Walker Of The Worlds-Chapter 1826 Severe Damage

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Chapter 1826 Severe Damage

The Shearing Hurricane Fan's Spirit's power was astonishing for all those that watched it.

It easily tore through the Scorching Sun flames, while keeping its own form intact. Others weren't able to see it clearly, but Lin Mu who had his Immortal sense inside the Spatial Plane saw a lot more.

'The Great Hurricane Falcon is surrounded in an invisible armor… and it's fully composed of Wind Dao Traces!' Lin Mu realized.

In fact, he could even sense something extra alongside the Wind Dao Traces which made him think that the Great Hurricane Falcon Might actually be using Wind Dao Insights too!

Dao Insights were of a higher level than the Dao Traces and Lin Mu hadn't seen that many.

In fact, the only reason he could even tell that these were Wind Dao Insights was simply because they were of a similar feeling to the Saintess's abilities. Lin Mu was well aware that the Saintess was an expert in them and could use them to a great level.

Just the extent of what she could do with them was astounding, having created clouds of various kinds as well as moving things soundlessly.

What the Great Hurricane Falcon was doing was rather simple as compared to that. It was simply wrapping them around its body and preventing the Fire Dao Traces from affecting it.

It also managed to keep the Scorching Sun flames away and successfully managed to get near Childe Wildfire.

"AHHHHHH!" Childe Wildfire shouted in a mix of pain and anger as he pushed his hands towards the incoming Weapon Spirit.

Both of his hands had turned into flame throwers and continually spewed out Scorching Sun Flames.


With the added offense from Childe Wildlife, the Great Hurricane Falcon was actually slowed down and needed to actively resist it. It let out a cry and opened its beak, before spewing out a sharp jet of air.


A strange sound was heard as the jet of air rapidly cut through the incoming Scorching Sun flames and actually blasted them back!

"ARGH!" Childe Wildfire got hit with his own attack and hurriedly cut off the skill.

Still, it wasn't enough as these were Scorching Sun Flames. They could sustain themselves on their own for a while and quickly covered his robes.

Childe Wildfire's robes that were already breaking, started burning rapidly. The runes on them broke down within seconds, as the robe turned into mere rags. Thankfully this also ended up using up the remaining energy of the Scorching Sun flames and prevented them from further burning Childe Wildlife.

Unfortunately, this was merely the start of injuries for Childe Wildfire.


In the next moment he was struck by the Great Hurricane Falcon. The birds body hit the man like a truck, sending him flying all the way to the end of the Spatial Plane.


Childe Wildfire crashed into the ground, his body leaving a shallow gully as he continued to move back. The force of the attack was simply too much, and the man's ribcage had already caved in!

Copious amounts of blood spewed out of Childe Wildfire's mouth, and nose while his heartbeats turned weak.

Lin Mu could sense the man's vitality falling rapidly and his control over the Dao Embryo wakened.

"He'll die at this rate…" Lin Mu said while gasping.

Childe Wildfire was in a strange state where he was still considered conscious since his Dao Embryo was intact. This made the Teleportation arrays of the Spatial Plane think that he was fine and it didn't trigger.

But Lin Mu knew due to the unique condition of Scorch Sun Ruby Dao Embryo which had a rather hard to control nature Childe Wildfire might continue to get injured.

In fact, Lin Mu could tell that his vitality was also being damaged since the Dao Embryo stayed active. The red sun in the sky continued to rain down fire, harming Childe Wildfire as well.

This situation created a loophole in the activation conditions of the teleportation arrays, preventing Childe Wildlife from being ejected. At the same time, Lin Mu was sure the man didn't have the strength to surrender either.


'There's no other choice…' Lin Mu made a decision at that point.

His immortal sense went towards Childe Wildfire and he started to Chant. A couple of seconds later, Childe Wildfire's mind went still and the flow of his Immortal Qi was interrupted.


This caused the link to the Dao Embryo to stop and the red sun in the sky disappeared in an instant.


The Scorch Sun Ruby Dao Embryo flew back into Childe Wildfire's body and the teleportation arrays of the Spatial Plane finally triggered.


Childe Wildlife was considered as having lost his consciousness and was teleported out of the Spatial Plane.

"Humph… just as I thought." Far on the other side, Feng Baxing harrumphed and withdrew the fan.

The Great Hurricane Falcon dissipated as well and returned inside the Shearing Hurricane Fan.


He too was teleported out, where the audience was already shouting in excitement and awe.


"Feng Baxing has defeated Childe Wildfire and is the winner!" The elder overseeing the match finally declared.

And once that was done, he quickly focused on the condition of the battered and burned man.

Childe Wildfire's breath was weak and his pulse was also slow.

"Healers! Check him right away!" The elder ordered while also checking the man himself.

And when he did, the elder was astounded.

"What?" he couldn't believe the condition that Childe Wildlife was in.

"His hand meridians have burned away along with his flesh and his legs are also severely burned." One of the healers reported.

"His Dantian has sustained damage as well and his Immortal Qi stores are at the bare minimum!"

"Hurry! His Nascent soul is getting unstable!" The healers saw something severe. "Elder, we need to secure his Nascent soul or it might leave the body beforehand!"

The elder had also seen the damage and acted quickly.