Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith-Chapter 261: Roaring Metal
"Just like that?" Skylar asked, staring at Irwin in confusion.
Irwin sighed. He'd had worried Skylar might have taken this badly, but seeing the hurt look, he wished things had been indifferent. He'd come to see the stormy man as his friend, enjoying the other's boundless enthusiasm.
Looking around the cozy Tappestery, he wished he had more time for a proper goodbye, but he just didn't.
"Are you going to see your Igntizion girlfriend?" Pasilha asked.
Irwin focused on her, noticing Skylar tapping his finger on the table and staring at his mug.
"I wish I had the time for that, but I need to go on the mission," he said.
It didn't take him too much difficulty to look properly annoyed- because he was. He'd planned a few things the day before, one of which was a proper goodbye.
At least it's better than what Ambraz got, he suddenly thought. The memory of Ambraz roaring in anger and pain would stay with him for a long time.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of that."
Irwin looked up to see her stare at him with a look of sympathy, while Roubi looked like she was ready to cry- odd as she didn't even have tears as far as Irwin knew.
"So romantic," she whispered.
"Do you really have to leave now? Can't we just… play one song or something?" Skylar asked.
He looked at Irwin hopefully. "We practiced for it so much and still never got to play here!" he said, waving around.
Irwin hesitated for only a moment. "Okay, but only Roaring Metal. I don't have time for the rest."
Skylar was running for the tiny podium before he finished his sentence. There was a small group sitting beside it, waiting their turn- and Irwin was pretty sure Skylar would be able to get them to let them go first.
"Are you sure you are up to playing?" Pasilha asked.
Irwin nodded.
Let's do two things at the same time then.
He focused on his newest card. It felt far better among his others than the two topaz cards he'd temporarily slotted- and its resonance was a barely noticeable sweet hum.
With a small flex of will, a translucent square appeared before him. Thin, glowing lines covered its main surface, with what seemed to be decorative swirls accenting the sides. Nobody reacted, which he hadn't expected. It was the only ability they hadn't been able to manifest, though Ambraz had been sure it could be added later.
For now, this will do, Irwin thought. Besides, the music book was a summon, and he could just show people that if he had to.
"Alright, I think we are up," Pasilha said.
Irwin saw Skylar beckon them from the side of the podium and got up. Pasilha looked nervous as she followed him, but Roubi was grinning like mad as she ran ahead.
"She really isn't afraid of anything… what if people don't like it? Perhaps we should wait a bit longer?" Pasilha whispered, seeming to have momentarily forgotten about Irwin's situation.
Irwin looked around the room at the hundreds of people eating, drinking, dancing, and having a good time.
"Don't worry- we have heard things go poorly here many times, and nobody ever made a problem of it!"
Pasilha nodded, but she was obviously nervous, which was odd as she was the only one who wouldn't perform.
They reached the podium, and Roubi was practically jumping up and down in excitement. Skylar had his saxhorn ready and stared at Irwin.
"I know you need to leave- I can feel the urgency in everything you told us, but… I need memories. It's how my people live and are!"
"Then let's get you some," Irwin said as he summoned his soulstrum guitar.
The currently playing group, one drummer and a singer with a voice like a bird, finished up, and Roubi bounded up the podium before they were completely gone.
"Alright, let's do this," Skylar said, eyes gleaming as he followed her.
Irwin followed him, and as he turned to the people on the other side, he noticed a tiny seed of worry in his stomach. Somehow, standing here felt different.
"Hey, people! It's our first time here, and we are going to try something different," Roubi shouted, her card-enhanced voice carrying throughout the room and causing nearly everyone to look at her in surprise.
"I think some of you might have heard a bit before when Irwin here blew up his sound-dampening runes!"
Irwin wanted to shake his head, but instead, he shared a look with Skylar while Pasilha was shaking her head, glaring at her friend.
However, the people in The Tappestery were all eagerly looking at the podium.
"Alright! Let's do this," Roubi shouted.
Irwin took a deep breath, exhaled, clamped down on the soulforce in his strings, and struck down, causing the starting chord of their song. The sound of a hundred high-strung strings of metal pulled taut blared through the room.
Ambraz flew through the hallway, his mind numb. No matter what he'd tried, Brazardian had been unwilling to change his plans, and Des had been unwilling to go against their progenitor's wishes.
As if it matters, he thought angrily.
If things went to shit as bad as Brazardian feared, which he had very little evidence for, having two of them in one world would barely make a difference.
He was suddenly happy that You'gyn would be coming with them. Brazardian could only send a handful of rank fives with him, and although he was happy that Hou'dor was coming, they would need all the help they could get to teach those rank zeros, especially if they were to bring Montain and the other three brats along.
Seriously, he won't let me bring Des, but I do have to smuggle a set of high-potential smiths away?!
He almost shouted in anger.
He hesitated as he reached the path to his own chambers, then flew past them. Part of him wanted to be alone and rage a bit, but he was too old for that. What kind of example would he be if he did that?
Grinding his metal molars, he increased his speed towards his servants' quarters. His attempts and final goodbyes had taken far longer than he'd wanted, and the subsequent demands for more cards nearly as much.
A nasty grin came to his face as he remembered Brazardian's reaction when he demanded all of them. That had been fun, and on any other day, he would have savored it, especially as he'd managed to get the kid a whole slew of extra things to work with. Probably not for now or any time soon, but it was definitely useful for his third card.
As he closed in, he saw the swirling ambient soulforce move in odd waves while he began hearing the familiar whine of the kid's instrument.
He's playing?
He increased his speed, wondering what was going on. Halfway there, he could hear the voice of that Ignitzion brat, Roubi, and as he shot through the cylinder and into the room, he stopped dead. Irwin, Skylar and Roubi where playing at the back of the room, while Greldo, Rindiri and the others where standing in the center swaying, laughing and singing along with Roubi's rough, screechy voice.
The song was just winding down, and as Irwin and Skylar stopped playing, Roubi let out a final happy scream.
Ambraz flew towards the kid, landing on his shoulder, just as Skylar and Roubi ran over.
"Was it better this time?" Skylar asked.
"I'll check, then I need to talk with Ambraz," Irwin said.
Oh! He's been using the new card? Ambraz thought as felt Irwin's soulforce move as he summoned something.
A large, thin book appeared in his hands, and as he opened it, Ambraz saw that the first two pages were filled with music. There were different lines for the two instruments, while the words together with the notes were on their own lines. Both pages showed the same song. Well, almost the same. Although he wasn't that good with music, he recognized the flaws in the resonances immediately. Wrong notes, wrong timing, and sounds drawn out too long or played too short.
Oh, this is going to be perfect! Ambraz thought as he flew closer.
Skylar hovered over the book, nodding. "Right, right!" he said, jotting his finger on one of his lines. "This time, I didn't make the same mistake! This is so useful!"
"Pasilha, I want one of these cards!" Roubi shouted as she turned to her friend.
Ambraz hummed, then focused on Irwin. "Kid, we need to take care of some things."
Irwin turned to Skylar and the others, his smile vanishing.
"I'll try and get them on paper before I leave."
Skylar nodded while Roubi jumped forward and wrapped him in a hug before jumping back, almost bouncing where she stood.
“Bring Greldo and Rindiri,” Ambraz said.
Irwin looked up in surprise but nodded without asking a question.
At least he listens and doesn't just see me as a tool, Ambraz thought happily. I'm going to try one more time with Des tomorrow. Perhaps I can get him to join us if I tell him about the other potential smiths again.
Irwin walked to his private chambers with Greldo and Rindiri, and as soon as they entered, he looked at Ambraz.
"Are you alright?"
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The tiny Ganvil's mouth -the only true way of expression he had- pursed tightly.
"Des won't be coming. I tried, but that old fool wouldn't change his mind."
Irwin heard the anger and pain, and he sighed.
"Perhaps if I ask?" he said, knowing it would probably do nothing.
"Don't bother, kid," Ambraz snorted. "Des is a big Ganvil, and he can make his own decisions. If he wanted to, he could ignore Brazardian's orders, but he doesn't."
There was a slightly uncomfortable silence before Ambraz flew to the table.
"Alright, we need to talk. Did you fill them in yet?"
"No, I brought Skylar and the girls here because they didn't want to say goodbye yet."
"It's fine, then let's get this out of the way," Ambraz snorted.
Irwin leaned back as he listened to Ambraz quickly explain why they had to leave. When he finished, Greldo let out a short laugh, shaking his head.
"So, back to flying across the Portal Gallery! I take it that things like food have been taken care of?"
"We should have enough to last everyone for over a year," Ambraz said.
"Alright, I'll go and take a look then," Greldo said as he got up. "Make sure everything is really okay and get a feel for that new ship. Perhaps come up with a name!"
"Okay, make sure you return before morning. I'm going to reforge your card, and you need to slot it," Irwin said.
Greldo’s grin widened. "About time," he said before vanishing into the shadows.
"Can you prepare the others?" Irwin asked, looking at Rindiri.
She had been quietly watching and waiting and nodded. "Yes, captain," she said before frowning.
"Is something wrong?" Irwin asked, focusing on his first mate.
"Captain… Ambraz, what will happen to the Sonata?"
"It has been repaired as best as possible and will be returned to the merchant group if possible," Ambraz said. "Though, honestly, I think it will probably remain here in the dock for a very long time."
Rindiri was quiet again, and as much as Irwin wanted to get to reforging, he could see something still bothering her.
After a few minutes, she looked at him, a look of resolve in her eyes.
"Captain, I would like to request that the Sonata be placed under my command."
Irwin's mind halted for a second as he tried to understand why she would want that. Did she want to follow behind them, not lose the ship? He could understand, as he had lots of fond memories of it, but it would slow them down far too much.
"I would like to ask for permission to set out to find as many of my people as I can and bring them back," Rindiri said, her eyes locked on his. "I agree with Brazardian's conclusion. There are too many things happening, too many changes. I fear that we are in a great upheaval, and my people are currently spread out and ostracized. If anything happens, they will likely be wiped out."
Irwin quietly looked back at Rindiri, noticing the steel in her gaze. She was asking, but he had the feeling that if he didn't agree, that she would still go- just without any help.
"What about Zender and Earila?"
"I hope they can stay with you," Rindiri said. "Although they have become much stronger, as it stands, neither can gain a soulcard, and it's too dangerous for them to come with me."
"You would go alone?" Irwin asked hesitantly. He knew just how much the Portal Gallery at large feared the Yuurindi and their potential for overpopulation.
"I… would like to ask Ambraz to send one of his rank fives with me," Rindiri said, focusing on the Ganvil. "That would prevent any issues I might have until I reach the nearest harbor with my people on it."
"I could do that," Ambraz said slowly. "But how are you going to make sure you don't bring any troublemakers? No race is perfect, and I'm sure there will be some Yuurindi we don't want anywhere near where we are going."
Rindiri's look turned even more steely. "I know, which is why I'll be testing them as we move. If I find they are trouble, I'll leave them. Or…”
The deadly viciousness in Rindiri's eyes caught Irwin by surprise, and he swallowed.
"My people need a way out," she said, her voice low. "I won't have any of them mess it up."
"Good," Ambraz said, showing zero reaction to Rindiri's sudden viciousness. "Then I know exactly who to send with you. Zir'dor is from the same generation as my friend Hou'dor, and he can tell you if someone is lying."
"So you will help?" Rindiri asked, looking at Irwin and then Ambraz.
Irwin nodded. Although he'd have preferred to take Rindiri along with him, there was no way he could go looking for her people.
Rindiri held his gaze. "I promise I won't tell anyone. If necessary, I'll take my own life."
Irwin wanted to say that wouldn't be needed, but he didn't. He took a deep breath, then nodded. Rindiri was right. With everything happening, the one thing they couldn't allow was public knowledge of Eluathar.
"I'll go and tell Zender and Earila," Rindiri said as she got up. "I'll talk to you tomorrow morning."
Irwin watched her walk away and close the door, wondering if she would succeed. Would they see each other in a few years, Rindiri with a mass of her people in tow?
"Alright, kid, we don't have a lot of time left. How about you show me what this new card of yours can do," Ambraz said.
Irwin got up, taking out the cards he knew he would need to work through. Those that succeeded would have to become Ruby rank, and he wondered if even he had a large enough soulforce for that.
If need be, Ambraz can feed on whatever we have to get us there, he thought.
The rest of the evening passed in a blur of reforging, humming, checking music sheets, and angry cursing.
Finally, a few hours till dawn, a booming shout of joy rattled the room.
"Finally!" Irwin shouted, lowering his hammer, his heart thudding like crazy.
The glow of the card on the anvil slowly weakened, and he gazed at the deceptively simple-looking emerald card there. It showed two faint figures, backs together, eyes glowing. It was the single last card that could have become what they wanted, and it almost failed twice. It was only just over eighty percent, but he didn't care.
"It will have a negative side to it," Ambraz said slowly. It's too close to breaking for it not to."
"It's fine," Irwin said as he picked up the card. "I'll slot it, then we can test it and use it to try the last one. We need a ruby rank anyway. Can you-"
"Yeah, let me see what we have here," Ambraz said.
He was quiet for a bit before sighing. "Alright, we can work with this."
A burst of light later, Irwin quickly flipped open the book and read the card. He grimaced.
"Split Soul—each part is half of the whole and can think independently. Half the power and control… that's going to be difficult."
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"Just slot it and try. Practice with it for a bit, and we can do some practice runs. Then, you can attempt to use it on the last one. If that fails… well, Brazardian is going to make sure we get a whole boatload of cards so we can try on the ship. You will have a proper room there, with noise-canceling runes, so we can still try."
Irwin looked at the card, somewhat annoyed. After all their attempts, it still wasn't what he really wanted.
"Fine, let's see what this does," he muttered.
He held the card above the middle slot of his second hand and watched it sink in. A few moments passed, and then he sensed the card settle among the others. Part of him knew that most people couldn't so easily use a new card, but the effects of all his soulforce sensitivity paid dividends even here.
"Go to your mindscape before you try," Ambraz said.
Irwin nodded as he prodded the card, hearing and feeling the almost cracked presence of the card. He sat down, closed his eyes, and a moment later reappeared in his soulscape.
Five cards hovered above the lake, the first three bound tightly. His Incandescent Eyes, Soulforce Hearing, and Ethereal Strings all had something to do with either sound or soulforce visualization or both, and they were far more compatible than the first three cards of his first soulcard.
A bit to the side of them, Tablatures of Soul and Song was a beacon of near-perfection, making the Split Soul one look even worse. Dim and with cracks along its surface, Irwin frowned as he looked at it.
"Don't worry. Even if we have to use this, it will become much better when we create the heartcard," Ambraz. "Now, go and try it!"
Irwin stared at the card.
We are definitely making a better one, he decided.
Then he focused on the card, sensing the single active. With some trepidation, he triggered it, and for a single moment, he felt something rip him in two. Then he stood, staring at himself, staring at himself, staring at himself-
Irwin jerked his heads to the side, shivering and close to vomiting.
"What-" he began, two sets of voices coming from him.
"Calm down, kid… kids… whatever! This one-" Irwin felt Ambraz sit down on one of his left shoulders, and his nausea increased. "Move out of the soulscape!"
Irwin acted immediately, and the next thing he knew, he was staring at the room- and his soulscape.
"Just keep looking at one spot and try to imagine you are looking at a separate thing with one eye," Ambraz said. "The nausea will pass!"
Irwin didn't react, staring at the table and his soullake, trying to make sense of having two sets of perspectives at the same time.
Seconds turned to minutes, and slowly, the nausea left, replaced by a splitting double headache. Looking at Ambraz while forcing the other part of him to stay still, Irwin slowly managed to make sense of his own senses. He took a deep breath, the last of the nausea leaving.
"Better?" Ambraz asked softly. "I should have thought about this- the name gave it away, sorry."
"What?" Irwin muttered both in his soulscape and in the real world.
"The card creates a soul clone, not a mental clone," Ambraz said. "It means you have two soulforce presences but still only one mind. Because you don't get two thought processes, it is very difficult to use."
"So it's useless?" Irwin muttered. He held back the desire to stop the active ability and remove the card, though he wondered why he hadn't stopped it before. He felt weak… No, that wasn't exactly right. It felt as if he had to do two things to use his full power.
"No, not for what we are going to try," Ambraz said. "Listen, if we had more time, I'd say just leave it like this and try a bit longer, but we have no idea what we are going to get into soon. So, I'd say, try and reforge a card. See how it feels. As soon as you can, summon your soulstrum guitar in your mindscape and try and play it a bit."
Irwin got up and flew forward, then shook his head and only walked to the center of the room. Trying to split his attention two ways was annoying, to say the least. He hesitated, then summoned his soulstrum guitar, stared at it stupidly in the real world, unsummoned it, and resummoned it in his soulscape.
It took him a few tries to get his hammer in the right hand, then he picked out a card and placed it on Ambraz.
"Alright, I'll take control over most of the smithing. Just focus on hitting and perhaps playing the tune I hum on your soulstrum guitar."
Irwin focused hard, making sure he was raising his hammer and not his guitar. It already came easier than a few minutes ago, and he knew that if he took enough time, he could probably learn how to use this.
Inside his soulscape, he gently created some soulforce snares, then he strummed them. A strong sense of dissonance came, but at the same time, he listened in awe as his entire being resonated with the… soulforce sound? He didn't know how else to name it.
"Yeah, this one is too flawed, but the concept is right," Ambraz muttered. "If only it also had the mental cloning part…"
Irwin didn't answer. Instead, he sensed the oddity of being in two places at the same time, holding a hammer ready to smith and playing his soulstrum. He also felt something familiar to it, and he frowned before muttering in two places at the same time.
"I think we can do this," he said slowly. "It feels similar to what Greldo's card does."
As he spoke, he removed said card from his pocket, where it was resting till he was ready to reforge it. He'd been holding on to it to do it when he was at his best. The card's song, its resonance, had always had echoes as if it was bouncing away from numerous sides. Now, feeling his own perception split, he tried focusing on two different ones at the same time, and he realized they were different. They weren't really echoes or copies. They were like other versions of the same sound.
With intense focus, he struck the card, and a simple dagger appeared on it.
"Let's try like this-"
He began humming along with the card's preferred path while at the same time playing the song on his guitar. It took him a few attempts to get it right, but luckily, the song was very simple. He could feel Ambraz help keep the card balanced, and as soon as he felt he had it where he wanted it, he took two paths the card wanted to go and began playing one on his guitar while humming the other.
Yes, like this!
Irwin felt himself get lost in the process of reforging, barely noticing what he was doing.
Ambraz strained as he kept the card from shattering all over the place. He had no time to call the kid to stop and try something else. All he could do was hold the soulforce together as the little bloody monster pulled it in two different directions simultaneously.
What is he trying? There's no way to reforge one card into two!
Still, he didn't stop helping, and as the card's song progressed, the resonance seemed to gain a counter melody. The image hovering above him that had shown a single dagger began shimmering, and tentatively, a second image appeared beside it.
He's doing it, he's-
Ambraz sensed the kid pluck the wrong string and instantly the card rebelled, ripping itself from his control. A blinding light gleamed from it, and he didn't wait but stuck out his tongue, barely grabbing the card, yanking it in his mouth, and closing his lips before it exploded with far more power than a quartz card should hold.
"I failed…" Irwin muttered, sounding sad.
"Failed!? Failed! Bah," Ambraz exclaimed furiously. "You almost had it! Do it again, and keep that guitar in line!"
Irwin's eyes widened, and then an almost hungry look came to his face as he grabbed another card, slammed it on top of Ambraz, and struck it.
"That's the spirit," Ambraz shouted before he focused his full attention on holding the card in one piece.
You just wait, Brazardian- you said I should come and complain when I got to rank seven? Well, you just wait!