Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk-Chapter 80 - Eighty - Wedding Prep

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Chapter 80: Chapter Eighty - Wedding Prep

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Eighty - Wedding Prep




The little elf popped into Harry's room at Greengrass Estate, where he was making deep inroads into getting his homework out of the way before the wedding.

"Master Harry," said the little elf deferentially, getting Harry's attention. "Mistress Issy would like you to see her in the lady's parlour."

Harry nodded to the elf and said, "Thank you."

He set aside what he was working on, his transfiguration assignment, and made his way along the floor to the lady's parlour. He'd looked in there, once before, when being given his initial tour of the Estate. However, he was also told it was a room for the ladies of the Estate, only. And that he was not to enter unless specifically invited. This was the first time he had been.

He knocked on the door and, hearing the invitation to enter, opened the door and walked in.

In the centre of the room were three long tables even spaced and parallel to one another. They were covered in brochures, swatches of material, photographs, and other paraphernalia. One end of the middle table had a white cloth covering what was under it. Isabel and Daphne were moving around them.

Looking up, Isabel smiled at him, gestured and said, "Come in, Harry. You need to see this."

Walking forward to stand beside her, Harry looked across the three tables and frowned. "What is all this?" he asked.

"This is the planning for your wedding," explained Isabel. Indicating the tables, left to right, she said, "The first one is the planning for the arrangements that occur before the wedding. The middle is the wedding, itself. The far right is the reception and honeymoon. On the last, you'll notice there's a great deal of the table that's, shall we say, blank."

Harry did notice that.

"That area of the table is for your honeymoon, and for the arrangements of what happens after the honeymoon; such as where you'll be living," she explained. "That's mainly your task. You need to make a start on it, soon - very soon."

"Oh," he said. "Mainly, I have it all in my head."

"That may be fine for you, Harry," she said. "But, Daphne, at least, needs to know what's going on there; so wardrobes, and the like, can be planned."

Nodding in understanding, he said, "Alright; I can understand that. I'll get it all down on paper for you. Anything else I need to be concerned with?"

"Oh yes, dear boy; oh yes," she chuckled.

Harry immediately had the distinct impression he was in for an experience similar to 'lady shopping'.

Isabel hustled him forward to the table on the left and started to explain things to him. But, worse, she started asking his opinion of things. And she didn't give him any clues as to what answers she wanted!

He was a guy, for Merlin's sake! What did he know about colours such as watermelon, taupe and chartreuse. He didn't even know they were colours! When she mentioned something about crushed velvet, he said he was sure the house elves could smooth it all out again. She looked so disappointed with him. It was maddening!

When she showed him what he thought was a modern work of art in the form of some type of tapestry, she told him it was the schedule of 'the event'. It was huge!

Eventually, he was handed a stack of books and told to go read them. They were on subjects covering wedding ceremonies of the magical world, wedding breakfasts, types of wedding receptions, length of honeymoons, honeymoon destinations, how to invite guests, who should be considered guests, duties of the groom, duties of the groomsmen, duties of the family of the groom, and a wealth of other subjects.

He needed help and he knew who he needed to see to get that help. It was time for a visit to the Black House; aka, the Kennel.

After spending a few hours with his godfather and honourary uncle to give him advice, he was ready to return to Greengrass Estate.

He was now armed with a stack of parchment with a summary of what he really needed to do. He was ready to 'plan'. Through his efforts there, he also had jobs for Sirius and Remus that would make them feel inclusive of the wedding party.

He set to work.




Harry and Daphne also met with Monty Wordsworth, apologised for having to shut him out the previous school year, and promptly gave the man the story about him finding out about being the rightful heirs of both Gryffindor and Slytherin.

In return, Monty promised to hold off on the story until the morning edition immediately after the next Wizengamot session, when Harry would officially take control of two of the seats reserved for the heirs of the founders.

Monty smiled and said, "Of course I can do that, Lord Potter. After all, far be it for me to ignore a direction from the man who is my ultimate boss."

"I didn't know you knew that," said Harry. "I didn't want it to become an issue between us."

Monty waved it off as if it was of no matter.




The actual Wizengamot session was a breeze. No one was going to upset the again hero of the wizarding world by objecting to his claim to the two founders' seats.

Of course, everyone wanted to shake his hand, and be seen doing so. Some members even brought along a paid photographer to take wizarding photographs of the act.

The only real annoyances of the evening were the number of Heads who - not so subtly - wanted to propose the drafting of betrothal contracts between him and daughters of their Houses.

On that night, he received unofficial offers for the following students still at Hogwarts: Patricia Stimson and Katie Bell of Gryffindor; Henrietta Vaisey (Miss Fake Boobs) and Millicent Bulstrode of Slytherin; Marietta Edgecombe, Morag McDougal and Shirley Fawcett of Ravenclaw; and Wilma Summerby of Hufflepuff.

Once the article Monty wrote for the Prophet came out, the following two days of wedding planning had to be put on hold while the written offers of marriage and betrothal contracts could be sorted and dealt with.

Of current students at Hogwarts for those, he received offers for Shirley Fawcett, Victoria Frobisher and Demelza Robins of Gryffindor; Amanda Brocklehurst of Ravenclaw; and Eleanor Branstone of Hufflepuff. The others were names he did not recognise; or were simply 'as yet unnamed daughter' of House So-and-so.

"How in Merlin's name am I supposed to look these girls in the eye when we get back to Hogwarts?" he grumbled to Cygnus and Daphne.

"This is expected in these families, Harry," said Cygnus. "Don't worry about it. However, you may want to consider some of these girls may have - encouraged - their Head of House to make these offers. The same could be said for the older ones who have already graduated."

Harry just sat back and grumbled under his breath.

"Just so you know," he said, after sitting back up again. "I have no intention of doing this to any daughters we may have! Any contracts will not be considered until such time as they are old enough to make their own decision; and, the prospective groom had also better be desiring of it.

"I think Michael Abbott and Gran had the right of it for Hannah and Neville. That's how I think these things should be done."

Almost angrily moving documents around, he said, "Look at this one. A betrothal contract for - 'an as yet unborn daughter of the union of Harry James Potter and Daphne Ophelia Greengrass' and 'the first born son of Ignatus Wilfred Wood and Juliette May Quirke, Bartwinkle Ian Wood, to be married when they come of age'. Plus, they want guarantees the title of Lord Gryffindor will be - get this - 'passed to the product of their union'!

"Daph and I have not even married yet, let alone - well - you know - and they're looking for us to betroth her - if there is a 'her' - complete with guaranteed title to the Gryffindor estates, and this is considered normal?

"I know Oliver Wood, Ignatus's younger brother, and he's a great bloke. But, right now, I just want to hunt him down and punch him in the mouth just for being related to this Cadmael Wood mongrel!"

"A lot of these people are acting off the basis you and Daphne were betrothed at a young age," explained Cygnus. "And probably believe you'd be open, yourselves, to such a contract."

"Well, I'm not!" grumped Harry.

"Harry," said Cygnus. "I think I better draft up the responses in the negative to each of these and just let you sign them. I don't want to find myself allied to you in a blood feud with another House just because you've referred to their Head as a 'mongrel'."

Harry snorted. "Thank you, Cygnus. That would be appreciated."




Getting frazzled, a little, Daphne called in Hermione and Tracey to help with the planning of the wedding. Both girls, they knew, had a head for scheduling. For more and more, Isabel stepped back to let them go. She only 'oversaw' what was happening, and made suggestions as necessary.

With Sirius and Remus now acting as family for the groom, they brought in Wendell and Monica to act as honourary aunts and uncles for Harry. Sirius even coined the term 'Team Groom'. Monica also fulfilled the role as the mother of the groom and was dragged in by 'Team Bride' to work between the two.

Harry was very happy to let them go for it and only, then, had to make decisions.

Of course, Neville was acting as Best Man and, in a fit of inspiration, he tagged the Weasley twins as the two other groomsmen. Daphne approved and said she was already planning on dropping hints if he didn't work it out for himself before too much longer. That was his biggest worry taken care of.

"You knew I was going to pick them?" he asked her, surprised.

"Of course," she said. "The only one who didn't know, was you."

"Oh," he said, sheepishly.

"We did, after all, have to pick colours that wouldn't clash with that Weasley red hair," she said. "Now, you just have to go and ask them. And - tell them that pranks are utterly banned for the event. You don't prank weddings; it's bad luck.

"That means the Weasley twins are crossed off the lists for the wedding and the reception. They're now 'wedding party'. However, you need to find out if they have dates and, if they do, we have to look at seating them. Make sure you find that out, too."

"Got it," he said.

"While I'm at it," she continued, "find out if Sirius or Remus have lady friends that need inviting, and anyone from the Black family we simply cannot leave out.

"Got that, too," he said.

By the end of the day, Harry learned that the twins wanted to bring Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet - two of the chasers off the Gryffindor Quidditch team - as their dates. Harry had met both and liked them; and their names were added to the guest list and to the table of friends.

Remus claimed he didn't have anyone; but, Sirius took Harry aside and told him to invite Nymphadora Tonks - Harry remembered her being a seventh year Hufflepuff in his first year - as Moony's 'date'. Ted and Andromeda Tonks were invited as part of his extended family in the Blacks. And, grudgingly, the names Dowager Lady Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson, as his betrothed, were added for the same reason. Harry allowed them to be invited so long as Sirius brought a suitable date, as well. He agreed.

On the Greengrass side, young Tori's date was a surprise to Harry - Colin Creevey. Harry had fun tweaking her about it for about a day before both Isabel and Daphne told him to back off. Harry still intended to give him the 'shovel' talk, though. But, as way of apology to his future baby sister, he told Tori she could tell Colin he could be the official wedding photographer.

Wizarding weddings didn't usually have one, so Harry had to explain the concept to Daphne and Isabel. They loved the idea. When Cygnus found out about it he was surprised Harry suggested it.

"Think about it this way," he told his near-future father-in-law, "As official photographer, young Colin is going to be too busy taking photographs to spend too much time around Tori."

Thinking of that for a moment, Cygnus guffawed and slapped Harry on the back. "Very devious of you, Lord Slytherin!" he chuckled.




Before he even realised how close it had become, the wedding was soon only a few days away.

Harry was sent to Potter Manor to 'oversee' the organisation and preparation taking place there. At least, that's what he was told.

In reality, Isabel and Daphne were already liaising with the Potter elves and the little folk were already well informed as to what needed to happen. No, he was sent there because he was starting to become a bit of a nervous wreck and he was driving the Greengrasses, Daphne in particular, to distraction.

At Potter Manor, so that he didn't feel as if he was bouncing off the walls, Harry called in Neville, the twins, Blaise Zabini, Sirius and Remus to keep him company. That was a bad idea. Sirius, probably, dosed the butterbeers the boys were drinking with an Alcohol Enhancing Potion - not illegal, but much frowned upon - and got the five young friends drunk.

Early that evening, the aurors were called to Diagon Alley to deal with 'a disturbance'. The five young men were stripped down to their underwear and were singing bawdy ditties at the top of their lungs in front of the steps of Gringotts.

Aunt Amelia turned up in her official role as Head of the DMLE, yelled at them, tied them all together using Incarcerous, and forced Harry to activate his portkey back to Potter Manor. The spinning made all five violently ill and the elves were not happy cleaning up the mess they made of the floor of the Potter Manor Lord's office when they landed as a still-bound-together mass sprawled on the floor.

The next morning, the five, still nursing hangovers wile trying to eat something for breakfast, were blasted by three Howlers; one from Daphne, one from Gran, and one from Missus Weasley aimed at the twins. It was agreed that Missus Weasley was the most shrill; but, Daphne's scored the most points for pure invectiveness.

Harry found out later - while still nursing a hangover - that Sirius and Remus were also in the Alley, at the time, under Disillusionment Charms to watch over them. They'd spent a lot of their time, there, laughing their heads off at the five boys.

Daphne had already called in to Greengrass Estate, Hermione and Tracey; but, added Susan and Hannah to the planning team of 'Team Bride'. Luna turned up the next day, two days before the wedding.

Just to get out of the Manor for a while, Harry took the menfolk, including Wendell, in to Diagon Alley and to Twillfit and Tattings to make sure they were fully dressed in the finest robes available for the wedding. Of them all, Wendell seemed to be most amused by dressing as a 'real wizard'.

At first, it appeared Mister Tatting wanted to throw him out of the store until Harry glared at the man. "I am Lord Harry James Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor. And he is the father of Lady Hermione Jean Dagworth-Granger. You will show the man respect."

A bit of profuse apologising, together with bowing and scraping, saw all of them well treated from that moment forth.

The dresser did get his own 'dig' back when he said, "I must say, Lord Potter, that rendition of 'The Witch's Cauldron' you gave in the Alley the other night was, shall we say, quite entertaining."

Harry, Neville and the twins all blushed, while Sirius and Remus sniggered. Remus had to tell Wendell what happened.

All of them were fitted for formal robes with their House Crests, including Wendell. They all wore plain black outer robes with silver inner robes. The only difference was that Harry had brought with him swatches of the material for the bride and bride's maids. Harry was fitted with a bowtie and cummerbund in Ivory; while Neville and the twins had the same but in the same colour as the bride's maids' dresses, French Green; which went well with the silver.

"I think your future wife is trying to turn us three Gryffindors into Slytherins," said Neville, looking at himself in one of the full length mirrors provided.

"What?" the twins gasped in stereo, before running to another of the mirrors and checking out their reflections.

"Ye, gads!" said one

"What're we to do?" said the other.

"Suck it up!" smirked Blaise. "Besides, I think you both should have been sorted into Slytherin, in the first place.

"What are you..."

"... saying?" they cried.

"You're resourceful, ambitious and cunning," replied Blaise, ticking them off on his fingers. "Those are dominant Slytherin traits."

Both seemed to deflate, at that moment.

"Oh, dear," said one.

"Busted!" said the other.

Sirius looked at them sharply for a moment before he said, "Oh?"

Together the twins looked at him and sadly nodded.

"That's where the Hat...:

"... wanted to sort us."

"But we begged it ..."

"... to put is in..."

"Gryffindor," they said in stereo.

"What ever for?" asked Blaise.

"We'd have been disowned..."

"... if we'd gone into..."

"Slytherin!" they replied.

"Dad wouldn't."

"But, Mum would."

"It's alright, boys," said Sirius, smirking. "I did the same thing."

After their fitting was complete, Harry led them down to Gringotts. He had Neville, Sirius and Remus join him to go down to the Potter vaults. There, they helped him pick out the perfect wedding rings.

Sirius was the best at conjuring so he created a perfect little paired ring box for them. He handed it to Harry, who placed the rings within, and then passed it to Neville.

"There ya go, Nev," he said. "As Best Man, it's your job to keep them safe until you hand them to me at the ceremony."

Neville's chest swelled with pride as he dropped the box into an inner robe pocket. "They'll be safe with me, Harry."

"Never doubted it, Nev," replied Harry.

Sirius mock-sniffled and mock-dabbed his eyes. "I remember having the almost exact same conversation about the wedding rings of your parents - here, in this very vault - when your Dad handed the ring box to me."

Remus smacked him up back of the head and rolled his eyes.




Back at the manor, everyone put away their wedding wear, except Wendell, and headed back down to the informal dining room for a late lunch. The fitting had taken longer than they expected.

After they were finished, Wendell took his new robes and floo'ed to the Estate to show Monica what he'd be wearing. He returned about two hours later with Cygnus.

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"Cygnus?" queried Harry. "What brings you here."

"Escape!" he blandly said.

Harry just grinned and said, "I think Remus is in the library and Sirius is - well - I have no idea where Sirius is. The rest of us are just bouncing about, trying to keep ourselves occupied.

"Let's see," he mused. "Neville's in the greenhouses. The twins and Blaise have grabbed the old manor brooms and are whizzing about, out there. And I was about to head to the office, thinking I should make a start on the ward book for the wedding.

"Ah!" said Cygnus. "Then let us head there. I'll show you how to enter names, temporarily, within it; and how to make them time sensitive."

"Oh, good," said Harry. "I was just handed the list of wedding guests with how and when they'll arrive. I thought I'd have to enter them all in by hand, and then rule them out after the reception."

"Nope," said the older man. "There's a separate way to do what you want."

Relieved, Harry led Cygnus to 'his' office. Once in, he collected the ward book and took it back to the desk, ready to get started.

When he was sitting down, Cygnus came around and showed him what to do.




Finally, it was the day of the wedding.

Harry was surprised, the evening before, when Greengrass Estate elves turned up and moved all of Daphne's and his possessions from the Estate into the Lord's bedroom at Potter Manor, when he wasn't looking. When he looked in the walk in robe he felt he nearly had a heart attack. What once looked huge in size, now looked like they risked having insufficient space within.

Neville, the twins, Blaise, Sirius and Remus all stayed the night, the night before. So, they were all there for breakfast in the morning.

The combined elves, including Dobby and Winky, were cooking up a storm in the kitchen; so the household had to have breakfast out of the kitchen for the day.

The combined Greengrass and Potter house elves erected a huge white pavilion marquee the day before; so, now Harry knew where the wedding was going to be held. They then set everything up, inside it, after the boys left.

The ballroom was configured to hold the reception, and had been enlarged to both seat everyone, and hold dancing, afterwards.

In the Daily Prophet, that morning, were details of the wedding. That annoyed Harry, because he felt it was a security risk. However, his instructions to the staff of the newspaper were they were allowed to print any story, so long as it was true, was in the public's best interest to know, and wouldn't see them sued for libel.

Therefore, having the details of his and Daphne's wedding displayed for all to see met with those guidelines. He couldn't now go and yell at them for it.

They had the location and time of the event. Plus the two families involved, of course. But they had not much else.




Over at the Greengrass Estate, the girls had been getting ready since mid morning. There was little nervousness in this House of Chaos.

Expert wizarding beauticians had arrived to do make up and hair, the elves were handing out light snacks that had no chance of staining dresses, witches were talking a mile a minute, and Cygnus wished he could have dived out through the fireplace to Potter Manor early, to get away from it all.

Upstairs, in the lady's parlour, the tables and paraphernalia had long since disappeared. Now, it was a beauty salon with small dressing tables and large makeup mirrors for all the ladies.

Even Monica was grabbed and sat at one of the stations when she arrived. Wendell, of course, wasn't even allowed in through the door; and was told to, instead, 'Go find Cygnus and keep him out of trouble!' He found the Lord practically hiding in his office downstairs.

The first thing Cygnus did was hand him a small glass of aged scotch. Something Wendell was more than happy to accept.

"Best to stay away from upstairs," said Cygnus, solemnly.

"No need to tell me twice," replied Wendell.

The two men sat quietly, each lost to their thoughts for a time.

After a while, Wendell asked, "Nervous, my friend?"

Cygnus quietly thought for a while before replying, "No, strangely enough. More - sad, but satisfied.

"I'm sad one of my little girls is now all grown up and will join her new husband in bed, tonight," he said. "But, I also know I haven't lost her. Harry is very much the son Isabel and I never had.

"When the time comes, I believe I'll be very happy to pass on the family Headship and title of Regent Greengrass to him."

They both sat there for a while before Cygnus asked, "Are you aware of any suitors in Hermione's life, at this time?"

"No," replied Wendell. "At least, not yet - I'm quite surprised by that, if I was to be honest to myself. She's nearly sixteen years old, now. I would have expected at least a casual boyfriend, by now."

"What about this Victor Krum fellow?" asked Cygnus.

"Another friend like Harry, I think," sighed Wendell. "She's - portkeying - to see him next week - She's going all the way to Bulgaria on her own; and I don't know what to make of that."

"Mmm," said Cygnus. "We want to hug them and protect them from harm. But, they're also growing so fast. Next year, Hermione will be 'of age' and considered an adult in our world. She will legally be free to go where she wants, without parental interference. This trip may be good for her."

"That's what Mon' tells me," said Wendell. "However, it's hard to just let go, like that."

"And yet, we must," said Cygnus. "If we do not, they'll just resent us for it."

Both men sighed.




The wedding was scheduled for 6.00pm; and Harry was getting antsy.

With the excuse he wanted to make sure everything outside was perfect, Harry grabbed his Firebolt and went for a fly around the grounds, just to clear his head and stave off the panic attack he thought he was rapidly heading towards.

When he came back to earth, he discovered young Colin Creevey had arrived.

"Why are you here, already, Colin?" asked Harry.

"I need someone to allow me in to Greengrass Estate to take photos of preparations there, before they all come here," he said.

"Ah!" said Harry. "And they don't realise a wedding photographer in the muggle world does that sort of thing."

Colin shook his head. So, Harry floo called Cygnus and asked him to allow young Colin through. Cygnus asked for Colin's full name and said to wait about five minutes before sending him through.

When he pulled his head back out again, Harry said, "You can go through in about five minutes. In the mean time, how go the photos you took for me?"

"Oh, yes! I have them here," he said, reaching in to a large camera bag he had on his hip. Drawing forth a great stack, he handed them to Harry.

"Thank you," said Harry. "How much more do I owe you?"

"Ah," Colin said and giggled. "Nothing. What you've already given me isn't even half what it's cost me, so far."

"Good," said Harry, "I don't want you out of pocket. And make sure you charge me a good fee for taking wedding photographs today, alright?"

"Oh, Lord Greengrass has covered that, already," said the younger boy. "It's more than covered, actually."

After Colin told him a little bit about what he was hoping to purchase with the money Harry and Cygnus had given him, Harry interrupted him before he got too enthusiastic.

"It's been time enough," said Harry. "The Floo address is Greengrass Estate."

"Thanks, Harry!" said the chipper Colin. He dashed in the floo powder and spun away to the Estate.

About ten minutes before guests started arriving, Blaise took the boys aside and demonstrated the procedures for welcoming the guests; though, Neville already knew. Most were arriving by portkey onto the front portico, and were spaced two minutes apart. A select few were arriving by floo. Others were arriving by apparition beyond the gates and were then brought to the portico by a couple of house elves. It was almost literally all planned down to the last second.

The first people to arrive were a small contingent of aurors and hit wizards. They were going to be moving into positions to keep an eye on the guests. Some would be disillusioned, while others would be wearing Polyjuiced disguises.

Blaise and the twins waited in the Entry for those arriving by portkey or being brought in by apparition. They greeted them on their arrival and indicated their way through the manor to the back gardens.

Neville and Harry were waiting at the fireplace in the parlour for those few arriving via that method. These guests, too, where sent through to the back gardens.

In the back gardens were a few tables containing light finger food for the guests while they were waiting for everyone bar the bridal party to arrive.

Another two working guests were Monty Wordsworth and Penelope Clearwater; who were reporting on the wedding for the Daily Prophet and (Teen) Witch Weekly, respectively. Harry reminded them he knew they were here to do a job, but not to unduly bother the guests. They could write their stories, but not be nuisances.

"Be flies on the wall," he told them. "Be passive journalists, not active. And, if you want or need photographs for your articles, we have a young and very skilled photographer who can meet your needs. I assure you, he's more than up to the task. You'll see him performing his role shortly before the bride and her family arrive."

After thanking him for his thoughtfulness in inviting them and meeting their needs, they headed out to the back gardens.

A few of the minor guests, yet, wanted to talk to Harry about betrothal contracts. Already prepared for the possibility of someone trying to use the occasion of meeting him to foist such a betrothal contract on him, Harry gave the general response of, "That is a matter for another possible time. Thank you for coming, and I hope you enjoy the ceremony and celebration."

Once he'd thought all three hundred guests had arrived, as all the ones coming via floo had, Harry turned to Blaise and asked, "Any left via the front doors?"

"Nope," the other boy smiled. "That's it, except for the bridal party."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you for doing that, Blaise. It was really appreciated." A quick glance at his watch and he said, "Alright, a quick drink and short mingle and we'll need to get the guests into the wedding pavilion."

The Granger adults, Susan and Hannah had already arrived and were outside. Of course, Tracey and Hermione were with Daphne; as they, plus Astoria, were bride's maids.

The five of them headed out through the back doors to, once more, greet the guests before ushering them down to the marquee.




As Harry stood on the small dais with Neville, the twins and the Wizarding Minister, he was fidgeting and looking out upon the sea of faces there to watch him and Daphne marry. Playing in the background was Bach's Air on a G-String. Chosen for its soothing quality. But, it was doing little to soothe Harry's nervousness.

"Harry," whispered Neville. "Relax, would you? She's being 'fashionably late'. It's tradition!"

Looking on the groom's side of the aisle, Harry could see Sirius, his date, Remus, Nymphadora Tonks, Gran and Aunt Amelia sitting in the front row. The rest of the guests were behind. He saw Ted and Andromeda Tonks sitting there with Narcissa Malfoy, but not Draco. He was on the other side.

He could see Ginny and other Hogwarts' friends including Professors Flitwick, Sprout, Babbling, Vector and McGonagall, and Madam Pomfrey. Ravenclaw classmates were also there.

On the bride's side and in the front row, he saw Isabel, the adult Grangers and a couple of people he didn't know; but, expected to be aunts, uncles and cousins. He saw a couple of people from Slytherin behind them, including Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson; and others behind even them. The guest list included most of the Wizengamot, many department Heads from within the Ministry, a lot of aurors, and some Unspeakables. He recognised 'Uncle Algie' sitting off to one side.

However, most of them he didn't know until they'd arrived. Until then, they were just names on the guest list.

The ones he was being most careful around were those purebloods he knew who were supposed to be supporters of the late Tom Riddle. He, Cygnus, Sirius, Remus and Amelia knew they were too important not to invite, and still very dangerous.

At about ten minutes past the mark, Colin came in and raced up the aisle towards Harry.

"Face me, please, gents!" as soon as everyone was in position, he took a couple of photographs. He then lowered his camera, grinned, spun about and waited.

"Here she comes..." muttered Harry, getting even more fidgety.

Suddenly, the Bridal Processional, Wagner's Bridal Chorus, started up. Though, he knew it to be a favourite of formal muggle weddings, he didn't know it was the same with wizarding weddings.

The guests all rose as one and turned to the doors at the rear to await the arrival of the bride.

The curtains marking the 'door' into the marquee were evenly pulled aside by magic, and in came Cygnus walking proudly with his eldest daughter, Daphne, on his arm.

Harry took one look at her, let out a little 'Eep!' sound, and thought he was going to faint.

Neville reached out and squeezed Harry on his left elbow. "Eeeasy, Harry," he whispered. "Breeeeaaathe!"

Harry dimly heard his best mate but found himself complying. With his heart thumping away, he clamped on his Occlumency and tried to get his breathing and heart rate under control by lightly mediating.

All too soon - or, for what felt like forever - Daphne was being guided by her father to Harry's side before the Minister. He almost forgot the wizarding tradition of reaching over and shaking Cygnus's hand, before the man moved over to sit next to Isabel.

Harry almost missed Tracey, Hermione and Astoria moving into position on the other side of Daphne. Almost - inconsequentially - he thought they looked nice.

As the bride and groom parties turned back to face the Minister, the processional came to a faded stop.

The Minister very quietly cleared his throat and said, "Dearly beloved..."


