyzed the game for a while, but they did not have any leads.

โ€œAlright, everyone, please vote. Who are you going to execute today?โ€ The director team distributed paper slips and pens to everyone. โ€œPlease write the names of the people you are going to execute on the paper slips.โ€

After everyone handed in their notes, the director counted the results and announced, โ€œChu Yi will be executed today.โ€

โ€œWhy? Youโ€™re taking revenge! Youโ€™re bullying me!โ€ Chu Yi t s eyes were filled with tears.

After saying that, she went back to her room in tears..freew(e)bnovel

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