MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 452 : Attack 2

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The latest website: (PS: Ladies and gentlemen, can we stop the government? Damn it, we have established a large group of cadres for three years. If there is no, there will be no new group number 875504726)

The fire was raging, and even the armored vehicles that were scrapped near the door were burned red.

Time passed and the fire was finally extinguished in most areas.

At this moment, Dennis Abbott ordered: "Extend the artillery cover, keep a distance of 200 meters, and keep firing at a constant speed."

"Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" sounded, and the recoilless gun opened fire.

"Armored vehicles advance!"

The roar of the engine sounded, and the track of the armored car turned to charge towards the Naples Manor again.

Just when the armored vehicle rushed to the gate of the manor again, Dennis Abbott ordered again, "Bazooka troops, high-explosive bomb preparation, extend inward 300 meters, prepare one round, fire one after another, and fire!"

"whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh"

The flames swept across the night sky, and there was another violent explosion inside the manor.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the armored vehicle slammed into the abandoned armored vehicle blocking the door and rushed into a passage, followed by seven armored vehicles rushing in.

The ground had just been hit by incendiary bombs, and it was very hot, and the infantry could not rush in at all. Now it was only the armored vehicle that opened the way, occupying a key position for defense, and opening a passage for the follow-up infantry to advance.

The artillery immediately stopped firing as the armored vehicle rushed through the just-burning area.

Several subsequent armored vehicles equipped with night vision equipment turned on the large-scale night vision devices and began to scan the position of Pablo's defenders in the manor.

The Gatling on the roof roared and fired at possible targets.

At the same time, as the shelling stopped, armored vehicles in the manor also drove out from the previously hidden places, and the machine guns aimed at each other and began to shoot at each other.

There were gunshots in the manor.

As the machine gun roared, in the hidden bunker, in the artificial lake, Pablo's soldiers jumped out again suddenly, and the armored vehicle carrying the RPG rocket launcher aimed at the protective umbrella opened fire again.

Fortunately, the terrain is relatively open this time, and it is difficult for the moving armored vehicle to be hit. Even if it hits, because of the existence of the bulletproof fence, the armored vehicle did not suffer from battle damage.

Of course, also because of the movement, it is difficult for the machine guns on the armored vehicles to hit those soldiers who ran away immediately after firing the bazooka.

Dennis Abbott loudly ordered again, "Armored car group B, rush in!"

"Helicopter crew, knock out those bunkers for me!"

Another group of wheeled armored vehicles entered immediately, regardless of whether the ground was still hot or not, whether the tires would burn out. At the same time, three black eagles hovering over a few hundred meters were ready to launch at any time.

In fact, the best way should be to use the Hellfire anti-tank missiles on the Black Hawk to hit the armored vehicles. However, a Hellfire costs $400,000, and a Stinger missile, Sean purchased the price for only $80,000 .

How much is the old and backward armored car like Pablo?

It's not worth it to use hellfire against that broken armored car.

(The price of the US military’s arms is very flexible. The military purchases, owns purchases, and sells it for export. It is still cheaper to purchase for the military, 40,000 US dollars, who makes the Afghans really poor, it is a last resort if they are not free.)

Dennis Abbott is not Sean. Costs are not considered in wars. He is a part-time worker and a battlefield commander. If he does not consider costs, he will be held accountable.

As for the possible loss of personnel and pensions, this is reasonable as long as it does not exceed the appropriate proportion of war losses.

Whether the pension is high or the hellfire is expensive is not an issue for Dennis to consider, the system is like that.

With an order, several armored vehicles rushed out, the roof opened, and some soldiers carried Stinger missiles and aimed at the enemy armored vehicles for locking and guidance.

The infrared locking guide is completed, "Whoosh", "Boom", "Whoosh", "Old man", "Boom", "Whoosh", "Boom"

After all, it has a locking function, and the distance is relatively close, and the hit rate is not comparable to the old RPG-7.

With the destruction of several armored vehicles on the Pablo side, the armored vehicles on the umbrella side began to exert their firepower advantage again. With the cooperation of large night vision devices, several semi-hidden underground bunkers could no longer be hidden, and the searchlight shone in the past. After completing the mark, under the suppression of fierce firepower, the opponent could not do it if he wanted to jump out and counterattack.

Most RPG weapons cannot be fired in a confined space, otherwise the tail flame will destroy everyone inside first.

Receiving the signal that the ground has completed the suppression of firepower, the black eagle in the sky did not lower the altitude. The maximum range of the Hellfire is 8 kilometers. If it is not limited in height, Dennis does not mind them flying higher!

(AGM-114 loses its ability to intercept targets at a height of more than 600 meters, don't ask me why...)

"Swish", "Swish", "Swish", "Swish", several firelights adjusted their positions in the sky and stabbed straight down, like spears thrown by the gods. After the sound of "Boom", several exposed permanent The fortification bunker was directly pierced through the reinforced concrete shell, and then a violent explosion occurred inside.

"Damn it!" In the middle of the manor, the major's eyes were splitting, but there was nothing he could do. The only weapon in their hands that could threaten the helicopter was the RPG-7, and they didn't even have a single surface-to-air missile.

But if you want to use RPG to hit a helicopter, unless the other party foolishly hovers in a place and doesn't move, and the distance is close enough, you don't need to think about it at all.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, and didn't order such an unobjectionable attempt. There was no way, the number of RPGs was limited, and Pablo couldn't buy anti-aircraft missiles no matter how rich he was.

It's not about money.

Of course, it is impossible to not have one. At least Sean knows that Yuri once sold a small amount to the Colombian army, and at ten times the price, it was used to deal with the government army and air force.

Like that devil bird...

After all, business can last for a long time if there is a relationship.

It's just that the number is limited, and Pablo wouldn't waste it in this place even if he had it.

As the attacking troops completely cleared the 300-meter range near the door and established a line of defense, Dennis ordered that the subsequent large troops came in in batches to prepare for a full-scale attack.

"Prepare the artillery, adjust the firing unit, target 200 meters near the entrance of the manor, and prepare to launch!" The major in the center of the manor ordered.

Pablo does not only have armored vehicles in his hands, but the army equipment is not bad.

Just as the first troop carriers full of paratroopers rushed in, the American soldiers jumped out of the cars one after another.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"…

A series of dense voices rang out in the night sky. When they heard this voice, the expressions of a group of experienced American soldiers suddenly changed dramatically. They didn't need to give orders from the people above. Lie down, mortar!"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" The dense shells were thrown like raindrops, and groups of fires exploded, even if the soldiers with the umbrella had been trained for a long time, how did they specifically target mortars? The rehearsal of the response, you can face the mortar bombardment without a bunker, causing a lot of losses immediately!

"Fake, **** it!" At the moment when the explosion sounded, Dennis's head was dizzy, and he had stopped the artillery fire long ago. He didn't want to know that it must be Pablo's artillery attack.

The front-line observers reported the situation almost at the same time, it was a mortar!

Damn, how can Pablo have so many mortars in his hands, this thing is too unfriendly to infantry.

Bill, who was sitting beside him, bowed his head slightly and touched his nose embarrassedly. He didn't need to ask him how these mortars came from.

Most of the underground arms market in South America is controlled by Yu Rui, and I don't know how many mortars have been dumped to the army and drug criminals, which naturally includes Pablo.

Who made Pablo the richest and the largest armed force?

Besides, the two sides didn't fight before, they were really good business partners...

At least that's what Yuri thinks. Including second-hand armored vehicles, at least one-third of Pablo's arms are sold by Yuri, and the other troops are from brother.

Colombian military.

Therefore, there is a reason why the Colombian military did not recruit Pablo. How many people are counting on Pablo to live, and they will go to Pablo to find a job after retiring.

Make money, don't touch it!

"Hide on the spot, find cover!" Dennis ordered loudly: "Helicopter support immediately, kill those gunners for me!"

In a short period of time, there was a fierce exchange of fire, and the "observation team" on the Colombian side was speechless.

This round of mortar bombing, listening to the intensive sound of explosions, I am afraid that more than 200 artillery shells have been fired?

Anyway, if the Colombian military was blocked in this way, it would have collapsed and retreated. They did not have such a strong will to fight.

On the other hand, the U.S. soldiers in the protective umbrella have done a lot of rehearsal for this situation. They know that air support or artillery support will come soon. After suffering the most intensive wave of artillery fire, the soldiers who are still alive immediately start to brave the artillery fire to move towards the just descended. A personnel carrier or a nearby armored vehicle tumbled close.

Even if it is the crater left by the previous explosion, as long as you find a decent bunker, the mortar is still more lethal to unprotected targets and does not have much ability to attack.

The helicopter in the sky responded very quickly, and suddenly lowered the altitude and began to dive. With the aid of the infrared night vision device on the plane, he quickly found the mortar team on Pablo's side.

The only problem is that the opponent's arrangement is very scattered. The reason why they can exert such powerful firepower and shoot accurately is entirely because they have entered the manor and calculated the shooting units. This time they can do it all.

Too late to use the lower-cost cannon, the three Black Hawks directly bombed the exposed ground targets with rockets.

"whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The helicopter flew 100 meters high in the air at a low speed, and the rocket quickly adjusted the target to complete the strike.

The umbrella soldiers on the battlefield at the entrance of the manor immediately felt that the frequency of mortar attacks was rapidly decreasing.

"RPG, aim for me!"

"Anti-aircraft guns, fire!" On the other hand, the major in the manor immediately responded.

The black eagle flying at a low speed of 100 meters at an altitude of 100 meters has been exposed to the strike range of the RPG. In the air friction sound of "swish", "swish", "swish", "swish", the shells shot into the sky, but all missed the target. I don't know where to fly.

This is the sadness of the Army facing the Air Force. It cannot be locked. After all, it is just relying on Mongolia. The hit rate is simply metaphysics.

Fortunately, the ground-launched RPG also frightened the Black Hawk helicopter to raise its altitude and speed up the flight, which greatly reduced the accuracy of the rockets that were also unable to lock in the attack, and made the mortar team that was suffering losses on the ground. A chance to breathe.

The rapid-fire cannon sounded "Dong dong dong..." with a tracer bullet every 10 rounds. With the guidance of the tracer bullet, the ground cannon quickly adjusted its angle.

After all, the Black Hawk is not an Apache. The climb speed and reaction ability are too poor. In the face of ground threats, it can only quickly pull up and escape.

Of course, there is no way out. After pulling up, turn around and use Hellfire to lock the exposed cannon, "Whoosh" "Boom!"

With the sound of the explosion, all the machine guns on the ground were quickly eliminated.

The major kept receiving the news of the battle damage. The loss was indeed not small, but there was no way to do it. He couldn't watch the enemy's armed helicopters raging overhead without resisting.

Then there is no need to fight, just a few gunships can make the top men in their manor die without a burial.

Fortunately, now the opponent's helicopters have become more cautious in fear of losses, the lethality has dropped significantly, and a large number of mortar teams have survived, which can play a greater role in subsequent ground battles.

In the air, only one helicopter was left circling, and the other two had withdrawn from the battlefield for ammunition replenishment. It was not a game, and the number of rockets and Hellfires was limited.

On the other side, at the gate of the manor, the intensive mortar bombardment stopped, and only sporadic shells fell.

The reinforcements from the rear rushed up, and some of the logistics personnel searched for the wounded and sent them back immediately, and some followed the troops in front and began to move towards the wounded.

Active offensive probes were launched in three directions.

It's not that Dennis wanted to use the oil-filling tactic. When the Naples Manor was designed, he had a premonition that today, the surrounding forests are dense and dense, and troop carriers and heavy weapons cannot be transported in. It is impossible to let soldiers carry guns and storm the enemy's positions. ?

It's not a game, just restart it when you die!

"Can a large-scale bombing be carried out?" Dennis asked with an ugly face when he received the front-line battle damage report.

In the first wave, 200 people were sent, and more than 120 people were injured, of which more than 90 people were slightly injured, 28 people were seriously injured, and 32 people died.

This is still under the premise of long-term training and appropriate coping.

The mortar fire was so fast that more than 300 shells were dropped in a short period of time!

Mainly because there was no chance to find cover, and the enemy's shelling came too fast.

No way, this is someone else's nest.

The loss is too great!

"If it was before, it's okay, now..." Bill shook his head, "Better not, we received news that most of the buildings in the manor are double-layered masonry structures, hollow inside, and money inside ."

"You know, Pablo doesn't dare to put money in the bank, and he has controlled the drug channel and earned a lot of wealth over the years. Forbes ranked him as the seventh richest person in the world, which is a sum of 20 billion A wealth of dollars!"

“And unlike other rich people, who are mostly fixed assets, stocks, bonds, etc., Pablo is all cash.”

"After the war, we need to pay pensions, and all of them will come from here." Bill pointed to the direction of the manor and shrugged, "Actually, the biggest reason why we launched the attack so early was to raid Pablo in the Properties near Colombia and Panama.”

Dennis's mouth twitched, he didn't know the news in advance, otherwise he wouldn't ask such a stupid question.

Those green cuties can't stand the ravages of bombs, not at all.

"Okay, I understand!" Dennis nodded, and the application became more serious, trying not to use high-power bombs on buildings, but those zoos, playgrounds, horse farms, shooting ranges, etc. don't care too much.

Of course, it can't be too much. The ghost knows if there is any hidden underground building below, and it is full of dollars.

Grabbing the communicator, Dennis took a deep breath and said, "Call the Devil Bird Squadron, please reply when you receive it."

"Devil Bird Squadron received, over."

"Group A and Group B listened to the orders, arrived at the Naples Manor, and toured at low altitude. When they found the opponent's fighters, they did not need to report, and they killed them directly." Dennis ordered, "But remember, try not to use rockets, etc., use machine guns, and try your best to do so. Avoid those villas."

"The demands on you are to suppress enemy resistance, which can be addressed by our ground combatants."

"Group A Devil Bird Squad received!"

"The Devil Bird Squad of Group B received!"

The ten Devil Birds drew an arc in the air, bowing their heads and swooping towards the Naples Manor.

In about 2 minutes, ten Devil Birds arrived over the Naples Manor. After they divided their patrol range, they began to skim at a low altitude.

This batch of devil birds was temporarily equipped with large night vision goggles, so it was not difficult to fight at night.



The turboprop flew low at a low altitude, like a bald eagle that was ready to avoid predators at any time, rubbing against the air and making a huge noise.

The 12.7mm cannon fires from time to time, drawing a death zone in the air.

The dark cloud of death shrouded the Pablo side's troops at once!

Although most of them were hiding in buildings or pre-made bunkers, and did not cause many casualties, the aircraft hovering overhead, the feeling of depression that could only be beaten and unable to fight back, the feeling of oppression that death could come at any time, still let the Their determination to resist was fading little by little.

As a commander, the major's face was so terrifying that he couldn't help but start to feel discouraged. Isn't this **** bullying!

For this kind of small-scale, low-intensity engagement, even if three armed helicopters are used, there are still 10 fighter jets! ?

Isn't it a bit too much!

i.e. no

First come a round of large-scale bombing, otherwise there is no need to fight, just surrender.

The reason for not bombing at the beginning is very simple. It is 22 square kilometers, which is more than half the size of Macau. If a full-scale bombing requires hundreds of planes, if only buildings are bombed, Sean dares to shoot down the person who ordered it.

So, it doesn't make sense...

You must attack on the ground, try to keep buildings and other facilities intact, as simple as that.

Fortunately, the Devil Bird participated in the battle, and the helicopter also completed the reloading of ammunition, and then re-launched, mainly hovering near the entrance of the manor, completely as a firepower supplement for the ground troops.

The ground troops also completed the evacuation of the wounded and regrouped.

Dennis changed execution plan D. According to the previous arrangement, the ground troops began to advance straight towards 12 o'clock with air support.

For the dollar, go for the duck!

"The third batch, enter, 2 o'clock!"

"The fourth batch, enter, 10 o'clock direction!"

The air strike force that may exist on Pablo's side has basically been eliminated, and the rest are at most the level of individual soldiers.

The helicopter opened the way ahead, mainly using large night vision devices to observe the enemy's arrangement, and the ground troops advanced according to the results of the front reconnaissance.

Of course, this kind of reconnaissance cannot find the enemy 100%, and people hiding in bunkers or bunkers cannot completely find them.

"da-da-da" "da-da-da"

The whole manor was full of fighting, and the gunshots were continuous.

The armored vehicle opened the way, and the paratroopers could only advance little by little under the cover of the armored vehicle, guarding against the army of drug criminals who might shoot from the dark at any time.

It is quite possible that what appears to be a dirt bag on the surface is a semi-subterranean fortress.

22 square kilometers, let alone midnight, even in broad daylight, it is impossible to search it with 800 people.

Bill's request was to follow the road in the manor, targeting those villas.

No matter how much preparation was made during the construction, this is only where Pablo lives, and they cannot all survive underground.

"80 meters ahead, coordinates XXX, XXX, there is an enemy fortress!" A soldier with a protective umbrella lay on the ground and reported carefully with a walkie-talkie.

After the report, he took out a small thing from behind and stood on the ground, and a red light shot out and hit the bunker that protruded only about 1 meter.

As soon as the red light shot out, the soldier immediately rolled, then got up and turned around and ran.

The red light that was shot in the bunker was quickly discovered, and the muzzle was immediately turned around to start shooting, but it was really not that easy to shoot a thing the size of half a palm from 80 meters away.

After a minute, "Whoosh" "Boom!"

An anti-tank missile was fired from a distance, a puff of smoke rose from the bunker, and the shooting stopped instantly.

Apparently the bunker has been pulled.

Hellfire without helicopters, the purchase price of $400,000 is still too high, and the cost of a cannon shot is a thousand taels of gold, and the cost of war should be considered.

This is not the time when the war has just started and the gate of the manor has not been attacked.

Therefore, the Red Arrow-8 from the east is now used, the second-generation anti-tank missile, laser-guided, has a high hit rate, and has a good blasting ability for light fortresses.

At this moment, Dennis is no longer in a hurry. There are 10 Devil Birds patrolling in the sky, and there are helicopters to assist. The ground troops do not need to advance too fast, and safety is the priority.

The role of ground troops, armored vehicles and infantry is more to draw out the enemy who are hiding in the dark. Once the target is found, if there is no bunker, it will be greeted directly by artillery and helicopters, and if there is a bunker, it will be blasted with RPG.

If the RPG doesn't work, replace it with an anti-tank missile that pushes inward a little bit.

On the other hand, the major arranged for the block to delay the time, and he was also organizing a counterattack. Pablo had been preparing for so long, how could he not have the strength to counterattack.

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