The Warmest Romance-Chapter 1491

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Chapter 1491

Ruan Shishi looked at him sarcastically, silent and silent.

Yu Gubei smiles and suddenly says, "you said, have my elder brother found out that you have disappeared for so long?"

Ruan Shishi was silent. She took a deep breath and slowly grasped the mobile phone in her pocket. 𝗳r𝗲𝙚w𝐞𝚋𝘯𝚘ѵ𝗲l.𝑐om

Just then, a voice came from the entrance of the roof, "are you waiting for me?"

Yu Yimo and Du Yue appear at the door. He is sitting in a wheelchair, so far away that his sharp eyes quickly lock on Ruan Shishi to make sure she is intact. Then he looks at Yu Gubei.

When Yu Gubei saw him appear, he laughed. He looked at Ruan Shishi and Yu Yimo, and said, "together, this game is really more and more fun!"

With that, he strode toward Yu Yimo and said with a smile, "brother, although you're here, it's a pity that you missed a good play."

With that, he motioned to Yu Yimo to look at the ground not far away from there, and said madly, "just now, your two women had a big fight. They had to kill each other. The scene was wonderful! But you missed... "

Yu Gubei's tone is Yin-Yang and strange, with some madness, "but there will be more wonderful ones in the back!"

At this moment, Yu Yimo is sitting in a wheelchair, less than 10 meters away from Yu Gubei. On the other side of Yu Gubei, there is Ruan Shishi. The three of them confront each other in a delicate atmosphere.

Ruan Shishi and Yu Yimo exchange their eyes. They are silent. No one talks. Their eyes are firmly locked on Yu Gubei.

It seems that it's because of the sudden silence. Yu Gubei pulls the corner of his lip, continues to look at Yu Yimo and says, "brother, the two women around you betray you together. What's the taste of this?"

The two women in his mouth naturally refer to Ruan Shi and ye Wan'er.

Without waiting for Yu Yimo to speak, Yu Gubei reached out and pointed to ye Wan'er, who fainted on the ground. He said with a smile, "your childhood sweetheart, you say that you love you, but at last you listen to me and use it for me."

He said without hesitation. Suddenly, his eyes turned and he looked in the direction of Ruan Shishi. "And you miss Ruan, who is extremely concerned, is my biggest helper. At this moment, the investigation team set up above should have arrived at the company. Guess what they can find out from the company's accounts and what unexpected discoveries they can make?"

Yu Yimo's eyes were fixed on him without words.

But now Du Yue's face on the other side is a little bit wrong. He holds his mobile phone in his hand and looks at the incoming calls and letters. His eyebrows are a little more anxious.

He stepped forward and said in Yu Yimo's ear, "Mr. Yu, someone has really come to check. It's the investigation team sent from above. Now it's investigating the company's accounts and confidential documents. The company is in a mess, and the senior executives are looking for you everywhere."

Yu Yimo frowned slightly and his face became cold.

The company's accounts are clean and are not afraid to be checked, but Yu Gubei says so, obviously he has already done something.

"Miss Ruan, whom you love deeply, personally imported the private files I gave her into your computer. Once the investigation team found your computer, everything..."

Yu Gubei said with a smile, and his tone became slower and slower. Finally, he made an explosive gesture, "boom, it's all exploded. Yu's group is completely destroyed, and you can't escape the legal sanction."