The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 389 - 336: The Way of the Sword, Never Bend nor Bow!

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Chapter 389: Chapter 336: The Way of the Sword, Never Bend nor Bow!

Translator: 549690339

King Yu understood that once the Empress Dowager succeeded, he, as her biological son, might still be able to preserve his life. However, the other royal family members would inevitably invite the Empress Dowager’s wrath. Countless members of the royal family would be purged, and an untold number of people would die before it all stopped.

On one side was the love between mother and son, on the other, the bond with his royal kin.

For King Yu at this moment, he did not wish to easily abandon either side.

However, the current situation was difficult to reverse. Both sides were already at each other’s throats, it was hard to return to the previous status quo.

The position he was in meant that he had to make a decision rapidly. He could not afford to continue fluctuating. f𝐫𝗲eweb𝗻o𝐯el.𝚌o𝗺

Wannian County, to the northwest of the Capital, was originally said to have been named after the Wannian Mausoleum built by the First Emperor of Han to bury his father. Later, during the Later Han Dynasty, a Princess Wannian also made this her fief.

Pei Xuanjing traveled to this place alone and ascended a guesthouse. He sat on the second floor, looking out over the rail, his gaze falling on a distant manor.

According to the information provided by Ye Daoyuan, the hideout of the Demonic Cult was in that manor in the distance.

A smile flickered at the corner of Pei Xuanjing’s mouth. No wonder people say, “A small concealment hides in the wild, a big concealment hides in the city.”

If it hadn’t been for Ye Daoyuan’s precise information, I’m afraid no one in the world would have guessed that this group from the Demonic Cult would dare to settle within the city so boldly.

“They indeed know how to keep their cool!” Pei Xuanjing murmured to himself.

He was well aware that even if he had intentionally concealed his tracks on the way here, the Demonic Cult would have detected his presence as soon as he entered the guesthouse, even when he entered Wannian County.

Of course, this was also partly Pei Xuanjing’s intention to startle the snake in the grass.

It was just unexpected that even after he had been sitting here for a long time, the members of the Demonic Cult had never shown up. This aroused his curiosity somewhat as it appeared the one in charge of this Demonic Cult base had some capability, at least they could hold their breath.

“Heh, maybe I’m overestimating,” Pei Xuanjing suddenly remarking self-mockingly.

He had initially respected the other party because of their reaction to the Demonic Cult, but to his surprise, before he could blink an eye, a man walked out of the manor and hurried towards where Pei Xuanjing was.

“Saint Teachings’ Pang Yan pays respects to Sword Saint. I wonder what instructions the esteemed Sword Saint has for gracing us with his presence.” A thin middle-aged man walked up to the second floor of the guesthouse, driving away irrelevant people on this floor, and addressed Pei Xuanjing.

Pei Xuanjing expression remained neutral, just calmly looking at the other party, after a long moment then he said, “Pang Yan? I know of you, seems your swordsmanship is not bad.”

Pang Yan, a Heavenly Rank powerhouse of the Demonic Cult, was proficient in swordsmanship. His technique of sword energy was almost at the stage of transcendence, making him one of the renowned swordsmen in the world.

Pang Yan, who had initially felt a bit uncomfortable under Pei Xuanjing’s gaze, now had a shadowy look in his eyes after hearing Pei Xuanjing’s words.

One should know that although he was a member of the Demonic Cult, he was extremely proud of his extraordinary swordsmanship among the world’s swordsmen.

Yet in Pei Xuanjing’s evaluation, he was only deemed “not bad”. How could this satisfy him?

He just said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “It is my honor to be praised by Sword Saint.”

There is no first in literature, but there is no second in martial arts.

Among the cultivators in this world, especially those who have reached the Heavenly Rank, who isn’t a person with outstanding talent? Who would willingly submit to others?

Therefore, even though many strong men in the world respectfully call Pei Xuanjing as Sword Saint, it doesn’t mean that none of them challenge him. Pang Yan before him is one such person.

Of course, despite his confidence in his swordsmanship, he also knew that he was by no means a match for his opponent. As a member of the Demonic Cult, he knew best how to avoid harm. Especially at this critical juncture, he did not wish to provoke Pei Xuanjing, so he did not oppose him.

“Ah!” Pei Xuanjing sighed lightly.

He looked at Pang Yan and said, “I originally thought you were a pure swordsman. It seems like you’re not.”

Pei Xuanjing had met many swordsmen among his opponents, but the one who left the deepest impression on him was the Seven Kills Sword Master.

Although the man hailed from the Demonic Cult, his dedication to the Way of the Sword was pure. He was the most bona fide swordsman Pei Xuanjing had ever met, even surpassing the Old Celestial Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Thus, whenever he faced a swordsman, he could not help but compare them with the Seven Kills Sword Master.

Pang Yan, who was also from the Demonic Cult and famous for his swordsmanship, was why he had spoken as he did earlier. His words just now were partly a probe. Had the latter dared to challenge his words and draw his sword, Pei Xuanjing would naturally have a higher regard for him and reconsider his evaluation.

However, now that Pang Yan had not rebutted his judgment and had chosen to acquiesce, Pei Xuanjing only felt that perhaps his assessment of Pang Yan was too high.

As swordsmen, especially those who focus on the cultivation of the Way of the Sword, ought to have an untamed spirit, daring to draw their sword at anyone. Whenever anyone dared to question their Way of the Sword, they should decisively swing their sword, regardless of who the challenger is.

A swordsman should rather seek truth from direct confrontation and not take shortcuts.

Only those who are unyielding and tenacious can be considered true swordsmen.

Compared with the Seven Kills Sword Master that Pei Xuanjing had once met, Pang Yan simply did not measure up.

“You… dare to insult me!”

Pang Yan’s expression changed dramatically.

He never envisioned Pei Xuanjing behaving like this. His words undoubtedly struck a nerve, mentioning a taboo subject he dared not bring up himself.


Pang Yan abruptly drew his sword, an intense killing intent radiating off him.

At this point, he couldn’t care less about his previous considerations. He understood that if he did not dare to make a move today, he would never have the courage to draw his sword against Pei Min.

“That’s more like it!” Pei Xuanjing showed a faint smile.

Seeing the struggle on the other’s face and the fact that they were still daring to draw their sword under such circumstances meant they didn’t completely disappoint him.

Pei Xuanjing thought that if his words had reached this point and yet they still did not draw their sword out of anger, then they were just that, unworthy of a second look.

“Aren’t you going to ask me about my reason for being here?” Pei Xuanjing’s voice sounded again, speaking placidly, “Someone is displeased with you people from the Demonic Cult. They believe your existence will bring them much trouble, so they wanted me to remove this trouble.”

Pei Xuanjing’s words sounded serene, but when they reached Pang Yan’s ears, they were thunderous.

“Indeed, they’ve discovered us!” A ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

Although the Demonic Cult’s support for the Empress Dowager was done in utmost secrecy, it was really only because the Brahman Gate, which attracted the attention of the Taoist School, that they had been able to continue hiding and conducting their affairs unseen.

As it turned out, they had still been discovered.