MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 306 Blockbuster, system upgrade!

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  Chapter 306 Blockbuster, system upgrade!

  Patients at this time feel that they have experienced a "catastrophe" that they have done before!

  After all... in a state of clear consciousness, a craniotomy was performed, and the ears could even hear the electric drill drilling through the skull and entering the brain...

  Damn it, it's really not something people dare to do!


"Wait a moment!"

   "Director Duan..."

  Duan Youguang was still immersed in the joy of the successful operation just now and couldn't extricate himself.

  A group of experts hugged each other tightly, cheering the success of this operation!

  Chen Nan, as the anesthesiologist of this operation, he is naturally also a member of this team.

  Five people stood together, their happiness was beyond words.

  The patient called softly, apparently in such an atmosphere, somewhat insignificant.

  The patient sighed a long, helpless sigh.

   Sure enough...

  The sorrow and joy of human beings are not interlinked!

   Actually, is the patient happy?

  Naturally happy!

  Looking at my hands, I can no longer tremble, and of course I am very happy.

  But...he still has some knots in his heart, and he can't let go.

  The nurse on the side was about to push the patient away when he heard his voice and hurriedly approached him!

"What's wrong?"

   "Is there something wrong?"

  Accompanied by the nurse's words, the scene fell silent instantly.

   Even the members of the "Neurosurgery Team" who were excited at this time calmed down and looked for their reputation!

   This came as a bit of a surprise to the patient.

What's wrong?

  Can doctors' ears naturally block some news?

   Hearing that I was uncomfortable, I heard it all at once!

  Duan Youguang quickly came over: "What's wrong?"

   "Is there something wrong?"

  The patient sighed, with a somewhat disappointed tone:

   "How should I put it... I feel a little uncomfortable?"

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of several people suddenly changed. Did...damage the nerves that control the heart?

  This is a bad thing!

  Even the people outside the observation room, who were applauded like boiling water, are all stunned in place, staring at the patient on the screen with wide eyes.

   Heart upset?


   The sequelae are a bit serious!

  Duan Youguang's nervous system knowledge was running crazily, trying to find the root of the patient's symptoms.


  He thought about it, but he still didn't think of it!

   "Please describe clearly, what is the discomfort? What are the symptoms like?"

   Li Huapeng approached, staring at the patient, and asked hastily.

  When the patient saw the other party's nervous appearance, he suddenly stopped talking...

   "I...I just feel empty..."

   "Feel like something is missing?"

   "I could smell it just now... It smells like ribs."

   "Director Duan, I feel uncomfortable."

   "I have a favor, can I...can I take another look at my head? You cut off that..."

  In an instant, the atmosphere in the room became subtle.


   What kind of heartache is this?

  Are you kidding me?

Duan Youguang felt that all his brain nerves were beating awkwardly, and there was a rhythm and sequence... One sniff, two see, three eye movements, four strokes, five forks, six abduction, seven faces, eight ears, nine tongues, pharynx, vagus and paralingual whole ( Well, these are twelve pairs of cranial nerve formulas).

  The others were not much better, and they all looked at the patient dumbfounded.

  When the patient saw this, he coughed immediately.

   "Forget it... I... I was kidding."

"I do not want it…"

  Duan Youguang said with a smile: "Show the patient the excised vl nucleus."

  The nurse also came over with a smile: "Here, this is my brain."

  Seeing this hideous tissue, the patient suddenly trembled for a moment, then closed his eyes:

   "Create a crime!"

   "Cut it and cut it!"

   "The flesh on my body, I did it!"

   "Okay... okay... go back to the ward."

   After watching the patient leave, everyone in the operating room couldn't help laughing.

  After all, postoperative evaluation is good.

  The next step is to look at the recovery and stabilization in the stage after the operation.

   Accompanied by the departure of the patient.

  Dozens of neurosurgery experts who came to watch the operation all gave warm applause.

   For everyone, this is not only a delicate surgery with superb skills.

   Moreover, it is a milestone progress of a key node!

  The success of this operation means that the radical cure of Parkinson's syndrome and secondary Parkinson's surgery in our country has made a staged progress in the field of surgery!

  As doctors, they are also the pillars of neurosurgeries in various hospitals, and everyone can also be called scientists!

  They naturally also shoulder the responsibility and mission of revitalizing the motherland's medicine and saving the health of patients!

  This time it was successful, and many people had tears in their eyes.

   is tears of excitement!

   Li Huapeng is the same way, although this emotion is a bit fragmented by the patient, but... Seeing the operation so successful, he is still unavoidably excited and excited.

  Duan Youguang and the other two pulled everyone over to take a photo.

   And the five people in the middle, including Chen Nan!

   This photo is bound to be frozen in the history of neurosurgery.

   Luo Huixiang on the side was a little lost.

  Looking at Chen Nan's position and the center of the spotlight, he said it was impossible not to be envious.


  Happiness is yours.

   Depression is your own!

  Although Luo Huixiang was extremely jealous and unhappy with Chen Nan, but...he had to feel sorry for the operation just now.

  Although the patient's performance looks like a farce.


  Luo Huixiang is very clear.

   It is precisely the patient's situation, which shows the greatness of Chen Nan's anesthesia just now!

  The operation lasted about three hours.

  During these three hours, the patient's state was stable, but his consciousness remained good, and his movement coordination was very high.

  These... are not something that can be done casually.

  Intracranial surgery requires anesthesia of the nervous system and a good control.

   It cannot anesthetize the motor nerves, and needs better suppression of pain.

   This is too hard!

  Acupuncture anesthesia...does it have such an effect?

  Luo Huixiang couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

  The operation is now over.

  The crowd walked outside.

   But at this time, the observation room was also full of cheers.

  Qin Shiming was very excited inside, and he, who knows well about the world's emotions and anger, is also very happy at this time.

   and everyone on the side smiled and nodded and shook hands.

  As the dean, Ge Yerong, became the focus at this time, and everyone sent blessings and praises one after another.

   "Dean Ge is amazing!"

   "Yes, your hospital has made a great contribution to this operation!"

   "In one operation, both the chief surgeon and the anesthesiologist belong to your hospital."

   "Your hospital is really full of talents!"


   "This China-Japan Friendship Hospital is the window of an international hospital. If such a thing happened, we must publicize it well."

   "That's right, this kind of thing must be publicized. After the publicity is out, it will show the prestige of our country!"

  Ge Yerong laughed, neither admitted nor refuted, but said modestly:

   "We just provided the venue!"

   "The operation was successful, thanks to everyone."

  “Without the joint efforts of the comrades in the PD3Y project, how could there be such a surgery today?”

   "One minute on stage, ten years of hard work off stage, the dedication of the experts is the key to the success of the operation!"

   "Moreover, this PD3Y plan is well done. I believe that this plan will definitely be a complete success!"

  Ge Yerong flattered Qin Shiming calmly.

   At this moment, flattery is the most popular.

  Qin Shiming was also very happy.

  The operation was a success.

  The efforts of the past two years have not been wasted!

  Qin Shiming actually has a heavy burden on his body.

  This burden was not given by the superior.

   Rather... the threat to the health of the common people is his heaviest burden.

  About 1.7% of the elderly population over 65 years old in my country suffer from Parkinson's disease, and nearly 100,000 new cases occur every year.

  How many patients are here?

  So many patients, if all of them use the medicine of Tans Biotech, how much will it cost?

   This is definitely a major loss to the life, health and property of ordinary people.

  Disease is nothing compared to food.

  Drugs cannot be subdued or replaced.

  The pharmaceutical industry has now developed into a vanity fair.

  Pharmaceutical companies are booming like mushrooms after rain.

   This is the scene Qin Shiming least wants to see.

  Qin Shiming is 63 years old this year, but his hair is already full of gray hair. He has come up step by step from the health system.

  He knows very well how difficult it is to provide health protection for the Chinese nation's billions of people!

  His hair is not bald when he is young, but accumulated over time.

  In the current prosperity, how can it be as easy as it is said?

  Economic development cannot represent the overall quality of a country.

  Medical care is the biggest key point of the people's livelihood project.

  This is like a board in a bucket. If any link is missed, the overall level will be lowered.



  Qin Shiming is fundamentally different from other leaders sitting in the office. He is a professional and rarely stays in the office.

  He arrives at work at 7 o'clock every morning, and after dealing with various things at 11 o'clock, he starts to run around with his secretary and driver.

   Access to major hospitals, research institutes, drug research institutes, etc...places.

  He knew that above the high halls, there was no ground to speak of.

  The PD3Y plan was a decision he made after personally participating in the negotiations at that time!

  PD3Y plan must be successful!

  Thinking of this, Qin Shiming clenched his fists.


  At this moment, he suddenly had another idea.

   That is acupuncture anesthesia! Qin Shiming's eyes, it is like a gold mine waiting to be excavated.

  Thinking of this, he waved to the secretary beside him.

  Yang Xu hurried over: "Say it."

  Qin Shiming whispered: "After a while, you can go to Professor Wu Yongbing and Chen Nan."

   "I want to chat with them, right here..."

   "Let Dean Ge give us a little space."

   "Also, ask the office to collect information about acupuncture anesthesia for me now."

   "I'll see soon."

  Yang Xu nodded quickly: "Okay!"

   While speaking, he got up and went to settle down.

   And at this time...

  Duan Youguang and Li Huapeng walked into the observation room.

  Everyone at the scene stood up one after another, giving the warmest applause and respect to several people.

  Qin Shiming is no exception.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

   Duan Youguang nodded excitedly, held Qin Shiming's hand with both hands, and said in a sonorous voice:

   "Mr. Qin, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life!"

   "I...we...made it!"

   While speaking, Duan Youguang's eyes turned red.

   And Qin Shiming nodded with a smile: "Yeah!"

"I saw!"

   "Good job!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

   "Tonight, I will throw a celebration banquet for everyone."

   At this time, the reporter excitedly patted the photographer: "Quick!"

"write it down!"

   "This scene must be preserved intact!"

   "Shoot it clearly!"

  The photographer also nodded excitedly: "Boss, you...don't take pictures of me, the picture...the picture is not clear."


  Qin Shiming looked at Chen Nan at this moment: "Chen Nan, right?"

  Looking at Qin Shiming, Chen Nan was also taken aback for a moment.

  He was a little surprised, he didn't meet Mr. Qin here.

   You know... this person is no ordinary person.

   "Qin... Mr. Qin, hello!"

   "I am Chen Nan!"

  Qin Shiming smiled: "Well, don't be restrained."

   "Things, I know."

   "Good job."

   "Thank you for today's operation."

  Chen Nan said with a smile: "Mr. Qin, I am only anesthetized, and Dean Duan and the others are the real heroes."

  Qin Shiming waved his hand: "Don't be too modest, anesthesia is the basis of surgery."

   "I'm an industry insider, don't fool me."


  When Chen Nan heard the sound, he also smiled awkwardly.

  But he has sincere respect for Qin Shiming.

  This gentleman, who turned gray at the age of 50, has shouldered the burden of the motherland's medical and health undertakings.

  Chen Nan has heard about his resume and deeds.

  Go deep into the front line many times and lead the team to charge.

  Qin Shiming then looked at Chen Nan and said seriously: "In the next few days..."

   "You need to get ready!"

   "This operation is just the beginning, not the end."

   "I'll talk to you later."

  Chen Nan nodded.

  To be honest, he was also a little surprised in his heart.

  Originally, Chen Nan was ready for acupuncture and anesthesia to open up the situation. He knew that someone would watch the operation today, but...he thought about it, but he never expected that it would be Qin Shiming who came to watch the operation!

   It's this boss!

   Moreover, what Mr. Qin said just now has actually revealed many clues to Chen Nan.

   "This is just the beginning!"

  What does this mean? It goes without saying that the promising!

   Today's battle was obviously a blockbuster.

  He knows his mission and must complete it.

Not only that!

  He also knows... the path he will take next will be different from before.

  He has entered Mr. Qin's field of vision, which is bound to change his development track.

   The platform of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital is really suitable for me.

  In the source city, Chen Nan didn't show his due strength. many people can pay attention?

  Even if you pay attention, who can give yourself a platform?

   This trip, there is nothing wrong with it!

  Thinking of these, Chen Nan felt a little more Peng Bai, and looked forward to the future.



   After one o'clock in the afternoon.

   There are only three people in the observation room.

  Qin Shiming sat down face to face with Chen Nan and Wu Yongbing.

   "I invited two experts here today for one thing."

   "I'm going straight to the point, it's about acupuncture and anesthesia."

   "Acupuncture anesthesia, I asked someone to give me information."

   "I am a layman, I made a mistake, please forgive me."

  Wu Yongbing had already anticipated the next thing at this time, he knew that his chance had come!

  He nodded quickly: "Mr. Qin, you are polite."

  Qin Shiming nodded: "Yes!"

   "Acupuncture is traditional Chinese medicine, the quintessence of Chinese medicine!"

   "And anesthesiology is the cornerstone of modern surgery."

   "If acupuncture anesthesia can be successful, it will become a door for Chinese medicine to go to the world!"

   "I want to be successful!"

   "Professor Wu, Director Chen, what I want to ask is, what should we do?"

   These words are simple and clear, there are no long-winded speeches, and there are no such unwarranted truths.

   Instead, he directly said to the two of them, I want to do acupuncture anesthesia, how should I do it?

  For Wu Yongbing, this is undoubtedly a blank check, let him write the number on it.

   As long as it can be done.

  Qin Shiming will not refuse!

   But Chen Nan was silent.

  He knows that acupuncture and anesthesia are definitely not omnipotent.

  In other words...under the current stage of modern scientific research theory, acupuncture anesthesia, there is no way to go further.

  Is acupuncture anesthesia powerful?


   But perfect?

Do not!

not perfect!

  Even now, Chen Nan doesn't dare to say that every operation he performs can be performed under acupuncture anesthesia.

   He has his limitations.

  So, when this question was asked by Qin Shiming, Chen Nan knew that what Mr. Qin represented was not himself, but more than one billion Chinese people, which is Chinese medicine!

  Chen Nan took a deep breath to calm himself down.

  Wu Yongbing glanced at Chen Nan, and then at Qin Shiming who was opposite.

   "First of all, Mr. Qin, I, Wu Yongbing, am not talented, but I hope that I will do my best to contribute to the research and development of acupuncture and anesthesia!"

   "But... Acupuncture and moxibustion anesthesia, at the current stage, the most mature and effective one I have seen is Director Chen Nanchen."

   "So, I hope Director Chen can cooperate with us in our research."

   "I believe, there will be a very good result!"

   Speaking of this, Wu Yongbing looked at Chen Nan and said seriously:

   "Director Chen, it's the first time we meet, but... you inspire me!"

   "If I'm not mistaken, you selected acupoints for anesthesia today, using the modern ganglion acupoint selection method, right?"

  Chen Nan looked at Wu Yongbing curiously, because... he had not announced this theory.

  How did the other party know?

  Wu Yongbing continued:

   "Director Chen, don't get me wrong."

  “I have been engaged in acupuncture and anesthesia research for decades.”

   "Hey...can't compare to Director Chen's talent, it has already reached the point of 'spirited to the effect'."

   "By changing the acupuncture intensity and combination, and using the theory of TCM deqi, guide qi, and keep qi, we can achieve the ultimate effect of qi. To be honest, I was really shocked!"

   "These theories were told to me when the old director was around."

  “I was engaged in the research of neuroelectrophysiology, and then I studied anesthesiology, and then entered the research institute to start acupuncture study and research work.”

   "However, although we have published some guides over the years, they are still somewhat tasteless."

   "The development of modern science has become a bottleneck that limits us."

   "However, Director Chen, we are not wasting our time. Over the years, we have used the method of acupuncture anesthesia combined with drug anesthesia, which can greatly reduce the amount of anesthesia and improve the effect of anesthesia."

   "I think our cooperation will go smoothly!"

  After hearing what the other party said, Chen Nan's eyes widened.

  Even... There is a feeling of enlightenment in my mind.


  I seem to have fallen into a misunderstanding of extreme left and right thinking.

  Why am I so obsessed with acupuncture and anesthesia?

  Whether it is acupuncture anesthesia or drug anesthesia, isn’t it all for patients’ surgery?

  As long as the purpose of the operation is successfully achieved.

   Is the means of anesthesia that important?

  Wu Yongbing's words made Chen Nanfan wake up.

   Acupuncture has its obvious limitations.

   And anesthesia drugs also have their unavoidable restrictions.

   What about combining the two?

is it possible?

  Chen Nan's brain was running wildly, and various possibilities began to form in his mind.


   Chen Nan stared wide-eyed and looked at Wu Yongbing: "Professor Wu, it's doable!"

   "Acupuncture combined with anesthesia may have unexpected effects!"

   "Mr. Qin, I think it's doable!"

   "Moreover, the feasibility is very high!"

  Qin Shiming laughed when he heard the sound.



   This short gathering lasted an hour and a half.

  When Qin Shiming left, his eyes were full. Secretary Yang Xu saw that Mr. Qin was so excited, and there was a smile on his face.

   I have been with Mr. Qin for eight years, and the relationship between the two is very good.

  Even...sometimes Yang Xu is as close to Qin Shiming as a sibling.

  The same goes for Yang Xu.

  However, Mr. Qin is too busy and working too hard.

   Rarely has he seen such a happy day.

  Yang Xu said with a smile: "Mr. Qin, I have to go to the old man's house tonight."

   "I have some wine for you in the trunk."

   "Drink two glasses with the old man?"

   Qin Shiming heard the sound, and suddenly laughed hahaha: "Yes, I have to drink two glasses!"



  Qin Shiming pointed at Yang Xu, with a smile on his lips: "You understand me so well."

   "To be honest, I'm a little bit reluctant."

   "I'm too used to having you by my side."

   "By the way, is there any place you want to go?"

  Yang Xu shook his head: "Mr. Qin, please stop asking this question, it's worse than slapping me in the face."

   "I can learn a lot from following you, and I am reluctant to leave such a good teacher."

  Qin Shiming glanced at Yang Xu. There was no outsider in the car, so he simply asked, "Are you really planning to retire with me?"

  Yang Xu nodded: "Yeah!"

  Qin Shiming sighed: "'s not necessary."

   "I am here, you will be better off, I will go down, and the tea will be cold."


   "You have better value."

  Yang Xu shook his head, and said firmly, "No, my value lies in helping you share your worries."

   "Your value is far greater than mine."

   "I know what's in your heart, sir, and I'm willing to follow in your footsteps."

  Qin Shiming took a deep breath and suddenly laughed: "Okay!"

"it is good!"


   "Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zai, "Hengqu Quotations" has a saying: To establish a heart for the world, to establish a life for the people, to inherit the ancient sages, and to create peace for all generations."

   "I, Qin Shiming, am not talented, but I would like to follow in the footsteps of the sages."



   That afternoon!

  A piece of news instantly set off a big storm in some professional newspapers and portal websites!

   "my country's first case, and the world's first secondary Parkinson's syndrome operation was successfully completed! "

  This kind of professional news is rarely seen on the homepage of entertainment websites.

  Because ordinary people don't pay attention!

  But... it caused a storm in the industry.

  Many medical staff were very excited after seeing it!

   World's first!

   This is a miracle in China!

   This is a miracle in China!

  However, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and there is not much description about the details of the operation.

   "At ten o'clock this morning, the world's first secondary Parkinson's syndrome operation was successfully completed at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital..."

   "Participants: Duan Youguang, Li Huapeng...Chen Nan!"

  Although the names of the people undergoing surgery were mentioned in the news.

  However, there is no mention of surgical details.

   This is an encouraging piece of news.

   Far away in Jin Province, the source city.

  Li Guangming, Tao Gongshu and others sat together for a small gathering.

  After seeing this news, everyone added a hard dish.

  Li Guangming said with a smile: "This big hospital is different!"

   "Undertake national key research projects."

   "Xiao Chen, this time, it's the right time!"

   Tao Gongshu nodded: "Yes..."

   "Huh? By the way, look... the last person is also named Chen Nan."

   "This...could it be a person?"

  Yuan Chuanxin chuckled: "I hope it's alone."

   "But Xiao Chen has only been there for two days, how is that possible?"


   "However, speaking of this, I still miss this kid."

   "This kid, you are so angry with me when you do things."



   It is undeniable that the success of this operation caused a sensation in the circle.

   As for the matter of acupuncture anesthesia, nothing was mentioned in the operation.

  Only Chen Nan and Wu Yongbing know that all just the beginning.

  Wu Yongbing went back this time to make a proposal.

   Before long, acupuncture and anesthesia will definitely be displayed in front of the world with a bold attitude.

  Although it is said that not many outsiders know about it.

  However, the experts in the hospital have heard about this operation.

  Yu Jinhua sat down to eat with several directors.

  He was in a good mood.

  During this period, a large number of patients in the oncology department of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine were lost, which led to the overcrowding of the tumor ward of traditional Chinese medicine and the tumor ward of western medicine under his charge.

   This made Yu Jinhua let out a bad breath!


  The only fly in the ointment is Chen Nan!

  Under Chen Nan's anesthesia, the first Parkinson's syndrome operation was successful.

   This made Chen Nan famous in the high-level circle of Sino-Japanese friendship.

  Most of the hospital's top leaders, deans and ward directors know the name Chen Nan.

   Seeing Chen Nanhao, Yu Jinhua felt uncomfortable.

   "Hey, do you know? The newly transferred deputy director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward, Chen Nan, is really amazing!"

   "Yes, acupuncture anesthesia, tsk tsk... amazing!"

   "To be honest, I want to communicate with Director Chen and have a good chat. Some of our patients can't tolerate anesthesia."


   "This young man, you can't look at it normally."

   "Well, it makes sense, in this world, those who are able come first."

  Listening to several directors discussing Chen Nan, he felt even more uncomfortable.

  Yu Jinhua couldn't help feeling a little more resentful in his heart.


  At this time, Chen Nan didn't care about these things.

  He sat in the yard, enjoying the autumn sunset and the leaves blowing.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a negative review from Jinhua, and the rating of the negative review is: Advanced! 】

   Chen Nan immediately smiled when he heard the sound.

   Didn't care!

   It’s just a bad review, a good thing!

   This is really not that big of a situation in Jinhua.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a bad review reward from Luo Huixiang, bad review level: advanced, bad review reward: epidural anesthesia (professional level)]

  Looking at the reward, Chen Nan immediately smiled.

  Director Luo Huixiang is arrogant!


  However, these rewards are just appetizers.

   What Chen Nan is really waiting for is the system upgrade.

  He turned on the virtual screen, looked at the progress bar in front of him, and looked forward to it.

【Ding! 】

  【Blockbuster task completed! 】

【Ding! System upgrade...]


   After the progress bar was completed, a crisp sound suddenly sounded.

【Ding! Congratulations, the system upgrade is successful! 】

  【Activation: praise system. 】

  【Praise system section: Your behavior will get praise from the other party, and the praise will get relevant rewards. 】

  【Reminder: The specific rewards are related to the degree of praise. The higher the degree of praise, the richer the rewards! 】

  【Medical education rewards hard work, I hope you will encourage each other. 】


  Looking at the system prompt, Chen Nan suddenly widened his eyes.

  This time...

  The system upgrade is a bit thorough!

   There are even praise rewards?

  Chen Nan couldn't help but get excited.

  It seems that...

  I no longer need to simply offend others.



  ps: Thank you for the 5,000 tip from "The Moment of Youth", and the 1,500 tip from the "Rich Man".

  Thanks to the two friends "Nie Baibai" and "Peanuts who love meow sauce" for their generosity.

thanks for your support.

  (end of this chapter)

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