MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 22 Start reading

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Chen Fang Chengran glanced at his jeans and white t-shirt, and sprinted into the front office at the side at a speed of 100 meters.

总监 Director Huang in the front office is working in the office. When Fang Chengran rushes in, he looks up at him suddenly: "Master Fang, are you doing anything?"

"Shh! Don't talk!" Fang Chengran made a snoring gesture to him, gently opened the door, and peeked through the cracks in the hall.

薇 Yang Wei and Sheng Lei came down the stairs, and Sheng Lei kept laughing: "You are indeed a teacher. You educate everyone."

Yang Wei's cheeks were a little rosy, and she raised her hand and fanned herself in her ears: "Huh-I've been in school for so long, I cursed well today." It's a pity that for lunch, she didn't eat Full.

"It's really hard for you." Sheng Lei laughed for a while, approached her and whispered, "You're so excited, won't it be related to Qi Xiaoyan?"

Yang Wei Yakou denied: "No."

没有 "No? Then why did you cut your hair suddenly?"

Yang Wei looked at her with amusement: "Shengda lawyer, do you care if people are not derailed, but also whether I cut my hair?"

"Okay." Sheng Lei made a surrendering gesture, "I know you still like Qi Xiaoyan."

Yang Wei raised her eyebrows and did not answer. Sheng Lei glanced at her and said, "After seeing so many scumbags, I think Qi Xiaoyan is actually pretty good. Have you ever thought about remarrying him?"

愣 Yang Wei froze and smiled at her slightly: "You still have a lawsuit against remarriage?"

Tong Shenglei spread her hands and smiled, "Ok, I'll just ask whatever I want."

The two walked to the hall, Sheng Lei took out the car key from the bag and looked at Yang Wei, "You just wait for me here. I'll drive the car over and let's continue eating at another place."

"Okay." Yang Wei nodded, and sat down on the sofa in the hall. Fang Chengran closed the door gently and frowned for a moment.

上次 Since he kissed Yang Wei last time, he has never contacted Yang Wei again. Today, I can take this opportunity to resolve the embarrassment, and he cannot afford to waste it.

He looked up and looked at Director Huang behind the computer.

The hairs of Director Huang Huang's whole body were raised, and he shrank into the seat subconsciously: "What the **** is going on?"

Sui Fang Chengran suddenly gave him a charming smile, leaning his hands on the table and leaning forward slightly: "Can you take off your clothes?"

Director Huang: "..."

He can imagine that the water of the Yellow River is up in the sky, but he never imagined that Master Fang, the fifth king of diamonds, unexpectedly ... likes men!

Holding his chest nervously, he looked at Fang Chengran timidly, "What do you want to do?"

"I want you to undress." Fang Chengran smiled at the corner of his mouth, and moved closer towards Director Huang. The pressure on the face caused Director Huang to be on the verge of collapse. He took off his suit jacket and took it with him, and Fang Chengran gave him another look: "Pants are off."

Director Huang: "..."

Director Huang Huang finally broke down completely.

When Fang Chengran came out of the front office wearing Mr. Huang's suit, Yang Wei was still sitting on the sofa playing mobile phone. Fang Chengran took care of the neckline of his shirt, and after showing a smile, he lifted his feet and walked towards Yang Wei.

"Yang Wei, so clever?" His voice was very clear, like the flowers blooming quietly in the spring, with the warmth of nostalgia. When Yang Wei saw him, she got up from the sofa somewhat unexpectedly: "Fang Chengran, I didn't expect to meet you, are you at work?"

"Um." Fang Chengran smiled, and his lips lined up just right, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Yang Wei said, "I'm here to eat with friends. She went to pick up the car."

"It's like this." Fang Chengran looked at her. As soon as he was preparing his feelings to invite her to a movie, the director of the front office came over in a panic.

"Director Huang, it's not good! The staff in the front office and the guest room quarreled upstairs again! Manager Xu asked me to come to you ..." When the supervisor came to Fang Chengran, he slowly closed his mouth, only There was a hint of surprise in his eyes-why didn't he see him all morning and Director Huang became so handsome!

After looking at Fang Chengran for a few moments, she recognized that this was the little boy from the chairman's house, and suddenly stood a little overwhelmed.

Yang Wei stood aside and looked at it, Fang Chengran kept a smile on his face, and he could only pretend to the end: "Don't worry, say slowly."

主管 The director of the front office opened his mouth several times, but he still couldn't make a sound. Instead, Yang Wei said, "Why did she call you Director Huang?"

Uh ...

Fang Chengran took a deep breath and turned to smile at Yang Wei. "She's Mandarin is not very standard. She wants to call Director Fang." After he said that, he shook his eyes to the supervisor, who immediately came to his heart and nodded. For example, "Yes, yes, I want to call Director Fang!"

Li Fang Cheng smiled with satisfaction: "You said that the front office and the guest room were noisy. What's going on?"

"Ah, yes! The guests in Room 1818 need Western food at six in the morning. The guestroom said that they should deliver the food at the front desk. The front desk said that they should deliver the food in the guestroom. They are still noisy in Manager Xu's office.

Li Fang Chengran's brow moved. The hotel does not serve Western food in the morning. Such a wayward guest must be a platinum member of the hotel.

He glanced at the supervisor and asked, "Isn't the delivery of the food served by the waiter in the restaurant?"

The main channel: "It was originally like this, but the western restaurant has not been to work at 6 o'clock. The manager Yao of the western restaurant called a chef to make breakfast for that guest, but let us solve the problem. In fact, this is not the case anymore. For the first time, the staff at our front desk used to deliver meals, and this time they called us again. Everyone was uncomfortable, so they quarreled with them. "

Cheng Fang Chengran said: "Since Manager Yao has called the chef, is it OK to call another waiter?"

Executive Director Sigh sighed, "The waiter at the Western restaurant is not willing to come to work so early. The catering department is originally the largest department in the hotel. In addition, Manager Yao is very strong. They are unwilling to eat at all."

Fang Chengran frowned and thought about the main pipeline: "If we encounter this situation in the future, we will choose one of the most beautiful staff on duty in the guest room and front office to take care of the food delivery."

Director Bian blinked a few times and nodded at him: "I know, I will now convey your will."

The director walked away stepping on high heels, Yang Wei looked at Fang Chengran, and smiled, "You are a good director, so even if you are sent to do a job that is not your own, there will be somehow Honor. "

She gave a contrived cough and adjusted her clothes: "Everyone is working in the same hotel. Of course, all departments should work together and not just sweep the snow in front of their homes, regardless of the frost on others."

Yang Wei 噗 呲 laughed out loud: "Director Fang is really brilliant."

Qi Qi smiled and knocked on the door of room 1817. The sound of high heels from near to far. After the sound of the door opened, Aunt Zhao's face appeared behind the door.

"Aunt Zhao, I'm here to take you to the airport."

阿 Aunt Zhao invited Qi Xiaoyan into the door with a smile, and said to him, "Wait a minute, I'll finish packing up immediately."

Qi Xiaoyan nodded and stood aside without talking. After Aunt Zhao packed everything into a suitcase, the phone on the table rang: "Hello. Not yet. Didn't you already say it before? Well, I Got it."

Hang up the phone and looked at Qi Xiaoyan with a bit of embarrassment: "Some things have changed. I may have two more days. I'm sorry to let you run for nothing."

Qi Qi ’s smile did not change, and she did n’t even move her brows: “It does n’t matter, do I need to help you with the renewal procedure?”

阿 Aunt Zhao shook her head and said, "No, I'll do it myself. You haven't had lunch yet? I invite you to eat at noon, it's considered atonement."

Wu Qi smiled and said, "Aunt Zhao is welcome. I will not eat lunch. I have to go back to school."

"That's good." Aunt Zhao didn't stay any longer, Qi Xiaoyan said goodbye to her and walked out of the room.

At the same time, the sound of the door opened in room 1818 opposite to him. When the people in the room came out, both of them were at the door.

"Scholar Qi?" Song Jin held up the big sunglasses on Fu's face and looked at him with surprise, "Why are you here?"

Wu Qi smiled and nodded to her, and walked to the elevator: "I brought a friend of my mother over."

"It's a coincidence." Song Jin followed him into the elevator and smiled at him. "My house is being renovated. I'm staying in this hotel temporarily. I should be able to move back in two days. Please come by then. eat."

Wu Qi smiled and said nothing, and Song Jin didn't know whether this was agreed or not.

The door of the elevator opened with a "ding" and waited until the head of the front office department bowed them politely and let them come out sideways. Song Jin pressed the brim and walked out of the elevator with Qi Xiaoyan. Immediately after arriving at the hall, Qi Xiaoyan's steps slammed. Song Jin glanced forward puzzledly, seeing a man and a woman standing at the front desk and laughing.

The man turned his back to her, she couldn't see his looks, but she remembered that girl-although she changed her hairstyle, it was Qi Xiaoyan's ex-wife.

Yang Wei also saw Qi Xiaoyan at this time, and her smile suddenly froze on her face. The woman next to Qi Xiaoyan, although wearing sunglasses and a hat, and wearing low-key clothes, is Song Jin!

After Qi Qi lingered for a moment, he walked to the front desk without a word, and Song Jin's eyes moved and followed him. Fang Chengran turned around along Yang Wei's eyes, just hitting Qi Xiaoyan's gaze, and the sound of "Brilipa" burst into the air.

"What are you doing here?" Qi Xiaoyan said with a calm face, and the moment he spoke, people felt that the air pressure around him was rapidly decreasing. The front desk staff's eyes turned around the four of them, and smiled and handed a room card to Fang Chengran: "Your room is ready, Room 1106, this is your room card."

The temperature dropped a few degrees again. Qi Xiaoyan looked down at the room card, raised his head and said to Yang Wei, "You two come to open the house?"

His face is not very good-looking, but Fang Chengran has set off firecrackers—how could Emma have such a smart employee! Must raise!

With the eyes that Fang Chengran praised, the smile on the front desk staff's face was even sweeter.

Yang Wei glanced at Song Jin who was standing next to Qi Xiaoyan, and smiled in his heart: "So what are you two doing here?"

员工 The staff at the front desk heard the words and said to Qi Xiao with a smile: "Sir, do you want to check out? Please show me your room card and deposit slip."

Li Fang Chengran now wants to promote her to the front office manager.

Yang Wei laughed really loudly this time: "Oh, you two come and check out."

Qi Qi's mouth moved with a smile, and finally she couldn't help pulling Yang Wei and dragged her out of the hotel.