MTL - Deep Sea Survival: Start a Submarine (Deep Ocean Survival: A Submarine From The Start)-Chapter 18 Repair Gravity Ball

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In fact, Meng Lei's reason for rejecting the Shenlong is very simple.

He just doesn't like being controlled.

After finally breaking free from Blue Star's airtight social system, he was able to live his life the way he wanted.

But once you join the fleet, you will inevitably be controlled by the new system.

It is equivalent to jumping out of one cage into another cage.

Moreover, in this environment without legal constraints, the establishment of a new system is bound to be accompanied by extreme blood and filth.

Meng Lei doesn't like those things, it's good to be free by himself.

Moreover, he has golden fingers, which can detect most potential threats in advance.

It is not difficult to live a free and comfortable life in this alien ocean abyss.

Of course, if the game is in the middle and late stages, the fleets of major forces and organizations will gradually take shape.

At that time, in order to seek security, he finally had to find a big tree for shelter.

Or, if the time comes one day, it is not impossible for him to build a fleet of his own with his own hands.

But at this stage, it is still too early to think about these issues.

In addition, Meng Lei is completely unsure of the character of the captain of the Shenlong.

Moreover, rapidly expanding ambitions and desires can completely change a person in a very short period of time.

If you join the fleet rashly, if something happens in the future, it will be difficult to escape!

At present, the Kyushu Fleet of the Shenlong can be regarded as a partner, but it must not be devoted to it.

Therefore, Meng Lei refused the invitation of the Shenlong without hesitation.

In this regard, Shenlong can only express regret.

[Shenlonghao: In this case, it would be a pity...

If our Kyushu fleet can have talents like you to join, it will definitely grow rapidly, leading other countries on the starting line, and laying a solid foundation for future development!

But since you don't have the will in this regard, then we won't be **** others.

If there is any trouble in the future, as fellow Kyushu compatriots, I hope we can support each other...]

After this chat content was sent, Shenlong sent another message soon.

[Shenlong: The supplies are ready, let's start trading now! 】

Meng Lei put away his messy thoughts and opened the trading system.

At this time, no one chose to buy the three pieces of fish that he had hung up twenty minutes ago.

Obviously, the resources players have at this stage are not enough to cover the transaction needs.

But another possibility is not ruled out. Some people have enough resources, but they don't need the fish that Meng Lei hangs out.

However, none of this matters anymore.

Remove all three units of fish and meat, and then enter the private chat interface.

After adjusting the transaction content, Meng Lei took the initiative to send a transaction application to Shenlong.

On the other hand, Shenlong also chose to accept it immediately.

When the Shenlong had put all the materials into the transaction column, the private transaction was completed in an instant.

On Meng Lei's side, he also received a system prompt.

[System prompt: You have obtained iron ore*12, aluminum ore*12, plastic*12, titanium ore*6, all items have been received, please check in the warehouse! 】

"It's quite magical, it's a bit like playing a game."

Meng Lei grinned and nodded contentedly.

At this time, Shenlong sent a text message again.

[Shenlonghao: My friend, the goods have been received. It is heavier than it looks on the picture, and it is indeed worth the money!

Happy cooperation and look forward to the next transaction! 】

Meng Lei replied with a smile.

[Guixu No.: Happy cooperation! 】

Then, he closed the communication interface, got up and left the cockpit.

However, even though all the materials have been collected now, Meng Lei did not repair the gravitational ball immediately.

After getting out of the cockpit, he first walked straight towards the fresh water extractor.

After nearly half an hour of operation, the extraction volume displayed on the fresh water extractor has only reached 100ml.

In this way, it takes at least five hours to extract 1000ml of fresh water.

Meng Lei scratched his head helplessly, such a low efficiency is really not flattering.

He licked his dry lips.

From the time he crossed over to the present, he had not had a drop of water for four or five hours, and his throat began to feel uncomfortable.

Meng Leiluo pondered for a while, not waiting for the machine to accumulate more water storage.

He turned on the faucet directly, opened his mouth and slapped his face.

goo go go go...

The slightly cool taste, with a hint of sweetness, is like nectar moisturizing the taste buds.

Meng Lei was instantly refreshed!

But just two mouthfuls, before he could enjoy it, the fresh water reserves in the machine had been drained.

Licking his lips greedily, Meng Lei was a little unsure.

This 100ml of fresh water is really not enough to drink.

Fortunately, he temporarily added some water to his body, so that his overall state has been restored to a certain extent.

Next, Meng Lei kept the fresh water extractor running, turned around and came to the storage box of the submarine.

After opening it, I did an inventory. The current material reserves of the Guixu number are as follows.

Clean fish meat*2, broken small gravity ball*1, iron ore*12, aluminum ore*12, plastic*12, titanium ore*6, copper ore*10, bone meal 5kg, light element*1. UU reading

There are a total of nine different materials, occupying a total of twelve compartments in the storage box.

Among them, iron ore, aluminum ore, and plastic all exceed the upper limit of a single grid stack.

Thirty small storage boxes in total are now half full.

It looked like a lot, but Meng Lei knew very well that he would have to squander these supplies before too long.

In the early stage of the game, these most basic consumption resources cannot be saved at all.

Everything is ready, and now, Meng Lei will not delay.

Take the small gravity ball from the warehouse and put it on the crafting table.

Repair interface starts.

[Broken gravitational ball, repair needs: iron 5/5; aluminum 5/5; plastic 3/3; titanium 3/3; copper 3/3]

[System prompt: The repair requirements have been met, do you want to repair it? 】

Meng Lei decisively chose to repair.

In the next second, various resources in the submarine warehouse are automatically extracted by the manufacturing station.

Then it turned into a stream of light, lingering around the gravitational sphere, quickly filling the cracks and damaged parts on the sphere.

After a minute, the light gradually faded.

A series of subtle electric currents jumped and flowed for a week along the delicate and complex lines on the surface of the sphere.

The cracks in the upper half of the sphere had all disappeared after the light faded away.

A brand-new and complete small gravitational ball, emitting a dim light, appeared in front of Meng Lei's eyes.

[System prompt: The damaged gravity ball has been repaired and can be used normally! 】