This Bastard is Too Competent-Chapter 158: Don’t Be Fooled by Appearances

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Chapter 158: Don't Be Fooled by Appearances

“Who dared to speak such foolish words to you?”

King Eloin growled, his voice filled with anger and intensity, palpable even to those who were just listening.

Ian couldn’t help but be slightly taken aback.

‘Did even Father the King possess such a side?’

Of course, it was King Eloin, always composed and collected.

The fact that someone like him could be so enraged was almost unbelievable to witness.

Yet, Ian could sense it.

‘Could it be… that even the king didn’t know?’

Did he not know that his mother was still alive?

No, even before that, how did his mother manage to escape the royal palace?

That was the question occupying Ian’s thoughts at that moment.

King Eloin approached Ian closely.

“Speak. Who had the audacity to utter such nonsense to you?”

If Ian remained silent, he could sense that even the King would not let him go easily.

However, the king soon regained control of his anger.

“If you have lied to me to lessen your guilt, I will not spare you.”


“You injured a cardinal of the Holy Empire and a marquis from our own country in a fight. You harmed them without my permission. Is that not also a sin?”

At that moment, Ian’s mind went blank.

He understood perfectly well what King Eloin was insinuating.

‘Surely the king knows that I saved them. And yet, he accuses me of sin…’

The Council of Elders would soon reach a conclusion regarding his succession. If the king used this incident against him, the outcome would likely not be favorable. Ian could clearly sense the king’s intention to somehow manipulate and control him.

King Eloin looked down at him with an expression that showed no leniency and spoke.

“So it would be best to speak the truth.”


“Who told you such nonsensical things?”

Ian was worried for a moment.

‘Indeed, a king is a king.’

The king would spare no means or methods to confirm the meaning behind the flowers he sent, even if it meant doing so to his own child.

‘It must mean his mother is that important.’

For Ian, it wasn’t entirely a bad thing.

King Eloin was going to great lengths to remember his mother’s name and find out if she was still alive.

However, there was one aspect he didn’t appreciate.

‘But that doesn’t mean it’s acceptable for me, Your Majesty.’

It was the attitude of a king who placed his children at the mercy of his actions for his own purposes.

So Ian decided to subtly challenge him.

“Are you that curious?”

“I am.”

“Then let me tell you.”

Ian stood tall, his back straight.

“It was my younger sister. She claimed that our mother is alive.”

“What? Younger sister?”

King Eloin’s expression turned bewildered.

In fact, it didn’t make sense in the first place.

“Younger sister? Have you forgotten that you’re the youngest? Or are you suggesting there’s a child I am unaware of?”

“Well, I’m the one who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, so why not?”

“Absurd. I haven’t had any intimate relations with anyone since your mother.”


“A child I didn’t even know about. Does that make any sense?”

Ian’s mother was the last person he had a child with.

After Ian’s mother was unjustly expelled from the palace due to an unfounded scandal, King Eloin refrained from sharing a bed with anyone. Therefore, it was evident that he did not have any children after Ian.

However, Ian smirked noticeably.

“That’s true. But just like the prince who didn’t know his father, there’s a princess who doesn’t even know her father.”

“Didn’t you hear what I said? Let alone a princess who doesn’t know her father. What nonsense is this?”

“I’m telling you that I have a younger sister who was born alongside me. Moreover, she is currently under someone else’s control, like a captive.”


King Eloin’s face froze in expression, though he heard the words clearly, he couldn’t fully grasp what Ian was trying to convey.

As the King remained in a state of shock, Ian shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s the truth. Apparently, we were twins.”

“Wait… are you saying there’s a sibling born at the same time as you?”


King Eloin briefly closed his eyes, massaging his temples.

Ian’s words were not immediately comprehensible.

‘But he’s not the type to lie to me.’

Moreover, Ian resembled him the most among all his children.

He would have surely investigated the existence of a younger sister more thoroughly than anyone else.

Yet, something seemed off.

“A captive? You mean my daughter is being held captive by someone else?”

That was it.

The fact that he had another child, a daughter no less, was already surprising.

But to think she was being controlled by someone else—it was even more unbelievable than Ian living as a commoner.

Still, Ian continued calmly.

“That’s correct, Your Majesty. My younger sister, or rather, she was the saintess of the Holy Empire. And she was manipulated by the cardinal you mentioned earlier.”


“Have you heard of the prophecy ritual? The prayer ritual that requires the saintess’s life.”

There was no way the king was unaware of a prayer that demanded the life of a saintess.

He himself had briefly considered seeking a prophecy.


‘Using my daughter’s life for prophecy?’

And on top of that, Lila’s daughter? freewebnø

Naturally, King Eloin’s gaze emitted a strong momentum.

However, something else held greater importance to him.

“So… what happened to her?”

Since Ian had already started talking about it, he decided to continue and disclose the whole story.

“She claims that our mother escaped from the clutches of those people but was eventually captured. And… my sister was held captive all that time for the sake of our mother.”


“Isn’t it truly absurd? A mother held captive for her daughter, and a daughter held captive for her mother. That’s how I feel, Your Majesty.”


For a moment, a chilling and intense atmosphere filled the throne room.

This was because Ian’s momentum was reaching a frightening level, as was King Eloin’s fierceness.

That was natural.

‘Those people who tortured and threatened my mother and sister…’

Ian couldn’t forgive them.

In fact, he wanted to rush out immediately and put an end to their lives.


‘To keep Cesare and the Holy Empire in check, I need King Eloin’s cooperation.’

Ian needed to distract King Eloin while he safely rescued his mother.

That had been the purpose of their conversation thus far.

And now, it was time to conclude it.

“Are you satisfied now? Then, I will take my leave.”

His sole objective was to rescue his mother.

Before coming to the throne room, Ian had received a message from Galon.

[We’ve apprehended the culprits.]

Without turning back, Ian headed towards the exit. That was the moment.


King Eloin’s voice carried a menacing tone. “I haven’t finished speaking. Where are you going?”

“I’m going to rescue my mother and sister.”


King Eloin paused for a moment. Ian, still not looking back, grasped the door leading outside with both hands.

“So please don’t stop me. Haven’t you been doing the same until now? I beg you, please stay right where you are, just like before.”

Ian took one last glance at the king behind him.

“If you truly wish to fulfill your role as a father and a husband…”

Your duty is to divert the enemy’s attention.

Just do that, and that’s all.

And when the time comes, I will come to claim that throne.

“Until then, I wish you good health.” Ian roughly opened the door and stepped out.



As Ian stepped outside, he found himself face to face with the First Princess.

“What was your conversation with His Majesty all about?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“I could sense the intensity from outside. Even so, show some respect to His Majesty, little brother.”

Ian chuckled.

He wondered if the First Princess could say such words knowing the content of his conversation with the king.

But she didn’t show any reaction.

“I understand. I will be more cautious from now on.”

For now, what mattered most to Ian was rescuing his mother and sister. The First Princess nodded in agreement with Ian’s decision.

“Well thought out. That’s how it should be if you’re part of the royal family of this country.”

“But sister, I have a question.”

“Yes? What is it?”

“Why did you come to the great hall? I heard you were supposed to wait for His Majesty’s orders…”

“Ah… well…”

The First Princess didn’t provide a direct answer to Ian’s question.

However, he saw it at that moment.


It was the necklace hanging around the First Princess’s neck. Ian had seen an identical half of it before.

But now, the gem in the necklace was gradually losing its color.

‘Could it be that Nathan was the one wearing that necklace?’

The man who distanced himself from the First Princess more than anyone else.

But if it wasn’t him, there was no way the gem could be losing its color. In that case, there was only one possible reason.

‘My sister, the saintess, must have seen something.’

However, Ian hadn’t received any reports from Nathan.

He hadn’t even come to find him personally. Something felt ominous.

‘Is he too preoccupied to contact me? If not, then…’

Concerned that there might be circumstances preventing communication, Ian grabbed the First Princess as she attempted to leave without answering.

“Oh! I have something to tell you, sister.”

“W-What is it?”

Ian smiled mischievously.

“Sir Nathan is currently at Duke Lavaltor’s mansion.”

“What does that have to do with me…”

“Could you please give this to him?”


Ian handed over a seemingly meaningless scrap of paper. Suddenly, the chamberlain behind the First Princess interjected.

“What impertinence! Even if you are the Seventh Prince, entrusting such a task to the princess…”

But his words were cut short.

“Understood. I will deliver the message.”


It was expected. The First Princess blushed as if she had read Ian’s intentions.

“I was simply relaying a message on my way. I have a favor to ask of Duke Lavaltor.”

“Your Highness…”

The chamberlain and the soldiers looked on in shock.

But Ian was actually smiling.

There was a

reason behind it.

‘No matter how busy you are, you should keep in touch, Sir Nathan.’

This was both a punishment and a reward for him.


“I apologize for not being able to assist you earlier.”

Hite and the blue wolf bowed their heads to Ian.

Despite being knights of the Duke of Lavaltor, they appeared embarrassed.

But Ian wasn’t concerned.

“It’s alright. The fact that you didn’t fall into the enemy’s hands in that situation was impressive enough.”

“No, as vassals of the Lavaltor Duchy, I promise that this will be the last time we show such disgraceful behavior.”

Hite’s eyes narrowed sharply at the blue wolf and the soldiers, warning them to brace themselves for rigorous training upon their return.

Ian secretly admired him.

‘In a situation where no one could move, he acted alone to rescue the soldiers. His mental strength truly is remarkable.’

Among the nobles, there were still some who were shocked.

But among the troops lent by the Duke Lavaltor, not a single person lost their grip.

The whole force had nerves of steel, even leader Hite.

It was during their journey that this was evident.

“Your Highness, this way.” ƒrē

Not far from the royal palace, Ian met Galon, who was waiting for him in front of a house.

“Sir Galon, you’ve captured the culprits. Which country are they from? How many days will it take to leave the kingdom, or rather, Kaistein? Let’s depart immediately.”

“No, Your Highness. There’s no need for you to leave.”

“What? No need to leave?”

“They were found within this kingdom, or rather, within the palace.”


Unexpectedly, Galon led him to the basement of the building where he was waiting. And there, awaiting Ian, were…

“Stop… It was my mistake… I’ll tell you everything.”

It was a place where people covered in blood were being tortured.

Among them was a boy who appeared to be Cesare’s servant.

Startled, Hite yelled and confronted Galon.

“What kind of act is this? To treat a young child so brutally and mercilessly. Sir Galon, have you truly forgotten your chivalry?”


In fact, he even drew his sword and pointed it at Galon.

It meant that depending on his response, he wouldn’t let him go.

But Galon shook his head.

“Don’t be fooled by appearances. It is an old monster that has lived for at least several decades.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Thanks to that, I was able to learn many things, Your Highness Ian.”

Galon revealed a shocking story.

And among them, the most astonishing thing was…

“My… mother is here? In this royal city? No, in this house?”

That was it.