MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 16 Debunking Feng Yuwei's disguise

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  Chapter 16 Debunking Feng Yuwei's Disguise

   Song Baozhu was mowing wheat with Shen Xuan when she heard that Feng Yuwei fainted again.

   She herself is a countryman and knows the importance of food, so she cuts fast and well, and she has no intention of being lazy.

   Anyway, she has a lot of strength, and cutting wheat is as easy as cutting tofu.

   In just a few minutes, she had already cut several meters away.

   Who knew that he was busy when he heard someone shouting loudly—

   "Not good—Feng Zhiqing fainted again—"

  Song Baozhu was instantly refreshed.

What? Feng Yuwei fainted again?


   She doesn't believe it!

  Song Baozhu ran decisively to watch the fun.

   Sure enough, as soon as he got there, he saw Feng Yuwei lying on the ground, and the team leader Song Jinjin stood beside him with a dark face, calling for the female educated youth to rescue Feng Yuwei.

   One of them is Jolene.

   She was slapping Feng Yuwei on the face anxiously, and she seemed to want to slap her to wake her up, but Feng Yuwei didn't move.

Song Baozhu watched for a while, and suddenly asked loudly, "What's the matter with Feng Zhiqing? Didn't he just fainted in the morning and rested for a long time? Why is he fainting now? Could it be that he tasted the sweetness in the morning, and now deliberately It's lazy to pretend to faint, right?"

  She didn't know that Feng Yuwei was resting in the morning, but she heard others talking about it on the way here.

   So I said it deliberately at this time.

   Anyway, she didn't believe that Feng Yuwei's body was so delicate that she fainted while doing farm work, and it wasn't Lin Daiyu.

   Feng Yuwei has been in the country for two years, and she has never been so delicate before.

   Everyone was still chattering, worried about whether Feng Yuwei was sick.

   As soon as they heard Song Baozhu's questioning, everyone's eyes on Feng Yuwei were suddenly wrong.

   Shouldn't it be... Feng Yuwei is really pretending to be dizzy?

   It is indeed Feng Yuwei who is pretending to be dizzy: "!!"

   When she heard Song Baozhu's loud voice, she almost died of anger!

  What's wrong with Song Baozhu, she has decided not to **** Shen Xuan from her for the time being, why is Song Baozhu still holding on to her?

   No wonder the villagers call her "black real pig" in private. This woman is not only ugly, but also has a black heart!

   Do her job well, can't you? Don't get along with her!

  Song Baozhu was looked at by everyone, and she was not guilty. Instead, she shouted confidently: "What do you see me doing? Hurry up and pinch her!"

   When Qiao Lin heard this, she quickly went to pinch Feng Yuwei's people.

   She didn't dare to exert too much force, Feng Yuwei held it back without even frowning.

   But I was already panicking in my heart.

   She just managed to hold back her stubbornness, and if anyone is cruel, she will definitely not be able to hold back.

   It will be over then!

  Feng Yuwei was in a panic, thinking about whether to wake up or not. She took the initiative to wake up, and she could fool the past.

   Just the thought of waking up and having to cut wheat again made her a little unwilling.

   As a result of such a hesitation, Feng Yuwei lost the opportunity to whitewash.

  Song Baozhu pulled a female educated youth away, reached out and directly pinched Feng Yuwei's nose.

   She was so strong that she almost didn't crush Feng Yuwei's nose!

   Feng Yuwei's face was contorted with pain on the spot, and her eyes widened instantly.

   However, before she could get into trouble, Song Baozhu had already "sued the wicked first": "Look, I said she was pretending! Now she's really awake!"

  Feng Yuwei hurriedly explained: "I'm not..."

Song Baozhu interrupted her: "When you wake up, get up and work quickly, don't think about being lazy! You educated youths come to the countryside to receive education from poor and lower-middle peasants. You must have a correct mind, but you can't try to cheat and play tricks all day long! "

After    finished speaking, he let go of Feng Yuwei's nose, clapped the dust on his hands and continued: "Feng Zhiqing, I know you are a charming girl from the city and don't like to do farm work.

   But now is the time of busy farming, the food in the field is very important, you can't continue the old lady in the city to make pies.

   Even if you are not afraid of losing face, you should think about other educated youths. What do you want everyone to think of your educated youth? "

   There were many educated youths present. Originally, they looked at Feng Yuwei's nose and felt that Song Baozhu was too much.

   Hearing Song Baozhu's words, the eyes of these educated youths looking at Feng Yuwei changed instantly!

   Yes, if there are educated youths who pretend to be sick and don't work, all of them will be embarrassed!

  Feng Yuwei did this, she succeeded and she benefited herself. Once it was exposed, it would be all of them who would be embarrassed!

  The educated youth were dissatisfied, but no one was stupid, so naturally they wouldn't blame Feng Yuwei at such a time, and let her pretend to be sick and be lazy.

   Instead, they scrambled to explain to her one by one.

   "Comrade Song Baozhu, you must have misunderstood. Feng Zhiqing's health is indeed not good, and he definitely didn't pretend to be sick on purpose."

   "Yeah, Feng Zhiqing has been in the country for two years. Everyone knows what kind of person she is. How can she pretend to be sick and be lazy?"

   "Feng Zhiqing is a good comrade and will definitely work hard. Don't think too much about it."


   "Just take it as my misunderstanding. I hope she will work hard in the future, but she must not fall ill again. It is so important to rush to collect, but it cannot be delayed because of her alone."

   After Song Baozhu finished speaking, she turned around and left without talking nonsense to the crowd.

   She is not afraid of offending Feng Yuwei. Anyway, Feng Yuwei already wanted to kill her. What does it matter if she offends her once more?

   As long as Feng Yuwei can't continue to be lazy, she will be happy.

  Song Baozhu happily went back to work.

Captain    was actually quite satisfied with her in his heart, but Feng Yuwei was an educated youth and looked delicate and weak, so he couldn't say anything serious.

   asked her: "How is Feng Zhiqing feeling now? Do you want to rest?"

   As soon as these words came out, many people all stared at Feng Yuwei.

  Feng Yuwei's face is going to be crooked: "..."

  With what Song Baozhu said, how dare she rest now?

  Feng Yuwei smiled weakly: "No, I can still hold on."

The captain    heaved a sigh of relief, hurriedly greeted everyone to continue their work, and then strode away.

   He also has to work, how can he always guard Feng Yuwei?

  Song Baozhu is right, the grain harvest cannot be delayed!

   Feng Yuwei was so angry that she almost bit her silver teeth, but she was so troubled by Song Baozhu that she didn't dare to pretend to be dizzy anymore, so she could only go back to work.

  There is a lot of dust on the wheat stalks. When the wheat was harvested, the dust floated everywhere, and the wheat leaves and wheat mang were stuck on the body, which made people feel uncomfortable.

   Feng Yuwei pouted her buttocks and kept waving the sickle in her hand, and soon felt her arms were sore and swollen, which made her uncomfortable.

   Her eyes were red with grievance, and she couldn't wait for the time to arrive in December. As long as she was admitted to the university, she would never have to stay in the country to suffer this crime again!

   And that **** Song Baozhu!

   Not to mention Shen Xuan who robbed her, and now he is against her again!

   She decided not to grab Shen Xuan for the time being, but Song Baozhu still refused to let her go!

  Wait, she won't let her go!

   (end of this chapter)