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laying on a tree branch that had been easily climbable and comfortable to him. Noah gazed at the night sky. Just like the earth; this planet had stars and even a natural satellite.

Noah found himself wondering about what the current situation on earth was. Whether his brother had been arrested for murder. Or what his father was doing.

He had to admit that he missed his dad. The man had been super caring and was someone any son would want as his dad.

Noah had never met his mother. According to his dad; she died when he had been 2 years of age.

So he didn't have any memory of her. He wasn't really happy about that cruel reality, but he had no choice but to continue living. Although some of his peers preyed on him because of it.

He recalled when one time they were asked to bring their mothers to school. He and his brother were the only ones with their dad, who had decided to come.

Noah felt perfectly okay with his dad's presence but still felt like an outcast. Seeing other kids his age having fun with their moms stung his tiny heart.

His dad had noticed this and decided to take them somewhere else to have fun.

And this is where we address his problem; which was his younger brother.

His brother had always been angry, and jealous and had hated him for reasons Noah did not understand.

They had fought once In a while, but that was what siblings did. It wouldn't be normal if they didn't have fights.

The matter that led to the hatred was probably because their father always gave his attention to Noah. And this was simply because his younger brother Marcus, had always been out with his friends and never really seemed to care.

When Marcus turned 17 he left the house after a fight with their dad.

Noah had not been home at that time, and so wasn't able to stop him. Nevertheless, he tried looking for him for months. But Marcus had seemingly vanished.

After a while, he gave up on searching and four years later they met up again.

Marcus had contacted Noah and asked him to meet at the construction site where he worked. Noah had been suspicious but since the meeting was going to take place during daybreak, his paranoia faded away.

Noah had gotten there early. He saw his brother, hugged him, and asked how everything was.

Marcus had replied normally without any anger or ill intent in his voice. But recalling those events, Noah understood that he had just been good at acting.

They had gone up the four-story, uncompleted building to get fresh air and talk more.

Again, Marcus had been very good at acting. He brought drinks up there, and they continued to talk for about an hour, then all hell broke loose.

Marcus had accused him of stealing everything he loved and wanted, and that he couldn't forgive him for it.

Noah decided not to argue, and began to apologize, he felt tired of useless arguments so he decided to take the calm path.

But after a few minutes filled with yelling and accusations, Marcus noticed he wasn't getting the desired reaction from his brother, so he picked a metal rod and attacked Noah.

At that sight, Noah knew things were getting out of hand, but he still tried to talk to him during all his dodging.

After a minute or so of his younger brother, trying to hit the rod on him. Marcus did something Noah didn't expect.

He dropped the rod and dashed towards the edge of the building. Seemingly wanting to jump off it.

Noah's eyes widened and he too dashed towards him before he could jump. Then Marcus did something he didn't expect, again.

He abruptly stopped, and turned around, facing Noah who was about to halt in front of him.

Marcus used the momentum Noah arrived with, to pull and push him off the building in one swift movement.

It happened so fast that Noah thought it to be an image. One second he was in front of his brother, the next he was barreling downwards, from the top of a four-story building.

Noah landed on a sharp pole that instantly pierced his back out of his stomach.

Noah could still recall the terrifying screams he heard from the people around.

He could still recall the feeling of the pole inside him, it was burning, probably due to the sun.

He still recalled gasping for breath while gazing at the sky. Then everything went black.




Shaking off the intense sadness that was finding its way up to his heart.

Noah gazed at the sky knowing he would probably never return to earth.

He understood that he could die on this journey he was taking, but he didn't care. As long as he remained more powerful than his enemies they would never get to him.

Closing his eyes, Noah's consciousness drifted into the darkness called sleep, with hopes that the next day would be fruitful.

Waking up, he jumped down the 10ft tall tree. Landing without any problems, he sat and brought out a chunk of roasted meat from his inventory.

He had found that his inventory didn't let things rot or spoil. Heck, it kept it the way it was when he put it inside. So the meat still released steam.

Devouring it, he brought out a jug of water and drank. Done with his meal Noah decided it was time to hunt.

"According to the map, this area should have magical beasts around," Noah said.

He had not chosen just any path to the city. No, he chose a path to the city that had magical beasts around.

With that done, he stood up and let his peak tier 1 aura flow out. He had learned that since magical beasts were territorial if they sensed an aura with battle intent, they would translate it as a challenge.

And that seemed to be true, because after walking for a few minutes with his aura out, Noah heard the roars of a magical beast. f𝑟e𝒆𝘄𝐞𝚋𝚗oѵ𝐞𝗹.c૦𝑚

After a few seconds, he could sense it approaching his position rapidly.

Noah quickly decided to get ready. He formed his "Energy blades" on both hands, he had decided to name them that. Then he crouched, and when the magical beast which was another ape, appeared in his sight, Noah sprinted forward at his full speed.

The sound barrier shattered, and he appeared in front of the ape which hadn't expected its opponent to be that fast.

Slashing his right hand at its torso, Noah divided its body in two. The ape died immediately.

Noah stored the corpse before it hit the ground, immediately sprinting at his full speed. He sensed another magical beast close to his position.

Arrived in front of a green snake who was also trying to get to his former position.

Noah didn't wait for it to react, as it was moving in slow motion toward him. He slashed his right hand at its head splitting its jaw from the rest of its body. He immediately stored the body of the snake.

Checking his status, he saw that he had not leveled up, but he remained calm about that since he could sense two more magical beasts approaching his position fast! they seemed to be together.

He soon decided to wait for their arrival, and after a few seconds, they appeared in his sight. Around 30 meters from him were two tigers. He didn't inspect their levels since he didn't care. Then he shot towards them.

Appearing behind the tigers, Noah came to an abrupt stop. Immediately he did, and the upper bodies of both tigers slid off their legs. He had slashed them at the same time.

Storing the corpses, Noah nodded at his hunting prowess. All he could do was slash, but it was effective against the Magical beasts.

He had leveled up after killing the tigers, bringing him closer to his goal.

While he was checking his status; something flashed in front of his eyes.

He could recognize it as the tail of a magical beast, so he raised his arms to block it. Or rather he tried to.

The tail instantly flung him backward, causing him to smash any tree that wasn't strong enough to handle the momentum of his body.

He smashed into a tree before coming to a stop, then screamed in pain

Gazing at his arms, he could see that they were badly broken. His bones were even sticking out of his skin.

Coughing a mouth full of blood. Noah tried his best to not pass out, but his consciousness was slowly slipping anyway.

His passive healing skill had already kicked in, but it would still take a while to heal his arms and internal organs.

Noah's eyes were bloodshot he hadn't expected to receive such a powerful blow from the tail of whatever attacked him. He didn't even know what type of beast it was.

Then his answer came in the form of a massive 3m long lizard, that had rocks for scales. At every step it took, the ground shook slightly. Its body was dark brown, while its reptilian eyes were red.

Noah could feel the aura the lizard released, and he did not like what he felt. To make sure his mind wasn't playing tricks on him he inspected the beast.

[Evolved Stone lizard]

[Tier: 2]

[Level: 30]

[Danger level: Insane]