MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 451 : Attack 1

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The latest website: Justice League, what a beautiful word, who can not like it. Anyway, these people in the meeting liked the word.

There was nothing left to do, so everyone boarded a bus, escorted by the peacekeepers to an airport of the military, and then went straight to Medellin through the airport.

Bill didn't take away everyone's communication equipment, which was too ugly, but there was also a jammer on the bus.

Belief and precaution are two things that do not interfere with each other.

Boarding, taking off, the plane did not land at the airport in Medellin. Even the military airport is not to be trusted.

Medellin is Pablo's lair.

"Get ready, fellow justices, we're about to land, because it's not an airport, so there may be some..." Bill tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "It's bumpy, so fasten your seat belts!"

With that said, Bill sat down and began to fasten his seat belt as well.

"Oh, no, God, forced landing in the wild?" An exclamation sounded, followed by a burst of noise. The forced landing in the wild, again in the middle of the night, makes the scalp tingle just thinking about it.

In the event of an accident, people will die!

"NO, NO, NO, don't do this, it's very dangerous!" A prayer sounded, and most of the people were pale.

Bill rolled his eyes and had to turn his head and said, "Everyone, don't worry, the plane is driven by an American, a super pilot, with more than 10,000 hours of driving experience. It's not difficult to make a forced landing at night. Keep calm."

Hearing this, there was a burst of exhalation in the cabin. Not a Colombian pilot would be great.

Although they do not like Americans very much, but, this does not include now.

Mainly because they have too much confidence in Colombian pilots, who can't fly a few times a year, how can you believe that?

There is not a single pilot who has flown tens of thousands of hours in Colombia, not even the military, without him, without Qianle.

The cost of training pilots is too high, and it is not simply a matter of consuming aviation fuel.

The plane began to dive down, and the sense of weightlessness came. The military transport plane had no window for everyone to see, and they all held on to the backrests nervously, their faces pale.

'Bang' was a loud noise, followed by violent turbulence, "Boom, the plane seems to be falling apart.

No way, military planes don't take into account the **** of comfort.

Until they got off the plane and looked at the pitch-dark surroundings, there was only a sign made up of a small red light on the ground. They landed on such a hellish place. Just thinking about it a little bit, each and every one of the justice messengers had their legs stretched out. Some are soft.

It is now around 9 o'clock in the evening. This is a small hill, and there are 2,000 people with protective umbrellas ambushed in the woods.

There was no way, I didn't dare to enter Medellin, and I didn't dare to get too close, for fear of disturbing Pablo.

"Start the operation in half an hour, Dennis Abbott, you will lead 800 people in a while to target Pablo's Naples manor, I hope no one will run away!" Bill called the umbrella people, the last military man before the war. Meeting.

"Craigie, you lead 200 people to this drug factory to the west."

"Wright, you lead 200 people to raid here, it is also a system factory." "Tom, you lead 200 people, here..."

"Nice, you..."

"In the end, I lead 200 people as a reserve team."

"Because it's a raid, we don't have tanks to support you. Your offensive weapons are only armored vehicles, modified recoilless guns, and 107 rocket launchers." After speaking, Bill smiled again, "Of course, there will be no less air support, 20 sorties. The devil bird is ready and ready to call for air support."

"Thank you boss for creating this turboprop aircraft, the devil bird will always be waiting for you in the sky." After making a joke, Bill smiled and pointed to the person next to him, "Now, let me introduce to you, These are two CIA officers, this time the operation planning and intelligence support came from the help of the CIA, let us welcome you two."

Clap la la, there was a burst of applause from the scene.

Although everyone knows that this is nonsense, the umbrella does not need KPI, so

Therefore, this credit must naturally be given up.

The two people from the CIA did not introduce themselves. The secret unit just stood up and greeted everyone with a smile. As for the official Colombian people at the scene, they were witnesses.

The credit goes to the CIA, because the military also does not need this kind of action to set off the strength of the US military.

Big, compared to this trivial little credit, the military cares more about the capture promised by Sean

Seventy percent?

I really thought that the protective umbrella could get 70%, and the military also got half of it. Are so many F-16s and Apaches for nothing?

What's more, there are missiles and other expenses during the bombing, and the military will not do business that loses money. What the CIA wants is the seized "goods", and the money is shared between the umbrella and the military.

Of course, Sean won't lose it either.

Everything was ready, and at 10:30, the operation began, first with the Devil Bird fighter squadron. "Report, Devil Bird Fighter Squadron is applying for takeoff!" the correspondent reported loudly.

"Approve takeoff!" Bill shouted back.

In a military base more than 300 kilometers away, 20 Devil Birds received the tower signal and entered the runway one by one, soaring into the sky and flying towards Medellin.

It was followed by ambush in further transport convoys and armored convoys. "Report, the team applies for departure."

"Approve departure!"

A group of personnel carriers, armored vehicles, 212 modified recoilless artillery vehicles and rocket vehicles drove over from dozens of kilometers away.

They are going to pick up the fighters with the umbrella here and quickly drive towards their respective targets.

When the convoy arrived, the paratroopers who were ready to set off quickly completed boarding under the command of the signal lights. No one spoke during the whole process, only the sound of the engine echoed in the night sky.

This is the quality of the soldiers. The people on the Colombian side just watched quietly, with solemn expressions on their faces. The quality of the soldiers of the two countries is not the same.

If this is replaced by the Colombian military, in the middle of the night, even with lights on, 2,000 people can complete the boarding, which is impossible without an hour.

Even so, there are bound to be people getting into the wrong car, and equipment being lost. It's messy, and it's absolutely impossible to be silent all the time.

It can be replaced with a protective umbrella, my dear, the work was completed in half an hour under the condition of smearing the whole process, as if training countless assembly line operations.

It really doesn't compare.

Colombian people and CIA people also accompanied them. They took special vehicles and followed near the command vehicle. Just as the convoy drove towards the Naples Manor at full speed, the communicator reported in a low voice, "Report, the Devil Bird formation has reached the sky above the target, please instruct."

"Hovering at an altitude of 3,000 meters," Bill ordered.

Looking down at the watch, in another 20 minutes, the sweeping operation is about to begin! ......

In the middle of the night, there are almost no vehicles on the highway outside the city.

Although Pablo has a comprehensive control over Medellin, he doesn't always send people to monitor the roads in the middle of the night.

At this moment, most of the Naples manor was covered with hazy moonlight, and only a few places were still brightly lit.

The Naples Manor covers an area of ​​22 square kilometers. You must know that the entire Macau is only 32.9 square kilometers.

The estate has 2 helicopter landing pads, 27 artificial lakes, 10 villas, 1,700 employees, as well as a kart track, a water park, a bullring, a sculpture park and a huge wildlife park, as well as a large number of luxury cars and yachts.

And Sean's Deer Island, the total area is only 0.5 square kilometers, after reclamation and reconstruction, it is less than 1 square kilometers...

Anyway, Sean didn't look good after getting the details of the Naples manor.

(I saw Pablo's manor in Colombia today. I was not angry. I decided to discuss with Pablo to buy it. I think he will agree.)

Just when the convoy was less than 3 kilometers away from the Naples manor, a harsh siren suddenly sounded in the manor!

Immediately, the manor fell into chaos, the servants on duty panicked, and the sleeping servants were awakened from their dreams.

The major in charge of the manor's security widened his eyes with an extremely ugly expression on his face, "Quick, quick, quick, take someone to protect the boss's wife and children, enter the No. 2 air defense basement, and instruct the helicopter to start, once it is confirmed that it can fly, Take them away immediately!"

"Call the police station in Medellin immediately and tell them that someone is attacking the manor." "Call the nearby garrison, why are there so many people attacking!"

"Others, start to deploy immediately, everyone, take action, take out all weapons, and be on full alert!" the major shouted noble.

The reason why he is a major is that he was born in the Colombian military...

After ordering to go down, the major immediately called Pablo and informed the other party that a large group of people was attacking the Naples Manor.

"I don't know how many people there are and what forces they are, but the opponent's team is very large, and several armored vehicles have been observed."

"Fake, **** it, it must be the umbrella man!" Pablo guessed it instantly, no evidence needed. Since the U.S. military said when it will act, it will definitely not breach the contract, so the only one whose enemy has and has this kind of force is Sean.

Pablo was scolding his mother in his heart. He was really scared now, and he didn't dare to live in the manor at all. He recently hid in the rainforest.

He didn't bring his wife and children, but it wasn't because he believed in the rules of the rivers and lakes, and he couldn't hurt his family. It was because as long as he was still alive, no one would dare to touch his wife and children.

His wife is still his concern. Everyone knows that because of this, Pablo's actions are considered to have a bottom line. Once he really loses his family, all his enemies' families will also die!

Only one thing, he still believes that Sean can't catch him!

It is impossible for the US military and the US government to accompany Sean all the time, and sooner or later they will return to the original trajectory. He was ready for a blow to the peripheral transport network!

However, before that...

He really didn't dare to let his wife and children fall into Sean's hands, the ghost knows what that lunatic will do.

For a subordinate, Sean dared to push the U.S. government to convene a United Nations conference to obtain the matter of legally sending troops to attack him. What else is Sean afraid to do?

If something unspeakable happens...

What "It's not what you think", "He caught me in", "Very simple drinking", "I can't help you if you want to think like this", "It's really just the atmosphere", "He just didn't get in", "I wear it." ""One millimeter is also a distance" "I took it off while I was not paying attention"...

Pablo couldn't help but shuddered, and immediately ordered loudly: "Don't think about evacuating by plane, I approve you to use the underground passage, and immediately let Victoria Heinau and the others leave."

After the order, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered again: "Fight them well, don't care about the manor, try to destroy their living strength!"

He wants to touch Sean's protective umbrella, no matter how badly the combat effectiveness of the protective umbrella is blown outside, he still only believes what he sees.

At least the Colombian government forces are not as good as the armed forces in his hands.

Even if it is the final negotiation and compromise, it is only after showing his strength. If there is no courage to resist, then his Medellin group will not have to mix.

The phone hung up, the major squinted and sat for a while, cheering himself up, then got up and walked out.

As soon as he approached the Naples Manor for about a kilometer, Bill grabbed the communicator and shouted solemnly: "Operation Thunder, officially start, fire!"

"Whoosh" and "Whoosh", two flares were shot into the sky.

Afterwards, the recoilless gun began to fire directly at the manor. Anyway, it was impossible to hide it.

More than 20 doors opened fire without recoil, and the explosions of "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" sounded in an area behind the main entrance of the manor.

The attack plan was made in advance. The terrain of Naples Manor was clearly photographed by the aerial reconnaissance plane, and the coordinates of various places were also prepared.

With the artillery cover, the armored vehicle in front suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the main entrance.

It's not that you have to go to the front, but there are dense forests on both sides, and there is no way to open a passage in a short time.

Just when the armored vehicle approached less than 100 meters near the gate, the sound of "whoosh", "whoosh" and "whoosh" sounded, and I saw firelights cut through the night sky and shot towards the armored vehicle.

I don't know the exact number at all, there are no less than a dozen RPGs! RPGs are built to target tanks, and ordinary armored vehicles can't stand it.

Of course, for today, the umbrella has been planned for a long time, armored vehicles are added with bulletproof fences.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

After all, the bulletproof fence could not be 100% intercepted. There were still four RPGs that exploded. The firelight drowned the armored vehicle. One armored vehicle was directly overturned by the explosion shock wave, and the other was hit by an RPG. One side, one head plunged into the green belt next to it.

A few missed RPGs exploded around, and the armored car behind in the fire directly smashed the scrapped armored car in front and continued to rush towards the manor.

At the same time, the M134 six-barreled Gatling on the roof of the armored car also started strafing towards the place where the RPG had just been fired.

The masonry fragments splashed on the wall, and the opponent who was suddenly pressed never had the chance to raise his head to launch an RPG.

After the perimeter was suppressed, the first armored vehicle just rushed past the gate of the manor, and immediately encountered 10 RPG fires, and was immediately brought down again.

Pablo mobilized a large number of manpower and weapons to the Naples Manor after knowing the situation of the United Nations General Assembly. No matter who the enemy is, they will attack here first.

Although this is his logo in Colombia.

The gate of the manor was blocked again. Dennis Abbott received the previous battle report and immediately ordered: "The armored vehicle troops are withdrawn!"

The armored vehicle unit that charged for the first time immediately retreated, but suffered no further losses under the suppression of firepower. The first attack failed, leaving three armored vehicles.

"Prepare the rocket launcher, within 200 range of the gate of the manor, saturate the attack." "Group A and Group B use high-explosive bombs, and Group C uses incendiary bombs!"

With an order, the rear 107 rocket launcher immediately began to adjust the shooting angle, and the adjustment was completed after 10 minutes.

After receiving the report, Dennis Abbott ordered loudly, "Launch!" "Whoosh", "Whoosh", "Swish"...

A group of 12 rockets flashed across the sky. This time, a total of 10 launchers were brought in to attack the Naples Manor. At one time, 120 rockets fell within 200 meters of the manor's gate.

The explosions of "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" sounded, followed by a huge fire.

Even if there are pre-built defense facilities at the door, which can prevent artillery, it is useless under incendiary bombs.

High temperature, hypoxia, carbon monoxide poisoning, no matter how powerful a soldier is, as long as he is still human, he can't stand it, and he will die!

At the entrance of the manor, the fire was blazing into the sky, and in the central command room, Pablo's major commander's face was extremely ugly, "Damn it, it's an incendiary bomb, a lunatic, a lunatic!"

The major scolded through gritted teeth. The reason why he was so angry was because the United Nations set out from humanitarianism in 1980 and passed regulations prohibiting the use of incendiary bombs. Obviously, the umbrella did not take this matter seriously.

Of course, this did not delay Sean using the United Nations to oppress Colombia and deal with Pablo. What is a double standard!

I am arrogant!

Looking at the raging fire, the high-level observers in Colombia were all silent. So **** reckless!

While dissatisfied, I also felt fear and fear.

When Americans have no scruples, there are no rules to constrain them, and Colombia, as a small country, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has no ability to resist at all.

This is the truth of the world.

The petrol incendiary bombs will burn for nearly half an hour. Using this time, the umbrella begins to prepare for the next attack.

The armored convoy is ready again, and the rocket launcher is also reloaded, ready to launch at any time. In the sky, the sound of the sudden propeller sounded, and three Black Hawk armed helicopters appeared in the night sky. The first wave is just a test, and the second wave is the beginning of the real attack!

PS: One thousand less, make up for it tomorrow.

No way, get up early in the morning and take the train to H*** material, and come back at 8:30 in the evening. The time for the cultural and sports rating in Hai N province is up, and Fireworks needs to apply for the fourth-level cultural and creative.

Because the third-level cultural and creative industry can apply for the introduction of high-level talents. Just after all the materials were finished, I suddenly heard bad news...

Those preferential policies are to fool non-Hainan household registration people to come to Hainan, because I have settled in Hainan, so...  
