Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 240 - 0: Pursuit (First update seeking monthly votes)

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Chapter 240: Chapter 0240: Pursuit (First update seeking monthly votes)

Translator: 549690339

‘Hmm? There’s still someone… The garden at Owen’s house is almost more crowded than the living room today.’

Su Lu curiously looked at the hustle and bustle on the other side.

Nellin Dougweir had the composure of a family head. He seemed to send off the fleeing shadows, quickly chanting some notes, and a purple flame flashed and disappeared in the dark night.

It was so fast that it reached the back of the fleeing fugitive in the blink of an eye.

The fleeing shadow suddenly seemed to trip and fell in an ugly kneeling position.


It was precisely because of this fall that the flame exploded above him, missing the target.

Even so, the burning flame tongue and sparks brought him burn injuries, causing him to let out a painful scream that was particularly harsh in the night.

“It’s people from The Eleventh Bureau! Paul, William, you guys deal with it! Everyone else, follow me back and deal with the guests!”

Nellin withdrew his palm and said indifferently.


The members of the Dougweir family bowed, and the two men in formal attire swiftly disappeared into the darkness.


Hidden in the shadows, Su Lu felt something was wrong.

‘That Nellin? Did he see me? Right… Anyone after discovering a peeping tom, would check their surroundings again, right?’

He clearly felt the air around him stagnate, the dark night sky seemed to turn into tentacles, coming at him from all directions.

“What a pity…”

The corners of Su Lu’s mouth slightly lifted, and his shadow clone slowly disappeared.

A minute later, Nellin Dougweir walked into the bushes, with a puzzled look on his face: “Nothing?”

“Master…Monk City Councilor is waiting…”

A member of the Dougweir family rushed over and bowed.

They must provide a unified explanation for why Owen ‘disappeared’.

“I know.”

Nellin looked into the darkness, the purple in his eyes flashed quickly and finally went quiet.

“My previous premonition was correct, the Dougweir family has a problem!”

Sean skillfully weaved through the streets, his expression ferocious, gritting his teeth somewhat.

His speed was slowly decreasing, not only because of the burns on his back but also from the aftermath of the fall.

“Damn it… If I had known I should have brought the captain with me.”

Feeling the pursuers behind him, Sean gave a wry smile.

The development of tonight’s events was completely his decision. He felt that Owen was really desperate at the time, and the Dougweir family was hiding something, so he even argued with his superior, Horatio.

“But…ever since I became the [Doomsayer], my luck has been very bad. No! It’s gotten worse, I always attract some misfortune strangely… It seems like this time, I just happened to stumble upon the murder scene of the Dougweir family…”

Fortunately, this kind of misfortune seems to not only surround him. His enemies and friends are also involved.

For example, the fall just now was painful, but at least it allowed him to avoid the misfortune of being burned directly.

“Why did they kill the heir out of the blue and even hold a party for him? Some requirement of an evil ritual?”

Sean had some guesses about this.

Anyway, since he joined The Eleventh Bureau, he has seen many strange and bizarre cases.

In order to satisfy demons, evil gods, or unknown beings, some fanatics’ rituals are simply unthinkable.

Some are extremely bloody and evil, and some are full of absurdity.

“Of course… what I need right now is to deal with these two guys!”

Sean turned his head slightly, a black arrow grazed past his shoulder.

He ran into an alley, turned around, and saw Paul and William in pursuit.

These two had already removed their cumbersome formal attire and changed into black tight-fitting clothing, holding daggers, hidden arrows and other weapons in their hand—seemingly considering the impact, they had not resorted to using firearms.

“You’re going against the Federation!”

Sean shouted halfway and probably realized that the two men didn’t care at all and directly lunged at him.

‘Occupational professional?’

He judged the profession of the two, his hands were enveloped in dark sheen and he swiftly swiped them

A dark flame, aiming at the sneaky hidden-arrow user, flew forward.

—Corrosion Fire!

The opponent has a ranged attack method, which is obviously more lethal!

At the same moment he casted his spell, another man holding a dagger rushed within two meters range, and the dagger in his hand coiled around like a venomous snake.

Sean sidestepped to avoid, suddenly grabbed the man’s arm holding the dagger, and launched a shoulder throw.


The sound of a heavy object falling sounded, and the big man was immediately thrown to the ground, the dagger in his hand flying far off.

“I’ve also learned Fighting Skills… Damn it!”

Sean was just about to gloat when his expression abruptly changed.

Because the guy he flipped on the ground was grimly pulling out a revolver from his waist!

“Paralysis Hand!”

He pounced over, his hands, emitting a dark sheen, grabbed the man’s arm directly.

“It’s over…”

Although he had subdued the big man, Sean’s forehead was covered in cold sweat in an instant. 𝗳r𝐞ew𝚎bn𝚘ve𝚕.c𝗼𝗺

Paralysis Hand is just a small spell, it must maintain contact to paralyze the opponent.

While this person was struggling fiercely and seemed to be of equal professional rank as him!

Just suppressing a person had used up all of his spirit, he has no way to deal with the other one.

When the man using hidden arrows came back to his senses, he only needed to launch one attack from afar, and Sean would have no hope of escape.


The sound of a blade penetrating a body came from behind him, along with the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the deathly groan of a person.

That kind of sound made Sean shudder involuntarily.

“You haven’t settled this yet?”

A voice came.

He turned around and found the pursuer from the Dougweir family lying on the ground, with a constantly bleeding wound on his back.

Someone was silently watching him, of average stature, with a blurred face.

“Who are you?”

As soon as Sean opened his mouth, he saw a cold light flashing.

A common dagger was stuck in the body of the man he had pinned down. Aiming at a vital spot, it killed him with one strike.

‘Deliberately hiding his identity, and acting swiftly and decisively. Could it be support from the bureau? Or an assassin?’

Standing up, Sean stared in confusion at the shadow: “Who are you? Why are you helping me?”

The figure slightly bowed, and the shadow slowly disappeared, like an actor leaving the stage, bowing and waving without taking away a single cloud, leaving only Sean stunned in place.

On a rooftop not far away, Su Lu was looking at the attribute column, quietly nodding his head: “Good… It seems that the strength of the shadow clone is promising, at least it’s quite convenient for assassinations… Also, there’s experience to gain. And Sean, he’s already a second-order [Doomsayer], huh?”

This is the professional path of the Black Death Society, it seems that when The Eleventh Bureau destroyed their branch, they seized a lot of stuff.

I just wonder why Sean chose this path.

Perhaps it has something to do with the anomaly on him?