Vampire: World of Blood-Chapter 177: Ascension II

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"Your spot on as always Subtance.... hehe... smart slime you are indeed... but yes to utilize the Vadkos properly, I must undergo the limit-breaking process that all Level 5 vampires experience."

Merciless said and continued.

"This is the Endless Progression stage of vampirism, where the body gains infinite capacity. At this level, the vampire’s body recognizes that it is on the verge of obtaining immense power capable of affecting entire universes later on. To prepare for this, the vampire’s body transforms into an ultimate vessel, capable of handling any level of power without the need for further physical evolution. This transformation is essential to ensure that I can withstand the overwhelming strength that awaits me."

Merciless said as he began to open it.

Blacktail, also feeling the immense strain shared with Merciless; bound as parasite and host, moved sluggishly as it helped him lift the casket cover. Despite the effort, Merciless continued his explanation.

"If I want to operate normally again, I need to shed this inferior coil and become something more. For a vampire to evolve, they must constantly consume the blood of their subjective acquired until they ascend to the next level."

He said.

And then continued with

"The problem is though, I only reached Level 4 after Brunhilde did something to me, causing my power to skyrocket to insane levels. Whatever she did has been amplifying my eternal evolution far beyond what it should be."

Announced Merciless as he further explained his situation

"Every time I gain a new power, my body absorbs its potential like a living library, storing the knowledge of its many uses. This allows each ability to grow and evolve far beyond its initial boost. It’s the reason I can instinctively come up with new ways to use my powers—like I already know the possibilities before I even try them."

"For example, I can now reshape entire terrains, altering the properties of atoms without even directly manipulating them. Instead, I shapeshift reality itself based on the very fundamentals of my mind."

Said Merciless a small chuckle leaving his mouth.

"Can you imagine it? If I understood the formula for creating a god, the destructive power I’d wield would be unfathomable. What I’m doing can’t even be called shapeshifting anymore—I’m not just changing the form of something, I’m transforming it entirely."

Merciless paused, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the air in front of him.

With a subtle motion of his hand, a small black cat materialized from thin air.


The cat purred as it dropped to the ground, rubbing lovingly against Merciless’ foot.

The others watched in silence, this display was not particularly new to them, but Merciless was trying to make them understand the depths of his evolving power.

And why he was in danger.

"See? That’s not shapeshifting, nor is it mere matter manipulation."

Merciless said, gesturing toward the cat at his feet.

"I just transformed the literal air—into a living, breathing entity. This cat isn’t just any creature either. It has an indefinite lifespan, faster-than-light reflexes, and it’s self-sustaining. There’s no need for organs, bones, or any traditional biology. It’s made entirely of pure, adaptive cells that can respond to danger around it if is ever threatened. It doesn’t need to eat, breathe, or rest—it exists beyond the limitations of regular life, and it’s all a product of my will, materialized from nothing but my imagination cause I have knowledge on how to do that, the air became like this for I wanted it like this."

The cat yet again let out a soft "mew," purring and rubbing against his leg, as if to emphasize the point even further.

"So you see?....

Said Merciless as he continued.

"That’s not shapeshifting, nor is it mere matter manipulation. What I’m doing now at Level 4 far surpasses what I could have done back then when I was still a Level 1... shit I could do then was simple—changing the physical properties of my own body or absorbing traits from others. Back then, it was all still grounded in biological science. I could turn my arms into blades, control the iron in my blood, even manipulate silicon, sinew, sodium, potassium—anything biological, really...

Merciless affirms.

"It was still within the realm of logic."

The Dampas, watching intently, were eager to understand just how powerful their master had become.

"But just like any ability, the more you push it, the further it goes. At Level 1, my powers were limited, confined to the logic behind its meaning of course. Then, on that same night, something happened...

"My desire for revenge against the gods; those who took Carmilla from me; pushed me beyond my limits. I reached Level 2 through sheer force of will and raw emotion... completely ignoring the acquired system... my growth behaves in a way whereby what seems like common sense to other vampires, was not common sense to me."

Merciless’ voice grew heavier as he continued

"And that’s when I started walking the path of memories. What I killed, I absorbed; assimilating my victim’s DNA, traits, and unique powers. I even began to manipulate genetics at will, bending them to my desires...


Merciless chuckled softly, but he was only getting started, his journey to this point although short was a wild one indeed.

"No as a matter of fact... as a man who has the worst luck in his human life... it was as if all my misfortune piled up leaving me with only constant good luck from there on after."

"Because after I fused with Blacktail, who enhanced my genetic manipulation abilities even further, I skyrocketed to Level 3 later that same night... can you believe it.... hehe... agh yeah I’m just built different, even I to this day myself can’t believe just how much luck I had to get this far in such unbelievable short periods of time."

His eyes gleamed with a dark satisfaction as he reflected on his rapid ascension.

"At that point, I realized I could fuse, break down, and reconstruct traits, abilities, and even laws of physics, however I saw fit. When I fought Zane, I found myself doing things like creating plasma blasts that held people under its light or boiling someone’s blood from the inside out on a conceptual level. I could manipulate matter on an atomic level, breaking all the rules of reality within the confines of science...

Said Merciless.

"That was me at Level 3, the kind of ball game I was playing; where everything becomes esoteric, biology common sense just stops making sense, and rightfully so, a world where common sense no longer applies."

He chuckled once more and simply said.

"My ascension was just a month ago, and man, has it been one hell of a ride."

Merciless chuckled, his tone carrying both awe and disbelief.

Yet vivid acceptance.

"I owe everything to Michelle; she... well currently he gave me this chance, and for that, I’ll be eternally grateful. But Brunhilde... she’s an enigma. If it wasn’t for her, this already ridiculous power of mine wouldn’t have reached its current heights."

"Level 3 was powerful, sure, but going from Level 3 to 4? That’s a whole different realm. At Level 4, you’re not just manipulating the world around you—you’re breaking the laws of nature itself. Whatever those laws are, they bend to your will to an insane degree, shaped by your power’s specific specialty.... esoteric just becomes supernatural and unexplainable at level 4... I tell you it is a crazy feeling... and difference in power, one that cannot be described with mere words alone."

He paused, reflecting on the magnitude of his abilities.

"Brunhilde’s influence—it wasn’t just a boost. She turned me into something that defies what should be possible. I’m rewriting reality as I see fit, and at Level 4, that’s exactly what we’re supposed to do. We become the arbiters of the natural world, where the ’laws of nature’ are whatever we decide them to be... or effects basically start to stem deeply into the uncharted and unexplainable."

"Ahhh! Good times indeed... can’t say I have any complaints... level four was nice while it lasted."

Said Merciless, as he suddenly felt the cat beneath his feet again.

He looked at the black cat still circling his feet.

Naturally, he pauses for a moment... then responds shortly after.

"But at Level 4... things got more serious. I thought I was just doing matter manipulation, but it’s more than that. This isn’t manipulation—it’s transmutation. I’m not just changing forms; I’m altering the essence of things. At this level, form, purpose, and structure are meaningless to me. I can take anything and turn it into something entirely new, breaking down substance and reality itself to fit my need if I deem it fit."

He smirked darkly as he continued.

"And the Vadkos... hard to say if it’s a stroke of luck, or maybe my lucky streak is finally running dry... but for what it is worth, it didn’t change the fact, it carried me far indeed. Yeah...heheh!! The Vadkos Awakening; was the final push I needed. Vadkos didn’t just unlock my potential, it fully mastered my powers at every level."

Now this would have been a good thing for anyone, but like always, I’m always the exception for some reason.

"Like I said before, I was lucky—or maybe not, depending on how you look at it—but I think I am."

Merciless mused, a dark grin playing on his lips.

"My Eternal Evolution outpaced even the mastery granted by Vadkos. Every second, I grew stronger, surpassing the very limits Vadkos set. It became a never-ending cycle; Eternal Evolution pushed me beyond the peak, and Vadkos brought me to the zenith of that new peak, over and over, without a pause in my growth."

He laughed softly, the irony clear in his voice.

"It’s funny, isn’t it? People always talk about aiming for the highest summit...

"They say it’s the ultimate goal, right?...

"Well, that’s pure bullshit at least by my existing standard and current state. In my case, even the highest peak can’t keep up with my potential. My power with the Vadkos equipped has now exceeded what my ichor can handle...

"All because Eternal Evolution keeps me trapped in this state of endless growth similar to the endless growth of level 5 vampires when and if they ever reach that level, till they transcend it and become something more, reaping the benefits of what they got from that level into something more profound and undeniable to everything below them and in rare cases above them. It’s a blessing, sure, but it’s also a curse. I’ve reached a point where my body can’t handle what I’m becoming. My evolution… it never stops."

"As such I refuse to let my own power be my downfall... I am Merciless Minerva Eldritchblood II, and I will not be undone by my own potential!"

His voice rang with defiance, and as he spoke, thick, black blood oozed from his mouth and eyes the damage of his own power corroding his body from the inside out being shown as clear as day, each drop sizzling as it hit the ground, scorching the floor beneath him. Despite the gruesome display, his eyes gleamed with an unshakable pride and a ruthless, selfish determination—two orbs of relentless ambition staring down the forces that dared to challenge him.

That being his own self as he uplifts his right hand and looks upon its trembling form.

"But let me make one thing clear to those of you who still don’t understand—I’m no ancient monster, no god, no devil, no chosen one from some grand tale. I am nothing of such renown. Maybe a legacy sure, but no prophesized being, as far as I know, no divine right, no nothing....

"And yet, despite all that, I stand here more than worthy of being called such, revered as such, and feared as such. I am Merciless. And soon, everyone if they like it or not will know my name and understand the anomaly that I am... the force that defies every rule, every limit... for that is what I strive to be."

He said, voice dripping with raw confidence, a dangerous smirk curling at his lips.

"And so, it all comes back to this; listen closely, because I won’t repeat myself... I’m dying. If I don’t reach Level 5 soon, this power will tear me apart. But it’s not just about survival. Level 5 is where the real big heads are at, where you’re no longer just feared; you’re respected. It’s not just about brute strength; it’s about reaching a level strong enough to challenge even the likes of the material gods of the lesser realm."

"The mountain gods, shrine gods, stellar gods, life-blood gods; there are all types of them waiting to be killed by me out there that inhabit the mortal realm, each one reigning supreme in their domains...

He declared with both confidence and immense hate for them in his voice.

"And while they may seem invincible, Level 5 vampires are such beings of power they reach a certain quality of such that they have that kind of power to finally stand toe-to-toe with them...

"Even the weakest of their kind in their own realm is no match for anything less. That’s the power of reaching near the beginning of Elderhood, the state of power that all vampires should strive for...

"And that my worthy vassal, is the type of power and state is what I’m after... and this machine is going to make it happen."

Merciless gestured toward the coffin with a mix of pride and determination.

"That’s why I created this; the Ascension Bed as I call it. I traded my remaining souls to forge it using my soul exchange-ability a gift all vampires possess. I’ve made several enhancements through transmutation, inspired by Albedo’s memories...

"You see the Loviatar clan has a similar machine designed to accelerate evolution without relying on the traditional vampiric acquisition system. But mine? Mine is superior because I’m just that awesome."

He explained to everyone here.

A confident smirk played on his lips.

"This bed possesses a unique power: it can isolate different aspects of one’s being down to a conceptual level. In simpler terms, it will separate my mind from my body and distinguish my Vadkos Awakening from my Eternal Evolution. While time flows differently within the bed, allowing only my body and the power straining it to remain, I will experience a span of 260 years in mere days for you... in layman’s terms, my mind will be shut off... and my body will age to about that much... so physically I will be 283 years old physically speaking by the time the process is done."

He turned back to the coffin, his voice resolute, filled with conviction.

"During this period, my body will undergo a profound transformation. The Ascension Bed will bypass the usual constraints imposed by our vampiric growth system. It won’t rely on energy or resources; instead, it will function as a conduit, allowing my ichor to adapt and evolve beyond its previous limits. This is crucial, as my Eternal Evolution; rooted in my ichor, will be reinstated, unlocking its full potential."

He paused, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

"This is more than just an evolution; it’s a rebirth. The machine’s innate ability to ignore the conditional barriers of vampire power growth will allow my ichor to absorb and refine the essence of my past experiences, pushing me toward Level 5. When I emerge, I’ll not only be stronger, but I will embody the culmination of my journey, transformed and ready to face whatever lies ahead."

His smirk deepened a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"So, don’t worry; this is all part of my plan to save myself. And when I return, Anastasia…

He leaned in slightly, the thrill of power radiating from him.

"I think I’d like to test just how strong this new body of mine will be if you catch my drift."

As Merciless’s words hung in the air, Anastasia felt her cheeks heat, a deep shade of purple blooming across her face. She caught the playful glint in his eyes, understanding the implications behind his statement, and it sent a shiver down her spine.

This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom.

Was he really suggesting what she thought he was?

Her heart raced at the thought, and she struggled to regain her composure.

"Uh… right."

She stammered, flustered.

"Good luck master... we will be waiting for your return."

Substance, ever the calm presence, offered a supportive nod.

"Yeah we won’t be going anywhere, I will make sure to keep your body safe while you undergo your ascension."

Merciless turned to them, his expression shifting from playful to serious.

"Well, guys, it’s time. I’ll be entering the machine now."

He gestured toward the coffin, an air of finality surrounding him.

"Just activated it after I’m inside."

Anastasia and Substance shared a look of anticipation, both feeling the weight of the moment.

With a deep breath, Merciless stepped forward, his hand resting on the smooth surface of the coffin. The moment he opened it, a low hum resonated from the machine, as if it were awakening from a long slumber.

"Well, I guess this is it... hehe... level 4 was a nice experience while it lasted, but I can’t stay in this inferior state any longer."

The interior was dark, but as he settled inside, the lid began to close, sealing him in.

As the coffin enveloped him, a bright, eerie blue light illuminated the surroundings, spilling out of the seams like a haunting glow. The Ascension Bed activated, and the air filled with a peculiar energy, thickening as the machine hummed louder.

Strange machinery whirred and clicked, orchestrating a symphony of sounds that reverberated through the room.

Suddenly, thick, viscous blue liquid began to fill the coffin, swirling around Merciless as it reached his shoulders. The fluid pulsed gently, responding to the machine’s activation, its glow reflecting off his skin.

Merciless felt a wave of warmth envelop him, lulling him as the liquid seeped deeper, soothing yet heavy.

"Here we go."

He murmured, his eyelids growing heavy.

"Ahhh... I wonder just... how... po...werful... i






"... when... I...I... get up... hehehe

He managed a soft chuckle at the end, as he fell unconscious immediately, the exhilaration of impending transformation overshadowing the creeping sensation of losing consciousness.

With that, the machine buzzed to life, casting ominous shadows against the walls. A low thrumming sound vibrated through the air, pulsing with an intensity that seemed to resonate with his very being.

Neon blue lights flickered in rhythmic patterns, casting an otherworldly glow that illuminated the chamber.

His upper eyelids were already closed, but his lower eyes remained open, struggling to perceive the blurry external world around him. Those eyes, belonging to Blacktail, still allowed him to see, albeit faintly. It took a moment longer for Blacktail to fully succumb to unconsciousness, but eventually, even his parasitic partner slipped into a deep slumber.

The last thing he saw before the shadows took over was the worried, yet hopeful expression on Substance and Anastasia’s face, her blush fading into concern.

And as the machine whirred and pulsed around him, Merciless finally surrendered to the depths of total darkness, embracing the change that awaited him.

Then, everything faded to black, leaving only the sound of the machine’s relentless hum and the brilliant neon glow of its operation, illuminating the room in eerie tranquility.






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