The Transmigrator’s Cultivation-Chapter 34.2 - Arc 3: Disaster at Sea | : Market

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Chapter 34.2 - Arc 3: Disaster at Sea | Chapter 34: Market

Translator: Lynn

Xu Ziqing whistled, and the eagle swiftly descended, landing gracefully on his shoulder.

Unnoticed by Xu Zitang and the others, the eagle had been soaring high in the sky, ready to return.

Although the eagle was close to Xu Ziqing, it held great respect for Yun Ling and dared not act recklessly. In the presence of Yun Ling, it refrained from accompanying Xu Ziqing and merely let out a few gentle cries, expressing its affection.

As Xu Ziqing stroked the eagle’s feathers, he noticed their exquisite black and gold pattern. However, when he looked at his own attire, he wore a loosely fitted long shirt he had obtained in the secret realm. After spending so many years there, he lacked suitable clothing for the outside world.

Yun Ling remained silent.

Not bothered by the silence, Xu Ziqing spoke with a smile, “Brother Yun, what do you think if I were to go to the market and buy some new clothes?”

With a graceful movement, Yun Ling disappeared into the ring. “You should do so,” his voice resonated from within.

Xu Ziqing couldn’t help but lose his smile. He realized that he had been a bit impolite with his earlier remark. Being freed from the confines of the Xu family felt liberating, but he still needed to plan his future steps. Before making any solid plans, he decided to visit the market and explore his options.

In the realm of cultivators, gold and jade were commonly used for transactions. If the items were of higher value, spiritual pearls were employed. While Xu Ziqing didn’t possess valuable possessions, he had collected numerous spiritual herbs in the secret realm. Additionally, he had demon pellets from the beasts he had hunted with the robust Chinese eagle and the demon vine stored in his ring. He could sell a few of these items to acquire something useful.

Markets were either affiliated with major sects or families, offering a sense of security, or they were long-standing markets where wandering cultivators gathered. The former provided protection, while the latter had a higher element of risk.

However, as Xu Ziqing had never ventured beyond the gates of the Xu family before, he had no knowledge of his current location or where to find the market. Thus, he exchanged a few words with Chong Hua. The obedient eagle spread its wings and swiftly took flight into the sky.

After a series of calls, Xu Ziqing understood the eagle’s instructions and followed its lead.

Recalling the knowledge he gained from studying the common sense of this small world in the Baicao Garden, Xu Ziqing understood its vastness. In ancient times, powerful individuals had divided the land into two parts. The eastern continents were inhabited by cultivators and mortals, but there were no emperors or kings in these lands. All power was held by cultivators. The southern continents, on the other hand, were home to mortals who were unaware of the existence of the holy land of cultivation in the east. They were preoccupied with power struggles and personal gain.

As a result, the eastern continents were abundant in spiritual energy, while the south lacked it due to the absence of cultivators and the prevalence of a turbulent mortal population. Although the southeast was divided between immortals and mortals, there were nine continents in total: Xizhou, Luzhou, Quzhou, Xiazhou, Qizhou, Yuzhou, Lanzhou, Fanzhou, and Lingzhou. The eastern region was known as the Upper Continent, while the south was referred to as the Lower Continent. Monks referred to the mortals residing in the upper nine continents as “mortals” and those in the lower nine continents as “southerners.”

The Xu clan’s residence was situated on the Upper Continent, which had several markets for cultivators. Conveniently, one of them was located just a hundred miles away, making it an ideal destination for Xu Ziqing.

Guided by the eagle soaring above, Xu Ziqing hastened his pace, moving swiftly like wind and smoke, accompanied by a faint blue aura. In the blink of an eye, he had traversed a hundred miles and arrived at the bustling market. Despite his inadequate attire, he decided to stop and remain there to display proper etiquette and avoid any misunderstandings.

The market resembled the one described in the book, with numerous shops arranged in a circular formation like a “well.” Smaller shops were scattered more haphazardly, with stalls occupying the empty spaces between them, creating an atmosphere akin to the mundane world.

These individuals lacked the ability to cultivate immortality due to their lack of spiritual roots. However, being born in the Upper Nine Continents, most of them belonged to families, with smaller families relying on larger ones. Thus, they were aware of the existence of cultivators and their prevalence in the region.

Glancing around, Xu Ziqing suddenly noticed a burly man approaching and respectfully cupping his fist in salute. “Is this immortal master visiting here for the first time?”

Momentarily taken aback, Xu Ziqing nodded and replied, “Indeed.”

Having gained insight since his earlier days, Xu Ziqing could now discern the internal cultivation level of a Houtian martial artist at a glance. The man before him was at the ninth level of Houtian, indicating his impressive external strength according to mortal standards.

Nonetheless, martial artists were mere ants in the eyes of cultivators, and reaching the innate level was the pinnacle of their abilities. When encountering a cultivator, unless serving them, martial artists were expected to address them as “junior.”

With a glimmer of joy in his eyes, the ninth-ranked martial artist raised his hand and said, “Since you are a new immortal, why don’t you allow me to accompany you on this journey?”

Recalling his encounter with a Houtian martial artist at the age of 13, Xu Ziqing understood the man’s hopeful expression and decided not to make things difficult for him. He responded with a smile, “I would be grateful for your company then.”

The martial artist ranked ninth was also delighted. He had been in this market for a considerable period of time, and encountering an immortal cultivator with a pleasant disposition was a rare occurrence. As a result, his attitude towards Xu Ziqing became increasingly friendly. “My surname is Chen. May I know the name of the immortal master?” he inquired.

Initially, Xu Ziqing had mentioned “Xu,” but after some contemplation, he decided to change his name to “Yun.” After stating this, he silently apologized to his friend for borrowing his surname.

Chen didn’t question it and responded with a sincere smile. “Immortal Yun, please follow me,” he said. He proceeded to provide an overview of the market, explaining, “This is a small alleyway, two rows across and five rows down, divided into three sections. The left section is where the immortal elders engage in bartering without using gold or jade pearls, allowing for independent negotiations. The middle area houses shops selling herbs, medicines, and spells, and it is well-guarded by senior individuals. If you have items that are not sold or accepted in the left and middle areas, you can try the right section.”

Without Chen’s guidance, Xu Ziqing would have spent a considerable amount of time finding his way around.

After a brief moment of consideration, Xu Ziqing made a decision. “A few days ago, I acquired a spiritual herb that I wish to sell here. I wonder if Chen could suggest a suitable place for me to go?” he asked.

Delighted by Xu Ziqing’s courteous demeanor, Chen felt flattered and replied, “Xiucao Hall buys spiritual herbs throughout the day, and they offer fair prices. How about my junior guiding Immortal Master Yun there?”

Xu Ziqing responded with a faint smile. “I was just about to trouble you,” he said.

With a hint of red on his face, Chen Gongshen hastened his steps and promptly led Xu Ziqing to a fork in the path. Xu Ziqing looked around and observed that the shops were well-maintained and spacious, with jade panels, jade boxes, or special enchantments used to store a variety of spiritual herbs. The air was filled with a rich and refreshing aroma.

The path was adorned with a succession of halls dedicated to herbs, medicines, and elixirs, all offering an array of spiritual herbs. Situated in the middle of the road, the Xiucao Hall boasted a gold plaque hanging above its entrance. The name of the shop was inscribed in sharp strokes using iron and silver. The shop itself was spacious, featuring a pristine floor made of green stone.

Within the shop, two female cultivators exuded a gentle aura, complemented by their attractive appearances and slender yet robust figures. Behind the counter stood a bearded shopkeeper, his weathered face indicating his cultivation and experience.

Observing the shop from the outside, Xu Ziqing concluded that it must be a reliable establishment with a favorable reputation. With this in mind, he stepped inside, and Chen was fortunate to accompany him.

Upon noticing their arrival, one of the female cultivators prepared to welcome them. Despite Xu Ziqing’s modest appearance, she harbored no disdain toward him since she couldn’t discern his cultivation level. With a sweet smile, she greeted him, disregarding Martial Artist Chen. “Please come in. How may I assist you?” she inquired.

Xu Ziqing responded with a gentle smile. “I have a spiritual herb that I wish to sell. Can I do so here?”

Unsurprised by his request, as cultivators often came to the shop to either purchase or sell spiritual herbs, the woman promptly replied, “Then please come with me to see the shopkeeper. He will evaluate the herb, and then we can negotiate the price.”

Xu Ziqing nodded appreciatively. “That sounds good.” He followed her to the counter, where they encountered the elderly shopkeeper.

The old shopkeeper scrutinized Xu Ziqing, thoroughly assessing his appearance, and then said, “Welcome, esteemed guest.”

Xu Ziqing feigned gathering the herb within his sleeve, but in reality, he retrieved a packet of leaves from his storage ring. Enclosed within was the spiritual herb. The leaves served to isolate the herb from spiritual energy, preserving its spirit for a few more days—an essential aspect for preserving ordinary spiritual herbs.

The old shopkeeper accepted the packet of leaves, reaching out to open it. Immediately, a wave of fresh and fragrant spiritual energy washed over him, causing his eyes to narrow. “Mature Qianji Grass, top quality,” he couldn’t help but exclaim.

In truth, due to Xu Ziqing’s unorthodox method of storage, a small amount of spiritual energy had been lost, even with the presence of the leaf. However, this Qianji Grass hailed from the Secret Realm and was no less remarkable than the one found in Old Man He’s Hundred Herb Garden. Recognizing its extraordinary nature, the old shopkeeper knew it was a valuable find.

After scrutinizing the herb further, the old shopkeeper narrowed his eyes and stated, “This is worth 15 catties of white jade. How does that sound?”

Xu Ziqing replied, “Boss, the deal is fair.”

In the realm of cultivators, gold, white jade, and green jade were the most commonly exchanged items. Gold and white jade held equal value, while green jade was slightly less valuable, with one catty of white jade being equivalent to ten catties of green jade. Furthermore, a spiritual pearl was worth a hundred catties of gold. Considering the high quality of the plant Xu Ziqing possessed, exchanging it for 15 catties of white jade was a favorable deal.

Satisfied with the arrangement, the owner extended his hand, producing three white jade bricks, each weighing five catties, from his storage bag. The transaction was precise and efficient. Xu Ziqing also extended his hand, receiving the jade bricks and storing them in his storage ring. Onlookers assumed he had concealed the pouch close to his body, unaware of his extraordinary storage abilities.

Having completed the exchange, Xu Ziqing didn’t linger in the shop any longer. He bid farewell to Chen, and the two of them exited.

Observing that Xu Ziqing showed no signs of leaving the market, Chen inquired, “Where do you plan to go, Immortal Yun?”

Xu Ziqing replied, “I wish to find a magical garment to cover my body.”

Aware that Xu Ziqing’s current attire was ill-fitting, Chen initially assumed it was due to his unconventional nature or recent involvement in a scuffle. However, hearing Xu Ziqing’s straightforward request, Chen appreciated his easygoing nature. He readily responded, “Please follow me, Immortal Master Yun. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, you can try your luck in the left and middle sections. In the left zone, some cultivators who have advanced their cultivation or possess incompatible attributes might be willing to exchange their garments. In the middle zone, there are occasionally artisans who can transform garments into graded magical weapons, although they are significantly more expensive.”

Xu Ziqing smiled and followed Chen’s lead. Naturally, he first explored the right section, but his intention was simply to acquire presentable attire and not magical weapons.

Within the right section, there were only a handful of ready-made clothing shops. Cultivators who hailed from influential families had their cultivation resources provided by their households, and attire was no exception. Only casual practitioners who lacked abundant resources sought clothing shops, and even then, they often preferred to commission an artificer to create a magical garment imbued with a magic array. As a result, clothing shops were scarce in the market.

The shop owner, a female cultivator, possessed an appearance that neither stood out nor appeared plain. Her cultivation level ranged between the fourth and fifth levels of Qi refinement, striking a moderate balance. She ran the shop single-handedly, without any assistants. Chen had mentioned her expertise in her craft, and while her prices were slightly higher, they still offered good value for money.

Upon entering the shop, the woman greeted Xu Ziqing with a smile. “Are you interested in having clothes made?”

Xu Ziqing replied, “Indeed.”

Instead of rolls of silk and satin displayed on the counter like in the ordinary world, the shop employed a unique system where samples of garments were hung up for customers to select from.

Upon hearing Xu Ziqing’s inquiry, the female cultivator inquired, “May I ask which of the five elements you require?”

In the realm of cultivation, practitioners were chosen based on the attributes of their spiritual roots, and it followed that their clothing should align with the same elemental nature. Ordinary magical garments were typically crafted from silk produced by celestial silkworms, spiritual beasts that belonged to one of the five elements: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Artisans responsible for creating these garments would raise and tame young silkworms as spiritual pets, allowing them to mature and produce silk daily, which was then used for clothing production.

With a gentle smile, Xu Ziqing replied, “I belong to the wood element.”

Understanding his preference, the woman waved her hand, conjuring five embroidered tubes that measured only the length of a thumb and were as thick as a pigeon’s egg. Reciting an incantation, she caused the tubes to unfurl, revealing five suspended embroidered garments made of soft silk. The garments displayed three distinct colors: indigo, green, and emerald.

After a quick glance, Xu Ziqing selected the green garment, pointing to it and stating, “This is the one. I’m unsure of the cost, but I’ll provide you with three pieces.”

The woman gestured once again, retrieving all the embroidered tubes and presenting Xu Ziqing with three more. She remarked, “Five catties of white jade will suffice.”

Xu Ziqing handed her a jade brick and proceeded to the changing compartment to switch his attire.

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