Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I'm Going to Sleep-Chapter 126: The Bloodline of the Hero (2)

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Chapter 126: The Bloodline of the Hero (2)

"What kind of conversation are you two having?"

The hero's wife asked as she and her daughter entered the house.

"Oh, just various things. Nothing too interesting for you to hear."

The hero casually brushed off his wife's question.

But... I think your wife should also know about this issue.

I lightly slapped the hero's back and looked at his wife.

"It was about the future of your daughter."


"Quiet. Your wife also has the right to know."

I slapped the hero's back again, making a loud sound.


"Quiet. Fool."

As I was hitting the hero unilaterally, the hero's wife tilted her head.

Her movements seem too young for a woman in her 50s, but her appearance looks around 30 years old, so it's not too strange... Hmm... Even 30 might be a bit hard to digest.

"What do you mean by the future of my daughter?"

"The problem is the magic within that child."

"Magic? I don't know what that is, but does my body contain something called 'magic' within my body, inherited from aunt?"

The hero's daughter asked me with a slightly surprised expression.

Hmm. That's understandable. For humans, magic power is still an unknown existence or a mystery. They only know it vaguely exists, so hearing that there is magic power flowing within their body would naturally surprise them.

Ah, come to think of it, they seem to be researching magic power in Procyon as well, but there hasn't been much progress yet.

Oops, I got a bit sidetracked.

"What did you put inside me? Is it okay?" 𝐟𝗿ee𝘄𝗲𝗯𝐧o𝘃el.𝐜o𝚖

"If I hadn't, you wouldn't have been able to live."

I lightly pushed the daughter's forehead with my index finger.

Then, the magic power within her body moved just a little, and the hero's daughter fell backwards.

"W-What was that?"

"The magic power within you moved just a tiny bit. Even that slight movement had such an effect."

"That's scary! How can I get rid of this?"

To that, I shook my head slightly.

"That magic power is the reason you've been alive from birth until now."

Seeing her daughter's state, the hero's wife spoke with a worried expression.

"Dragon's Priestess, how will that magic power affect my child?"

Affect, huh.

"She will become a being similar to me, transcending humanity."

Unlike the hero, I couldn't tell the hero's wife everything.

The hero knows my true identity, but his wife only knows me as the Dragon's Priestess.

"Become similar to the Dragon's Priestess? Will she become the next Dragon's Priestess?"

"Become like you, Aunt? I don't really like that."

Huh, this is an unexpected response.

"What's wrong with becoming like me?"

"But Aunt, you don't do anything."

Ah, no! I do work! As the Goddess of Life and the Creator Dragon God, I work every day!

Moreover, the Gods of Death have been showing some ominous movements, trying to hand over some tasks to me, and I've scolded them before!

Most of the work in the Temple of Life is handled by the dragons themselves, so I don't need to worry much, but they do consult me occasionally!

It's just that I work remotely from home, that's all!

"You're always just lounging around at home, and when we try to take you out for some fresh air, you stubbornly lock yourself in your room. Dad and Mom are both busy working, but only you don't work."

Ugh. I'm working hard, you know!

But I can't reveal my true identity to this child.

The hero is awkwardly smiling, knowing my true identity.

"Anyway, I don't want to be like you, Aunt. I'd rather be like Mom and Dad."

"But if you become like me, you can gain great magic power and live much longer."

"Great magic power? What can I do with that?"

What can you do with it, you ask...

"Wouldn't you be able to do anything with that kind of power?"

With the amount of magic power that child has, compared to a normal human, it would be an enormous amount.

If it's all used up, it may even risk her life. But that's unlikely to happen. Yes.

"The only thing I want is to live happily with Mom, Dad, and Aunt."

That child. Saying such a thoughtful thing.

Hearing those words from the small child, the hero and the hero's wife also seemed moved, their eyes glistening.

"But if you have that power, you could really do anything, you know?"

"Hmm... But other than living happily with my family, I don't particularly want to do anything else."

What an easygoing child, without any greed to live lavishly.

"You could live longer if your lifespan increases."

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"Hmm... What's good about living longer?"

At the child's innocent words, I was momentarily at a loss for words.

What's good about living longer?

"You could try doing all the things you want to do?"

"I don't really have anything I want to do other than living happily with my family. If there's something I want, Mom, Dad, and Aunt will do it for me."

"Or you could travel all around the world?"

"Even now, if there's a place I want to go, Aunt takes me there. I had fun when we went to the beach the other day."

"Or you could meet many people?"

"Isn't my family enough? If I meet too many people, it would be tiring."

Answers that don't seem like those of a young child.

Living longer... What's good about that?

As I've lived through the long years, a question I never thought of has filled my mind.

What is the meaning of life... Why do we live?

Is it to fulfill our desires? To spread our descendants far and wide?

What is the true meaning of life?

As the Goddess of Life, I don't even understand that.

As the Goddess of Life, what should I do for life? What is the purpose of the Goddess of Life's existence?


My thoughts were interrupted by the hero's daughter.

The feeling of being connected to something important was severed.

"Ah, yes. I was just thinking about something else for a moment."

Ahem. I'll think about that later.

Rather than pondering the meaning of life and death, right now I need to focus on this child's future.

"And I've heard a lot about Dad's stories! I heard he went through a lot of hardship while acting as the hero. If I have that power, shouldn't I become a hero too?"

"You don't have to become a hero, but... Others may come after that power."

"That sounds troublesome."

This small child displayed a remarkable sense of laziness, as if she had learned it somewhere.

"I don't really need the power or the long lifespan."

The small child casually spoke as if it was nothing. There are countless people who would even sacrifice their lives to obtain that level of power. But she speaks of it as if it's unimportant.

Well, that's not a bad thing either.

"It seems the direction is decided, hero."

"Yes, it does. My daughter is quite extraordinary."

To so easily give up on the power to do anything, this child is not ordinary either. Not ordinary at all.

But just in case, let's prepare one safeguard.

"Since this child's will is like this, it would be best to seal it, but... Hmm. For now, I'll seal it temporarily, and then I'll ask you again after she becomes an adult."

"Huh? Isn't that troublesome?"

"It's an important matter. If her thoughts haven't changed even after she becomes an adult, then we'll seal it completely. Understand?"

Time may pass, and this child's thoughts could change.

Then, I can unseal it.

"Won't that seal have any other effects on this child?"

"Effects? Hmm... Maybe her hair color will gradually start to return to its original color?"

Her already grown hair will be in the silver state, but the new hair growth will regain its original color.

The already formed skeletal structure and appearance will be difficult to change significantly.

"Huh? Hair color?"

The hero's wife embraced her daughter's head.

"No, the shining silver hair can't disappear! This child's silver hair is so beautiful!"

"Well, even if you say that..."

"Then, can't we just maintain the hair? Whenever I stroke this child's hair, I feel a sense of satisfaction as if she's a sister to the Dragon's Priestess, so I don't know how to explain it..."

Uh, hmm... Has she become a bit strange since getting married?

I shook my head slightly.

"Is something like that even possible?"


"Mom, you're being ridiculous!"

The hero's daughter grumbled as she broke free from her mom's embrace.

"It's just hair color! It's nothing!"

"Nothing, you say..."

"Now, now, you two. Let's calm down, okay?"

With the hero intervening between the two, the atmosphere calmed down a bit.

"Then, let's seal it temporarily first, and decide whether to completely seal it after she becomes an adult. Is that alright?"

"It's fine to seal it right now!"

"Ugh, silver hair like the Dragon's Priestess...."

"Mom, really!"

Seeing this family scene, I couldn't help but chuckle softly.