Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman-Chapter 150 Appointment

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Rex was surprised by the system notification that appeared before him. Clearly, he still underestimated the power of the Blood Shot ability.

Aragorn's bloodline inheritance was in no way simple. As an ability that was ranked at the very top of abilities with the most explosive ranged damage, the Blood Shot skill was the most dangerous weapon in Aragorn's arsenal.

The reason why Aragorn was unable to injure Gaud in the battle was because he was still a peak Intermediate mystic warrior.

He was unable to keep up with Gaud's pace which was why he was unable to hit this powerful enemy even once. As for Rex, though it was only a replica of this ability, his attack still ended up severely injuring the VR Avatar.

Well, Rex still underestimated it since this stunt by him did not just injure the VR Avatar, his Blood Shot attack also ended up killing the Avatar.

As the others already left, curious, Rex went back to the part of the workshop where the VR Avatar escaped through. Getting there, he saw a group of his gang members already surrounding the dead VR Avatar a few meters away.

Rex did not hesitate as he jumped down through the window to get there as fast as he could. On getting there, he was able to see the injury clearer.

The shot from him completely evaporated a large portion of this Avatar's internals, leaving a lot of mechanical circuits that were originally hidden inside it exposed. Rex was able to see the genius of technology in display.

"To think a machine can replicate a mystic warrior so accurately". He was amazed as he thought back to his battle against the VR Avatar.

As Rex focused on the VR Avatar, the attention of the group of warriors of the Berserk Gang that were gathered already focused on their leader.

Meeting this legendary figure who became the leader of the new gang not long ago left the mystic warriors breathless. As the atmosphere turned stiffer, Rex finally recognized that others were there as he turned to face them.

"I'll be taking the enemy, clean the place up as I leave".

"Yes, gang leader".

Rex bundled the whole VR Avatar away, including any of its parts that may have fell along the way as the enthusiastic mystic warriors went to work.

On returning back inside the workshop, Rex instantly saw Aragorn's efficiency in full display. In this little time of him going out to retrieve the VR Avatar, Aragorn already organized a team to start repairs on the workshop.

Welders were already at work as they welded the holes in the workshop that were caused by the battle, while others did different miscellaneous tasks.

Aragorn was personally supervising the activities and it made it easier for Rex to meet with him. As he turned on hearing the footsteps, the first thing that caught Aragorn's attention was what Rex carried on his shoulders.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Is that...?"

"Yes, it's the VR Avatar".

"Follow me!"

A few minutes later, they were both inside Aragorn's special inspection chamber as under the bright light illuminating the room, Aragorn carefully examined the VR Avatar that was laid before him.

Aragorn's family was from the Great Shelters, including his dead master, so he had tinkered with materials of Great Shelter grades already but this VR Avatar was definitely a few heads above everything that he had dealt with before.

After a few more tinkering from him, the VR Avatar finally opened up to expose the blue pulsing orb like a heart that was installed on its center.

Aragorn's eyes widened in shock as he saw this pulsing blue orb that was installed at the center of the VR Avatar. "A mech core?"

Rex was surprised. "You know what it is?"

"Hell yeah!" Aragorn replied in a raised tone and his eyes shone as he reminisced. "I first worked with a mech core under my master".

"Rex, you just hit the jackpot". Aragorn turned to look at him. "This thing that you're seeing here, it is the heartbeat of every mechanical mystic treasure".

"My Monster Truck is the only mystic machine that I have that has a mech core. The others have mech orbs as substitute for their mech cores".

"A mech core is like the energy house of a high-grade mystic machine. It is what enables the mystic warrior to channel his mystic energy through the mystic weapon, it is like the pituitary gland of any mechanic mystic treasure".

"You killed the VR Avatar, so it's yours".

"If you want, I can use it to create a new mystic treasure for you. Or I can even use it to upgrade one of your current mystic treasures to become a mechanic mystic treasure".

"Which one do you want?"

When his system notified him that he got a mech core, Rex never expected this reward to be so important but now that he knew, he felt better about the 2 trump cards that he had to sacrifice just to take this VR Avatar down.

After basking in the contentment that ownership of the mech core brought, he finally started thinking about Aragorn's proposal. 𝑓𝓇𝑒𝑒𝚠e𝘣𝓷𝘰ѵe𝑙.com

He didn't have to think long though as he quickly arrived at his decision.

"After getting the Vampiric Armor, I don't think I'm in any pressing need for another mystic treasure so I guess I'll just go with upgrading one of my current mystic treasures".

"I already made my decision, work on Berserker".

"You already worked on him back in the Micro World with the Elven Queen. It's my anchor to channel my main battle domain, I think I've been neglecting my swordsmanship for some time now, I want to go back to mastering the sword".

"After becoming an Advanced mystic warrior, I can already feel that the journey ahead will be long and tough, improving my swordsmanship is one of the alternative ways that I can think of to accelerate things".

On hearing Rex's decision, Aragorn was a little surprised. "Are you sure? A mech core of this level is very valuable, don't you think using it on a Super Grade treasure like your Vampiric Armor will be better?"

"No, I already made my decision". Rex smiled slightly.

"Ok, hand it over to me then".

Once Rex handed Berserker over while ignoring the sword's cheers of gratitude for the opportunity, Rex finally turned to leave the workshop.

Like the others, he recognized that he also needed to prepare adequately to face Gaud. Apart from Scorpion whom he met some time ago, this was the 2nd Advanced mystic warrior that was giving him the chills.

Rex was determined to no longer be helpless against any enemy. "Since you're blocking my way to my goals, you'll have no choice but to die to let me".

After leaving the workshop, Rex went straight to the Berserk Mansion where he saw Princess Elanor, Max, and Stark Elden waiting for him.

Having given Princess Elanor the permission to call for a gang gathering, the field in the middle of the mansion was already filled with mystic warriors when Rex arrived. He climbed the podium to address them.

Rex did not beat around the bush. The first thing that he did was to warn them about the danger that was incoming and about to face the Berserk Gang.

After that, he gave his advise for the whole gang to be at alert and be ready for a gang war at any moment.

The details of the gang's preparations would be communicated to them later.

After emphasizing the possible war that was about to break out, Rex finally brought the 2 Elden descendants to the stage and officially introduced them to all the warriors of the Berserk Gang.

"This is Max Elden, and this is Stark Elden".

"After a lot of thought and considerations on my part, I have decided to appoint Max Elden as the Chief Custodian of the Berserk Gang".

"He'll be in charge of anything collection related in the gang. He'll be in charge of cash flow, transport of goods, and other minor activities in the gang".

Rex held Max as he spoke to emphasize who he was referring to. After the introduction, the warriors welcomed the new Custodian by cheering loudly.

After Max, Rex finally turned to face Stark. "Like with Max, after a lot of thoughts and considerations, I have decided to appoint Stark Elden as the assistant Chief Custodian of the Berserk Gang".

After the appointments of the 2 and after the gang accepted them to the displeasure of some few warriors, the gathering was finally called to a close.

Max and Stark met with Rex one last time after the appointment to discuss things where they were clarified more about their duties in the gang.

After the clarification, neither of them dared to beat around the bush as they knew what was at stake. Having lived close to Gaud all their lives, they knew how dangerous this Advanced mystic warrior could be.

That same day, the both of them dived into their work and after just a few hours of starting, they already discovered several loopholes that Rex skipped.

Like was normal in every gang, there were lots of double-faced criminals here.