MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 13 Summoning ceremony

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When Edward and Gatlin walked out of the tower, Siwei was looking at their backs through the window sill.

"Very well, according to the usual experience, when the transaction has to last at least two magics, take the time to hold the magic pet summoning ceremony!"

Pulling on the curtains in the lab, Xiwei began the final preparations before the ceremony in an orderly manner.

In these few days, Meryl and Charlotte are not always stuck to Xiwei, which is to prevent too much attention.

"Cyan crystal, purple jade, miniature magic reply three remedies; full of spirit, flexible thinking, very good, can start! Come on, Xiwei, you can succeed!" Xiwei himself cheered himself, while slowly entering The state of meditation.

The most familiar scene after entering the meditation state is called “Heart Lake”. The hearts and lakes of all people are different. Meryl is a rainy green grass, Charlotte is a dark red lava river, and Xiwei The meditation space is the vast void and the Qixing River.

Xiwei, who appeared in the heart of the lake, is more confident and mature, as if he is still the greatest interstellar explorer of the entire human race.

"Mina Russaka, catching Joseph..." The magic pet summoning spell originated in the abyss. It is a spell that the human wizard learned from the devil, so this spell is a devil.

Devil language has the same magical power as Elvish and Dragon language. The current Xiwei does not master the devil language. It can only be gently smashed according to the pronunciation on the parchment.

Gradually, the Xinghe, which belongs to Xiwei, is no longer calm, as if it is involved in the scrolls of the rushing wave, shaking, folding, and drifting.

This is a very dangerous scene. If Xiwei can't control his own galaxy, but let the galaxy with the invisible waves, then his heart lake will be destroyed, but he will faint and vomit blood, and then become an idiot.

This is also why Xiwei got only the "magic call (residual)". In a ring of "magic call", there is also a supplementary meditation of the stable heart lake that can only be used by the magician. The pet summoning ceremony is not as dangerous as it is now.

If there is a second person in the lab, he can see that Xiwei’s forehead and cheeks are starting to see some sweat, his face is pale and papery, his brows are wrinkled, his eyelids are jumping, and he is almost on the verge of failure. .

"Zero!" In this most crisisful moment, along with the call of Xiwei, a fascinating, seemingly star-shaped textile appeared in the middle of Xiweixin Lake.

A bright silver thread is scattered from the phantom, and it is linked to every star in the long galaxy of Xiwei. It is like the combination of DNA double helix. This kind of perfection is so perfect.

The galaxy, which was already on the verge of collapse in this invisible torrent, seems to be stuck on the fishing nets that are entangled in the willows on the shore. It is tightly attached to the branches of the willows, and there is no possibility of being washed away by the torrent.

This is the biggest secret of Xiwei, the biggest card, and the thirty-fifth century AD, the deepest wisdom of 300 billion human beings - the soul contract of artificial intelligence.

The star river is stable, and the will of Xiwei can once again control his own heart lake. He clearly realizes that he has passed the most difficult level, and the next part of the ceremony is already smooth.

In the heart of the lake, there is a new phantom in the heart of the lake. The chaos is disorderly and lingering, and the magic that belongs to Xiwei is also rapidly passing.

"The devil's call has been successfully communicated to the Linghai of the ectopic face. The next step is to choose the most suitable magic pet!" Xiwei Shen thought of a turn, the blue crystal in his hand burst into a dazzling light. As if the ice under the scorching sun, it began to melt slowly.

With the melting of the blue crystal and the injection of pure wind energy, most of the phantoms disappeared without a trace, and the phantoms that can be selected are less and less clear.

Three standard magics have been consumed in a short time!

Xiwei did not dare to neglect, grabbed a small magical force on the left hand and replied to the medicine into the mouth. With a sweet smell of sweetness entering the abdomen, the speed of the decline of Xiwei's magic suddenly slowed down.

The blue crystal is still melting, the power of the magic pet is increasing, the longer I can persist, the stronger the strength of the magic pet! This thing must be perfect, maybe I can get a better devil than a ring mage!

Soon after, five standard magical consumptions were completed. Even with the help of the micro-magic remedy, the remaining magic of Xiwei was only ten.

"A miniature magic recovery remedy can only recover ten standard magics in five minutes, but this is already the best magic recovery agent that magic apprentices can reach. I gave Yang a "water mirror" spell. The parchment was exchanged for these three magical healing agents!"

The spirit of Xiwei is slowly watching the imaginary spirits nourished by the pure wind element energy in the blue crystal. In these illusory spirits, there will be a magical favorite that suits you best!

Those imaginary spirits that were not favored by Xiwei swept through the consciousness of Xiwei, and disappeared one by one, leaving only a shadow of a cat form!

At this time, the efficacy of the first magical replying agent has passed, and Xiwei does not hesitate to fill the second branch. Continuous use of the same magical agent will halve the effect of the magic potion behind, but at this time, Xiwei has no intention of wasting this waste.

At this time, the total magic consumption of Xiwei has reached twenty-three! Counting the reply of the second potion, he has only seven standard magics left!

However, although the virtual form of cat form is more and more real and more and more heavy, there is still a big gap from the real shape!

If the magic pet can't be formed because of the lack of magic then this magic pet summoning ceremony will undoubtedly fail! Although it is not dangerous to fail at this stage, where can Siwei go to find the second high-quality crystal arc crystal?

Xiwei has some helplessness, still too greedy!

Because the top blue crystal is the main material of the summoning ceremony, it summons a more powerful magical pet, but despite the preparation of three magical remedies for the rainy day, is it still a failure?

What else can reverse the current situation?

Eye of Silver Moon!

There is a clearest and more accurate record of the mana cost, spell power, duration, and zero of all spells that you have mastered, but only the Eye of Silver Moon, the blessing spell of Elena, is in the zero record. , but it is a mysterious "???"!

The Eye of Silver Moon is directly embedded in the soul of Xiwei. There is no need for spells and no casting time. With the display of Xiwei, the whole heart lake is gradually covered with a faint silver light!