MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-Chapter 9 8. Tide spell, worth having

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   Chapter 9 8. Tide spell, worth having

  The northern border of the eastern continent is the country of human beings and the birthplace of human civilization.

  There are six of the seven human kingdoms in the northern border. Except for the outlier Stormwind Kingdom, which was established by the pioneers in the southern border of the mainland, most of the human beings live on the land of the northern border.

   However, the Khaz Modan and wetland areas controlled by dwarves in the northern border and the middle of the continent are not actually connected.

   Between the two, there is a large strait several kilometers wide, which separates the northern border from the main body of the mainland. It was impassable hundreds of years ago, and the only way to travel is by boat.

   But before the Battle of the Three Hammers, when the mighty dwarf kingdom and the human kingdom were on good terms, in order to make it easier for them to travel together, a bridge was built between the northern border and the wetlands.

   This is the Saldo Bridge, a civil marvel of Azeroth.

   Its construction process is fantastic. In addition to the natural stone carving skills of the dwarves, it also has the help of human mages and wildhammer dwarf shamans.

   Therefore, to be precise, this bridge, which is several kilometers long and can accommodate a hundred people at the same time, is actually a miracle of magic power.

  It makes Tianxin change the way.

   Let humans and dwarves go back and forth, without having to be disturbed by the waves and the Nagas under the sea.

  This strait is also called the Sea of ​​Reefs, and there lives a Naga clan, which has existed here longer than the civilization of humans or dwarves.

   But no one cared about these savage soft-skinned snakes, and no one regarded them as the masters of this strait. After the Saldo Bridge was built, these Naga were completely excluded from the civilized world.

   They became one of the savage legends of the wetlands.

   "But the empire of the deep sea Naga can pull both humans and orcs together and easily A. The Naga, who are regarded as barbarians, were the most civilized race in the world ten thousand years ago.

   Compared with their history, the matter between humans and orcs really can’t be said on the table. "

  Blake will walk on the bottom of the reef sea while patrolling vigilantly from left to right, still thinking about the story about Naga in his heart, he has three uses.

   Relying on the body of the undead, he moved quickly through the seabed.

   also pretended to put a lot of unpleasant seaweed on his body to disguise himself.

   Once a Naga approaches, he will immediately go into stealth to avoid it.

   However, the perception of the human race is in the deep sea, and there is no way to compare it with amphibians like Naga. Therefore, in front of Black, there is a "little sharp soldier" leading the way.

   The little murloc with blue stripes on his body, just like a real fish, swayed his limbs and swam freely in the deep sea.

   It was probably fed by Black during this period of time. Its body size was larger than that of normal cubs, and the fins on the back had grown out.

   is orange and looks pretty.

   But murloc fins are not quite the same as real fish.

   They have three or four bulges on their backs, which look like they are carrying battle flags.

  The murloc's perception in the water is very keen. Once the murmur finds traces of Naga, he will immediately wave his claws to warn, and then Black will sneak with it.

   In this way, the two guys have evaded four Naga inspections.

   "It's still a little distance from the elven ruins guarded by the Thorn Ridge Naga in the depths of the reef sea. There are some Naga recruits cruising around. As long as I don't disturb them, I can pass safely."

  Black estimated his speed and the width of the strait in his mind. After a few minutes of mental arithmetic, he came to a conclusion:

   "I've walked for an hour, and I'll be able to walk through the area controlled by the Naga in another hour or so and reach the shallow sea below the highlands of Stromgarde.

   From there, follow the coastline all the way to the east, pass the Dwarf-controlled castle of Dangarok, and enter the Hillsbrad Hills. After another three days, you can almost reach the town of Southsea.

   The orcs just crossed the Khaz Modan Sea five days ago. They should be besieging the city of Tarren Mill. The town of South Sea should have been occupied by the orcs. I should stay with the dwarves for a few days and watch the situation. "

   Black frowned underwater, and said to himself:

   "It's all to blame for the nosy bronze dragon. If it hadn't suddenly appeared, I would have already arrived at Arathi Highlands, which is a secondary battlefield.

  The highland knights of the Kingdom of Stromgard have the initiative and terrain advantages, King Thoras Trollbane is a staunch main battle faction, and there are genius commanders like Danas Trollbane sitting in town.

   The battle situation there is definitely not as critical as Hillsbrad Hills. "

   "Quack quack!"

  Bumper, who was in front of him, suddenly shouted, waving his claws, interrupting Black's thinking, the skeleton man stepped forward, hugged the little murloc in his arms, and jumped into the shadows.

   But when he raised his head, he found that it wasn't just Naga who warned the little fish!

   On the sea in the distance, there are several black wrecked ships, besieged by a large group of Thorn Ridge Nagas.

  Those soft-skinned snakes swayed their bright tails from the deep sea, carrying halberds, tridents and other heavy weapons, and rushed to the sea frantically.

   These characters who charge ahead are all male Naga.

   Their lower body is a real snake tail, but the upper body still maintains a human shape, covered with bright scales, and their faces look quite close to beasts.

   Actually, the male Naga has a more dragon-like face and has tentacles on the sides of the cheeks.

   They have fins on their backs that are very similar to murlocs, and their upper body muscles covered with scales are stretched. They are tall and tall, and when they support their bodies with snake tails, they are all close to two meters.

   is completely straightened, it is estimated that it can be two meters five or even three meters.

   But these males are genuine cannon fodder in Naga society, because Naga is a matriarchal society, just like now, it is a group of female Naga who are directing this raid.

   Their size and maleness are just two extremes.

  These female snakes are tall and slender, with fine scales and antennae on their faces.

   They generally have four hands.

   with at least four weapons.

  These females retain more memory and humanity in the mutation after the cataclysm 10,000 years ago, and because of this, they have greater intelligence and mana than their male mates.

   That is, more vicious and cunning.

   also uses magic!


   Seven or eight female Naga cursed, and jointly launched a large-scale magic, the dazzling lightning churned on the sea, like a dazzling thunderbolt, sweeping across the three orc troop carriers.

   That's right, these naga are fighting the orcs.

  No one knows why these berserk orcs appeared in this place, perhaps they were planning to take a back path and attack Stromgarde in the Kingdom of Stromgard.

   But unfortunately, this group of outsiders is not very aware of the horrors hidden under the reefs.

  Blake quietly carried a head of water plants, floated to the surface, and looked at the battlefield in the distance. The lightning magic thrown by the female Naga swept away the soldiers on the three orc troop transport ships.

   But more orcs roared and rushed out of the cabin with tomahawks and hammers, and they were not afraid of the male Naga who rushed to the ship.

   They fought these soft-skinned snakes in melee, just like cutting down humans, easily harvesting the lives of these male Naga.

  Unfortunately, there are no warlocks on board.

   And the orcs have long abandoned the ancient and pure shamanic beliefs, they lack spellcasters.

   can only watch those cunning and vicious female Naga, at a long distance, use lightning and water element magic to slowly bury their troop transport.

   The defeat of the orcs is doomed.

   They made the wrong choice in the Naga's home field, and against these thorn-ridged Naga, their courage in desperate situations is commendable, but courage can't save their lives.

   Black sneered.

   probably stems from the memory of Prince Drake, who has no fondness for orcs at all, although he is a double agent in the game, and the Alliance and Horde all play.

   But what he feels more attribution is the new tribe established more than ten years later, not these old tribe invaders with **** hands.

   He hated the orcs, and he hated the naga.

  Although he was eager to rush to the center of the battlefield and harvest wildly, considering the increasing number of these Nagas, he rationally extinguished this plan.

   But just when he turned around and was about to assassinate a few orcs or Naga in order to get some oil and water, he suddenly heard a loud explosion and the horrified roar of the Naga.

  Black turned his head and saw an orc troop transport explode.

  The fire was soaring.

   The orcs and Nagas on the boat were sucked in, blood and flesh flying.

   It seems that the **** orcs saw that they were invincible, so they detonated the explosives used on the ship to attack the rear of the human beings, and they died together with the Naga.

   But this is not the point!

   "That! That guy!"

  Black saw a male Naga that was bigger than the other Naga, pushed by the firelight and smashed to the sea, just in the water in front of Black's eyes.

   Its scales are different from other Naga.

   It is pure cyan.

   It looked like a beautiful jewel, with a magic pendant hanging from its thick neck.

  Blake could see clearly when he looked back, that the spell just now had a tidal light shining, which forced the Naga to buy a little time to escape before it was seriously injured.

   Instead of being directly blown up by the explosion of that ship, with such a powerful magic item, this guy has an unusual status!

   may be the leader of this group of thornspine naga.

   "Seeking wealth and danger, do it!"

  Blake didn't hesitate for too long, pulled out Werther's legs and dagger with a squeak, and in a stealth state, dashed towards the big Naga, who was only a dozen meters in front of him.

   That guy's back was lifted by the explosion of the orc, and dark green blood was scattered everywhere.

   It was badly wounded.

   It growled in the water.

   "Stupid bastard, dare to hurt the noble body of a prince of the tide! Unforgivable! In the name of Queen Azshara, send these savage orcs to the deep sea hell!

  Kill them all! "

The   Nagas used the Sarasian language, which is a complex language only used by elves, at least ten times more complicated than the human language. After all, it is an ancient language that has lasted for 10,000 years.

   Black understands.

  Although he never learned it, after coming to this world, he not only learned Thalassian language without a teacher, but also learned Orc language, common human language, and even Dwarven language.

  Unfortunately, he still can't understand the murloc language, which is really a sad thing.

   In short, the noble Naga shouted in the water and lost his temper, like incompetent fury. Before it was injured, it might be powerful.

   But now all the anger is attracted by the orcs, naturally ignoring the threat behind.

  Blake appeared from the water, and in the sea water stained with the blood of the big Naga, he waved the leg of Werther, and with all his strength, struck the big Naga's blinded eye with a stick.

   The poisoned dagger in the other hand pierced into its **** eye socket with ferocity and precision.

  Put it straight to the end!

   No mercy!

   The big Naga who was attacked was not dead yet, and it tried to fight back with a roar. Blake was quick-witted, grabbed a large bottle of blood ring poison from his rucksack, and stuffed it directly into the big mouth of the Naga.

   hugged Naga's sturdy neck from behind to prevent it from spitting out the poison. With the other hand, he waved the perfectly balanced Werther's leg and smashed it frantically at Naga's head.

   He could feel that this guy's struggle became weak after two seconds, and after five seconds, it was completely silent, like a snake with its tendons pulled out.

   A huge heat flow poured into Black's body in an instant, and the thief class jumped directly from level 11 to level 13 at this moment.

   Is this the joy of robbing people?

   Is this the joy of fighting BOSS?

  Love, love!

   Seeing the turbid water, a Naga rushed over, and Blake grabbed the exquisite charm that the big Naga hung around his neck, and pulled out the short sword inserted in the big Naga's head.

   jumped into the shadows holding the little murloc.

   At the moment of entering stealth, Blake glanced at the equipment column of the character card, and there was an entry.

   "Tide Charm (Broken)

  Excellent quality. Special effects tidal shock (cooling). "

   The skeleton man in the deep water suddenly widened his eyes.

   "This, isn't this the one. Civilian artifact?"

   The status of the contract has changed. Today, there will be two updates a day. There will be one update at 8:00 and 12:00 in the morning. Please collect, monthly or recommended tickets. Thank you.



   (end of this chapter)