MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 21 Primary Three

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Thirty graduate students worked hard to get to the topic of Professor He Qi before submitting their papers, and slept in the bedroom for a day on Saturday.

Yang Wei was planning to sleep one day this day, but Sheng Lei asked her to eat a buffet. When she crawled up and washed up, she found that the water had stopped. I remembered that my mother said that she would stop the water once when there was not much water left. She looked around in the bedroom, but she didn't know where to put the water card.

The time agreed between Xu and Sheng Lei was almost up. Yang Wei looked for a while in the closet and couldn't find it. She reluctantly called Qi Xiaoyan.

Qi Qi said with a smile that she was going to pick up Aunt Zhao from the hotel. She just pressed the button on the neckline and the phone screen on the table lit up. The word "baby" was particularly conspicuous. He took a moment before answering the phone quickly: "What's the matter?"

The chilling sound quality, like a piece of small ice crystals hitting Yang Wei's eardrum, made her momentarily disoriented: "Where do you put the water card?"

"The second drawer on the bedside table on the right. The water tank is in the corridor, and the third from the seventh row is ours. If the house is out of water, it means that the water is running out, and the supermarket downstairs can collect the water fee."

Qi Qi's smile was gentle, but Yang Wei's ears were red. She felt like a kindergarten child who didn't understand anything.

"Thank you." She said these two words quickly and hung up the phone without hesitation. Qi Xiaoyan listened to the busy tone on the phone and stood for a while before picking up his coat and going out.

The place where Yang Wei and Sheng Leiyao are located is the western restaurant on the second floor of Ding Ou Hotel. The buffet Western food here is very popular with young people.

The seductive doorman politely opened the door for her. Yang Wei went up the second floor along the spiral staircase in the lobby, and Miss Yingbin bowed to her with a sweet smile: "Welcome, do you have a reservation?"

Yang Wei glanced at the western restaurant, and soon saw Sheng Lei: "My friend has arrived, I can just go there."

Miss Yingbin made a gesture of inviting gestures to her. Yang Wei thought it was a five-star hotel, and the service attitude was really good. By the way, isn't Fang Cheng working here? I don't know if I will meet him?

She walked to Sheng Lei's table and looked down. On the table was a caramel pudding, a banana pancake, and two strawberry cakes.

的 The desserts here are very famous. Not only are there many varieties, but the taste is better than many cake shops, so many people have come here for dessert.

When Yang Wei looked at the cake on the table, she suddenly felt that saliva was accelerating. She lifted a corner of the cake and put it in her mouth. The slightly acidity of the strawberry and the sweetness of the cream just blended together, which greatly pleased her taste buds: " Alas, the strawberry cake here is really the best! "

Tong Shenglei drew a corner of her mouth: "Why do you think you have become lower since you and Qi Xiaoyan divorced?"

Yang Wei directly picked up a strawberry with her hand and put it in her mouth, watching her indifferently: "My name is return to nature."

Tong Shenglei rolled her eyes, and a bad smile hung from the corner of her mouth: "How do you feel after divorce? Do you find it hard to sleep alone?"

Yang Wei thought for a while and said, "Don't feel too cool. Slippers no longer need to be placed in front of the bed at 90 degrees. The toothbrush head should be facing as far as possible. There should be no space between the towel and the towel. Centimeter distance! "

Tong Shenglei opened her eyes slightly in surprise: "Professor Qi isn't so ugly?"

Yang Wei shook her head, mocking her for being too naive: "Professor Qi is a Virgo."

Wu Shenglei: "..."

Is really justified and convincing.

Yang Wei ate a piece of cake, ran to the buffet counter and ordered a freshly cooked small steak, came back with a plate and asked Sheng Lei, "how is the case in your hand?"

Wu Shenglei sighed, and also picked up a strawberry with her hand and fed it into her mouth: "It's been a long time in our business and I have completely lost interest in marriage."

"Oh? Have you met the scumbag again?"

Tong Shenglei raised her finger and began to enumerate her: "Ten years of marriage, the scum man is derailed, and the chaff is ridden. The next three are in the top position. What is the next step?"

薇 Yang Wei's eyebrows moved: "Striving for custody?"

Tong Shenglei shrugged: "Look, even you know the story, what's the meaning of marriage?"

Yang Wei thought for a while and thought, "There are always people who are white-headed and old?"

"These old people are people of the last century. I estimate that in another 20 years, there will no longer be old people walking hand in hand on the street."

"Don't be so pessimistic?"

Tong Shenglei glanced at her: "What's your position as a divorced person to say such a thing?"

Yang Wei shut up.

She solved the small steak in the plate, wiped her mouth and said, "My mother called me the other day and said that I want to introduce you to a boyfriend."

Tong Shenglei was almost choked by the cake in her mouth: "Aunt Yang is indeed a graduate of Chinese matchmaking university."

薇 Yang Wei nodded deeply, and took a plate of crayfish in hand.

A woman in a long red dress came over, stopped suddenly when passing by them, and looked at Sheng Lei with a little surprise: "Layer Sheng, such a coincidence?"

Yang Wei glanced up at the woman and gestured Sheng Lei with his eyes, "Who is this person?" Sheng Lei stood up with a smile and introduced Yang Wei: "This is the other party's ... girlfriend."

恍 Yang Wei nodded suddenly, lawyer Sheng was really euphemistic.

The woman in the red skirt naturally heard Sheng Lei's voice outside, and looked at her with a frown. "Attorney Sheng, I know you may be very sympathetic to your client, and I also know that in your eyes, I am a shameless third. But in my opinion, love does not come first, only the person who is not loved is Primary 3. A loveless marriage and a precious love, which one do you think is more important? "

Yang Wei was astounded by her righteous words, and the blood of the arrogance and arrogance of the debate team suddenly surged up: "The point of view of the other debaters is ridiculous. Even the ancients knew that sentiment is more than courtesy. You are a modern person. Still do n’t understand? Seeing how you read the book, why did n’t you learn a bit of courtesy and shame? If everyone holds love as a shield like a opponent, and destroys other people ’s families, what will this society be like? Oh, this may not be considered in the eyes of the other debater, after all, "You have only lost one leg, and I have lost love!"

After Yang Wei's words fell, the whole western restaurant seemed to be quiet for a second, then there was a sparse applause, and even the girl stood up and applauded Yang Wei. The red skirt woman's face was hot, and she walked quickly on the heels of her heels. Yang Wei and Sheng Lei were also a little bit stretched. After paying the money, they exited the applause.

When Qi Qi smiled into the elevator, Fang Chengran and his father came out of the elevator next door. Today, his father forced him to come to the hotel to observe and study again. From the chairman's office to the lobby on the first floor, there were female employees secretly looking at him along the way, if it was not because he was followed by a serious-looking chairman It is estimated that someone will come up to talk to him directly.

"The chairman is good." The waiter of the Chinese restaurant asked Chairman Fang a good voice and gave Fang Chengran a glance without any trace. The staff at the front desk also saw the chairman coming from a distance, standing more straight than before: "The chairman is good."

"Hmm." Father Fang nodded and said to the front desk staff: "Open a standard room for him and let him live here tonight."

员工 The front desk staff glanced at Fang Chengran and smiled, "Okay, please wait."

Li Fang Chengran looked ugly and drew his lips, "Dad, are you really here?"

Father Fang looked at him and walked out of the hotel without a word. Fang Cheng leaned helplessly at the front desk. As soon as he looked up, he saw Yang Wei and a woman he didn't know came down from the western restaurant on the second floor.