MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 17 Song Baozhu is lazy?

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   Chapter 17 Song Baozhu is lazy?

   Feng Yuwei didn't have the natural power like Song Baozhu, and she hadn't done farm work for many years before her rebirth.

   Now that she has to go to the ground to collect it as soon as she comes back, she is really uncomfortable.

  The sickles of the production team are old, they have been used many times, and they are not sharp enough.

   Feng Yuwei's strength is small, and it is even more strenuous to use.

   Not long after she said the cruel words in her heart, she was hit beyond recognition by the cruel reality.

   Not only was my whole body sore from exhaustion, but my work progress was a lot slower than others.

   Even other female educated youths are far inferior.

   Anyone who sees it will think that she is deliberately lazy and sabotage.

  Feng Yuwei really wanted to be lazy, but people kept urging her to work, which made her a headache!

   She shouted angrily, but the child was directly frightened and yelled that she was bullying.

   also called the parents and the captain.

   Feng Yuwei was severely reprimanded by the parents of the other party. There were many people in the other party, and she couldn't quarrel.

   After that, the person who followed her was replaced by an aunt who was not easy to mess with.

   The other party was particularly rude. As long as she moved slowly, the other party said she wanted to be lazy.

   made Feng Yuwei angry enough.

   She didn't even dare to stop, so she could only keep mowing the wheat bitterly, biting herself into the ground.

   Finally, just when she was so tired that she was about to faint, today's harvesting task was finally completed.

  Feng Yuwei was sore all over, she dropped the sickle in her hand on the spot, and sat in the field so tired that she didn't even want to move her toes.

   She didn't want to take a break when she heard someone say that Song Baozhu was not there.

  Feng Yuwei: "???"

   She suddenly came alive! Quickly **** up your ears and keep listening!

   I only heard people continue to talk about—

   "Did Song Baozhu leave and never come back?"

   "She won't be lazy, will she?"

   "Is this too much? She said before that Feng Zhiqing was lazy, but Feng Zhiqing kept mowing wheat all afternoon, but she herself was lazy and couldn't come back!"

   "That's right! Feng Zhiqing came from a big city, he was delicate and weak, and it was normal that he couldn't work.

  Song Baozhu is a country girl, she is so strong, she is so embarrassed to be lazy and not work! "

   "Today is a rush! How important!"

   Feng Yuwei became more and more energetic the more she listened, and the anger that had accumulated in her heart also rushed upwards, and soon it was roaring!

  Because of Song Baozhu, she couldn't even be lazy and almost died of exhaustion in the field.

  Song Baozhu hurt her like this, she was so embarrassed to be lazy!

  Feng Yuwei couldn't take a rest for a while.

   She quickly looked around, and soon found the people who were discussing, and found that they were all famous long-tongued women in the village.

   So he stood up, dragged his heavy legs and walked over quickly: "Auntie, what did you just say?"

   Several women glanced at her incredulously, and quickly started talking around her.

   "Aiya Feng Zhiqing, how did you become like this?"

   "Feng Zhiqing, are you tired?"

   "If you want me to say, Feng Zhiqing, you are too honest! Song Baozhu is clearly bullying you on purpose, you are serious!"

   "That's right! She said you were lazy, but she herself was lazy!"

   "Feng Zhiqing, you will be bullied by her this time!"

   These women are watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal, and the meaning of provocation is very obvious.

   Feng Yuwei heard it, but she was still very angry.

   That's right!

  Why did Song Baozhu harm her like this, but she herself was lazy?

   This is not fair!

   Feng Yuwei thought about it for a moment, and immediately ran to the team leader Song Jinjin to complain!

  Because of Song Baozhu's words, she has now been put on the hat of pretending to be sluggish.

  If you want to take off this hat, the best way is to expose Song Baozhu's deliberate laziness now!

   As long as Song Baozhu is being lazy, Song Baozhu's slander against her will be shaky!

   Coupled with the fact that she has been mowing wheat all afternoon today, being lazy will naturally fail!

  Feng Yuwei thought very well.

   Who knew that she had just found the captain and said this, and the captain looked at her strangely.

   Feng Yuwei felt that his eyes were not right, and she panicked instantly.

   She forcefully asked: "Captain, is there something wrong with what I just said?"

   The captain frowned and asked, "You just said Song Baozhu was lazy?"

   "I..." Feng Yuwei was even more panicked, "I heard that she left long ago and has never come back, so I wonder if there is some reason here."

   The captain's expression was so strange that she didn't dare to directly say that Song Baozhu was just being lazy.

   "There is indeed a reason here." The captain said lightly, "Song Baozhu greeted me when she left, she left after finishing her work."

   Feng Yuwei was dumbfounded for a moment: "She left after she was done???!"

Captain    nodded and said as a matter of course: "Of course, if she doesn't finish, can I let her have it?

   As long as one mu of land is cut, she can get 10 work points. She works fast, and she finished cutting one mu of land in less than one afternoon.

   said she was hungry and wanted to go back to get something to eat, so I asked her to go back. "

  Feng Yuwei was even more dumbfounded: "…"

  Have an acre of land been mowed in less than one afternoon?

  Is Song Baozhu a machine!

   A strong laborer can cut an acre of wheat in one day.

   This afternoon, let alone one acre of land, she barely managed to cut two points of land.

  Song Baozhu cut so fast!

   Feng Yuwei was hit hard enough and couldn't help being a little jealous.

   She asked unconvinced: "Captain, grabbing is so important, since Song Baozhu is so powerful, shouldn't you cut more?"

   As soon as these words came out, the captain's eyes instantly became cold when he looked at her: "Feng Zhiqing, what you said is wrong!

  Song Baozhu mowed an acre of land in one afternoon, and he has done twice as much as a strong laborer!

   She works a lot, so she's hungry too, what's wrong with wanting to go back to eat?

   Now is a new society, I am the leader of the production team, not the old landlord of the past, and I don't like the old landlord!

  Feng Zhiqing, your landlord thinking is not worth it, go back and write a 300-word review, and give it to me tomorrow! "

  Feng Yuwei almost vomited blood: "!"

   Landlord Thought!

   Write a review!

   This Song Progress is clearly protecting Song Baozhu and deliberately bullying her!

   Feng Yuwei was very dissatisfied, the key was that she could not admit that she was a landlord!

   So she quickly explained: "Captain, that's not what I meant! I'm also thinking about the production team!

  Snatch is so important, I think all of us should race against the clock, not the momentary gains and losses…”

   Before she could finish her words, she was suddenly interrupted: "Feng Zhiqing's consciousness is so high, I don't know how much wheat was cut today?"

  Feng Yuwei: "!"

   She looked nervously at the person who was speaking, and found that it was Shen Xuan. She felt as if she had been stabbed with a knife, and she felt pain and shame.

   Shen Xuan actually questioned her for Song Baozhu!

   However, before she could think of what to say, there was a sudden exclamation in the distance—

   "Oh my God! Song Baozhu actually carried a big wild boar!"

   (end of this chapter)