MTL - COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew-Chapter 17 Poirot Cafe Murder

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The wind chimes hanging on the door, which were driven when the door was pushed, were still ringing, but the cafe was in chaos.

There were screams and calls to the police and ambulances everywhere.

Sujima Tsushima, who remained stiff while maintaining his greeting posture: ?

Is this a new welcome event? For example, because he is the 999th customer? Or the first customer to enter the store with their left foot?

Toru Amuro: ? What about having lunch at the apartment?

"What a coincidence, Tou Sauce." The boy put away his hands, as if nothing had happened.

"I just wanted to go out for a walk. I saw this cafe on the road and wanted to come in and sit. I didn't expect you to work here." He said in an innocent and ignorant tone.

Toru Amuro: Do ​​you think I believe it or not?

However, Amuro Toru, as a part-time worker, needs to come forward to maintain the scene when an unexpected situation occurs in the store.

"Everyone! Don't panic! Be quiet! The police and ambulances will arrive soon! Please return to your place and don't leave at will..." He raised his hands and shouted loudly.

Everyone in the world of Ke Xue is all experienced scene people. When they heard this, they all returned to their positions and waited for the police to arrive.

After all, everyone is used to encountering an average case every day.

"Hey, Tou-chan, where do I sit~" The black-haired boy raised his hand and asked with an embarrassed look after the scene was quiet.

Toru Amuro: ...

"You can just find an empty seat to sit." He said helplessly.

"Too sauce~ I want a small cake too~" After Tsushima Shuji found a place to sit down at random, he raised his hand and dragged a long sticky voice deliberately.

Toru Amuro: ...this is the scene of the murder, Kao!

Should I say that I am a member of the organization? Seeing that the murder happened in front of him, he didn't care.

This attitude of disregarding human life is very organized.

"Rumiko, don't worry, Akiko just passed out, it's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid." In the extremely quiet environment, any sound was very obvious.

For example, Shuji Tsushima's request for a small cake, and the sound of comfort at the moment.

Looking at the voice, I saw a girl holding another girl in her arms, reaching out a hand to cover each other's eyes, while looking at the girl lying not far away worriedly, while comforting the girl in her arms. .

Hmph, a lie.

The one who was lying on the ground was clearly dead.

Shuji Tsushima complained in his heart.

"Please use your cake slowly." Amuro came over with a small cake, with a warm smile, leaned down and lowered his voice.

"You, keep quiet for a while, understand?" he asked.

"Otherwise, there will be no sukiyaki at night." Before Tsushima Shuji retorted, he silently added another threat.

Tsushima Shuji nodded silently and unhappily.

Toru Amuro put down the small cake with satisfaction and turned to leave.

"Lue" facing his back, the boy made a bad face and stuck out his tongue.

It's a ghost to listen to you.

Without a sukiyaki, he can still eat canned crab meat, and even a mere meal of sukiyaki wants him to obey Shuji Tsushima? dream!

The police in the world of Ke Xue always come quickly, but they don't.

Without a detective, the police cannot solve a case. This is the law of Ke Xue.

After the police confirmed that the victim was dead, the case came to a standstill.

Officer Mumu had to call the detective he knew for help.

"Hey, Brother Maori..."

Oh, is the famous detective Mouri Kogoro going to appear?

Tsushima Shuji thought expectantly, and silently stuffed a small cake into his mouth.

"You're finally here, Brother Maori." Officer Mumu pulled the man in the suit who appeared on the scene, looking like he was finally waiting.

"It's your turn to take action, Brother Maori." Officer Mumu explained the case succinctly.

"That's the way it is. The deceased is a companion over there with Miss Chiyo Makino and Miss Rumiko Hoshino..."

At their feet, a boy in a blue suit stood on tiptoe to eavesdrop. Hearing this, a primary school student secretly observed the two companions.

Mouri Kogoro looked around with wise eyes, staring at the man with blond hair and dark skin.

"You are the murderer! That little waiter." Kogoro Mouri confidently pointed at Amuro.

Toru Amuro: ? ? Hey?

The surrounding people kept away from him, the suspect.

"This... Detective Maori... has any evidence?" Amuro said stiffly, the smile on his face could hardly be maintained.

What kind of detective is this? Is the threshold for being a detective so low these days?

"The proof is... it's the cake you gave to the deceased!" Kogoro Mouri thought for a moment and said decisively.

"But, I sent cakes to all three young ladies..." Amuro explained in a stiff and helpless tone.

"That doesn't prevent you from only poisoning a piece of cake!" Kogoro Mouri retorted without hesitation.

Toru Amuro: ...I can't stop laughing.

"But I don't know the victim, so there's no reason to kill him..." He struggled to defend himself.

Mouri Kogoro nodded after hearing this.

"What you said also makes sense."

Toru Amuro: ...

"Humph...Humph..." A strange voice came from his ear, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Not only he heard it, but everyone else in the room also heard it.

Everyone turned their attention to the source of the sound.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~, he said you were the murderer~"

After discovering that he was caught snickering, Shuji Tsushima stopped laughing deliberately, but started laughing at a certain suspect generously.

"Hey! You brat! What's so funny!" Kogoro Mori clenched his fist with one hand and said aggressively.

Tsushima Shuji waved his hand quickly: "I'm sorry, it's just too funny, I couldn't hold back for a while, please don't mind me, continue your reasoning."

A pupil suddenly appeared.

"Hey, did Big Brother Tsushima see anything? It's clear that Big Brother Tsushima is also a detective." He said in a voice that seemed to be very quiet, but in fact everyone in the cafe could hear it.

Tsushima Shuji: there gin? Shark out this Kudo Shinichi.

"That's a bit familiar..."

"That's right, the incredible young detective..."

"The high school detective from Diguang Middle School..."

"The young detective who sees through the heart..."

Hearing the discussions of the people around him, Shuji Tsushima fell silent.

He obviously just wanted to surprise Bourbon and have lunch by the way.

Why, why did things become like this?

"Then let our young detective talk about his opinion." Kogoro Mouri said loudly.

"Hurry up, I'll give you the opportunity to express, you must seize it, young man." Kogoro Mouri said in a generous tone.

Tsushima Shuji: Thank you very much.

The black-haired boy silently took another bite of the small cake.