Valkyrie's Shadow-Chapter 13Winter’s Crown: Act 4,

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Winter's Crown: Act 4, Chapter 13

Chapter 13


Ilyshn’ish wobbled slightly as she glided over the Great Forest of Tob, startled into alertness by Hejinmal. She blinked slowly, then released a despondent sigh. Hejinmal eyed her worriedly from the side.

“Are you alright, sister?” He asked.

Ilyshn’ish sighed again. She wasn’t alright; she was an absolute wreck.

The last seven days had steadily piled her mind high with worries for the future – about whether Lady Shalltear would give her a favourable reply, or if she would be fed to Adventurers. She spared no thought to her newly discovered Dancer class, nor did she express any interest in anything else. The days passed, and the world turned, uncaring of her plight. She was just a tiny thing of little consequence, no one cared, and she would not be missed.


Her right eye turned back to glance at Hejinmal.

“What’s wrong, sister?” He asked, voice laced with concern.

“…you’re a good brother, Hejinmal.”


“I-if something happens to me,” she swallowed painfully, “you…you…you can have my stuff. I never disliked you, brother.”

Various expressions crossed over Hejinmal’s features, finally settling into a worried look. He truly was a good brother. Hejinmal didn’t complain too much and always listened to her. He would never rise to oppose her and was also useful in various ways. Someone would probably take her stuff from him shortly after, but that was just the way the world worked.

“Is something going to happen to you?” He asked, “I-if it’s really bad, maybe I could talk to Lady Aura…”

“You would talk to her?” She looked back at him again, “For me?”

“Ehm…yes, if it’s that serious,” Hejinmal answered. “It’s not really that big of a deal – pets can communicate telepathically with their masters.”

Ilyshn’ish went over what she knew of Lady Aura. Supposedly, she and Lady Shalltear were the Sorcerer King’s attendants at the time that her family was subjugated and flown away. Did that mean they had comparable power? Lady Shalltear also referred to Lady Aura in less than formal terms…

“Would…would becoming Lady Aura’s pet save me?”

“Save you? I haven’t any clue what’s going on, sister. Why would you need saving, of all people?”


“A-adventurers?” Hejinmal looked around nervously, and he lowered his voice, “You got in trouble with Adventurers? Just what have you been doing in the last few weeks?”

“I was trying to cultivate some strength by studying how to become a Dancer, but then I got caught up in some scheme and was sent to the Adventurer Guild! I don’t even know what I did wrong…”

Her stomach twisted uncomfortably, inflicting her with a sensation she had never experienced before. She was barely a century old, alarming signs of her deteriorating health were becoming more frequent.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Hejinmal frowned. “You’re one of the most valuable Dragons in the transportation network. Why would Lady Shalltear send you to the Adventurer Guild?”

“It wasn’t Lady Shalltear,” Ilyshn’ish told him. “It was some woman named Tsuare. She walked in on my training, and five minutes later I was consigned to the Adventurer Guild! I was so shocked I couldn’t even say anything…”

“That’s horrible, sister!” Hejinmal said, “Did you ask Lady Shalltear about it? She’s the one in charge of the enclave – except for me, of course.”

“I did,” Ilyshn’ish said. “I begged and I pleaded and all I got from her was ‘I’m thinking about it’.”

“I can’t imagine that she would agree,” Hejinmal told her. “Lady Aura says that she’s just a bit of a sadistic predator, but Lady Shalltear does put a lot of consideration into our work, and she doesn’t treat her subordinates unfairly.”



“Thank you, big brother.”

“B-big brother…”

She clung to the thread of hope offered by Hejinmal, and a half-hour later, they arrived over E-Rantel.

Circling twice as they descended to the wall, she nearly missed her landing. Something was happening to the pens and it was noticeably different from what was in her memories. They waited near the front desk for the Vampire Brides to come and unload their cargo. Only two came out to do so, while the third was busy dealing with the queue of customers. Ilyshn’ish tried to pick up her spirits again by looking around at the changes to the city.

The market in the Demihuman Quarter had been moved over to the terrace just off from the main street, and appeared to be taking on many of the features familiar to the plazas throughout the city. Several Humans could even be seen browsing through the stands in the morning gloom. The hoardings and buttresses that supported the Frost Dragon pens were covered in scaffolding. Several Dwarves could be seen working around and inside the building.

“What’s going on here?” She asked the Vampire Bride working to remove her Infinite Haversacks.

“Renovations,” the Vampire Bride furrowed her brow as she worked on a particularly stubborn buckle. “Lady Shalltear has ordered the space to be reorganized and expanded a bit, based on the data we’ve collected so far. New post offices are being built across the network, including those for E-Rantel.”

Ilyshn’ish looked out at the tools and materials sorted into piles on the wall. Hejinmal, freed of his burdens, slowly made his way in, looking around at the work being done. After the Vampire Bride was done unfastening all of her bags, Ilyshn’ish followed after him. Halfway through the partially torn-down pens, they found Lady Shalltear frowning down at a huge roll of parchment unfurled over a table. She raised her head at their approach.

“Um…if everything is being torn apart,” Hejinmal said, “where do we stay?”

“The one room at the end is untouched for the time being,” Lady Shalltear told him.

Ilyshn’ish opened her mouth, then closed it again. Her tail twitched anxiously as she hesitated over learning of her fate.

“What are you squirming over?” Lady Shalltear did not miss her discomfort.

“L-Lady Shalltear,” Ilyshn’ish forced the words out of her mouth, “about what we discussed last week…”

“Ah, yes,” Lady Shalltear said. “After some thought, I’ve decided to take advantage of Sebas’ momentum. You will go to the Adventurer Guild.”

Ilyshn’ish’s thoughts froze, and the world turned bleak and desolate. Her vision blurred, and great tears fell from her eyes to land upon the stones.

“Sister?” Hejinmal said in alarm.


Ilyshn’ish sobbed, hiding her face in her claws. Her body heaved and her wings drooped; a sorrowful wail rose and echoed through the corridor. Several Dwarves looked up from their work, and the customers at the front desk leaned over to see what was going on.

“H-hey, what’s all this now?”

Lady Shalltear stole furtive glances at the bystanders. Ilyshn’ish continued to cry, the pool of frozen tears growing wider at her feet.

“It’s because you’re sending her to the Adventurers,” Hejinmal said. “What did she do wrong? There must be some way she can make up for this…”

“What in the world are you two going on about?”

“They’re Adventurers, Lady Shalltear,” Hejinmal explained. “They kill people like us, right? This is a tragedy – she’s going to be turned into boots before laying her first clutch. Lady Aura even said that you wouldn’t do this to your subordinates…”

Ilyshn’ish wailed even louder. Everyone along the wall had stopped by this point to gaze upon the spectacle of a weeping Frost Dragon.

“Hah? Just wha–quiet, you!”

“I can’t, my lady,” Ilyshn’ish sniffed, “I don’t want to dieeeeee…”

“You,” Lady Shalltear told Hejinmal, “contact Aura and tell her to have Mare waiting at the Adventurer Guild. He’ll be able to explain things better.”

What was the point of that? She didn’t need an explanation about how she would be slaughtered and turned into expensive equipment.

Ilyshn’ish continued to weep, body wracked with sobs. Lady Shalltear floated up and alighted on her nose. Ilyshn’ish’s head was suddenly forced down to the floor, and her jaws closed around her cries. Her cross-eyed gaze centred on Lady Shalltear.

“You’re crying for absolutely no reason, you ridiculous lizard,” Lady Shalltear told her. “Mare will be waiting: all you need to do is listen to what he says.”

Lady Shalltear stepped off of Ilyshn’ish’s nose, looking down at her as she sniffled daintily.

“Do you know where the Adventurer Guild is?”

Ilyshn’ish gave a shaky nod of her head before turning around and shuffling away.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Lady Shalltear’s voice stopped her after a few steps.

“Going to the Adventurer Guild?” Ilyshn’ish replied.

“Not like that, you aren’t,” Lady Shalltear told her. “You’ll be going as a Human.”

“A-a Human?”

“Yes, the same as last time. What do you think will happen if a Dragon just walks into the Adventurer Guild unannounced?”

Lady Shalltear had a point. They’d probably slaughter her on the spot. She wouldn’t even have a chance to persuade them to spare her. Actually, Humans couldn’t even tell she was a Dragon, so maybe she still had a chance? Ilyshn’ish walked to the back end of the hoardings.

“Sister, what–”

“Move over, Hejinmal, I have to change.”


“Don’t look!”

Ilyshn’ish appeared in the corridor once again, stepping out before Lady Shalltear. The Vampire ran a critical eye over her.

“You’re not wearing that plain old training uniform to the Adventurer Guild, are you?”

“I-is there something wrong with it?”

“People are going to think that you’re some sort of meathead in that thing. That’s not the appeal that I’m aiming for.”


“That’s right – appeal. Those associated with myself or the transportation network have an image to uphold.”

Lady Shalltear started to pace around her, a look of extreme focus on her face. She felt her arm, then reached up and poked her shoulders. Ilyshn’ish twitched in alarm when a hand pressed her belly, then another felt her ribs.

“Don’t move!” Lady Shalltear told her, “This is important…”

Ilyshn’ish tried her best not to squirm as Lady Shalltear’s hands continued to roam around. Two hands grasped her buttocks and squeezed them several times, then Lady Shalltear slapped them for some reason.

“Hmm…your proportions are weirdly perfect, but they’re still very convincing,” Lady Shalltear circled to the front of Ilyshn’ish again, eyeing her breasts. “Considering you’re not actually wearing that uniform, do you keep your natural armour and damage reduction with this?”

“I-I think so?” Ilyshn’ish said, “Hitting me right now would almost be the same as hitting me as a Dragon if that’s what you mean…wait, don’t hit me, please!”

Ilyshn’ish raised her arms to cover as much as possible while bracing herself. One notable thing that didn’t come across to her Human self was the mass of a Dragon, so if Lady Shalltear hit her as hard as Ilyshn’ish thought she was able to, she would end up in a field halfway to Carne Village. After several moments of not being blasted out of the city, she peeked over her right arm at Lady Shalltear. Rather than preparing to hit her, the Vampire’s brow was set with the same focus as before.

“Hm…another thing – dance over to that wall and back.”


Lady Shalltear crossed her arms with an expectant look, and Ilyshn’ish let out a sigh as she complied.


“That’s beautiful, sister!”

Ilyshn’ish’s nerves were too frayed to tell her brother to be quiet. Lady Shalltear frowned after a moment.

“It was nice,” she said, “but I didn’t feel any effects from that.”

“I just learned the basics recently – I haven’t figured out any working dances yet…”

“Well, you should keep at it,” Lady Shalltear told her. “Mmh…I think I have just the thing for you. I’m going to make a call and pick up something from home - don’t go anywhere.”

Lady Shalltear teleported away, and Ilyshn’ish exchanged looks with Hejinmal.

“W-what is she going to do to me, brother?”

“I haven't a clue, sister, but can you do that dance again?”

Ilyshn’ish glared at him, and Hejinmal turned his attention back to his book. Several minutes later, Lady Shalltear popped up in front of them again. She took Ilyshn’ish by the arm and dragged her into the broom closet on the opposite end of the hoardings. Several articles of clothing appeared over her arm. Ilyshn’ish’s nose was drawn to their extraordinary value.

“If you can imitate the uniform that Sebas is using for his dojo,” Lady Shalltear said, “you can do it for this as well, yes?”

“What is this?” Ilyshn’ish replied, “I’ve never seen anything like it before…”

The more Ilyshn’ish looked at the garments, the more she wanted them. The only thing that kept her from trying to snatch them away was the fact that Lady Shalltear would probably react by burying her headfirst in the wall.

“This is an armour set called Fuyutsuki,” Lady Shalltear told her, “it’s mid-level Battledancer equipment. I thought the design would suit you perfectly, so hurry up and start replacing that dreary outfit.”

“This is complicated,” Ilyshn’ish’s eyes traced over the intricate design of the items, “m-maybe I should just wear it?”

“Dragons don’t wear body armour, do they?”

“Well, no…”

“Then that would be pointless,” Lady Shalltear told her. “We’re going purely for looks here, and it should be a fantastic fit.”

She picked up and studied each piece, trying to make sense out of the whole. There was an open-topped bodysuit that went down to the upper thigh, and a short-sleeved white shirt that hugged her figure in the same way. The bodysuit was a solid midnight blue up to the waist, where swirling wisps of icy white traced up to blend with the shirt.

“The shirt should be under the bodysuit,” Lady Shalltear said. “Actually, never mind – I’ll just equip it and you’ll see how it goes together.”

The black ballroom gown shimmered, replaced by the clothing she was presenting in her arms. Ilyshn’ish blinked several times, trying to figure out what exactly had happened.

“I’m waiting…” Lady Shalltear placed a hand on her hip.

Ilyshn’ish went back to adjusting her appearance. A short coat with long sleeves of diaphanous white gossamer went over the shirt, while a solid white half-cloak split into sections in the lower third was drawn over her right shoulder. Long white gloves with dark palms and fingers hugged her arms to the elbow. The edges of the lighter portions of her garb took on a frosty blue tinge as she adjusted the fine details to suit her tastes.

Ilyshn’ish held up a hand, flexing her fingers experimentally.

“Do your natural weapons work the same way as well?” Lady Shalltear asked.

“I’ve never ‘worn’ gloves before, but, yes, they should. If I damage a claw, it should appear as a hole in these gloves or something along those lines…oh, I see,” Ilyshn’ish suddenly realized the reason behind Lady Shalltear’s question. “Sebas asked me the same questions, and I didn’t realize why until now.”

Ilyshn’ish turned her attention away from her outfit to explain what she knew to Lady Shalltear.

“There are spells of the transmutation school in tier magic that allow the caster to alter or add to portions of their bodies,” Ilyshn’ish said, “and might seem similar to what I am doing to take on my different appearances. There are also many races who can alter their appearance to various degrees through specific innate abilities. I am not using one of those abilities, however, and I am not casting magic – not in the sense that a tier magic caster casts magic.”

“You’re not?” Lady Shalltear furrowed a brow.

“It’s true that we Frost Dragons naturally begin to harness our innate spellcasting ability as we reach adulthood, but what I am employing to facilitate my various appearances is spellsong. Spellsongs are performed and require no mana – it is a Bard’s skill to manipulate the threads of magic inherent in our world through artistic expression. This alteration is a composition of my own making.”

“I’ve never heard of any spellsong like that,” Lady Shalltear said. “The Bards around here also appear to play the same ones I’m familiar with.”

“This is something I’ve noticed as well,” Ilyshn’ish agreed. “The literature from Feoh Berkana that I used as a reference to first learn how to perform spellsongs also suggests as much. There are several dozen spellsongs that appear to be common to all other Bards I’ve observed so far. The very idea of one composing new spellsongs is entirely unheard of, and I’m uncertain why that is. Maybe they’re just unskilled, while skilled Bards keep their own developments secret.”

“That seems wise,” Lady Shalltear nodded. “So you’re capable of performing spellsongs as a Bard, and innately casting tier magic as a Dragon…”

“Yes, my lady,” Ilyshn’ish replied. “We Dragons are something like the Sorcerers when it comes to our innate casting ability. Upon reaching adulthood, Frost Dragons can cast First Tier magic – I haven’t learned anything yet, however, as most of my studies have revolved around being a Bard. Higher tiers of magic become available as we grow, but, unfortunately, there are various difficulties with learning tier magic. Most of my family just learns a few spells that they find useful and rely on physical strength instead.”

“So you don’t intend on learning any tier magic?” Lady Shalltear asked.

“I imagine that I will at some point, my lady,” Ilyshn’ish answered. “I’d just like to see what sort of magic is out there before spending the time to learn anything.”

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“I see. I should take note of all this: it appears to be quite a handy thing for the transportation network if we can have everyone learn certain spells. Anyways, you should complete your outfit – you need to get to the Adventurer Guild soon.”

The thigh-high stockings came next, of the same shade as the lower portion of her bodysuit. She furrowed her brow while trying to figure out the shoes.

“The heels are a single piece with the stockings,” Lady Shalltear pointed out.

Last came what appeared to be decorative bits: a dark collar, dark straps that she thought were supposed to support her form, intermittent silver lining that traced over her body, as if to suggest the glimmer of snow in the moonlight, or stars in the night sky. A pin with a pale white blossom was fixed on the left side of her hair, which fell in frosty blue waves down the centre of her back. The same light fabric as her coat sleeves formed a flowing half skirt that exposed her right leg and waist.

Ilyshn’ish studied her appearance as best as she could. Even after a brief glance, she grew enamoured with it. The colour scheme suited her tastes, and the flowing cloak and half skirt left a sense of the wings and tail she lacked in Human appearance. She turned and twisted and leaned in different ways to take it all in, making slight adjustments to streamline her look.

“I knew it would work,” Lady Shalltear smiled as her black ballroom gown shimmered back into existence.

Ilyshn’ish adjusted the strap of her Infinite Haversack so it looped around her waist and the container rested on her left hip, overtop of the skirt. She looked back at Lady Shalltear, who opened the door and waved her out. The customers at the front desk immediately turned their attention to her. Lady Shalltear peeked out from inside the broom closet to take note of the people watching Ilyshn’ish.

A figure further out along the wall stirred and approached her.

“Shiver?” Lady Wagner peered at her as she came close.

“H-hello, Lady Wagner,” Ilyshn’ish replied.

“Good Morning, Lady Wagner,” Lady Shalltear walked out from behind the door.

“Oh, good morning, Lady Shalltear,” Lady Wagner lowered her head in a curtsey. “I take it that this is what you called me here for?”

“That’s right,” Lady Shalltear replied. “I would like your professional opinion on her appearance.”

“I’m scared of what will happen if she turns things up,” Lady Wagner said. “She’s a Dancer, right? If she uses her abilities…”

“Walk halfway to the end and back,” Lady Shalltear instructed Ilyshn’ish. “Make it look as good as possible – use your abilities, too.”

Ilyshn’ish turned around, taking a deep breath. She entered her Form of Restoration and drew out all of the grace and charm she could muster. She took one step, then another, walking down the long corridor. Each step was in measure with her Dancer’s expression, weaving the enchantment that billowed out around her. Wistful sighs from the spectators filled the air.

When she came back, everyone was openly staring at her – except for Lady Shalltear and her Vampire Brides.

“C-can I have her, my lady?” Lady Wagner said, “Any business I add her to will quintuple their profits.”

“No,” Lady Shalltear smiled lightly, “but I can see how this can be dangerous: only the Undead, who are immune to mind-affecting abilities, were able to ignore her just now. She’s so high level compared to the average citizen that they wouldn’t be able to resist.”

“Um…yeah,” Lady Wagner agreed. “Even though the effect isn’t inherently belligerent, the disruption caused is to the degree that it would qualify as a magical attack if it’s not performed in an appropriate locale. It sure was amazing, though…this going to be the uniform for the Vampire Post?”

“No,” Lady Shalltear answered. “I had something more formal in mind for the office workers. This outfit was what I had in mind for her specifically – she’ll be wearing it when she’s not on the job.”

“When she’s not on the job?” Lady Wagner said with some confusion, “She mentioned that she worked for you when we first met, but I couldn’t figure out what she did.”

“She’s a delivery worker.”

“I didn’t know you’ve started going into land transport, my lady,” Lady Wagner rubbed her chin. “The local transport companies might start screaming about that.”

“Shiver is air transport, actually.”

Lady Wagner looked at Ilyshn’ish, then back at Lady Shalltear.

“Air transport?”

“Yes,” Lady Shalltear nodded, “she’s a Frost Dragon.”


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Chapter 31

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Chapter 30

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