MTL - Alluring His Wife: The Evil King’s Fifth Consort-Chapter 14 Wang Hao is very creative

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A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

Chapter 14 Wang Hao is quite creative

Wei Weiwei entered the house and put the dog's rope on his hand to the guardian's hand. He walked over to one of his niece, and sat down with ease.

This is a smashing smashing sputum. It is sitting by Wei Weiwei. The body is soft and can't support it at the moment. However, it is good to bite the weight of the Weiwei tail.

Wei Weiwei poured himself a cup of tea and drink it until this time he saw the cloud evil standing next to the five screens of the rosewood painting glass.

"Wang Ye, are you coming back? How do you stand? Sit fast!" Wei Weiwei smiled at the cloud evil, revealing two rows of white teeth.

It seems to be like a cloud evil show off.

Yunxie glanced at the virgin who was shaking like a sieve. He was afraid that the prostitute would be scattered.

Yun Xie shook his head and looked at the niece who was crawling like a dog outside the door. "Wang, is this just a walk back?"

"No, I just walked the dog!" Wei Weiwei's extraordinarily enchanting, but also stunned the clouds.

"Oh!" Yunyun said with a deep meaning.

Going to the side of the defending tail, leaning down and vomiting in the ear of Wei Weiwei.. "Wang Hao can play today?"

"Happy!" How could she be unhappy, seeing the people who beat her before and bullied her, and looked at her in horror as a ghost, how can she be unhappy?

It can be said that the mood is great!

"Well, since Wang Hao is not as happy as living in the prime minister's house until the next month of the fifteenth? Just the emperor finished the forty-two birthday, the king will return to Mocheng, I am afraid that Wang Hao will want to return to the government afterwards. "The hands of Yunxie gently lie on the shoulders of Weiweiwei, and they knead a few times from time to time.

15th next month? Didn't she have a month to make waves in the prime minister's house and retaliate against those who would not see her as a person?

"Good!" Wei Weiwei answered the sound of the land.

He knew that Wei Weiwei would be very happy, and watching the performance of Shanwei today, I am afraid that there will be no peace in the future.

But is this what the Prime Minister owes her? It is also the entire prime minister who owes him...

"Wang Hao, time is not early, let's use dinner soon? After dinner, Wang Hao can serve the king well, to repay... the king's kindness!" Yunxiao warm tone spit in the Weiwei tail ear The side, itching, but also let Wei Weiwei hit a slap!

Wei Weiwei stood up and directly opened a distance with Yunxie. He coughed a little. "I just finished the dog back, the dog must be very hungry, I am going to feed the dog!"

"It's good to leave these things to the next person." Yun Xie lazily pulled the Weiwei tail to his arms.

The mysterious and the dry guards consciously hang down the scorpion.

"So simple things don't bother Wang's guards!" Wei Weiwei smiled and walked out of Yunxuanhuai, looking at the nine scorpions outside the door, the scorpion was a stern color.

It’s time for them to taste, and the taste of the face filled with horses!

"Does it seem that Wang Hao is not going to go out to eat with the 丞?" The stern eye of Wei Wei's eyes, Yun Xie sees the score really cut.

After the war and the people who were waiting for the meal with the evil kings, they heard that the evil king had to eat with Wang Hao alone, and everyone was relieved.

Immediately after going back to the houses, they are really tired enough to deal with evil kings, and as long as the evil king is there, every skin of their body is stretched, and no rest is allowed for a while!

The mother of Shen thought that she had married the Guardian to Changhou, and the evil king must have hated her.

Even if the evil king does not act on her today, I am afraid she will not escape tomorrow.

No, she has to let the evil king leave the prime minister, otherwise she is really afraid that this life can not be saved!

In the room, the neat plaque in front of Wei Weiwei climbed nine nieces, and each niece had a horse food bowl in front of him. The nine nieces all buried their heads in the horse food bowl and ate them in a dog's way. The food inside the horse food bowl.

The Weiweiwei took a long spoon and scooped a spoonful of their leftover bones from the horse's food bucket. The vegetable juice, the residue and the used water from the washing pot were drenched from each of them.

Although the temperature of the water is not hot, it is enough to make the skin on their faces and necks red, and they cry and eat the dog food in the horse food bowl.

Yunxie sat quietly on the low stool made of yellow wood, and the silver mask reflected the orange candle in the house, making Yunxie look like a ghost!

The table on the back of the prostitute in front of him was a mess, and the rest of the chopsticks were placed on the back of the beggar, and on the ground there were many dishes and meals that fell from the back.

Their entire back trembled fiercely, and the clothes behind them were covered with oil and salt. If the clothes on them were removed, I am afraid that they are all pieces of red hot marks!

The niece who stared at the candlestick on the top of the head was full of candle oil with a face that was covered with a candle. Then the candle oil dried up and slammed directly on the hair, face!

The reason why he sat on a low stool was that these prostitutes couldn't bear the weight of his body. He sat one, fell one, and finally the defending tail made people move a low stool to let him sit down.

"Wang Hao, the slave is wrong. In the past, it was a slave. There was no eye, no slave, **** it, and ask the king to spare the slave!" A prostitute looked up and said, the lingering soup left over and cried.

"Yeah, ask Wang Hao to spare the slaves..." When the words came out, other prostitutes pleaded for mercy!

"Hey, can the dog talk?" Wei Weiwei took a long spoon and stagmed, and then the long spoon of dog food fell on the face of the prostitute.

At the beginning, she also cried like this, asking them not to pour cold water on her in the winter, because it was really cold!

But what about them? They only listened to jokes. The more she said, the more she was splashed. They smiled and said: "The horse will talk, the horse will ask me, please don't pour me... hahahaha ”

The previous scene seems to be vivid! Although she did not have a real experience, but this physical memory seems to let her experience the general.

"Wang Hao, would you spare them?" The silver plaque on the side also could not be seen.

Although these people are angry and hateful, but now Wang Hao tortures them in turn, she feels that they are pitiful.

"Although the weak people need sympathy, some people are not worthy of sympathy. They are deserved of sin. If they are as safe and secure as you are, will there be today's end? If I am not Wang Hao, will they beg for me? "The smile of the Weiweiwei speech has long since disappeared, and it has been replaced by hatred for more than a decade."

These hatreds have accumulated over a long period of time, and they have already smashed a knife in her heart, and they are so deep that they have been unable to pull out.

The only way to make her feel good is that she will go back with a knife. The worse the other, the more comfortable she is!

Jubilee closed his mouth honestly and dropped his throat. Look at the refreshing to the apex O