Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk-Chapter 71 - Seventy One - Rita Strikes Again

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Chapter 71: Chapter Seventy One - Rita Strikes Again

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Seventy One - Rita Strikes Again




Amelia floo called Lord Iain MacMillan, head of the School Board of Governors, from the infirmary fireplace and had him come through. She then dumped the whole issue of appointing a new Acting Head and Deputy onto him, also informed him he'd need to let the Acting Head know they'd be needed as a judge in the rapidly approaching time of the start of the second task, and liaise with the Beauxbatons delegation to inform them of the arrest of Madam Maxime and that they'd need an Acting Head to also judge the second task.

By then, Dumbledore had returned while wearing magical suppression cuffs and floo'ed with her and all but one auror back to the DMLE. She'd also be immediately contacting Ministre Delacour about the welfare of his daughter.

Lord MacMillan got direct to work by seconding Cygnus to go speak with the Beauxbatons delegation while he went to speak with Professor Pomona Sprout about her sudden elevation to Acting Headmistress. Though he grumbled about it, he also said he'd be appointing Professor Flitwick as Acting Deputy Headmaster until the legal issues around Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall could be resolved.

With the remaining auror - the healer auror - staying in the infirmary, Harry wanted to track down his and Hermione's friends to let them know what was going on. However, Lord MacMillan dragged him along to talk to Professor - soon-to-be Acting Headmistress - Sprout.

With Harry having a surreptitious peek at the Map, he directed the other Lord out to the greenhouses by claiming she was constantly working out there.

Once they entered the greenhouse they approached her, with Harry grinning like mad.

Lord MacMillan hemmed and hawed around a bit before Harry came right out and said, "Professor Sprout. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall will be away from the school for an unknown amount of time. It may only be the rest of the day, or it may be much longer. As such, for the safety of the school and its students, an Acting Head needs to be appointed."

"The Headmaster and Professor McGonagall are away?" she asked. "They did not inform me they'd be away. That's quite strange."

"Be that as it may, Professor," said Harry. "Lord MacMillan, here, has a request of you."

Then Harry nudged his fellow Lord.

"Yes. Umm.." he stuttered. "For the duration of this - unusual situation - as I am Head of the School Board, I am using my authority to appoint you as Acting Headmistress."

"You're what?" asked the kindly professor.

"Madam, I am appointing you as Acting Headmistress until such time as Dumbledore or McGonagall return."

"Why?" she asked, clearly shocked.

"Umm..." tried MacMillan.

Harry cut in smoothly and replied, "Professor, you are one of the three remaining Heads of Houses, so you have seniority. You've also served with distinction in that role. You are well respected by your peers, by the students, by the School Board, and by the parents. As such, Lord MacMillan feels you will make a fine Acting Headmistress.

"The role will also give you some limited experience in the senior management role of the school and may stand you in good stead in the future."

"But, I'm too busy with my greenhouses. Who would take care of my classes and the plants?" she asked.

"Might I suggest you approach Mister Longbottom," replied Harry, deferentially. "As you well know, he is somewhat of a prodigy when it comes to Herbology, and I'm sure he would leap most gleefully at the chance to assist you. I also believe he will be seeking a Mastery in the subject post-NEWTs. Perhaps even to take the classes for the First and Second Years?"

"Errr - Yes. He is, isn't he?" she mused. "I'll have to talk to him, of course. Make sure he's prepared, you know?"

Harry just smiled.

MacMillan finally found his feet and, in a rush, said, "Excellent! I shall leave it to you to inform Professor Flitwick he's to be Acting Deputy Headmaster until this matter is settled? Jolly good. Well, I must be off!" And turned and hurried out of the greenhouse.

Harry grinned at a stunned Professor Sprout before he hurried after the other Lord.

"Well done, my Lord," said Harry, finally catching up and moving to stride alongside MacMillan.

MacMillan snorted and said, "I believe I should be saying that to you - my Lord."

"Please, call me Harry," said Harry. "I sensed you were going to deputise me to give her the good news, and acted in your best interests as a good deputy should."

The other man hesitated for a few moments before he said, "Its Iain. Please, call me Iain. And thank you for your assistance - Harry."

"You're welcome," said Harry. "Well, I need to go and make sure Hogwarts has a judge for the second task and track down my friends..."

The other man suddenly stopped and said, "Shit. I forgot that bit." He turned to Harry and said, "By all means, Harry. Please go and make sure Hogwarts has a judge for the second task. I'll leave that in your most capable hands, shall I? Yes. Well. Carry on, then." And he hurried away to leave the castle.

Harry chuckled at the man's back before drawing out his Map and tracking down his Head of House. He'd need to let the half-goblin know he would very shortly be approached by Acting Headmistress Sprout to be Acting Deputy Headmaster for the foreseeable future, and that he'd probably need to head over to the stands for the judges to judge the second task.

He thought to himself, giggling, 'I'm a Fourth Year, and I'm appointing the Acting Headmistress, Acting Deputy Headmaster, and the school's representative judge for the second task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Ha! What a laugh! Sirius is going to love this!'

He didn't like the sound of himself giggling. He thought it too 'girly', but he couldn't help it.

Finally, calming down enough to stop giggling, he found Professor Flitwick in his office. He knocked on the door and was quickly called in.

"Good morning, Professor Flitwick," he gaily said, almost giggling again.

"Mister Potter," smiled the little professor. "What brings you here, this morning? Especially, after that little scene at breakfast."

"Ah!" said Harry. "Sorry about that. However, that's part of the reason why I'm here."


"Mmm," replied Harry. "Professor Sprout will be along to see you soon. As both the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall are currently - assisting the DMLE with their enquiries into certain criminal matters, and will be away for as long as the DMLE requires their attendance - Lord MacMillan, in his role as head of the School Board of Governors, has just - elevated - her to the position of Acting Headmistress..."

That surprised the little charms professor. However, he held his tongue.

"... for the foreseeable future. She will be dropping by to inform you, on the orders of Lord MacMillan, you've been elevated to the position of Acting Deputy Headmaster."

"I seeeee," said the professor. "That is a surprise."

"Yes, sir," grinned Harry. "However, Lord MacMillan was remiss in informing Acting Headmistress Sprout that either she, or someone acting in her stead, would need to hurry down to the stands for the second task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. I believe that is a matter she will need to know with some haste, as the event is due to start at 9.30am.

The professor flicked out his wand and muttered, "Tempus." The time showed 9.10am.

Resheathing his wand, the professor started to stand and, with a matching grin, said, "In that case, Mister Potter, I'd best go find her to ensure she is made aware of this information."

Harry couldn't help himself, he started snickering. At least it wasn't as bad as giggling.

"Mister Potter?" asked the new Acting Deputy Headmaster.

"I'm sorry, Professor," he sniggered. "But this is just too funny. I'm a Fourth Year, and I'm - effectively - promoting teaching staff to the two most senior positions within the school."

The professor grinned back and said, "Strange days, indeed."




Leaving the Professor to hunt down the new Acting Headmistress - and with the issue of the judging representative for Hogwarts being seen to - Harry ducked into an alcove and pulled out his Map. He found his friends, less Hermione, coming down the Grand Staircase from the seventh floor, and hurried to intercept them.

Finally catching up to his friends, Daphne asked, "Where have you been?"

"Long story, I'm afraid," he said. "In short, and quietly, I had the Headmaster pull Hermione out of the lake where she was anchored somewhere on the bottom of it in an enchanted sleep. Aunt Amelia then forced him to pull another two out. All three are now in the infirmary but will be fine. However, if left there too much longer they'd have died from freezing to death.

"The Headmaster, Professor McGonagall and Headmistress Maxime are all under arrest under charges of kidnapping. Dumbledore and McGonagall are also facing charges relating to the kidnapping of the Head of a Noble and Ancient House."

That made them all draw a sudden breath in shock.

"And, under direction from the head of the School Board of Governors, Lord MacMillan, I've just appointed Professor Sprout to the position of Acting Headmistress, and Professor Flitwick to the position of Acting Deputy Headmaster."

The whole group had stopped and turned to look at Harry in shock. "You've got to be kidding!" said Neville, first to regain the power of speech.

"Nope. It's been a busy hour and a half," replied Harry, grinning. "I take it everyone's heading down to the stands to look at the lake while the champions compete in the task?"

"Errr - yes," said Susan.

"Good, good," said Harry. "I need to make sure Hogwarts and Beauxbatons have judges now that Dumbledore and Maxime are in auror custody."

"You're - serious; aren't you?" asked Daphne, as she snuggled up to his side.

"Oh, yes," replied Harry.

"We've got time. Can we stop by, for a minute, and see Hermione?" asked Hannah.

"Sure!" replied Harry. "But then we've got to get down to the judges' stand as quick as possible."

The group picked up their pace and hurried to the infirmary. While there, Harry told Neville to expect a summons by Professor Sprout as she had something important to ask of him. But, he wouldn't elucidate.




After a quick visit to ensure Hermione was still alright - she was - the group hurried out to the stands. The champions were already at the edge of the lake on a pier with who appeared to be Ludo Bagman.

After sending his friends into the stands, Harry hurried over to the judges' table to confirm the required number of judges was, in fact, in place. He saw Percy Weasley, subbing for Mister Crouch; a vacant chair for Ludo Bagman; Igor Karkaroff; a woman he recognised as one of the staff for Beauxbatons; and Professor Flitwick, subbing for Dumbledore. He gave Professor Flitwick a wave before turning to head into the stands.

Before he took more than a couple of steps, a tall aristocratic man stepped forward from the VIP section. "Seigneur Pot-air; a werd, if I may?"

"Sir?" asked Harry.

"Seigneur Pot-air, I am Jean-Paul Delacour. I..." he said, before he was interrupted by the amplified voice of Ludo Bagman.

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"Sonorus!" Bagman's voice boomed out across the dark water of the lake toward the stands. "Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One . . . two . . . " *Phhwweee!*

Krum dived into the water as Diggory and Fleur Delacour cast Bubblehead Charms on themselves before following suit.

"Oh!" said Harry, after the three champions had entered the water. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir. I believe you are the father of Fleur and Gabrielle, n'êtes-vous pas?"

"Oui," replied Monsieur Delacour. "I believe I have you to thank for saving the life of mon plus jeune fille - my little daughter - this morning."

"Non," replied Harry. "I merely forced and initiated the situation where Dumbledore had to recover her, and two others, from the bottom of the lake where, it turns out, they were in the process of freezing to death.

"While, yes, it could be considered I saved her life; it could only be considered that at the most extreme of the definition. If it was anyone, it would be Madam Bones and Poppy Pomfrey who - took a more overt - role in saving her life."

"Steel, it was yerr initial act of - defying - your 'Eadmast-air, that led to 'er being removed from the lake," insisted the man.

Harry sighed and said, "True, Sir. However, I was, at the time, only interested in seeing the return of my Protectee, Lady Hermione. It was through the recovery of her, I figured out there had to be two others also sitting at the bottom of the lake. By then, Madam Bones, Head of the DMLE, had arrived and ordered Dumbledore to recover the other two.

"We did not know one of them was your youngest until they were portkeyed directly from the surface of the lake to the infirmary, and myself and Lord Greengrass were able to ask her for her identity. Really, it was more a - logical progression of events - that led to your youngest being saved. I'm just pleased she's, apparently, alright."

With a small smile, Delacour said, "Steel - while I can see you are a homme modeste - eet eez, as a result of your initial action, that my youngest is steel - with us. I am in your debt, Seigneur Pot-air."

Harry blanched and said, "This isn't one of those - life debt - situations, is it, Sir? I really don't want another of those."

Delacour smiled and said, "Non. But eet eez steel a debt, nevertheless."

"I can't absolve you of it, can I?" asked Harry, hoping he could.

With another smile, Delacour replied, "Non."

Harry sighed and held his hand out to shake, and said, "Ministre Delacour, as Head of House Potter, I offer you my hand in friendship. And hope that such a debt can never come between friends."

Delacour, a little surprised, replied, "Seigneur Pot-air, as Chef de Famille Delacour, I accept your hand offered in friendship, and ask you call me Jean-Paul." Then he took Harry's hand and shook it. He then grinned and said, "And, I choose to steel owe you that debt."

Harry chuckled and said, "Thank you, Jean-Paul. And, please, my friends call me Harry."

"'Arry," said Jean-Paul, releasing his grip. "Come. Please, allow me to introduce to you, my wife."

Harry followed Jean-Paul over to the seating for the VIPs, where Cygnus and Isabel were also sitting, and introduced him. "'Arry, this eez my wife, Lady Apolline Delacour. Pol, this eez Lord 'Arry Pot-air, 'Ead of House Pot-air - Ami de Famille Delacour."

Madam Delacour looked a little surprised as she offered her hand. Harry took it and lightly brushed his lips against the back of her fingers. "Lady Delacour - a pleasure. And, please, call me Harry."

With a glance to her husband, Lady Delacour said, "The plea-zure eez mine, 'Arry. And, please, you may call me Apolline - or Pol."

Harry gave her a slight bow as he released her hand. "Apolline is almost as beautiful a name as the Lady to whom it applies."

She gave him a genuine smile back and asked, "I belief eet eez you to whom we must give thanks for the life of our leetle Gabrielle, non?"

"I do not believe so, La - Apolline," replied Harry. "However your - Epoux? - appears insistent I am."

"Then, fair be eet for moi to - disagree - with mon cher mari," she replied. "Thank you, 'Arry, for saving my daught-air's life."

Harry knew he wasn't going to win this one, so decided an early capitulation was his best bet. He sighed and said, "You are most welcome, Apolline."

"Since we're in the mood for introductions," he said, glancing over at where Cygnus and Isabel were almost covertly watching him, "Has anyone had the honour, yet, of introducing you to Lord Cygnus and Lady Isabel Greengrass; the parents of my betrothed, Lady Daphne?"

"Not yet," said Jean-Paul.

With a nod, Harry gestured over Cygnus and Isabel. Looking to Jean-Paul and Apolline, he formally said, "Jean-Paul - Apolline - I have the honour of introducing to you, my friends, Lord Cygnus and Lady Isabel Greengrass of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Greengrass; and the parents of my betrothed, Lady Daphne.

"Cygnus - Isabel - I have the honour of introducing to you Le Ministre de la Magie pour la France, Seigneur Jean-Paul Delacour, Chef de Famille Delacour, and his lovely wife, Lady Apolline Delacour." And he bowed to both pairs of adults.

After the four shook hands in the formal way, Harry cheekily said to Cygnus, "Seigneur Delacour and I were discussing a suitable price for the island of Guernsey."

Cygnus goggled at him like a fish out of water before Jean-Paul roared with laughter. He slapped Harry on the back before he said, "Doux Merlin! That vas funny!"

Cygnus glared at Harry for a few moments, who was grinning unabashedly back, and trying not to smile. "I hope you realise, you just scared half the life out of me. I thought my heart was going to stop."

It wasn't long before Harry, Cygnus and Jean-Paul were chatting like old friends while Isabel and Apolline were the same. Harry excused himself and called Daphne down from where she was in the stands, watching him; and introduced her to the Delacours.

By the time the first of the competitors returned, Fleur, they were making plans for part of the summer together.

When Fleur came up she was near-hysterical she'd been unable to get to her sister. Harry heard something about grindylows, but that was it. However, a quick whispered word from Jean-Paul and she calmed down very quickly, looking back in shock. Fleur had many cuts on her face and arms and her robes were torn, but she didn't seem to care, nor would she allow Madam Pomfrey to come forward and clean them. Apolline and Isabel ushered her to the medical tent so she could be treated.

Next up was Cedric Diggory, towing the mannequin of Chang. And a few minutes later, Victor Krum came up towing the mannequin of Hermione. He was followed by a half dozen aurors wearing water-proof clothing.

Krum appeared disgusted he'd rescued nothing more than a mannequin, while Diggory thought it a great prank. The aurors headed over and huddled with the judges.

While they were waiting for the judges to make their decisions, Fleur came running out of the medical tent and headed directly for Harry.

"You saved 'er!" she cried, throwing her arms around Harry and planting a big kiss on both his cheeks. She backed off and said again, "You saved 'er!"

"Errr - yeah," said Harry, a bit sheepishly. "I kinda thought this idea was far safer. And, well..."

She leant in a kissed him on each cheek again, "Zhank you!"

Harry just blushed and felt Daphne cling more possessively to his arm.

Ludo Bagman's magically magnified voice boomed out from the judges table, making them all jump, and causing the crowd in the stands to go very quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached our decision. The aurors, who were in the water to watch and keep the champions safe, have told us exactly what happened at the bottom of the lake. We have, therefore, decided to award marks out of fifty for each of the champions, as follows...

"Fleur Delacour, though she demonstrated excellent use of the Bubble-Head Charm, was attacked by grindylows as she approached her goal, and failed to retrieve her hostage. We award her twenty-five points."

Applause from the stands.

"I deserved zero," said Fleur throatily, shaking her head.

"Cedric Diggory, who also used the Bubble-Head Charm, was first to return with his hostage, though he returned one minute outside the time limit of an hour."

Enormous cheers from the Hufflepuffs in the crowd; Harry saw Cho, who had come down from the infirmary against Madam Pomfrey's orders, give Cedric a glowing look. "We therefore award him forty-seven points."

"Viktor Krum used an incomplete form of Transfiguration, which was nevertheless effective, and was second to return with his hostage. We award him forty points."

Karkaroff clapped particularly hard, looking very superior.

"The third and final task will take place at dusk on the 24th of June," continued Bagman. "The champions will be notified of what is coming precisely one month beforehand. Thank you all for your support of the champions.

"Good evening, be safe heading to wherever you're heading, and we'll see you for the final task. Finite!"

With that, people started filtering away from the stands and heading either back towards the castle and the Beauxbatons carriage, to the Durmstrang ship, or towards the main gates.

The Greengrasses and Delacours separated with promises to contact one another soon. The Greengrasses were heading for the main gates while the Delacours were heading for the infirmary so Fleur could see her little sister was quite safe. Harry and Daphne rejoined their friends and followed the Delacours.




The next morning - the Sunday - Harry received an emergency summons to appear as a witness on the Monday at 10.00am in the trials of Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall and Olympe Maxime. Asking around, he also found out Hermione had received a summons, as did Cho Chang and Madam Pomfrey. He suspected so did young Gabrielle, for those at the castle.

Contacting his godfather by mirror, he also heard Cygnus and Isabel received summons, as did probably the elder Chos for the year senior Eurasian Ravenclaw. And he wondered if Jean-Paul and Apolline were also sent summonses to appear as witnesses.

He approached Professor Flitwick at lunch, who was sitting in his normal chair instead of at the right hand of the old man's, handed him the summons and said, "Professor, myself and a few others are going to have to appear in court tomorrow as we've been summonsed. As, I believe, Madam Pomfrey has also been summonsed, I'm sure she can act as escort for all of us."

"Do you know who else?" frowned the little professor.

"I know, Professor, that Miss Granger and Miss Cho from Hogwarts students have also been summonsed. I also suspect young Miss Gabrielle Delacour will also have been summonsed. However, I do not know what - arrangements - will be made for her, considering her apparent age."

The Professor nodded and said, "I shall talk with the Beauxbatons delegation and see if arrangements have been made to escort young Miss Delacour to the trial. If not, I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will be happy to escort you all.

"In the meantime, thank you for informing me, and I shall ensure the staff is aware of the four of you being outside of the school for tomorrow."

With a nod, Harry said, "Thank you, Professor." And joined his friends at table for lunch.




As expected, little Gabrielle did receive a summons to appear in court. And the Beauxbatons delegation was grateful to the Hogwarts staff for providing an escort for her, as they could not release one of their onboard teaching staff; already being down one.

The trials were being held in the full Wizengamot chamber in Level 10, so Harry led them straight there. As usual, Harry had to rant at the security guard about trying to keep his wand off him as he passed through.

Once in the main chamber Harry's party were escorted direct to the witnesses' antechamber where they'd be waiting until called. Isabel was already there, pacing. After a quick hug for his future mother-in-law, Harry ducked out and into the Members' chamber to see who else was in attendance. He quickly found Cygnus and Sirius and told them the Hogwarts' delegation had arrived and was in the witnesses' antechamber.

"Harry, I think you should don your Wizengamot robes for this," said Cygnus. "It'll subtly add credence to your testimony without you having to say a word."

Harry nodded and ducked through the Members' corridor, hurried along to his own office and ducked inside.

He removed his Hogwarts outer robes and donned his Wizengamot robes before heading back to the members' chamber. And returned to talk with Sirius and Cygnus.

"Better," said Sirius.

"Now," said Cygnus, getting Harry's attention. "They're starting straight up by having all three tried at the same time, because the - incidents - involved all three, together. This way you all only have to provide testimony once. They'll also be taking things in as chronological order as they can; so, Hermione, Miss Cho and young Miss Delacour will be providing their testimony before you."

Harry nodded and said, "Makes sense, I suppose."

"Your godfather will be sitting on the panel as an 'interested party'; but, as I've also been called as a witness, I'll be joining you in the witnesses' antechamber.

"I'm also led to understand Minister Delacour is also a witness, as Miss Delacour's father and primary guardian. And Apolline will be sitting in the visitors' gallery in the VIP section. As each witness is released, they'll be joining her."

"Who's the Presiding Judge?" asked Harry.

"Chief Witch Marchbanks has used her authority to judge this one, herself," replied Sirius. "The Minister tried to usurp her, but failed."

Harry nodded and said, "Then it shall be a fair trial, at least."

Cygnus glanced at the clock. "It's nearly time," he said.

Leaving Sirius behind, the two Lords, Harry and Cygnus, left the members' antechamber and crossed through to the witnesses' antechamber. There, they met and reconnected with Jean-Paul.

In order, Hermione, Chang and Gabrielle were quickly called in to give their testimonies. Then went Jean-Paul. Finally, it was Harry's turn.

He entered the main floor of the chamber and immediately ascended into the witness stand. Looking around, he saw Dumbledore, McGonagall and Maxime all sitting, side-by-side, in seats for the accused. Off to one side he saw two wizards dressed in business robes, and assumed them to be lawyers representing the accused. Master Auror Scrimgeour was acting as prosecutor and was standing facing Harry.

Once Harry gave his oath as a witness, the questioning began.

In as clear terms as possible Harry described the events of the day of the second task, starting with when he first realised Hermione was missing. They did not require his memories of the event but he was quite willing to provide them.

Once he reached the point where he left the infirmary they no longer needed him to recount. He received a few leading questions from the two defence counsel, but that was it.

Leaving the witness stand he joined the others in the visitors' gallery.

Lord Greengrass was next, confirming he was Hermione's guardian. Then, came the aurors who accompanied Aunt Amelia, and finally Madam Pomfrey and the healer auror.

With the final testimony, the panel retired to debate. Harry led the others through to the Potter offices where they had a quick meal provided by his house elves, Callie and Ninny.

After an hour, Sirius came through and told them the panel had reached a decision. They returned to the visitors' gallery.

Just after they finished taking seat, the panel and other members of the Wizengamot re-entered and took seat within the tiers.

Chief Witch Marchbanks entered with Aunt Amelia and took seat. As soon as she sat, she gave the verdict.

Dumbledore was stripped of his position as Headmaster and dismissed as staff of Hogwarts for actions contrary to his position. He was found guilty of the kidnapping of the three girls, but was found that it was not for malicious purposes as he truly meant no harm to befall the three.

Luckily for him, he was not sent through the veil. However, Harry could see losing the position of Headmaster clearly 'gutted' him. He was also banned from ever being allowed to teach, whether in a school or as a master to an apprentice, ever again.

He was allowed to return to Hogwarts the next day to collect his personal effects, but had to be out of the castle and grounds by the end of the school day.

Dumbledore tried to say he had to remain at Hogwarts for the safety of the school and it's students but was silenced. His request was quashed.

Professor McGonagall was found to have used poor judgement in assisting Dumbledore in the commission of the crimes. That poor judgement also saw her stripped of her position as Deputy Headmistress and as a Head of a Hogwarts' House. However, she was allowed to continue to teach at Hogwarts if that was her wish. The professor hung her head as tears fell.

Headmistress Maxime was also found guilty of using poor judgement in assisting Dumbledore. However, as she did not fall under the direct authority of Dumbledore, her punishment meant a formal recommendation was being sent to the School Board of Beauxbatons to have her stripped of her authority as Headmistress, at minimum; or to be completely dismissed from school staff, at worst.

Further, she might expect further charges to be laid against her from the French Ministry regarding young Miss Delacour as the daughter of the French Minister of Magic. Madam Maxime was allowed to return to the Beauxbatons carriage at Hogwarts only to collect her personal effects and was ordered to leave magical Britain immediately. She would be met by French aurors and taken back to France.

On returning to school, it appeared the news of the findings of the court had beaten them back. They discovered Snape had handed in his immediate resignation; a resignation immediately - almost gleefully - accepted by Professor Sprout.

That now left the school needing to find a Potions Master or Mistress as a matter of urgency. Professor McGonagall claimed the school was the only home she had, so she'd remain as the Professor of Transfiguration. The DADA Professor, retired auror Professor Duncan, would not be renewing his tenure at the end of the school year. And Professor Sprout said she wanted to return to her beloved greenhouses as Professor of Herbology but, if needed, would Act as Deputy Headmistress.

During an emergency meeting of the School Board of Governors that evening, Professors Sprout and Flitwick found their acting positions switched and made semi-permanent; at least, until the end of the school year. Their tenures in those positions would then be reviewed towards permanency. However, it also meant they needed a new Charms Master for the Professor of Charms slot.

According to Gran, who had a seat on the School Board, there was a significant portion of the Board who were completely against the idea of a half-goblin as Headmaster; but, thankfully, they remained, for the moment, in the minority.




As they entered March the weather became drier, but cruel winds skinned their hands and faces every time they went out onto the grounds. There were delays in the post because the owls kept being blown off course. Harry had sent Hedwig to Sirius with a letter and turned up at breakfast on Friday morning with half her feathers sticking up the wrong way; Harry had no sooner torn off Sirius's reply when she took flight, clearly afraid she was going to be sent outside again. She only took one piece of bacon with her, kindly offered by Daphne.

The new Head of Gryffindor House was Professor Vector, the new Head of Ravenclaw House was Professor Babbling, and the new Head of Slytherin House was Professor Sinistra. Though she was now also Deputy Headmistress, Professor Sprout also chose to remain as Head of Hufflepuff House. That made all four Heads of Houses, witches.

At lunch on Friday, the 5th of March, they were approached by Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson.

All of them were looking at something Harry couldn't see and sniggering heartily. Parkinson's pug-like face peered excitedly around Goyle's broad back at the Eight as they approached.

"There they are, there they are!" she giggled, and the knot of Slytherins broke apart. Harry saw that Parkinson had a magazine in her hands - Witch Weekly. The moving picture on the front showed a curly-haired witch who was smiling toothily and pointing at a large sponge cake with her wand.

"You might find something to interest you in there, Granger!" Parkinson said loudly, and she threw the magazine at Hermione, who caught it, looking startled.

Hermione hastily rifled through the magazine. At last, in the center pages, Hermione found what they were looking for. Harry and the others leaned in closer. A colour photograph of Harry headed a short piece entitled:

Harry Potter's Secret Heartache

A boy like no other, perhaps - yet a boy suffering all the usual pangs of adolescence, writes Rita Skeeter. Deprived of love since the tragic demise of his parents, fourteen-year-old Harry Potter thought he had found solace in his steady girlfriend at Hogwarts, Muggle-born Hermione Granger. Little did he know that he would shortly be suffering yet another emotional blow in a life already littered with personal loss.

Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to have a taste for famous wizards that Harry alone cannot satisfy. Since the arrival at Hogwarts of Viktor Krum, Bulgarian Seeker and hero of the last World Quidditch Cup, Miss Granger has been toying with both boys' affections. Krum, who is openly smitten with the devious Miss Granger, has already invited her to visit him in Bulgaria over the summer holidays, and insists that he has "never felt this way about any other girl."

However, it might not be Miss Granger's doubtful natural charms that have captured these unfortunate boys' interest.

"She's really ugly," says Pansy Parkinson, a pretty and vivacious fourth-year student, "but she'd be well up to making a Love Potion, she's quite brainy. I think that's how she's doing it."

Love Potions are, of course, banned at Hogwarts, and no doubt Headmaster Filius Flitwick will want to investigate these claims. In the meantime, Harry Potter's well-wishers must hope that, next time, he bestows his heart on a worthier candidate.

The article completely ignored the fact that Harry was betrothed to Daphne. And that it had been public for well over three years.

Harry looked up at Parkinson, who was looking back a little gleefully, and said, "Miss Parkinson, please inform your father he will soon be contacted by my lawyer, Mister Dewey Skroohem, within the next couple of days, concerning your unlawful defamation of character, libel, of Lady Hermione. As you are his current heir, I'm holding him responsible for your actions. He can pay up - whatever it is Mister Skroohem asks of him - or face my champion on the duelling piste. With this level of character assassination I think I'm well within my rights for the duel to be to the death. Good day to you."

Parkinson went white in shock before her eyes started to fill with tears. Her bottom lip started to tremble and she suddenly spun about and ran from the Great Hall. Malfoy glared at Harry before he dashed out after Parkinson - Goyle and Crabbe hurried to follow.

"Well," said Harry. "It appears Miss Skeeter has gone back to work for Witch Weekly after she was fired from the Daily Prophet. It's a pity - for her - she doesn't realise the ban on writing stories about me also includes Witch Weekly."

"And, when did you and I break up, Harry?" asked Daphne. "Even Skeeter knows that's not possible."

Hermione stopped looking astonished and snorted with laughter. She was shaking with suppressed giggles as she looked around at the others. "If that's the best Rita can do, she's losing her touch," she said, still giggling, as she threw the magazine onto the table top before her. "What a pile of old rubbish."

She looked over at the Slytherins, who were all watching her and Harry closely across the room to see if they had been upset by the article. Hermione gave them a sarcastic smile and a wave.

"There's something funny, though," said Hermione ten minutes later. "How could Rita Skeeter have known...?"

"Known what?" asked Tracey, quickly. "You haven't been mixing up Love Potions, have you?"

"Don't be stupid," Hermione snapped, before she sighed and said, "Sorry, no. It's just - how did she know Viktor asked me to visit him over the summer? No one else was in range to hear."

Hermione blushed scarlet as she said this and determinedly avoided everyone's eyes.

"What?" asked Susan, suddenly staring in shock at Hermione.

"He asked me right after he paid me a visit in the infirmary after he pulled my doppelgänger doll out of the lake," Hermione muttered. "He sort of pulled me away from the others so they wouldn't hear, and he asked, if I wasn't doing anything over the summer, would I like to..."

"And what did you say?" asked Tracey, eagerly.

"And he did say he'd never felt the same way about anyone else," Hermione went on, going so red now that Harry could almost feel the heat coming from her. "But, how could Skeeter have heard him? She wasn't there - or was she? Maybe she's got an Invisibility Cloak; maybe she sneaked onto the grounds to watch the second task..."

"And what did you say?" Tracey eagerly repeated.

"I said - I would think about it and let him know," she blushed.




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