Why Did I Become the Villainess?-Chapter 325 - Jealousy (1)

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Chapter 325 – Jealousy (1)

I look up at the starry sky and stretch my arms. It's already seven in the evening, and I just finished working. I had a lot of work to do, that's why I decided to work overtime today.

"Good evening, Dame Csille. Did you finish your work today? Isn't it late?" The guard immediately greets me the moment I step out of the Foundation. He then looks around. "It looks like your carriage is not here today. Do you want me to hire a carriage for you?"

I look around too, and true to his words, our carriage is nowhere to be found. I frown. Our coachman usually waits for me until my work ends, so how come he isn't here? Did something happen today?

I was about to respond to him when someone spoke behind us. I look back and find a guard. The guard doesn't look familiar to me, and even the family insignia on his chest isn't familiar to me.

"May I know who you are and what do you want from me?" I slowly take a step back. It's already seven in the evening, and even if I have a security guard with me, I still need to be cautious. After all, I don't know where this man came from.

The guard bows his head in a respectful manner before he answers me. "I am the royal guard of his highness, Prince Joachim Brissaud of the Yesian Kingdom. I am here to fetch you for your dinner with his highness."

I raise my eyebrow. Dinner? How can I forget about that? I couldn't find an excuse to back out now because the guard caught me off guard, and Prince Joachim had already said he wanted to have dinner with me alone. So, even if I want to refuse, it will be rude of me to do that.

"Dame Csille? Do you want me to call someone to stay with you?" The guard suggested, and I almost praised him for what he did. Did he notice my reluctance?

I was about to reply to our guard when Prince Joachim's personal guard cut me off. "Apologies for interrupting, but his highness specifically order me not to let anyone come with Dame Csille." He then looks at the guard of our Foundation. "Are you in doubt that his highness, Prince Joachim, will do something to Dame Csille? Don't you know how grave crime it is to think badly about a royalty?"

I frowned when I recognized how Prince Joachim's guard threatened the guard of our Foundation.

I take a step and stand behind our guard. I look at Prince Joachim's guard and scoff at him. "And what do you think you are doing? Trying to threaten my employee in front of me? Yes, Prince Joachim is a royalty but don't you forget that I came from the Lauretré Family of the Vrawyth Kingdom. I am also the future Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom. So how dare you use that kind of word in front of me? Do you see me as a lowly person just because I am from a noble family and not a royal family?"

The guard tried to defend himself, but I didn't give him any chance to say something to me. This is the excuse I need. The excuse I can use to decline the dinner with Prince Joachim.

"If this is the how Prince Joachim teach his people? Trying to use his power to threaten anyone, I would rather not have dinner with him. You can now return to your highness Prince Joachim and tell him I have changed my mind."

My eyes sparkled in joy when I noticed the Lauretré carriage in a distance. Right in time. I was worried I wouldn't have any carriage to bring me home. It's a good thing he arrived in time.

I look back at Prince Joachim's guard and squint my eyes at him. "If your highness Prince Joachim continues to use his power against me and my people, then I think he should reconsider being close with me. I don't like people who use their authority over anyone. And if you ever do it again to not just to my employees but also to any Vrawyth people, then I'm sorry, I will definitely do something to deal with it."

The guard is about to say something, but his words got cut off by our family's coachman. "Dame Csille, apologies. Something urgent came up with the Count, and I didn't have a choice but to pick the Countess tonight. So, I hope you can forgive me." Then he looks at the Prince Joachim's guard, who is now nervous because of his arrival. "This guy… Is he disturbing you, Dame Csille?"

I shake my head. "No, he isn't. He is actually about to go now, right?"

Prince Joachim's guard looks at me hesitantly for a couple of seconds before he nods his head. "Yes, I'll be taking my leave now, Dame Csille. Also, I hope you can reconsider having dinner with his highness, Prince Joachim. He's been looking forward to that." He then left after saying those words.

I look at his back and sigh in relief. I already have a lot of problems right now. But this Prince Joachim keeps adding to it. It's a good thing I found a reason tonight, but I don't know if I can find another reason next time because I am sure this will not be the last time he will do this.

"Dame Csille, are you sure it's okay for you to say those words? He is still, after all, Prince Joachim's guard. Wouldn't you be testing his authority by going against his people?"

I look at the guard of the Foundation and sigh. "And what? Let his people rain tyranny in my own Foundation? That wouldn't do. Also, his people are the first ones who decided to show his authority here. I am just returning the favor. Also, you shouldn't worry about Prince Joachim. I can handle him."

I know I can. However, my problem right now is how to stop Prince Joachim from inviting me alone.

Why do these royalties always give me headaches? Give me a break!



I just got out of the Foundation to have my lunch when I heard someone call my name. I look back and find Brother Pascal smiling warmly at me.

I immediately rush to his side and give him a hug. It's been days since I saw him, and the last time we've talked, he got mad at me. I look up at him. "Brother, when did you return to the capital? Is everything okay in the temporary shelter?"

Although my employees, who are staying with the villagers, always update me. I still want to know how the temporary shelter is for Brother Pascal.

Brother Pascal gently caresses my head. "You shouldn't worry. The villagers love the place. Some even want to stay there for good." He then takes something from the inside of his white coat. "In fact, they are so grateful to you that they even made a thank you letter for what you did to them. Most of them even want to see you again."

I immediately take the letters from Brother Pascal's hand and skims it. I immediately tear up when I read a few letters from the children who are thanking me for letting them stay there for three months. Because they said it's the first time they live in an environment like that, and they love it.

I feel my heart melted just by reading those letters. I am glad they are appreciating what I did for them. All my efforts and the efforts of my employees are all worth it.

I'm glad. I'm glad they like it.

"Thank you for bringing this, Brother. You don't know how much this made my day." I look up at Brother Pascal and observe him. Although he was smiling at me earlier, I still don't know if he was still mad about what I did the last time. I hold on to his arm and lean my head on his shoulder. "Brother, are you still mad at me? I'm sorry."

I heard Brother Pascal sigh. "How can I stay mad at you? You know I couldn't do that. No matter how much disappointed I am with what you are doing, I couldn't bear to get mad at you for too long. You are my only cousin, Csille."

I know that. But I hope in the near future you wouldn't forgive me for what I will be doing. I hope you can forget that I was once a Lauretré because that is the only way the Lauretré Family can live.

"Brother, have you eaten your lunch? Why don't you join me? I was about to take my lunch."

Brother Pascal immediately agreed and the both of us decided to eat in the garden restaurant that Rufus rented for his failed confession to Princess Paislee.

Brother Pascal and I were about to enter the restaurant when we bumped into Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee. We then both greet Prince France, who just returned our greetings with a simple nod.

Princess Paislee, who was standing beside Prince Fraser, smiled at us. "Doctor Pascal, Dame Csille. Are you here for lunch too? Why don't the two of you join us?"

I inconspicuously raise my eyebrow because of Princess Paislee's remarks. She invited us even without asking for Prince Fraser's permission?

I look at Prince Fraser. He looks like he didn't like the idea of it, but he didn't say anything and remained quiet, which is not normal for Prince Fraser. He isn't the type of person who will sit still and do nothing if it's something he doesn't like. This can only mean one thing, that her relationship with Prince Fraser is improving.

I smirk and give Princess Paislee a beautiful smile. Mother told me that I look most beautiful when I smile. "If that is okay with you, then how can I refuse that offer?"

The moment I smile beautifully at Princess Paislee, I immediately see Prince Fraser tensed up. He is probably furious now because I am smiling at his beloved.

Are you jealous now? How does it feels seeing the person you love being seduced by someone else? Does it hurt you? Serves you right for hurting me again and again.

Princess Paislee smiles awkwardly at me. "If that's the case, let's go inside." She then looks at Prince Fraser. "Your highness, you don't mind sharing lunch with Dame Csille and Doctor Pascal, right? After all, you grew up with Dame Csille."

I look at Prince Fraser, who is now trying his best to hide his dissatisfaction. Although no matter how much he tried, I can still see it.

He then reluctantly nods his head. "That would be great. It's been a long time since I have a dinner with the Lauretrés."

Princess Paislee smiled widely when she heard Prince Fraser's remarks. She then looks at me. "Why don't we go inside first?"

Princess Paislee and Prince Fraser walk inside the restaurant while Brother Pascal and me follow behind.

I was about to go inside the restaurant when Brother Pascal tugged my hand. I look back and frown at him. "Brother Pascal?"

Brother Pascal looks inside the restaurant and shakes his head. "Csille, are you sure it's okay for us to join his highness' lunch? He seems like he doesn't want our presence."

What can I expect from my Brother Pascal, who is an upright person? Of course, he won't agree to have lunch with them if he sees Prince Fraser's reluctance.

I heave a sigh and smile reassuringly at him. "Brother, you have seen that his highness Prince Fraser agreed for us to join them, right? You also know that his highness isn't the type of person who will agree to something even if he doesn't like that. So, what are you worrying about?"

I heard Brother Pascal sigh. "I'm just worried that he'll take this against us. Are you sure it's okay for us to join them?"

I cling to his arm and smile at him. "Brother, don't worry about that. I can assure you that everything is okay."

And I cannot wait to see how furious Prince Fraser will be later.

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