The Return of the Condor Heroes-Chapter 33 – Conversations at night in Fengling, Part 9

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Chapter 33 – Conversations at night in Fengling, Part 9

Guo Xiang became delighted, could not bear it and wanted to cheer, but she saw the Xishan Ghosts’ fierce and strange expressions and swallowed the “Good!” she wanted to shout.

The man continued, “Then my concubines knelt down to beg for mercy, they even cried loudly, saying they would rather be killed than me, because if I died, they must commit suicide to accompany the husband, damn, this is really disgusting. Hey, I have really lost face! I angrily shouted, ‘Hurry, just kill me! The Xishan Ghosts will come and haunt you!’ He wrinkled his eyebrows and said to my wives, ‘Why do you still plead for such a heartless scum?’ My five wives only kowtowed. He asked my third concubine, ‘You said you were forced to marry him against your will. If I kill him won’t it be good?’ My concubine said, ‘At that time I wasn’t willing, later on I changed my mind. Please don’t kill him.’ I got angry, saying, ‘Just kill me, there are nine more of us.’ He said, ‘OK! I won’t kill you today. The Xishan Ghosts… so what? On the night at the end of this month, I shall wait at the Horses’ Plains for you. Call all your ghosts together to find me. If you do not dare, the Xishan Ghosts must leave Xishan forever and never come back.’ “

After they heard him say that, they did not speak for quite a while. Then the old woman said, “What weapons does he use? What school is his Wugong (martial arts) from?”

The man said, “He only has a left arm and he does not carry any weapons. Wugong…I couldn’t tell.”

The woman said, “Eldest brother, this person subdued seventh brother in one stroke, he must be extremely swift and agile and his Wugong must be quite unorthodox. We rely on numbers to win, you take the lead, and I and fifth brother will help from the side, three against one, and butcher him straightaway. Do not allow him to use his skills.”

The long-sleeved old man lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then he raised his head and said, “This Eagle Hero has a good reputation. Over these ten years many people have been defeated by him, he must have some astonishing skills. Today’s fight is no small matter. I and Second sister will launch a sudden frontal attack, Third and Fourth brother will get close to him then attack his lower body, Fifth and Sixth brother will attack from behind, Seventh and Eighth brother will use long weapons to strike his flank, confusing him, Ninth sister will throw concealed projectiles, Tenth brother will discharge poison gas. Since the Xishan Ghosts have sworn brotherhood, the ten of us have never attacked simultaneously, today is the first time, if we can’t butcher him, let us all turn into real ghosts!”

The big headed dwarf said, “Eldest brother, if ten of us attack a single person, we won’t win honorably; if word of this is spread, all the Jianghu heroes will despise us.”

The old woman said, “We shall butcher the Eagle Hero tonight. Apart from this girl, who else knows about this matter?” Once she said this she raised her arm.

The big headed dwarf waved his left sleeve and blocked her from Guo Xiang. Then he took out a fine needle from her sleeve and said, “Elder sister, I brought her along, please don’t take her life.” He turned to Guo Xiang and said, “Young lady, you want to meet the Eagle Hero, you cannot mention this matter to anyone, otherwise you should go back quickly now.”

Guo Xiang was alarmed, afraid and also angry, thinking, “This old woman has such vicious moves; if not for the short uncle saving me, I could have died from her silent needles without a doubt.” So she said, “Alright I will not speak of it.” But she continued, “You have ten brothers, does he have a single helper?”

The big headed dwarf laughed loudly and said, “The Eagle Hero only appeared in Jianghu around ten years ago, but we never heard that he has any assistants. He has this big bird which is unable to speak to accompany him.” He then raised the horse’s reins, loudly shouting, “Let’s go!” The ten people galloped and the dwarf said to Guo Xiang, “Later, when we start fighting, you must not leave my side.” Guo Xiang nodded, she knew that the Xishan Ghosts were quite cruel and merciless, but this big headed dwarf is looking after her. He prevented his companion from harming her, but his ways were rough; although he spoke in a low voice, the other nine people heard him.

Guo Xiang rode along with the other people. She saw the Xishan Ghosts all had unique skills; no matter how strong the Eagle Hero’s wugong might be, how could he fight ten people alone? She thought, “If father and mother were here it would be good, they wouldn’t stand by and do nothing.”

Just at this time, several tiger roars could be heard in the dark forest in front of them and the horses gave a startled neigh, some standing motionless, some trying to escape. The skinny man waved his horse whip and was the first to rush into the woods.

The old woman scolded, “You lousy animals, you even fear a small cat eating you up?” The group charged forwards and entered the woods. They moved round ten feet when suddenly a person in front fiercely shouted, “Who are these brave people who dare to enter the Beastly Mountain Village at night without permission?”

The Xishan Ghosts stopped their horses, seeing only a person standing on the path, a brave tiger squatting next to him. The horses heard the tiger growling and were alarmed. The long-sleeved old man put his hands together to greet that person, immediately saying, “The Xishan Ghosts entered this place without informing you, pardon our rudeness.”

That person said, “Oh, the Xishan Ghosts? You must be the Long Sleeve Ghost?”

The old man said, “Precisely. We have an important matter at hand and we are rushing to the Horses’ Plains, when we return we will apologize for this.” He knew this character was not very affable but at this moment they needed all their strength to deal with the Eagle Hero, so he hoped not to complicate matters and spoke very politely.

That person said, “Gentlemen, please wait.” He raised his voice and called, “Eldest brother, it’s the Xishan Ghosts going to the Horses’ Plains; they said they will apologize when they return.” The ghosts heard this and were disgruntled, thinking, “We said we would return and apologize, but those are only polite words. Would the Xishan Ghosts really bow down to this person?” The Xishan Ghosts all had outstanding skills, before they became sworn brothers they had already gotten through many troubles, creating much havoc in Shanxi in recent years. The people of Wulin (martial arts world) all dreaded them. Now the ten people are assembled together and if they had no prior appointment with the Eagle Hero on that night, they would beat this person good and proper just based on his words alone.

They heard a screeching voice deep in the forest saying, “Apologizes are not needed, let them go around the forest.” 𝐟𝗿𝚎𝐞𝓌e𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵ𝒆𝑙.c𝚘𝓶

When they heard this they got angry immediately. The skinny person with the bamboo staff sneered, “The Xishan Ghosts never take detours!” He raised the horse’s reins and charged straight towards the person standing on the path. f𝚛e𝚎𝘄𝒆𝚋𝚗𝚘ѵ𝑒𝚕.𝑐𝘰𝑚

That person raised his left hand and two tigers near him threw themselves forward immediately, causing the skinny man’s horse to be frightened and rear up. The skinny man’s riding skills were really good; he bent down on the saddle, both hands holding a short spear, fiercely thrusting at the two tigers. The tiger on his left leapt aside while the tiger on the right scratched the horse’s belly with its claws; but that tiger gave a roar because it was injured by the spear. The skinny man jumped onto the ground, shouting, “Watch my weapons!” He thrust the spears forth, one high one low, displaying the “Double Dragon Fu Yuan Skill”, but he did not advance forward.

The person coldly said, “You injured my family’s watch-cat, now whether you take the detour or not is not up to you. Wu Changgui (Uncommon Ghost), leave your spears behind!”

When Wu Changgui found that the person knew his nickname, he said, “Who are you, sir? The Beastly Mountain Village was supposed to be in Western Liang, why has it moved to Southern Jin? If you want me to leave my spears, that’s very easy to do.”

The person said, “If our Beastly Mountain Village wants to move, must we report to the Xishan Ghosts? We were tired of living in Western Liang so we moved to Southern Jin to play. My eldest brother, by telling you to take a detour, was being extremely polite. My third brother is sick and doesn’t like outsiders harassing us, do you understand?” When he said this, he suddenly stretched his left hand out and grabbed Wu Changgui’s right spear near the edge.