Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 241 - 0: Negotiation (Additional release at 4600 votes, please subscribe for a second update)

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Chapter 241: Chapter 0241: Negotiation (Additional release at 4600 votes, please subscribe for a second update)

Translator: 549690339

The moonlight was hazy.

Even the merriest of feasts had to end sometime.

Not to mention the current situation of the Dougweir family.

Su Lu sat in the carriage, his thoughts surging:

‘Judging from the actions of the Dougweirs tonight, they only wanted to complete the ‘Ring of Time’ mentioned in the diary, so Owen can steadily return to the past, initiate the family’s bloodline inheritance and they don’t have any ill intentions…’

After all, they practically own half of Lore city, so creating chaos doesn’t benefit them in any way.

‘But… they are bound to investigate those who intrude.’

His Doppleganger had already left the scene early, which could make him a possible suspect given the lack of an alibi.

‘But it doesn’t matter… with Owen’s death remaining a mystery, what the Dougweir family needs to do now is to suppress the impact… besides, they still have the trouble of the Eleventh Bureau.’

Saving Sean was not just out of friendship, but also to bring hassle to the Dougweir family from the Federation.

After all, compared to Su Lu, the Dougweir family was more of a headache for Nellin!

‘But… does the time curse really exist? Can a demon manipulate the entire world? Or is it just a universal anomaly?’

He didn’t want to ponder over complicated questions like which came first, the chicken or the egg. He forced himself to calm down and thought: ‘It may not be a demon, it could be mere coincidence.’

As he lost himself in thought, the carriage arrived at Black Rose Road, stopping in front of apartment no. 13.

Su Lu got out of the carriage, paid the fare, and walked up to the front door, hand on the door handle.

Just then, his instinct kicked in, spreading rapidly.

In Su Lu’s mind, the villa seemed to become semi-transparent, quickly outlining a figure in the living room.

‘Hmm? Who would have thought…Soon after I handed the notebook to Margaret today, someone came over?’

Su Lu’s expression hardened as he opened the door of the apartment.

A strong, metallic smell hit him.

He furrowed his brows and walked directly into the living room.

Drip! Drip!

Hallock was nailed to the wall, eyes lifeless and blood dripping down from him.

A man dressed in black sat at the head of the dining table, two bloody heads arranged before him.

Seeing Su Lu, the man lifted his head and revealed a hideous smile, “Sean Beta?”

“From the Ancient Snake Society?”

Su Lu glanced around, “Don’t you think you’ve overstepped your bounds?”

“The world will end… everything will fall into the abyss, I’m just speeding up their deliverance from pain.”

The man in black licked his lips. He had green eyes, sharp facial features, skin of an unnatural pallor, and wore a black coat and a silk hat, “Let me introduce myself… my name is Guy Mokum!”

“No… I am pointing out that as a guest, it is extremely inappropriate for you to deceive your host on your first visit.”

Su Lu sighed. His right hand conjured a pale chain wrapped around his wrist and stirred it casually.


The void seemed like a curtain, ripped open with a massive gash.

Endless lines reshaped the surrounding scene. The blood stains on the floor disappeared completely as did Hallock’s body on the wall and the corpses on the dining table.

The candle was brightly lit, radiating a warm glow.

Hallock was sprawling at the fireplace, yawning out of boredom.

Every part of the earlier scenario was just an illusion!

No! Rather than an illusion, it was some kind of light and shadow magic trick!

“[Spirit Medium] Path!?”

Guy’s eyes sparkled slightly.

“[Light and Shadow Expert]?”

Su Lu responded.

He recognized this as the power of a third-order [Light and Shadow Expert].

He was extremely familiar with the first-order profession of this path, the [Shadow Binder] that left a deep impression on him at the beginning!

[Shadow Binder] — [Black Shadow Man] — [Light and Shadow Expert] — [Master of Illusion]!

This was one of the nurtured professional paths of the Ancient Snake Society that specialized in utilizing shadows, various Illusion Techniques, and manipulating the power of light and shadow. The fifth-level legend of this path was also very familiar to Su Lu— the [Phantom Demon]!

The one who committed the bloodbath in Nia City and attacked the inner circle of Green Tree Castle with Moron back then was a fifth-level [Phantom Demon]!

“I just knew… someone who possesses a vast amount of secret knowledge couldn’t be so simple!”

Guy picked up his teacup, “I enjoy West Coast Red tea… Also, Miss Margaret asked me to extend her gratitude to you.”

“Was that gruesome scene just now her expression of gratitude?”

Su Lu gave a cold smile.

As expected, most of the demon’s followers were madmen.

Dealing with such madmen was somewhat stressful for him.

“That was just a small joke…”

Guy put down his teacup, his gaze playful: “And… it’s only a rehearsal… anything could happen in the future! Everything is an illusion, only death prevails eternally… the ancient great snake will rule over everything.”

Su Lu fell silent, starting to ponder over the possibility of defeating this man.

“You’re a clever man, you know to stay on the winning side of historical trends.” Guy continued, “Join us… you’ll gain power, wealth, honor… and everything you desire!”

‘As expected… every cult yearns to spread their faith.’

“I only desire to reach the pinnacle of my professional path… say… [Dream Master]!”

Su Lu said calmly.

“[Dream Master]? Could it be… you’ve chosen the [Odd Technician] route?” For the first time, surprise flashed in Guy’s eyes: “I thought you were merely a [Mystical Scholar], [Mystery Expert] at best…”

“Is there a problem with that?”

“Of course there is a problem… the [Odd Technician] path is difficult. The exploration of the spirit world alone is enough to drive many [Mystical Scholars] insane… They don’t have enough talent to touch the deeper levels of the spirit world… This leads more and more newcomers to believe that we only have a [Mystery Expert] lineage.”

Guy continued: “I can tell you, regardless of where you obtained your [Odd Technician] professional information from, whether it’s from family inheritance, trade, or acquired from relics, their source is all the Ancient Snake Society! It’s the ancient great snake that ruled everything in ancient times!”

His eyes fervently fell on Su Lu: “You… you were born to be a member of our organization.”

‘It seems… those with a high talent in the spirit world or those with a spirit-affinity constitution are highly valued in the Ancient Snake Society?’

Su Lu thought for a moment, “The reputation of the Ancient Snake Society is not that great within the Federation… I really don’t want to become a fugitive, I just want to inquire, how can I obtain the professional information of [Dream Master]?”

As for getting fake goods in the process, he wasn’t worried about that at all. After all, his attribute pane would automatically screen them out, and fake ones couldn’t be included at all.

“Prejudice! It’s the ignorance of mortals!”

Guy’s tone became dangerous: “You shouldn’t allow such worldly prejudice to affect your choices… You know very well the value of master-level professional heritage. It’s enough to be the core of a family.”