MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 305 Freeze!

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  Chapter 305 Freeze!

   Just like that, amidst the shock and astonishment of everyone present, Chen Nan walked towards the patient!

   Outside the observation room, all the leaders and experts saw the scene in front of them, and couldn't help but look dignified, waiting for the operation to start without saying a word!

   At this moment, a man in his thirties turned to Ge Yerong and said:

   "Dean Ge, this is..."

  When Ge Yerong saw the man talking, he thumped in his heart, and then looked at the dignified and majestic middle-aged man in his fifties beside the man.

  He naturally knew that this question was not what Secretary Yang wanted to know, but this one.

  Ge Yerong said quickly: "Secretary Yang, let me introduce you."

   "This person is not an ordinary person. Although he looks young, he is the deputy director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of our hospital!"

   "Young and promising, it was recommended by Dean Lu and a group of Chinese medicine masters."

   "His acupuncture and moxibustion anesthesia, the effect is remarkable!"

   "When I participated in the training, even Director Gao of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine favored him!"

  Hearing Ge Yerong's words, Secretary Yang looked at the man beside him.

  The other party said with a smile: "Well, good!"

   "This operation is meaningful!"

   "If it succeeds, it will be a successful example of Parkinson's surgery with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine!"

   "Moreover, this just reflects the subtlety of our Chinese medicine!"


   "Dean Ge employs well."

  Ge Yerong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, and said with a smile: "Leader Qin is polite!"

  Ge Yerong is not low-level though!

   After all, the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, as a hospital directly under the national ministries and commissions, is a department-level unit.

  But...after the medical system was restructured, the administrative level of the medical system can no longer be swapped with the administrative level as before.

  Even so, for such a dean, his status, rights and connections are not low.

  But... the Mr. Qin in front of him is a master!

  The gap is far!

  Ge Yerong knew clearly that Mr. Qin was worried about one thing, that is, someone came in to be gilded by relying on special relationships and contacts!

   As we all know, the significance of today's operation is absolutely extraordinary.

  If you can participate in this operation as an anesthesiologist or chief surgeon, it will definitely be a rare and great thing for your future development and life experience.

  So, Ge Yerong must explain this in advance, otherwise... the misunderstanding will be serious.

  But what Secretary Yang said made Ge Yerong suddenly wake up to something...

  This...This Chen Nan will not...


  Ge Yerong thumped in his heart. Could it be that Chen Nan really came to be gilded?

   Damn it, if the operation failed because of Chen Nan, this...

  In an instant, Ge Yerong panicked.

  He had to brace himself to watch the operation.

   Not only him!

  Today, who came to observe, which one is an ordinary person?

   Everyone raised their eyes to watch the operation, and at the same time... also watched this young and somewhat ugly anesthetist.

  Many of them are experts!

   As we all know, the trouble of this operation, in addition to the treatment of delicate intracranial organs and tissues, is the role of the anesthesiologist.

   It is necessary for the patient to cooperate precisely with the doctor while being anesthetized.

   In this way, the difficulty of the operation increases proportionally!

   And in the operating room!

  Dozens of neurosurgery specialists stood in a circle, watching the operation seriously.

  The operation has officially begun!

   Under everyone's gaze, Chen Nan took out a pack of needles.

  The scene in front of him immediately frightened a group of experts around him.

   Guys, what is this... for?


   Isn’t this surgery?

  What are you doing with acupuncture needles?

  Suddenly, not only the experts in the room, but also everyone in the observation room outside couldn't help but start talking.

   "This... what is this for?"

   "I don't know... Acupuncture?"

   "Let's see and talk!"


  Chen Nan was unmoved, holding acupuncture needles, and inserted needles towards the patient's Hegu point, as well as the Chengshan and Zusanli points on the lower limbs, and twisted, lifted and inserted, so that he could get Qi quickly.

   After getting angry, Chen Nan looked at the patient's condition and judged the signs.

   Duan Youguang on the side watched Chen Nan's operation, but didn't speak.

  He respects Chen Nan, just as he respects every professional.

   If you don’t understand, don’t make comments.

   This is Duan Youguang's idea.

  Leave professional things to professional people, and then, trust him!

   Naturally, Chen Nan would not disappoint the other party's trust.

  The reason why he chose Hegu, Chengshan, and Zusanli was to gain qi and at the same time make the reaction of qi and blood in the meridians of the whole body more rapid.

  Acupuncture anesthesia has its unique advantages.

  First of all, it helps the function of the adrenal cortex and makes the patient more sensitive to stress.

   After all, this Parkinson's surgery is very important for finding the patient's vl nucleus.

  How to accurately locate the focus point?

   There is no doubt that it is to make the patient more sensitive to stress, to better promote the patient's response during the operation, and to allow the surgeon to better find the focus.


  Hegu point is a very magical point.

  It has a very good regulating effect on many diseases of the head and face.

  Especially for painful diseases, it is Hegu. There is a saying in acupuncture and moxibustion that "the head and the face are searched for Hegu".

   It can be seen!

  Acupuncture anesthesia is beneficial to improve the blood supply and support function of the brain tissue during the operation. For neurosurgery and head function damage, it is conducive to a reasonable brain protection.

   This is what Chen Nan will do today.

  Li Huapeng asked: "Director Chen, when can the operation start?"

  Chen Nan looked at the time: "Wait a moment."

   "The operation will begin in fifteen minutes."

   "The patient is now in a state of Deqi, and needs to make the meridian response more sensitive."

   "Afterwards, the operation will go smoothly!"

  Li Huapeng nodded when he heard the sound, but stopped talking.

   And everyone in the room stared at Chen Nan seriously.

  Anesthesiologist Luo Huixiang is even more so!

   Today, he has completely become a display with no output, like a destroyed defense tower, which can't even provide vision.

  Chen Nan observed the patient's condition while administering the needle.

   Wait until the time is almost up!

  He began to adjust the stimulation frequency.

   This time, Chen Nan still chose electroacupuncture.

   After all, compared with traditional acupuncture, the stimulation frequency of electroacupuncture is more stable when using machines.


   At this moment, Chen Nan suddenly chose the 100hz unit.

   You should know that under normal circumstances, the stimulation frequency will not exceed 20hz when performing acupuncture anesthesia on the limbs, but...the head is different.

  The head is mostly the scalp. In this area, in order to achieve a better effect of acupuncture anesthesia, the intensity must be strengthened.

   Therefore, there is such an operation.

   As for the waveform, he adopted the density wave.

  After all the debugging was completed, seven needles appeared in Chen Nan's hand.

  Start directly from Sishencong, but only take two needles.

  Afterwards, along the Du Meridian, take three points in succession.

  After that, stimulate again around the zygomatic point.

   Acupuncture anesthesia effect, pay attention to two key points!

   Selecting acupoints is the first key point of acupuncture anesthesia!

  Generally speaking, there are two types of acupoint selection for acupuncture and anesthesia.

   One is to select acupoints along the meridians, and select acupoints that are closely related to the incision site and surgical organs. Such as Yangming Hegu and Sanjian points for tooth extraction players; Sanyinjiao and Taichong points for abdominal tubal ligation.

  One is to select acupoints in the near part, and select acupoints near the operation. For example, if you pull out a tooth, you can choose cheek car and Daying;

   But Chen Nan's acupuncture anesthesia was extraordinary!

  He has another method of point selection.

   Did not name it, but Chen Nan called it: "acupoints selected according to the theory of nerves".

   Or it can also be called point selection at the same segment!

  For thyroid surgery, choose Futu, Hegu, Neiguan (C1-C8); select acupoints according to the distribution of nerve trunks or directly stimulate the nerve trunks.

  This method of acupoint selection is widely used in orthopedic surgery.

   For example, choose Jiquan point or brachial plexus point (needle on both sides of the axillary artery pulse) for certain upper limb operations; stimulate the third and fourth lumbar nerves, femoral nerves, sciatic nerves, etc. for certain lower limb operations.

   Chen Nan’s acupoint selection technique today is just like this. He stimulates the second branch of the trigeminal nerve at Zygomatica point to perform some head surgery or brain surgery, which is very effective.

   These things, Chen Nan did not have the slightest reservation.

  It is performed in full view, hoping to get some people's attention.

  He does not believe that acupuncture and anesthesia, which is a national demonstration site for the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, is expected to become a technology that Chinese medicine will affect the international medical circle, so it will not be taken seriously!

  He glanced at the cameras around him, looking forward to today's scene, to be truly noticed.


  Even if there is no operation today, he still hopes that today's operation can make the country or relevant departments pay attention to such a problem.

  Of course, acupuncture anesthesia, point selection is just one of them!

  The real difficulty lies in the second!

   That is, from gaining qi, to "guiding qi", and then to "keeping qi".

  The problem in the middle is the difficulty of acupuncture.

  Of course, this is only the category of Chinese medicine, and the category of Western medicine, Chen Nan doesn't understand.

   It may be necessary to conduct research from various aspects such as neurophysiology or neurotransmitters.

  Chen Nan's pretentiousness today is undoubtedly projecting a signal to the outside world:

   "Acupuncture anesthesia modern research, a lack of N, online waiting, urgent!"

   When it comes to acupuncture techniques, we should pay attention to a state of "satisfaction of energy and effect"!

  What is "Qizhizhieffectuzhi"?

   Acupuncture for "Deqi" generally requires a preliminary foreshadowing.

  For example, the operation time of acupuncture anesthesia lung resection usually takes 4-8 hours, and anesthesia can be added during the operation.

   Anesthesia drugs can be used for anesthesia, and one supplement or another can be performed according to the amount.

  How to maintain or increase the "deqi" of acupuncture?

this is a problem!

  However, for Chinese medicine, it is easier said than done.

  It can be adopted not only to absorb the experience of acupuncture treatment, but also according to the characteristics of long operation time of lung resection.

  A method of one-point intermittent operation and multi-point rotation operation of acupuncture "Guide Qi-De Qi" and needle retention "Shou Qi" is adopted.

   Make the acupuncture "deqi" relatively stable and uninterrupted, and achieve the state of "qi to effect" for a long time.

   This is a very test of a basic skill.

   "Get angry!"

  The human body has the qi of yin and yang, which turns into the qi of the viscera, patrols the meridians, and spreads all over the body.

   Only by getting angry can you get the final effect!

  The higher the level of "De Qi", the higher the level of acupuncture.

  At this time, after the acupuncture, Chen Nan clearly had a more comprehensive judgment on the patient's condition

  After turning on the power, Chen Nan made some judgments and knew that everything was ready.

  It is the so-called "Qizhizhieffect"!

  Afterwards, Chen Nan directly said to Duan Youguang who was beside him: "Director Duan, it's time to start!"

   Duan Youguang heard the sound, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Don't you need to wait for a while?"

   Chen Nan said with a smile: "No need!"

   "Start now, just right!"

  As soon as these words came out, Luo Huixiang was the first to be unconvinced.

   After all, even if general anesthesia or other anesthesia methods are used, the patient is still in the process of absorption.

  But after Chen Nan switched on the electroacupuncture, he started the operation directly.

  Is the anesthesia effect working?


  He did not believe that Chen Nan could solve the anesthesia problem with a few needles and electrification.

  The duration of this operation is unknown.

  As an anesthetist, you must test well and be prepared to increase or decrease the dosage at any time.

   And Chen Nan, is this possible?

  However, Duan Youguang's eyes were deep. After seeing Chen Nan's response, he turned around and nodded to Li Huapeng and the others beside him without any hesitation.

   Signaling the start of the operation!

  Li Huapeng nodded quickly, and he began to prepare the stereotaxic instrument.

  The surrounding neurosurgery experts are all frowning!

   Will this work?

   Is this anesthesia?

  Can this kind of anesthesia solve the problem?

  Can the patient insist on completing this operation?

   For a while, the entire operating room was silent, and everyone was obviously a little uneasy about the operation that was about to start next!

  While observing the room outside, an expert couldn't help frowning and said, "This... can it work?"

   "This... anesthesia is not used, can surgery be performed?"

   "By the way, Professor Wu, you are from the Anesthesiology Research Center, acupuncture anesthesia... can this work?"

  The professor surnamed Wu heard it, but turned a deaf ear to it!

  His eyes were fixed on Chen Nan's operation.

   There was something in his mouth, but the people around him couldn't hear it.

   It seems like a magic barrier!

   "I... I don't know either!"

   "But... I think the possibility is relatively high."

  Wu Yongbing has been thinking about Chen Nan's use of acupoints just now. It seems ordinary, fact, there are too many profound things hidden behind it.

  Wu Yongbing is the deputy director of the Capital Anesthesia Research Center. He was in charge of acupuncture anesthesia for a period of time.

   Even, Wu Yongbing also gave a national guideline for acupuncture and anesthesia!

  Simple acupuncture and anesthesia surgery can be applied to five operations including tooth extraction, eyebrow tattooing, and thyroid surgery!

   There are detailed acupuncture and anesthesia guidelines for these operations.


  After the publication of this guideline, not only did it not attract too much attention, but everyone was somewhat dismissive of it.

   After all, it is meaningless to use acupuncture anesthesia for such a small operation!

  However, for those large-scale operations, although Wu Yongbing's team has occasionally succeeded, it lacks big data sample support.

   Obviously, Wu Yongbing's ambiguous answer did not satisfy everyone.

  Mr. Qin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke!

   "Professor Wu, can acupuncture anesthesia be applied clinically?"

   "In other words, what is the specific effect of acupuncture anesthesia?"

  Hearing Mr. Qin speak, the room fell silent instantly!

  Wu Yongbing said excitedly:

   "Mr. Qin!"

   "Acupuncture anesthesia is definitely a banner of our Chinese characteristic medicine!"

   "Even, go to the world and let the world recognize the stepping stone of Chinese medicine."

   "We have done research and found that acupuncture anesthesia can indeed be used clinically, and we have published five versions of clinical guidelines."

   "As early as the 1950s and 1960s, we achieved good curative effects of acupuncture anesthesia, and the history of acupuncture anesthesia can be traced back to 607 AD."

   "This naturally has his reasons!"

   "In the 1970s, acupuncture and anesthesia reached a very high level!

  Acupuncture has been clinically used in more than 30 countries, and Sweden, Canada, Japan, the United States, Singapore and other countries have begun to conduct research on the principles of acupuncture.

  By 1979, acupuncture anesthesia operations were common in almost all disciplines nationwide! "

   "But...after the 1980s, the popularity of acupuncture and anesthesia suddenly went down!"

  “The main reason is because of the development of modern anesthesia. Compared with acupuncture anesthesia, modern anesthesia concepts are more in line with clinical operations.”

  Hearing Wu Yongbing's extremely excited words, Mr. Qin suddenly fell silent.

  He asked curiously:


   "Why is it cooling?"

  Wu Yongbing sighed: "Because... the effect is unstable!"

   "First, incomplete analgesia, this is the most prominent problem of acupuncture anesthesia!"

   “Secondly, visceral responses cannot be completely suppressed.”

"Finally...muscle relaxation is not enough. Compared with muscle relaxation drugs, the degree of muscle relaxation controlled by acupuncture is very different. This may be related to incomplete analgesia and visceral reactions. Especially in abdominal surgery, muscle tension often brings difficulties to the operation. .”

   "So, in the 1990s, the rapid development of analgesics and anesthetics in the United States directly stopped the enthusiasm for acupuncture anesthesia."

  “Currently, acupuncture anesthesia has not been widely promoted clinically, and has not gained international recognition, mainly because the analgesic effect is unstable, the operation of acupuncture anesthesia is not standardized, and the principle of action is still unclear.”


   "Until now, this is still the case!"


  Wu Yongbing said here, and continued to say excitedly: "I believe that it's not that acupuncture and anesthesia are dead, but that we haven't done enough research yet!"

  Mr. Qin nodded when he heard the sound, with thoughtful eyes.

  He was thinking about what Wu Yongbing said.

   is also thinking about what Chen Nan said.

  The PD3Y plan was proposed by Qin Shiming.

  Qin Shiming has his own views on the development of medicine, and he is not a pure introductionist.

  He sticks to his philosophy and ideas.

  Only when Chinese medicine stands up, can it fundamentally solve medical problems.

  Relying overseas is not a way out after all.

  Acupuncture anesthesia…

does it work?

  Thinking of this, Qin Shiming looked up again at the operation that was about to start in front of him.

   If the operation is successful!

  He decided to try it!

   Moreover, Chen Nan is too young.

  Young is a good thing, it means that Chen Nan will have a long period of development and growth in the future, and his peak will last for a long time, which means...possible!


  Operating room.

   Although Duan Youguang was calm on the surface, he was a little uneasy in his heart.

  He is holding tweezers, ready to test the patient.


   One after another, after many trials, the patient's reaction... all surprised him!

   Really good?

  Duan Youguang couldn't help looking at Chen Nan.

   But Chen Nan smiled at himself: "Director Duan, I am currently under anesthesia for two hours. It's been a long time...need another injection."

  Duan Youguang nodded hastily: "The operation begins!"

  Chen Nan stood aside, watching the surgery. The difficulty of this kind of surgery is by no means ordinary surgery.

   Regardless of the surgical operation's requirements for the chief surgeon.

   Or modern instruments with digital exploration.

   are all performances of peak surgery.

  Under the influence of TPGS multi-dimensional stereo digital, only one opening is needed, and a large-scale operation space of the head is not required.

  Two mechanical arms, with the help of the drill, enter the skull.

   And at this time!

  Accompanied by the sound of grinding the skull, the atmosphere in the operating room was very serious.

   And in such a serious atmosphere, a voice suddenly sounded.

   "It smells good?"

   "What is this... smell?"

   "Why do I feel a bit itchy in the head?"

   "Director Duan... Where is the fire?"

  Accompanied by the patient's nonsensical and even inappropriate words, the reaction in the operating room was completely different!

  Many people couldn't help laughing.


  More people are a surprise.

  Because of such a problem, it happens that the patient's consciousness is clear, and the pain sensation is reduced!

   This is definitely a great thing for this operation!

   Duan Youguang is also in a good mood!

  He joked: "I have a chance to show you what it is."

   "But... do you feel like burning lamb's feet?"

  As soon as this remark came out, the patient greatly agreed: "Indeed!"

   "There is a bit of similarity!"

   "That...collagen smell?"


   "But... it's more like... the smell of my wife making pork ribs."

   In one sentence, everyone couldn't help laughing anymore.

"Ha ha!"


   "Yes, this is the taste."

   This joke made the atmosphere in the operating room less oppressive than before, and it also eased the mood of several surgeons.

  A modern stereotaxic device, by no means comparable to what it used to be.

   This is a modern digital analysis.

When installing the orientation instrument, the sagittal midline of the frame must coincide with the midline of the skull, the Y-axis of the frame is parallel to the G-I line, and the head is located in the center of the frame in the front-back direction. Possibility to eliminate positioning errors!

  Puncture the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle through the skull drilling, and perform pressure-filled ventriculography or inject a positive contrast agent.

   Immediately, a frontal and lateral cephalogram will be taken!

  In a short while, the third ventricle, the interventricular foramen, the aqueduct, the pineal recess, and the anterior and posterior commissures are all displayed on the screen.

   Next, the most critical step!

   "Prepare for targeting!"

  Accompanied by Duan Youguang's words, several directors around nodded quickly.

  Li Huapeng controls the stereotaxic digital equipment, monitors it at any time, and accurately controls various variables.

  And another director began to say to the patient: "Now, raise your right hand!"

  The patient began to raise his right hand without haste.

  Accompanied by the constant shaking of the palm, the digital instrument on the side analyzed and fed back the reaction in the brain!

   "X=18mm, Y=2mm, Z=6mm!"

  Looking at the patient's cooperation, Li Huapeng was very excited, and said without waiting for Duan Youguang's reaction!

  The other directors also became excited all of a sudden!

  First fit, perfect!

   The first step is the right one!

   This operation is likely to be successful!

   For a while, several people were a little excited.

  Duan Youguang suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said again: "Locate the target, the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus!"

   "Tremor and stiffness analysis!"


   Tremor analysis, if the difficulty is 70 points.

  Then...stiffness analysis requires the patient's cooperation to reach 90 points!

  In this way, the patient's cooperation will be very important for finding and locating the target!

  One time!

  Everyone took a deep breath, held their breath, and got ready.

   Qin Shiming outside couldn't help but put his hands on his chest, his eyes became serious.

   If successful!

   This will advance the success of their PD3Y program.

   Even, more patients will be helped.


   If it fails.

  PD3Y plan may even become the laughing stock of some people.

  So, at this moment, everyone can't help but put away all the emotions just now, and look forward to it seriously.

  Compared to other people who are concerned about the success of the operation, Wu Yongbing on the side is concerned about whether Chen Nan's anesthesia can effectively help the patient!

  Time, at this moment, becomes extremely slow.

  Duan Youguang's forehead was already sweating.

   This is a sign of tension and anticipation.

   And at this moment...

  Suddenly, a voice rang out.

   "I...I move by myself?"

   "Or... you help me move?"

  As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the operating room. Everyone stared at the patient on the operating table with their eyes wide open, looking for prestige!

   "You... you... don't look at me like that!"

   "I... made me nervous."

   "When I'm nervous, my hands tend to become stiff."



   Before Li Huapeng had time to speak, he saw the indicator start to move.


   "Ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (Vim), X=14mm, Y=5mm, Z=0!"

   "Quick positioning!"

  In an instant, Duan Youguangfu came to the heart, and quickly started to operate.

   This cooperation directly excited everyone.

  But Duan Youguang really didn't expect... this operation, can you still do it?

  The patient's cooperation is perfect!

  Where can I find such a good anesthesiologist!

  Not only can the patient's pain be greatly reduced, but it can also keep the patient awake!

   What kind of powerful anesthesia technique is this?


  Duan Youguang said hastily: "Prepare to guide the puncture!"

   "Adjust the orientation instrument according to the coordinate data of the target point!"

  Li Huapeng: "Got it!"

   "Verification and identification of the target position!"


   "The electrode puncture was successful!

   Conduct neurological and mental function examinations!

  Electric stimulation test or frontal and lateral cephalogram...

   Position is correct! "

   "Focal Target Locked!"

   "vl nuclear physiology and anatomy analysis technology!"

   "Can destroy target structures!"


  With the cooperation of the four people, this operation is developing in the direction everyone expects!


   Minutes and seconds go by!

   While Duan Youguang operates, he strictly observes the patient's condition.

   The key to this operation lies in this point!

  In the process of making lesion, we must pay close attention to and observe the patient's response and clinical effect, which is very important to strive for satisfactory curative effect and prevent complications.

   Therefore, it is best not to use or use less sedative drugs during the operation to keep the patient highly awake and cooperative.

  If the symptoms are not relieved or complications occur, it means that there is a deviation in positioning, and the damage should be stopped immediately.

  The operation should also be terminated for patients who are confused and unable to cooperate during the operation.

   And at this time!

   None of the above situations occurred!

   At this moment, an exciting voice suddenly sounded.

   "The tremor in the patient's left hand disappeared! It disappeared!"

   Li Huapeng shouted excitedly!

   It can't be blamed for his lack of composure.

  He was so excited!

  Two years of hard work!

   Today, are you finally going to succeed?

  Li Huapeng felt that his heart was soaring to 200 speeds happily. If it wasn't for the limitation of the heart muscle, he felt that if he gave himself a turbo boost, he would have to have four or five hundred speeds!

   Duan Youguang and others were equally excited.

  However, he still suppressed the excitement in his heart...

   said: "Attention!"

   "Watch the stiffness!"

  Li Huapeng quickly began to observe and test, and asked the patient to operate.

   "Stiffness...stiffness gone!"

   Li Huapeng shouted excitedly!

   Didn't seem to notice that this is the operating room!


   "We...we might actually make it!"

   Duan Youguang was extremely excited.

"it is good!"


  Accompanied by Duan Youguang's closing sound, the applause of the audience was like waves, lasting for a long time!

   And Qin Shiming stood up excitedly and gave the warmest applause!

  Operation is over!

   Duan You couldn't care about other things, so he hugged several comrades excitedly.

  Chen Nan stood aside, watching this scene with envy.

  This may be... the meaning of hard work!

  I personally witnessed the birth of a miracle today.

   And at this moment, he was suddenly pulled over by someone.

   Looking up, it was Li Huapeng.

  He hugged Chen Nan!

  Suddenly, a spotlight flashed and the photo was frozen!

   "my country's first radical Parkinson's surgery under acupuncture anesthesia, a complete success!"


   And at this moment.

  Suddenly a voice sounded.

   "Excuse me, I... later... give me general anesthesia!"

   "This operation is too... flustered!"


  ps: Migrated yesterday, ran out of virus, so no update, sorry!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion