MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 18 Backup resources I should be lame.

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Sun Mei was not happy when Mrs. Zhang mentioned that Jiang Yantang and Xie Lao Er looked alike, because Xie Lao Er was obviously not as good as Jiang Yantang. She looks alike, her child is the one who was compared.

What's more, Sun Mei didn't think the two looked alike, and asked instead, "Where do they look alike?"

"Your mother's eyes don't look like it. Our outsiders have sharp eyes. They just look alike." It went well, she secretly secretly rejoiced, and even planned to talk more about "Jiang Zhiqing" to discourage the other party.

Once Madam Zhang rolled her eyes, her eyes glowed as if she had found some coincidence, and she clapped her hands, "Sun Mei, I found a coincidence, Jiang Zhiqing is the same as your elder five. age."

"Maybe it will come out in a month."

"He also looks like your second child." Mrs. Zhang secretly added: Your little daughter-in-law was obsessed with him before.

Mr. Zhang tried her best to suppress the smile: "Do you think he has a special relationship with your family?"

Sun Mei, who still felt distraught in her heart, had a "squeak" in her mind, as if a layer of fog had suddenly cleared up. be similar...

Sun Mei's heartbeat thumped wildly, and she suddenly had a terrible guess. It seems that the family at the time was also surnamed Jiang, should it be... should it be...

No such coincidence!

At night, old man Xie came back with a white towel on his shoulders, sitting on the bed beating his legs, while Sun Mei sat on the head of the bed with a preoccupied look, saw old man Xie, leaned over and lowered himself He said, "Old man Xie, my aunt surnamed Zhang told me today that Jiang Zhiqing looks like our second child."

Old man Xie waved on his cheek, "She's blind, can we country people still look like their city people?"

"Our second child can't compare to the educated youth of others, Jiang Zhiqing is still the son of a cadre."

Sun Mei's heart beat wildly beside her ears, "Think about it again, Jiang Zhiqing is a bit like the second child's facial features, right?"

Old man Xie recalled, "It's a little bit similar, but two people standing together are definitely not the same kind of people."

"The baby in the city has a different taste."

"You think about these things all the time."

Sun Mei snapped on his elbow angrily, her eyes full of disgust, this idiot old man.

After planting a seed of doubt in her heart, Sun Mei seems to have thousands of bugs crawling in her body, and she can't wait to see Jiang Zhiqing immediately, but Jiang Yantang is also going to Linxing to study In the team, they just set off, and they can't come back after ten days and a half.

Their train departs at 2:30 pm, so lunch has to be done at the train station.

The train station is crowded and stuffy, and there are all kinds of strange smells, not only those with children, but also those with chickens, ducks and geese, screeching sounds, lively dishes market like.

Su Xiaoman swept over the two chickens and wondered if chickens and ducks could be brought on the train?

"I haven't been to the railway station for many years, and our railway station has not changed much..." Uncle Chen, the oldest and the oldest, began to sigh when he arrived at the railway station.

With a pack of steamed buns, she did not bring many steamed buns, only four in total, which she had prepared before leaving.

Four steamed buns, one for herself, one for Jiang Yantang, and one for Uncle Chen, originally one for Zhao Qingqing, but now Zhang Lili has changed her mind.

She didn't want to please this female educated youth.

Just have a good relationship with Jiang Yantang and Uncle Chen.

Zhao Qingqing said from the side: "You only have two or three steamed buns, and we can't divide them enough."

"Did you bring anything else?"

Tang Jianqiang said honestly: "I have two boiled eggs, and two or three dry biscuits, which are not enough."

"Manman, what do you want to eat?" Xie Mingtu asked Su Xiaoman in a low voice, both of them had their luggage on him. Originally Su Xiaoman wanted to carry his own package, but Xie Mingtu had already grabbed the luggage. on myself.

Su Xiaoman had no choice but to let the revolutionary comrade-in-arms Comrade Xie Gouzi help carry it. She found that although Comrade Xie was frighteningly thin, his strength was not small, and these were very important to her. The luggage of the other party is like carrying air on his back, and he does not breathe when he walks.

Su Xiaoman only carries money and food stamps, and Xie Mingtu takes everything else.

When Xie Mingtu asked her, Su Xiaoman was still thinking about the two chickens that appeared in the station. After all, chickens are also very eye-catching these days. Su Xiaoman, who was tired of chicken, beef and mutton before the crossing, is now very Craving meat.

She is not only wondering if the chickens and ducks in the 1970s can be brought on the train, but also thinking... If they can't be brought on the train, what will they do with them?

It would be great if she could handle it, of course, she was dreaming.

Chicken and duck are valuable property.

In the future, she must raise chickens and ducks.

"I want to eat something salty...I want to eat hot rice." In such an environment, Su Xiaoman didn't have much appetite. Although he was very hungry, he didn't really want to eat. , If you insist on what you want to eat, of course, it is the most fragrant food.

There is a box lunch at the station, Su Xiaoman hesitantly touched the money and meal ticket in her pocket, she had recovered more than 20 yuan, although she still didn't know the box lunch at this time How much is the price, but the money should be enough for her to eat a few lunches.

Su Xiaoman closed her eyes and made the next decision. She planned to invite Xie Mingtu to a lunch box. Box lunch at the train station.

I finally had the opportunity to come out and try the lunch box of this era.

"There are lunch boxes for sale there, Xie Mingtu, I-" to buy.

Su Xiaoman hadn't had time to say the last two words when he saw Xie Gouzi beside him nodded, he put the luggage beside Su Xiaoman's legs, and said in a muffled voice, "I'll go buy it, Manman is waiting here."

After that, she walked away with her long legs.

Su Xiaoman looked down at the luggage under her feet: "???!"

Xie Gouzi, are you rich? ? ? !

It turns out he does. A few minutes later, Xie Mingtu came back with two boxes of lunch, and the aroma of cooked rice and vegetables rushed out of his arms, so that passersby couldn't help but look back at him.

Xie Mingtu and Su Xiaoman were sitting in the waiting chairs in the corner. This is the seat that Su Xiaoman took with his luggage just now. Xie Mingtu gave her a box lunch.

The box lunch is an ordinary box lunch in this era, white rice with three kinds of vegetables poured on it, twice-cooked pork, tomato scrambled eggs, and a fried lettuce.

Green peppers and onions are wrapped in pork belly, and the aroma is particularly domineering.

A box lunch costs 50 cents for a ticket.

Airplane meal.

Su Xiaoman leaned over and quietly asked Xie Mingtu the price, and Xie Mingtu told her.

Su Xiaoman thought that this Xie Gouzi was secretly hiding the private house money. Under the pressure of Sun Mei's slaughtering this week, he was still able to hide the private house money, and he did not know what his private house money was. Where did it come from?

What's more, he not only has private money, he also has a "private rabbit".

The rabbits on the mountain should not be his backup resources.

This rabbit killer.

Although Su Xiaoman doesn't know how much money Xie Mingtu's private house has, in the eyes of outsiders, Xie Mingtu, a poor and oppressed little man at home, should have no money.

So Su Xiaoman pulled Xie Mingtu's arm, "Xie Mingtu, if anyone asks, you can say that I paid for the lunch box."

I can't let Xie Gouzi's small money bag be exposed.

If the money is from Su Xiaoman, she just asked the educated youth to get a debt back. She is squeamish and has no problem eating two lunch boxes.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, it is very problematic that she is willing to invite Xie Mingtu to have lunch.

Su Xiaoman listened to him and felt a little wrong, as if her face was too big. Don't get me wrong, I just..."

"No misunderstanding, it's all Manman's money."

Su Xiaoman: "..." Although it doesn't feel right, but there are a group of people around Zhao Qingqing, and it is inconvenient to speak too clearly, Su Xiaoman has to be thick-skinned.

"I'll cook something delicious for you later."

Hearing what she said, Xie Mingtu, who was holding the lunch box, seemed to smile happily.

Su Xiaoman pursed her lips, her breathing seemed to slow down, at that moment, she suddenly had the illusion that "Xie Mingtu is very good-looking".

Su Xiaoman: "…"

She thought: I must be lame.

Shaved clean.

…When she has a knife in her hand one day, she will definitely not let him go.

Su Xiaoman felt that it was really difficult for her to communicate with Xie Mingtu. Her antenna could not catch the other party's signal tower, and sometimes she could not understand the meaning of the other party.

In her opinion, Xie Mingtu is a smart, talented, but very eccentric and withdrawn person.

The idea of ​​genius is always unexpected. After all, geniuses, lunatics, and fools all have similar characteristics, and sometimes they are indistinguishable.

Even if the opponent does the math problems quickly, Su Xiaoman still thinks that he is a little dull in some aspects.

In front of her, she always looks like a silly big dog.

Su Xiaoman and Xie Mingtu got together for a lunch box. People in this era like to eat fatty meat, but Su Xiaoman doesn't like to eat too fatty meat, so she gave some to Xie Mingtu.

"Man Man?"

"I don't like to eat too fat, you eat it and give me the eggs."


The aroma of the box lunch is too tempting, Jiang Yantang and Zhao Qingqing and other educated youths simply pooled their money to buy a few box lunches for lunch. Going to try the bento at the train station.

So she was the only one to eat the four steamed buns in Zhang Lili's hands. Jiang Yantang and Uncle Chen didn't want hers. The four steamed buns could be enough for her.

Eating pancakes, Tang Jianqiang glanced at Zhang Lili. The other party asked several people, but he didn't say anything to him.

Of course, Tang Jianqiang didn't want to eat steamed buns either.

Tang Jianqiang chewed the cake, and his eyes fell on Xie Mingtu's head from time to time. In his opinion, Xie Mingtu's hair was more attractive to him than the lunch box.

Just looking at the hair makes me full.

Tang Jianqiang touched his hair, constantly fantasizing in his mind what it would look like if he changed to Xie Mingtu's hairstyle.

Zhao Qingqing was sitting near Zhang Lili eating a lunch box. Zhang Lili was eating steamed buns alone, smelling the fragrance in the air, and swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, but looked at Su Xiaoman bitterly.

Su Xiaoman noticed Tang Jianqiang's sight. She thought Tang Jianqiang was looking at the food in Xie Mingtu's bowl, but found that this guy has been looking at Xie Mingtu's hair?

Su Xiaoman: "...?"

What happened to Xie Mingtu's hair? Xie Gouzi should not be bald, so he won't attract people's attention.

The train departed on time at 2:30 at noon. Su Xiaoman and his party got on the train and sat next to each other. Su Xiaoman and Xie Mingtu were in the same row. They were both hard seats. The seats were narrow and small. The tops were stuffed, and their legs were stuffed too.

The carriage is small and stuffy, the windows are opened in every section, and the cool autumn wind blows in after listening to the sound of banging outside.

Because it was the afternoon, there was not much desire to speak, and the carriage was relatively quiet. Su Xiaoman did not find any signs of chickens or ducks in the carriage, so she was temporarily unable to determine whether living creatures could be brought on the train.

Not long after, drowsiness attacked her body, and Su Xiaoman fell asleep.

On such a small hard seat, it was uncomfortable to sleep against the back of the chair, and her body unconsciously fell to the soft heat source beside her.

Xie Mingtu tilted his head slightly, carrying another person's weight on his shoulders, he didn't feel uncomfortable, just hoped she could get closer.

Jiang Yantang, diagonally opposite, saw Su Xiaoman lying on Xie Mingtu's shoulder, feeling very complicated and a little irritable.

The woman's cheeks are fair, with pink like spring peach, even if she is not 18 years old, she is beautiful and eye-catching.

She leaned on another man's shoulder.

Arrived at the place the next morning, the group got out of the car, asked about the place, and took the local "truck" to Baishi Commune.

, the roof is just a simple removable awning.

After arriving at the commune, the production team drove two tractors to pick them up. There were two drivers, one was in his 30s and 40s, with a square head and a very honest smile. This one looked amiable, and the receptionist was extremely warm.

Stance, it doesn't look very easy to touch.

The simple and honest eldest brother jumped out of the car first, and took the initiative to introduce himself: "My surname is Jiang, Jiang Changjiang, just call me Brother Jiang, this is the third uncle of the Zhou family, Zhou Heqiang, they all call Uncle Wednesday."

Su Xiaoman introduced a few words to each other.

The uncle Zhou seemed to be dissatisfied with their group, so he didn't take the initiative to speak to them.

Everyone can see that Zhou Heqiang has a temper towards them.

"Get in the car, get in the car and get in the car! Take you there, the secretary has arranged it, come up, and take a few seats in each car."

After getting into the car, the enthusiastic Brother Jiang explained the situation to them.

"You are not the first group to come to study. There have been several groups of people who have come here before... They said that they came to study, but in fact they didn't pay much attention, they just came to go through the motions."

"One came before and broke the tractor in the village."

"It's not good if it's broken, Uncle Zhou no longer welcomes people outside..."

It turns out that they are not the first case. Their production team has done a good job and established a model. It has also attracted many people to come to visit and study. Some things, people here also have emotions.

"We have received you, but this year we will no longer let people come over. We are too busy with our own affairs in the village, and there is no time to receive outsiders."

Learning about this situation, Zhao Qingqing secretly sighed: "It seems that we didn't come by coincidence."

Now that people are in a mood, will they treat them well?

Jiang Yantang took the sentence: "Just study hard."

Zhou Heqiang, who was driving in front, heard it and pointed to Sang and scolded Huai: "Some dolls from the city like to talk about one thing and actually do it. I don't like that kind of person the most, old man."

Su Xiaoman smiled and said, "Uncle, we must be consistent with our words and deeds."

When Su Xiaoman was talking, he felt that his whole body was shaking.

It was the first time for her to get on a tractor. Sitting on it was like sitting on a massage chair. In other words, the track of this tractor is a bit like a tank, and it seems to be the king of various terrains. , you can drive anywhere, but...

The person sitting on it is not feeling well.

If I sit for a long time, my **** will be gone.

—Natural meat shaker.

Zhou Heqiang just wanted to answer something, when he saw a man in a straw hat standing on the side of the ridge road in front of him, beckoning to them, and calling out to Uncle Zhou.

The car stopped on the side of the road. The man in the straw hat said that the tractor in their village was broken, and now he was worried.

"I called the third uncle to see it, but it can't be repaired there. Uncle Zhou will help you to take a look."

"Not far."

"Liang Zi's sharp eyes, just happened to see you."

Now that there is an accident there, several teams are also helping each other, so they will drive the car over there together, go to see the situation there first, and can also get together lively.

After driving on the dirt road for about ten minutes, I saw a khaki tractor parked there under a tree not far away, surrounded by seven or eight men.

"Someone came here? These people don't know each other? Did they come to 'study' again?"

"Also busy."

"Uncle Zhou came to help me, I can't find the problem here, but it is idling, this one can't be brought up..."

Zhou Heqiang got out of the car, and Su Xiaoman and others also got out of the car.

After such a bumpy ride, Su Xiaoman got out of the car, her legs and feet were numb, and it took a while to recover. Xie Mingtu kept waiting by her side.

Zhou Heqiang over there has already squatted down and checked the tractor with tools.

Su Xiaoman pulled Xie Mingtu around to see the situation.

Zhou Heqiang took the key of the tractor, shook the ignition, a huge rumbling sound accompanied by black smoke exploded in his ears, this movement seemed to be shaken off the floor.

"No problem here..."

Zhou Heqiang checked for a long time and found no problem, but he couldn't bring it up in a few places.

"Uncle Zhou, what if you don't like it?"

"This has never happened before."

"It's hard."

Several men were a little flustered when they saw this. These days they had to use tractors for everything in their village. Not low.

It will cost a lot of money to go to a distant place to find someone to repair it.

"Don't be noisy, I'll see this way, little Er, lift it up." Zhou Heqiang's tone was not very good, his voice was hoarse, and he seemed to be angry, "You guys , let the lower position, block the light."

Neither are interested in repairing tractors.

He Liang was still paying attention to Zhang Lili, but Zhang Lili ignored her and found a water bottle in her bag to drink water.

Uncle Chen sat directly on the grass, and borrowed a straw hat from the man in the straw hat, and talked about the village here.

"How many families do you have here?"

"What are you growing there, and what's the yield like?"

"The conditions are much better than ours. Several teams have bought a lot of tractors, right?"

Su Xiaoman followed the people to the side, but suddenly saw Xie Mingtu still standing next to the tractor, just about to pull him, but heard him say: "The sound is wrong."

Su Xiaoman: "...what's the matter? What's wrong?"

"It doesn't sound right." Xie Mingtu pointed to the tractor on the ground.

Su Xiaoman: "...?"

What's wrong, isn't it all rumbling?

Zhou Heqiang, who was squatting on the ground, turned his head at this time: "Boy, can you still hear the sound?"