MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 14 Blending into the shadow

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Just like the long-lost nectar-moisting land, the cat-type magic pet that has been desperately trying to capture the West-West magic has finally slowed down the sucking power, and the body has begun to transform into a more solid direction!

"It's this time! Zero!" At the same time as Xiwei's intentions, the zero that was originally formed into a double helix and the soul of Xiwei became the original dreamlike girl. The silver light in the whole heart lake slowly flows into the cat-type magic pet!

The blue crystal in the hands of Xiwei finally melted away, leaving only the pale blue haze in the air, proving that it had existed.

The magical form of the cat form is almost completely formed, but only a pair of empty eye frames are still not filled!

How can you allow such beautiful creatures to have such awkwardness?

Xiwei, who is blessed with the soul, quickly took out the small piece of purple jade from Charlotte. Under the urging of the spell, the purple jade lost its original angular shape like the melted honey, and the shadow energy contained in it was demonized. The pet summoning ceremony is directly attracted to the heart of Xiwei!

The shadow energy that enters the heart lake presents a purple ray, split into two, like the milk swallows, and quickly enters the eyes of the original empty cat-shaped magic pet!

This is the finishing touch to make the cat-shaped magic pet completely shape!

The joy from the heart rises from the soul of Xiwei, and the next moment, his consciousness is popped out of the heart of the lake.

Looking at the familiar laboratory in front of me, only the pale blue haze in the air and the transparent white jade left in the hand, as well as the two micro-magic remedies that have been consumed, prove the success of this magical summoning ceremony!

"Zero!" For the first time, Xiwei really sent out this kind call with his voice.

The next moment, the arcane energy surged in the palm of Xiwei, and soon a light blue cat appeared on the palm of Xiwei.

It is only about 20 centimeters long, small and exquisite, full of hair, almost transparent in the sun, only two purple eyes shining, full of spirituality.

The voice of Xiwei was shaking with uncontrollability: "Is it you? Zero?"

A light-hearted female voice that has long been used by Xiwei is ringing from the cat's mouth: "Lin Xi master, I am back!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Xi Wei took a deep breath.

For a moment, it seems that all the pressures and challenges are nothing, because he is no longer a lonely traveler in this world!

"Please call me Master Xiwei in the future, start self-test, zero!"

After less than a minute, the sound that belongs to zero sounded again: "The primary intelligence module has been activated, the overall damage degree is 89.2%, the expected maintenance program - magic research - direction: magic pet strengthen. I am very happy to see you again, Master Xiwei, although I have always had confidence in you, but I did not expect that after just 18 days, I will get a new life from sleep!"

"Since the first day we started to produce cockroaches, it has been twenty-seven years. You still have your own body for the first time. How about this body?" Xiwei asked with a smile.

In the 35th century, when technology has not been stagnant, there is no difficulty in equiping the smart core with a simulated body. However, Xiwei has never done so because he regards it as a kind of confrontation with zero.

Because this kind of simulation robot can completely customize all appearances, height, body shape and skin color, it has become the best prop for human beings to vent their physiological needs.

"I replaced the spirituality that this magical creature should have naturally, limited by the strength of the soul. I can only activate 4.5% of the analysis and storage space. As you continue to advance on the magical path, I should be able to keep on Unlock limits until the limit is reached!"

"This magic pet body is very light, I can activate the light manipulation, get hidden skills; you can also make a shadow jump, about 8 to 5 meters away, as for attack power..." Zero maneuvering his petite and lovely body Gently leaping, flying like a gliding to the test bench not far away, the light blue cat's claws are gently waved, the back of the thick walnut chair is like a knife cut, a corner gently slips off The knife edge is as smooth as a mirror.

"It seems pretty good, I think this world's general sword is also very difficult to achieve this level of sharpness. My backup of the nervous system is applied to humanoids, I did not expect to get the body for the first time but it is a magic cat, also It’s a unique experience!” The zero curiosity in front of Xiwei jumped onto the test bench and rolled up on a smooth countertop. After a while, he straightened up and turned around to grab his tail and play. Just like a real cat.

Xiwei smiled awkwardly: "You really are like a child who didn't grow up! How has the zero in my impression been a mature, cool and wise professional woman?"

"Because I have reached 98.5% of the damage! Although I backed up the emotional system, but this time I can only activate the 4.5% part. On the Explorer, I have been doing the duplication of management work and it is boring. There is only one person in the new world. I have not activated the management module first! I want to roll and play, and make a beautiful cat girl who is mixed, eaten, and entertained, quiet and quiet!"

Zero rare in front of Xiwei sprinkled Jiaolian, and even the voice was replaced by a tender and lovely child voice.

"Well, my steward, Miss! In the new world, you should be a peace-loving magic pet!" Xiwei gently stroked the zero-haired hair and began to count his harvest~www. Addition: 10% bonus for wind spells,

Characteristics: Light as a swallow, the body weight is reduced by half.

Spell: Blends into the shadows. After casting, you can enter the shadow, can not be seen, locked, attacked, only subject to range damage, lasting ten seconds, available three times a day.

This is the enhancement that Xiwei himself gained after completing the magic pet summoning ceremony.

The wind system spells are 10% full, and have reached the level of a ring magician using a ring spell "magic call" and using the blue crystal as the main material, the whole system bonus, shortening the casting time, and enhancing the spell power. The reduction in magic consumption and the increase in the duration of the effect all increase by 10%.

The extra lightness of the body and the inclusion of shadow spells are even more challenging for Xiwei!

Being as light as a swallow is not just a reduction in weight, it is a huge favorable condition for a ring of "floating" and three-loop spell "flight", let alone for "blast" and "foot" "The addition of this series of spells!"

At this time, Xiwei's blasting technique has been able to increase the speed of twenty-five feet per second under the action of the wind system spells and the lightness of the swallows, almost reaching a ring of the mage to cast a ring of spells. "speed!

Incorporating Shadow, it is a spell that is powerful to the limit. It can't be seen, locked and attacked in ten seconds. Stealth is almost equal to invincible!

This is a spell that can be used for many years!

Of course, stealth is equal to invincibility is a kind of ridicule. For the strongest of the world, Xiwei does not have any contempt for Welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works At mobile users please read.