MTL - Beast Piercing The Heavens-Chapter 19 Absolutely pottery

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Chapter 19: The Absolute Potholes of God (

"The cultivation method is as follows: the first step - bloodletting! Let go of a quarter of the blood in the body. The danger of this step is that it is easy to lose too much blood, high fever does not return... The second step - blood, raw secret medicine Fifteen days. The danger of this step is that it is easy to be insane, mad and stupid... The third step is to smelt blood and use silver needles to stimulate twelve acupuncture points in the whole body, three times a day, three times a day. The danger of this step is that it is easy to prick. Acupoints, martial arts lost... The fourth step - breaking blood, blood circulation awakening ceremony, directly close the blood, cut off blood circulation, trigger the self-rescue of the gods in the body, thus greatly arousing the resonance of the ancient gods. The danger is that it is easy to cause blood to flow backwards, or the meridians are broken, so that they go straight to the west...

"Daddy! You really are not ordinary people. Is this practice practiced?"

Three days later! Night home in the east side, at night.

"Tick, ticking!"

Sitting in the bed at night, the eyes were lightly closed, the sleeves were rolled up, the left hand was held in the right hand, and the left hand was flat. The sharp and sharp knife marks on the wrist were dripping down with red blood.

At the foot of the bed, in a black wooden barrel, the blood has been soaked in the bottom of the barrel, and it is estimated that there is at least a pound more.

At this time, it was completely night, and the night castle that was noisy for a day was finally quiet. Outside the window, the moon hangs on the horizon, and the night is thick.


The night is light and cold, and the face is pale and has a top-heavy feeling. Reluctantly restrained, pick up the gauze on the edge of the bed and bind the wounds to stop the bleeding. Looking at the red blood in the wooden barrel, it is estimated that it is almost the same. It is difficult to stretch out the feet and kick the wooden barrel out of the bottom of the bed. Then it falls off the bed like a force, and then falls asleep after a while.

The next day, the sun was three times.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"

The night whispered gently to open the door, but smelled a touch of **** smell, and when I saw it, I saw my brother lying on the side of the bed with blood on his left hand strap. The scared flowers were eclipsed, and I swayed and swayed at night, shouting softly.

"Amount?" The night was cold and confused, and opened his eyes, eyes staring at Venus, his head was dizzy, and he couldn’t tell the difference between North and South. I closed my eyes and rested for a while, and then I came back to see my sister. I was sitting on the edge of the bed with anxious whispers. A pair of worried about the situation, a warmth in my heart, said with a smile: "Taro, nothing, that day. It’s a bit bloody, don’t make a fuss.”

"But? But! Brother, you look so weak."

"It's okay, it's estimated that it's too tired these days. It's okay to take a break!" Looking at his sister's eyelids without any impurities, he was worried. The night was light and cold, showing a gentle smile. .

It’s hard to take my sister away, and it’s a long sigh of relief. Last night, he finally made up his mind and started the first step of the blood secret recipe - bloodletting.

Close your eyes and rest in bed for a while. This smashed the temple and forced the spirit to sneak out the blood under the bed.

Seven bends and eight turns left the night castle, went to the market in Cangcheng, and bought a few pounds of animal liver back. In accordance with the instructions above the God Blood Secrets, I went to the drugstore and bought a few different powders. Use a knife to evenly smash the internal organs into pieces. Sprinkle the powder on top and mix well.

In this way, the secret recipe for blood in the blood secret recipe is made.

"This... can something eat?"
