MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 44

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Zhen Zhen walked out of the alley and ran to the woods at a rapid pace. She used her consciousness to check the surroundings at any time to see if anyone was following her. When she got to the edge of the forest, Zhen Zhen found a flat place and held her hands. As soon as the seeds were sown, a golden-yellow wheat field instantly grew. Without Zhen Zhen's hands, the wheat grains fell off automatically, and the other parts turned into ashes and melted into the soil. Zhen Zhen waved her hand, and the grains of wheat were automatically piled together.

Clap her hands, Zhen Zhen was a little complacent: "Fortunately I have this ability, otherwise it would be hard to change money." Time passed by, Zhen Zhen has been closely monitoring the surrounding with consciousness After about half an hour, the man who was in the alley just now drove the carriage over, Zhen Zhen deliberately swept the carriage with her consciousness, and she was relieved when she saw that there was no one hiding inside.

The man was also very cautious, looking around while driving the carriage, when the two met, the man saw the grain next to Zhen Zhen, and immediately felt relieved.

The man rushed to the cart to the side of Zhen Zhen, the man looked at the food all over the place and twitched his mouth: "Anyway, you can find a bag of rice and noodles, just pile it up on the ground without fear of others seeing it. ."

Zhen Zhen looked at him confidently: "Noodle bags can't be bought with money, we don't have a lot of bags in total, and besides, we have to keep rice noodles, how can there be anything for this."

"Okay." The man looked around and saw that there was still no one around, so he couldn't help asking her: "Your family left the food and left? You are really careful, yes Aren't you afraid that people will see your face?"

Zhen Zhen looked at him impatiently: "What are you doing with so much? Hurry up, buy it or not? If you buy it, just pay the money, if you don't buy it, I have to find another home. ."

"The little girl is not too young, but she is not too short-tempered." The man sneered, and hurriedly removed the basket from the car and weighed it: "Fortunately I am well prepared, otherwise we will be good at it. Take it to the car."

The two first weighed the weight of the basket, and then took the shovel to load the grain into the basket, which was exactly one kilogram more than one kilogram. At the current market price, rice is 16 cents and 5 cents a pound, white flour is 18 cents a pound, and a third cheaper is 11 yuan and 50 cents.

The person took out the money from his pocket and counted ten dollars to Zhen Zhen, the bills are not available in Zhen Zhen, as long as they are universal in the whole province, the person had to pick them from the bills they brought I picked and gave Zhen Zhen some common industrial tickets, cotton thread tickets, light bulb tickets, cloth tickets and the like.

Put the money and bills in a school bag, Zhen Zhen remembered the high-priced cakes she bought from the hydrolysis factory in the summer without food stamps, she was distressed and pumped, I didn’t know if I didn’t buy food before, a piece of The cake is actually more expensive than a pound of white noodles. No wonder the whole family, including Ming Bei, are reluctant to eat that cake.

Sighed, Zhen Zhen watched the person leave and walked in the opposite direction, when she saw the person walking away with her consciousness, she immediately teleported to another city and used the same method to exchange ten Two dollars. After a long time, Zhen Zhen went to three surrounding small towns, not a single gold bar was sold, but a lot of food was sold, and a total of forty-five yuan was saved.

Zhen Zhen couldn't help sighing, in fact, this is also to be expected, she went to small cities, people in these places are very thin and don't have much spare money, the only thing she can buy is fine grain Yin eats people, like gold bars, it is estimated that only places like Bingcheng can take action.

A large yellow croaker with sixteen taels of age is a bit too eye-catching. Zhen Zhen was a little hesitant, thinking before and after thinking that the money would be enough for a while, there is no need to rush to cash out now. If you really spend that much money in the future, it's not too late to go to Bingcheng.

Seeing that it was noon, Zhen Zhen's body flashed, teleported several times in a row, and returned to the big river near her home. With a finger on the weeping willow, more than a dozen willows fell down and intertwined to form a rough little basket.

Zhen Zhen picked up the small basket, found an ice hole in the middle of the river that had not yet frozen solid, took a stick and hit it down, breaking the thin layer of ice. A mandarin fish lying on the bottom of the river suddenly swam up and jumped up from the ice cave to the ice surface more than one meter high. Zhen Zhen hurriedly took the basket to catch it, and the mandarin fish was falling into the basket. It was frozen solid in an instant.

Wearing a thick hand and holding a wicker basket back home, before Madam Li opened her mouth to ask, Zhen Zhen handed over what was in her hand: "Nanny, look , I went to the river to catch a mandarin fish after school."

Mr. Li handed the small basket to Wang Sufen, who came out, and dragged Zhen Zhen into the house, while she helped her clean the snow on her legs with a feather duster, and kept talking to her: " It’s such a cold day that you can’t go home from school and you’re still outside. If you want to eat fish, talk to your father and ask him to fish it for you. The ice is slippery and you can fall off.”

Ms. Li put the feather duster on the kang and helped Zhen Zhen to take off the leather jacket and boots: "Get on the kang and sit on the kang head to get warm and warm, does your milk feel cold when you touch your face?"

"It's not cold, milk, my palms are still sweaty." Zhen Zhen stretched out her little hand for Mrs. Li to touch.

Old Mrs. Li touched her hand and forehead, she was sweating so much that she was relieved. Sitting on the kang, Mrs. Li began to ask every day again: "What did the teacher talk about today? Are there any classmates bullying you? Is it cold in the classroom?"

"It's not cold, and no one bullies me. I'm the squad leader, and none of them dare to yell in front of me." Zhen Zhen repeated what she said every day, and hugged again Mrs. Li's arm told her the same thing about going to school: "The teacher didn't give a lecture today, so she gave us an exam, so she won't go to school in the afternoon. I'll go to school the day after tomorrow to get my papers and homework for winter vacation, and then I'll have a vacation."

, specially fried for you."

"Thank you, milk." Zhen Zhen "baah" kissed Mrs. Li on the face, coaxing Mrs. Li to hug her happily: "You are a big treasure who coaxes her all day long. The milk is happy, and the milk can live another ten years."


"Okay, the milk will live with you then." The grandfather and grandson negotiated happily. Wang Sufen had already cleaned up the fish in the kitchen, washed his hands, came over and asked: "Zhen Zhen, what do you want to eat the fish?"

"Pine nut mandarin fish!" Zhen Zhen replied quickly, pine nut mandarin fish is a famous dish passed down from the Qing Dynasty. The fish tasted very good, and Zhen Zhen immediately tried her best to make Wang Sufen make it like a cat. Although it was a bit expensive, it was really sweet, sour and delicious.

As soon as Zhen Zhen said she wanted to eat mandarin fish with pine nuts, Wang Sufen looked at her and sighed: "Why are you so greedy, you can't eat steamed and stewed, you have to waste oil and money sugar."

Old Mrs. Li was about to spoil her granddaughter in the sky, listening to Zhen Zhen wanting to eat, she quickly spoke for her granddaughter: "I can't eat it once a year, the child can make it for her if she wants to eat it. Isn't there oil in the room?" Wang Sufen also said, and when she saw Mrs. Li helping to speak, she didn't say anything, and turned to the kitchen to make pine nuts and mandarin fish.

Pine nut mandarin fish must first be treated with a flower knife and then fried in oil, then poured with sweet and sour sauce, and finally tickled. Today's conditions are not good, sugar and vinegar are scarce things, so naturally we can't be so particular about it.

The family receives a lot of soybeans every year, most of which are pressed into soybean oil, so the old Li family has no shortage of oil to eat all year round. Pour oil into the pot, put the sliced ​​mandarin fish in the pot and fry it, then take it out. The oil that has been fried can still be used for cooking, and it will not be wasted at all.

Put the peeled pine nuts and various mushrooms in the pot. Wang Sufen put two tablespoons of the sauce made from the foreign persimmons picked in the autumn and carefully poured out a spoonful Put the sugar in the pot and stir well, then add the glutinous rice and pour it on top of the fish, and the fragrant pine nut mandarin fish is ready.

Zhen Zhen smelled the smell and came out of the room, Wang Sufen thought about the white sugar she used just now and said distressedly: "It's too expensive, just eat it once a year, do you hear? I can't do that anymore, I've wasted so many good things."

Zhen Zhen laughed twice and helped Wang Sufen bring the hot dry food to the kang table.

Osmanthus, who lived in the back room, estimated that when she was eating, she also came over with a meat bun. As soon as the meat bun entered the house, his eyes lit up, and he ran to the stove, stretched out his head and asked in a milky voice, "Honey, why is it so delicious?"

Make it on the kang and wait, and the milk will bring the fish up in a while."

Zhen Zhen supported Osmanthus on the kang, looked at her tall belly and asked: "Sister-in-law, are you going to give birth this month?"

Zhen Zhen touched Osmanthus' belly, the little doll inside seemed to be aware of it, and immediately stretched out her little feet and kicked both feet, Zhen Zhen couldn't help looking at the bulging bag on Osmanthus' belly He smiled and said, "This kid is really energetic."

"It's not that bad, I guess I'm also a kid, the same as when I was pregnant with meat buns." Osmanthus touched her stomach, with a gentle smile on her face: "Let's have another one. The boy is fine, just like our mother, first give birth to a few more boys to support the family, and have a daughter who will be very painful, and if you are bored, you can talk to me or something."

The two were talking, and Wang Sufen had already brought everything to the kang table. Now the weather is cold and the snow is thick, and it is too laborious to go back and forth to work. Li Muwu eats at the unit at noon. Mingbei's school is also far from home, so I usually leave in the morning and go home when it gets dark after school. The grandfathers can't go home for lunch. Every morning, Wang Sufen boils a large pot of vegetables, fills a lunch box for the two of them, and brings some dry food. There is a place for hot meals in both the workplace and the school. You can also eat a hot meal.

He said angrily, "It's delicious."

Mr. Li and Wang Sufen were reluctant to eat fish, so they went to eat stewed cabbage after eating two chopsticks. Zhen Zhen always knew the characters of Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen, so she didn’t persuade them, and directly extended Picking up the fish with chopsticks and eating them in their bowls, the two of them felt as sweet as eating honey by Zhen Zhen's heartwarming behavior. Mrs. Li was even more delighted to close her mouth and said, "Don't squeeze it, milk can't be so sweet and sour." At the same time, she couldn't stop complimenting Zhen Zhen: "Why don't you say that the girl is caring? , I can think about the old one, and I didn't hurt her in vain."

Meat buns also learned something, stood up and delivered fish to the bowls for four people one by one, Wang Sufen said with a smile: "These children in our family are not unfilial, and meat buns are also good when they grow up. of."

"It's not good." Mrs. Li nodded, and then instructed Osmanthus: "The meat bun is the first of the next generation in our family, so I have to teach him well, and he can support his family when he grows up. Come and be like a big brother, so that our family can get better." Osmanthus responded quickly.

The weather is getting colder and colder, Mingnan and Mingbei have finished their final exams one after another and went home. According to the days of previous years, Mingdong is estimated to be on the train coming back. Xi still doesn't know if he will be able to come back this year. The military school doesn't have as many holidays as ordinary universities. It is said that it is managed according to the army, and it is very strict. Besides, after hearing the meaning in Mingxi dialect, he learned all the things that needed to be kept secret, and he couldn't even mention it outside the army.

Finally on the second day when Mingdong arrived home, Osmanthus started. Mingnan and Mingbei were sitting in the stove to boil water. Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen worked together to help Osmanthus deliver the baby. Unexpectedly, Osmanthus gave birth to another fat son.

With the meat bun in the front, this kid called the bean bun smoothly and naturally, and Mingdong, who is familiar with the road, became a nanny, helping with washing and washing.

The family lived their lives step by step, and Mrs. Li was thinking about Mingdong's work again, thinking that she would graduate next year in Chunmingdong, so Mrs. Li went to the back room with a cane. Ask him about the situation.

Mr. Li pushed open the door of the back room, leaned her crutches against the wall, took off her jacket and threw it on the cabinet next to her, stretched out her head and greeted the east room, "Mingdong, Come out and ask you something."

Seeing Mrs. Li coming, Ming Dong hurriedly got off the kang and invited her to sit in the room, Mrs. Li waved her hand: "The body is full of cold air, and if the child is frozen, I will ask you to graduate As for the assignment, let's come to the stove and talk about the fire."

Ming Dong responded, put on her shoes and got off the kang. Mrs. Li sat on the small wooden bench in the stove, picked up pieces of red pine trips from the ground and stuffed them into the stove pit. The flaming firewood in the stove reflected the two's faces turning red: "Do you have any faith in the assignment for graduation? Where might the assignment go?"

Ming Dong is a cautious character. He originally wanted to get the notice and then tell his family about it, but when Mrs. Li asked him, he said one by one: "It's already established. The teacher said that our home is the closest to Anbei, and considering taking care of it nearby, it is estimated that I will be assigned to teach at Anbei Agricultural College."

Mingdong pushed up his glasses and smiled helplessly: "This is my latest job, I'm studying agriculture, and I'm good at farming, we don't have a righteous child in Beicha The villages and agricultural schools in Bajing will not be distributed to families no matter how they are allocated. In fact, Anbei is not too far away, and the train is also fast, not much farther than ours to Yidong.”

Once Mrs. Li heard that she was about the same distance from Yidong, she felt a little better. Except for Mingbei who had to take the hydrolysis factory high school, the rest of the grandsons went to high school in Yidong. I can always come back once every two months, so I don't think it's far away.

Just thinking that Mrs. Osmanthus is not a problem at home by herself, Mrs. Li touched her cigarette bag and took a cigarette: "I didn't have much reunion after you got married. I used to have winter and summer vacations when I was in school. We have been together for half a year, but it's hard to say after going to work, we can't leave the child at home and let Osmanthus go to Anbei with you."

Mingdong nodded: "That's fine, but it's too early to say, I'll have to wait until I get to Anbei to see what's going on there, if there's a more spacious order In the dormitory, I will take sweet-scented osmanthus and meat-wrapped beanbags with me, because I am afraid that the child will feel uncomfortable without sweet-scented osmanthus."

"You decide what you say." Mrs. Li mainly advises her children and grandchildren. If they have other ideas, they don't force it: "Actually, it is best for children to stay with their parents, that is, You have to be tired."

Ming Dong smiled and added some cigarette leaves to Mrs. Li: "We are young and tired, so don't worry about it, milk and parents are old, it's time to relax and enjoy happiness."

Ming Dong's words said that Mrs. Li was relieved, and her smiling eyes became a seam: "It's enough to have your words, while we can still move, we should help you. "Isn't this how all generations come here? Besides, after working all my life, I really can't be idle, and my heart is empty if I don't work for a day."

The eldest grandson's job was settled, and Mrs. Li was relieved. She returned to the room and told Wang Sufen the original words again: "No matter how far away from home, this is a stable a good job."

When Wang Sufen heard that her son could actually be a teacher in the university, she couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Dongzi brain melon seeds are very useful, so even college students can teach them?"

The two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were very excited about the discussion, Zhen Zhen listened, but her heart sank. Even though she didn't know much about those ten years, she also knew how low the status of teachers was during that period. Known as the "stinking old nine", some of them are even criticized for making troubles, and many of them are reported by their own students.

Zhen Zhen thought about it for a long time, but decided to try to discuss with Mrs. Li: "I think this job is not good, it's better to ask brother to resign, it's better to go home and enter the hydrolysis factory. ."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, how can you just not do the work assigned by the state?" Mrs. Li rubbed Zhen Zhen's head: "Are you reluctant to part with your brother and sister-in-law? It's okay, they went home after a holiday."

Zhen Zhen held her cheeks a little gloomily: "I feel panicked when I hear this work."

"Don't talk nonsense." Mrs. Li took Zhen Zhen in her arms and peeled the pine nuts to feed her: "I see that your brother likes this job very much, his face is full of joy, don't you Do you know if you say this spoiler in front of him."

Zhen Zhen nodded helplessly, knowing that if she didn't understand, Ming Dong would definitely not give up her job as a university teacher. But this fact is impossible to say, the family members believe it or not, and it will cause a lot of trouble. Anyway, as a college student in Mingdong, reform through labor is indispensable, and doing a little work in this era is not a big deal, as long as you don't get criticized and fight anything.

Zhen Zhen thought that the uncle and Mingxi were both soldiers, Li Muwen was also a famous anti-Japanese hero, and Mrs. Li also killed devils. With this relationship, no one should dare to practice Mingdong.

Zhen Zhen thought about it for a long time and decided to go to Anbei to see what it was like.

The price of food was accurate to the centimeter, and I immediately gave up my knees, like my brain usually can't remember what I had for lunch at night.

Speaking of that year, I graduated to my eldest brother's (meat bun) company for an internship. At that time, my uncle was in his 70s, and he was able to make up for a local high school student in chemistry. After a year, the last one The child did well in the exam, and he even brought a gift to his house to thank him. I really admire my uncle.