MTL - Beloved Empress-~ Chapter 16: hello! emperor

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When Momo slept until three days before he got up, it was strange that the singers who didn’t come here today told Yang Shihan that she could sleep late. It’s been a bit of a day to wear it. Those who come here every day to say that Yang Shihan’s is not, I hope that her queen can help them in the first place. It’s really fooling her!

Sitting up, stretched out, very comfortable. I said that I came back to have a hot bath last night and drank half-fragranced **** tea, so that I didn't get sick, otherwise it would be strange if it was so cold and rainy! Although it is already spring, it is still very cold at night.

"Mother, you woke up." Half incense came in.

"Well! Early!" Mok opened the quilt out of bed, and said hello to the semi-fragrance, then sat in front of the vanity mirror and curiously asked: "What special day is it today? How come those who did not come to please? ”

The semi-fragrance took the wooden comb to help the master comb the hair, and then replied: "The goddess, I heard that the emperor is ill, we are all worried about going to the Royal Palace greetings, and there is still a mind to ask the mother."

"Is it ill? What disease? Will it die?" asked Moi gloating. Is this called evil and bad news, yesterday she killed her, but she was retribution?

"The niece, don't want to talk nonsense, if it is heard, but the sin of disrespect. I heard that the emperor is infected with the cold, the goddess has to go to the hospital?"

"I? Give him a sickness? He wants to be beautiful. But it is a cold. As for such a big problem! It is not a terminal illness."

Half-scented and shook his head.

After the morning meal, Mo Yan continued to take out the map of the palace to study and wear back, muttering to himself: "How can we find the way to go back?"

Banxiang sees that the master really did not go to see the emperor's plan, could not help but open again: "Anniling, you really do not go to see the emperor? We have all gone, if the goddess does not go, I am afraid it is not suitable! ”

"What is inappropriate, this cold is afraid of infection, don't know! What if it is infected? Don't go." Mo Yan refused to be decisive and continued to study the map, but the heart could not calm down: if it is not Go, Jun Qian Che will doubt that he already knows that he wants to kill himself? If so, will he be guilty of this illness and give himself a false accusation? If so, isn’t it a big loss? No! Can't let him find an excuse to get rid of himself.

Stand up violently.

Half-sweet jump: "Mother, what's wrong?"

"I thought about it for the palace. I still feel that I have to give the emperor a face. It is also a king of a country. If a wife does not give such a face, let him rise in front of the officials and the people." A serious face, a serious.

The semi-fragrance only slipped down the three black lines on the forehead. But fortunately, the goddess figured it out, it is still worthy of pleasure.

Royal Palace

Jun Qianqi sits on a large dragon bed and looks at the palace lady who is taking medicine to the front of the bed. It is cold and cold: "Put the medicine down, let's go first!"

The palace lady respectfully said: "The emperor, the royal doctor said that this medicine should be hot."

"Hey, you know, you should step back."

"Yes!" The palace lady put the medicine on the square stool in front of the bed and immediately retired.

Jun Qianche looked at the medicine on the square stool and reached out. When he touched the medicine bowl, he still shrank back. It has been said that since I was ten years old, I have never taken any medicine. However, when I smell the smell of medicine that has drifted over, he thinks about the taste of taking medicine when he was a child. It is really miserable.

Ink's little head sneaked in and inquired about the situation in the room. Isn't the semi-fragrance saying that we all come to the hospital? What about people? It won't be a lie to her!

"Come in!" The chilly bones came from the interior.

I heard this voice, and I had a headache. Since I was discovered, it’s too late to open the sneak. I can only walk in the scalp: "ell! The emperor, we met again."

Read The Duke's Passion