MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 380 breaking news

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  Chapter 380 Breaking News

  The Huaxia Crohn's Specialized Disease Research Association was established, and the first meeting was held in the capital.

  Representatives of the World Health Organization, the World Research Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, the European Association for Intestinal Diseases, etc., have arrived in the capital.

   Kovacs took the lead in speaking, congratulated the establishment of the China Crohn's Disease Research Association, and reached a multi-party cooperation agreement.

  Chen Nan was elected as the first president.

  After Qin Shiming made his speech, he stopped making noise and gave Chen Nan the main right to speak.

  After coming out, Qin Shiming couldn't help laughing as he looked at the crowded and academic atmosphere inside.


   "Ruizhen, see? The so-called respect is earned by one's own strength, not by other things!"

  Gao Ruizhen nodded with a smile, why isn't he happy?

  As the person in charge of the field of Chinese medicine, he has never seen such a brilliant scene of Chinese medicine!

   "Yeah, sometimes... it's like a dream."


  At this time, Yang Ming came over and handed the phone to Qin Shiming: "Mr. Qin, it's Mr. Peng's number."

  Peng Wanpo?

  Qin Shiming laughed: "Wan Po, it's really a pity that you didn't come to the meeting this time!"

   "Look now, the world is paying attention to our Chinese medicine business in Huaxia."

   "There are a lot of top international media here!"

   "The Times, Time Magazine... huh..."

  Peng Wanpo couldn't help shaking his head when he heard Qin Shiming's words. Who wouldn't want to see such a glorious scene? It's a pity...he can't come, he has to wipe his ass, Yan Jiaheng and others have been running here every day these days, thinking of these:

   "Okay, Lao Qin, don't show off!"

   "By the way, let me tell you something, the matter of Yan Jiaheng, Zhang Wu and others, I have also taken care of it here!"

   "They originally wanted to talk to the leader and trust someone, and they wanted to work in this research society."

   "Those leaders also talked to Chen Nan, hehe... This Professor Chen is more principled than us!"

   "If you don't give it, you won't give it if you pass it, and you also say that if you want to join the association, you must start as a member!"


   "This kid is really courageous!"

  Qin Shiming smiled: "Well done, there are some things that we can't say or do, and look forward and backward, but this Xiao Chen is full of courage, courage and strategy, well done!"

   "Yan Jiaheng, Zhang Wu and the others... just follow the original plan!"

  Peng Wanpo smiled: "You want me to do this job of killing chickens and monkeys?"

  Qin Shiming suddenly laughed hahaha: "Those who are capable work harder, and those who are wise do more. Thank you Director Peng for your hard work."

  Peng Wanpo laughed: "Okay, then leave it to me!"


  During the inaugural meeting of the Crohn's Disease Special Research Society.

  Yan Jiaheng can be said to be in a heavy heart. In fact, he has also learned about the country's preparations for this Crohn's disease research association, and even wants to make plans to become the president!

   After all, they can be regarded as experts at the level of academic leaders in China.

  In terms of seniority or ability, they are indispensable.

   Therefore, during the preparations for the meeting, Yan Jiaheng deliberately put on enough momentum, as if if you don't come to invite me, I won't leave the mountain.

  It's a pity... Who would have thought that Chen Nana didn't invite them, he didn't even send a message, and he didn't even have a meeting invitation.

   Seeing the meeting, Yan Jiaheng and the others panicked.

  If this association is established, they are not invited, how embarrassing it is in the circle?

  So, a few people continued to look for the leader, understand it with reason, and move it with emotion...

   As a result, Chen Nan didn't refuse, but just said a word, you can join, but you can only be a member.

   Can this be tolerated?

  Yan Jiaheng and the others were furious. If they joined the association and became ordinary members, would they still be old-faced?

  Generally speaking, to set up an association, you must invite industry giants to support the scene.

  However, Chen Nan is unreasonable at all, just like a breaker of unspoken rules in the industry, he just ignores it!

   Oil and salt are not allowed!

   Even facing those leaders, Chen Nan was neither humble nor overbearing.

  Yan Jiaheng and the others were naturally furious, and immediately decided not to go, leaving the association to exist in name only.

   Even, they want to encourage some experts and chief professors, and they will not let them go.

  Finally, embarrass Chen Nan at the meeting!

   Available now!

  When they watched a program, they spent 1 minute introducing the meeting, in which Chen Nan appeared on the screen for 15 seconds, while Kovacs, Miro... and other experts from the World Health Organization and other national digestive tract associations appeared on the screen.

   Below are journalists from the world's top media and medical journals.

  In an instant, everyone was dumbfounded.

   Good guy...

   So the clown is me? !

  Yan Jiaheng was completely confused.

  The day after the meeting.

  Peng Wanpo announced a new list of review experts for the Digestion Professional Committee.

  There are several new members on the new list.

  Main judge: Hao Min.

  Judges: Chen Nan, Yan Jiaheng, Yu Guangyi, Zhao Xiangpeng.

  Yu Guangyi was the only expert who passed Chen Nan's review.

   Besides that, Zhang Wu and others all came down.

  Although Yan Jiaheng is still there, he can no longer influence the specific results of the review.

   And the chief judge became Hao Min, a commoner expert who had worked on the front line for many years and finally achieved success.

  Although Zhao Xiangpeng was with Yan Jiaheng before, but... he is very clear about his position now.

  With the announcement of this result, a lot of content is already self-evident.

  After Yan Jiaheng saw this list, he was speechless for a long time holding the letter of appointment.

   This moment is so familiar.

   Just like his father-in-law, Mr. Ouyang left the consulting team.

   Now, I am following closely behind...

  Yan Jiaheng's white hair thickened overnight, and his heart felt a little more lost.

  However, if Yan Jiaheng goes on alone, the domestic digestion field will not enter a state of depression as many people think.

   Quite the opposite!

  After the first meeting on Crohn's disease, more than 50,000 spontaneously induced Crohn's model mice were distributed in China.

   Quickly put into the front line of clinical practice.

  As Chen Nan predicted, although they have achieved preliminary results in Crohn's disease at this stage.

  However, the specific curative effect and mechanism of TCM, as well as the safety factor analysis, need to be further improved.

  In China, led by the China-Japan Friendship Hospital and led by Chen Nan, with 30 experimental groups and teams, various researches were carried out rapidly.

   Internationally, they also took the lead in setting an example.

  Twelve hospitals affiliated to the European Professional Committee have carried out Phase III clinical research experiments on the "Crohn No. 1" prescription.

  This signal from Europe seems to be announcing that they are trying to conduct a specific analysis of Chinese medicine.

  The globalization of traditional Chinese medicine has officially entered the 1.0 era.

  Perhaps, this is just the beginning, but... everything is difficult at the beginning, and the next step will alleviate a lot of trouble.



   Chen Nan's busyness was beyond everyone's expectations.

  The matter had just been prepared, and Chen Nan couldn't rest all day long. In less than half a month, he went to Europe three times.

  Basically, his rest time is all on the road.

   Zhao Jianyong called the flight attendant to bring Chen Nanduan a cup of hot tea, and sighed:

   "Drink some water, it's about to land."

   "After the plane landed, there was no water to drink."

  Seeing that Chen Nan looked a bit haggard, Zhao Jianyong sighed, and felt a little distressed in his heart. He wanted to persuade him, but he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say...

   Chen Nan is too tired!

   Too busy too!

   For a whole month, from the meeting, to the specific procedures assigned by the laboratory below, to the 200 million funds allocated by the state, Chen Nan really didn't dare to rest.

   "Thank you." Chen Nan opened his mouth to speak, but felt that his voice was a little hoarse.

   "You have to learn to rest."

"LOL Yes."

   "You... you are putting all the responsibility on yourself, how old are you? This is not something that can be done overnight, nor can it be done by one person..."

   "Hey, the sky is about to send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka. I am afraid that I will live up to this expectation. In this world... there is only love and trust that cannot be let down."

  Chen Nan took a sip of the warm chrysanthemum mint tea and felt his throat cleared up a lot.

   "But you can't work so hard!"

  Zhao Jianyong handed Chen Nan a hot towel and asked Chen Nan to wipe his face.

  Chen Nan smiled: "Okay, isn't this over?"

   "The European side passed the application we submitted and handed it over to those hospitals. If they can complete the Phase III clinical trial and prove the efficacy..."

   "Maybe, our traditional Chinese medicine will be able to enter the European market!"

"this is a good news!"

  Chen Nan is really happy.

  The step he has taken is a step that many seniors in China have never taken in their entire lives.

  Perhaps, the teachers will be much happier seeing themselves, right?

  After hearing Chen Nan's words, Zhao Jianyong couldn't help nodding. He has been following Chen Nan these days, so he naturally witnessed the whole process with his own eyes.

   Maybe say...

  Foreign experts still don't give a good face to their traditional Chinese medicine.

   But at least, they got such a chance.

   Some people may ask, can’t our traditional Chinese medicine be used by ourselves?

  Why do you have to go to such lengths to send it abroad, licking your face for inspection.

  Because, this is a medicine!

   is also a Chinese study!

   Just like why the West is willing to send Western medicine to China is a reason.

  Nowadays, people have mastered the core technology and have the right to make rules.

  The traditional Chinese medicine left by the ancestors has been handed down for thousands of years. He should go to the world and bloom the light he should have.

   And we, China, also have the right to occupy a place in the world's future medical field!

   Instead of being backward and barren in the eyes of other countries.

  Maybe Crohn's disease is just a small, insignificant disease in the medical field.


   That's a great way to start!

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

   At this moment, through the window, looking at the capital getting closer outside, Chen Nan smiled.

   "If I tell the teachers this news, they will be very happy!"

  Zhao Jianyong nodded with emotion: "Yes!"

   "This is the long-cherished wish of their generation that has not been fulfilled."

   "You helped them finish it."

  Chen Nan smiled.

  The plane landed smoothly.

  Chen Nan stood up, moved his hands and feet, and walked outside.

   And at this time!

  Access port.

  Qin Shiming, Gao Ruizhen, Shen Yuyuan and others greeted them in person.

  When Chen Nan saw everyone, he couldn't help but smile: "You are welcome!"

  Qin Shiming's eyes were a little unnatural, but he still smiled: "Welcome the hero back!"

  Gao Ruizhen and Chen Nan hugged: "You have fulfilled your teacher's dream!"

   Shen Yuyuan nodded with flickering eyes: "Welcome home."

   At this time, the staff presented two bouquets of flowers to Chen Nan and Zhao Jianyong.

  When Chen Nan saw the three of them, he was stunned for a moment.


   "What the **** happened?"

  For some reason, Chen Nan suddenly felt that everyone's atmosphere was a bit wrong...

  When Shen Yuyuan spoke, his words became a little more jerky.


  What happened?

  Chen Nan suddenly became worried.

  Qin Shiming obviously hesitated. He took a deep breath and wanted to organize his words.

   And suddenly!

   There is a "snap".

  The flowers in Chen Nan's hand fell to the ground.

  He thought of something he was extremely unwilling to see.

  In an instant, Chen Nan's nose was sore, and he asked tremblingly:

   "Shen...Master Shen..."

   "It's me, Master Lu, he..."

  Chen Nan's lips trembled, and he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

  Having not had a good rest for a long time, he felt that his legs and feet were weak, and his body started to shake.

   Zhao Jianyong behind him saw this scene, his expression changed immediately, and he hugged Chen Nan from behind.

  Chen Nan struggled, his eyes were full of confusion.



  How could it be so fast?

  Why can't you wait for yourself to come back?


   At the scene, there was no sound, and no one spoke.

   But silence, isn't it an answer?

   "Mr. Qin, Mr. Gao, Mr. Shen."

   "Director Chen hasn't had a good rest for several days, I'll send him back to rest first..."

  Qin Shiming and others were stunned for a moment, looking at Chen Nan's originally handsome face, it was indeed a bit haggard and depressed.

   And those eyes are bloodshot!

  Qin Shiming couldn't bear it.

  This little Chen is really a pillar of the country...but he feels a little bit more ashamed in his heart.

  The major medical event of the motherland depends on a young man who is too late to stand up.

  He is ashamed!


  Qin Shiming nodded quickly: "Well, okay, I'll send the driver..."

   But Chen Nan seems to have calmed down a bit at this time.

  Because the news was too shocking just now, Chen Nan did not recover for a long time, and his heart was greatly shocked.

  When you are sad, you will lose your anger...

  The momentary sadness seemed to make his body lose its support all of a sudden.

   After recovering, Chen Nan stood up, sorted out his emotions, rubbed his face with his hands, and wiped away his tears by the way.

   Instead, he said to Zhao Jianyong, "Send me to Master Lu's house!"

   "Mr. Qin, Mr. Gao, Master Shen."

   "Sorry, I'll go see the teacher first."

   "Let's talk about other things later."


   "He... he... his old man... when did he leave?"

  Even though Chen Nan tried his best to control it, he still felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, and tears continued to flow out.

   Seeing Chen Nan's affectionate and sexual appearance, everyone was also a little moved.

  Shen Yuyuan sighed: "I've been away for three days."


   "He won't let us tell you."

   "Speaking of your step, it's too difficult!"

   "Don't do it halfway."

   "This is the dream of many Chinese medicine practitioners."

   "Don't abolish the public for private reasons."


   "He won't let us bother you."

  During Shen Yuyuan's speech, two lines of muddy and hot tears also slowly fell down.

  Chen Nan is woody.

  The pictures of the previous few days are vivid in my memory.

   A few days ago, before he left, he also visited Master Lu and happily told the old man that he was going to Europe to do Phase III clinical trials for him.

  Besides being happy, I had two drinks with my teacher and talked about the future of Chinese medicine...

  But all of this came too hastily.

  Even Chen Nan didn't make enough mental preparations.

  Although it has been less than three years since I have been apprenticed to a teacher!

  But these few years are extremely precious to Chen Nan. It can even be said that Lu Pingren is definitely more than just a mentor to Chen Nan.'s already a relationship between a teacher and a friend.

   On the last day before Chen Nan left, Lu Pingren looked at Chen Nan with a smile and said, "I don't have much to teach you."

   "You... have graduated!"

  After hearing this, Chen Nan felt a little complicated.

   And at this moment, I suddenly understood.


  Why can’t I just stay with me and wait for the teacher to leave before I go?

   All the way silent.

  After Chen Nan arrived at Lu Pingren’s old house, there was a coffin in the middle of the Tang room, incense was burned in front, oil was placed in a bowl beside it, and a wick was burning. This is an ever-burning lamp...

  White cloths were displayed around, and when everyone saw Chen Nan coming in, they couldn't help but sigh.

   And Chen Nan fell to his knees with a plop.

   "Bang bang bang!"

   After kowtowing, I lit three sticks of incense for the teacher.

   "Mr. Lu, the students are late!"

  Chen Nan couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

  "Students are insensitive, but they can't live with their teachers until they grow old!"

   "However, I dare not disappoint everyone's expectations."

   "A trip to Europe..."


   While speaking, Chen Nan directly opened the backpack.

   "Master Lu, I will bring you all the good news!"

   "Looking at it on the road, saves the road from being boring."

   "Disciple Chen Nan, will definitely remember the kindness of the teacher, the teachings of the ancestors, and the medical ethics..."



  Lu Pingren's funeral was very simple, without any extravagance.

   But, this funeral procession.

   But bizarrely long.

   And Chen Nan's mood these days has also been strongly impacted.

   the next day.

  Chen Nan stood in front of the tombstone, and the surrounding was very quiet.

  Chen Nan took out a bottle of wine from his schoolbag, opened it, and poured a glass for the teacher.

   "Teacher, hey..."

   "You left in such a hurry that I didn't have time to share a lot of news with you."

   "At first, I thought you would be able to survive the 15th day of August, and I planned to have a good drink with you after you have been busy for a while, and then chat."


   "Why do you say you are so nice to me?"

   "For more than two years, you have left to me what you have accumulated for most of your life..."

   "You are not afraid of other children being jealous haha..."

   While Chen Nan was speaking, his nose felt a little sour, and he simply raised his glass and drank it down.

   Before Mr. Lu left, he left a will.

  He kept a lot of things to himself.

   This made Chen Nan feel a little more moved and guilty.

  He and Master Lu get together less and leave more, but he really gave himself too much.

   This kindness can never be repaid in a lifetime.

  At this time, a voice came from behind.

   "If you want me to tell you, you old Lu knows that the sword is given to the hero."

   "Your Master Lu is different from me, I have nothing to worry about, but your Master Lu has so many children."

  "Money is the most useless inheritance."

   "These things are given to you. In the future...the Lu family has something to do, so you have to help."

   "Master Lu, you have a good face, you can't say these words."

  Chen Nan turned around and saw Yu Mei holding a jug of wine, sitting on the floor beside Lu Pingren.

   Then he looked around, and then looked at Chen Nan.

   "Xiao Chen, let me ask you something!"

  Chen Nan froze for a moment, and looked at Yu Mei curiously.

  He doesn't know that there are things in this world that he can't do with the old man?

   "The teacher ordered."

  Yu Mei waved his hands, and lay down recliningly leaning on the tombstone with his neck tilted.

   "The weather is good, the sun is shining here, it's a good place to end up."

   "Old Lu!"

   "You are gone, and you are relieved."

   "In this generation, Xiao Chen also helped you realize some of your dreams. You have also seen the most beautiful picture in the world."

   "Go ahead!"

   "It's about time!"

  While speaking, Yu Mei picked up the jug and drank a lot, the wine wet his chest, but Yu Mei didn't care, instead he patted the tombstone, sighing in a low voice:

   "Hey... I am an old man, and I have lost another confidant in this world who can talk and talk heart-to-heart!"

   Chen Nan looked at Master Yu and couldn't help but sigh.

   Yu Mei is a special person.

  He seems to have no airs, but he is actually a person who is proud to the bone.

  He may not have much pursuit of material life.

  However, mental cleanliness is very serious.

  Although there are many masters of traditional Chinese medicine, there are very few people who can be seen by Yu Mei and are willing to communicate frankly!

   With a brow, she has no children and no daughters, and seems to be carefree and carefree.

  But isn't this a tragedy?

   Sure enough, Yu Mei drank too much, lay on the ground, and suddenly laughed.

   "Returning to lie alone for a happy night, we met in a dream drunk.

  Flowers are easy to fall and the moon is difficult to round, only the flowers and the moon are like a happy relationship.

  Qin Zheng was in the mood, so he tried to write Lisheng into the old strings. "

   "Chen Nan!"

   "I feel very comfortable looking at the square inch."

   "After I'm gone, I have nothing else to ask for. I hope you can bury me by Lao Lu's right hand."

  Looking at Yu Mei, Chen Nan froze for a moment, and his heart throbbed for a moment.

to be honest…

  When the parting of life and death is no longer a joke, everything will become full of helplessness and calmness.


  Yu Mei smiled, stood up, looked at Lu Pingren's tombstone, and said to Chen Nan or Lu Pingren:

   "When you were alive, you were always greedy for my good food and drink, and you always came to my house for food."

   "After a hundred years, I have no relatives, no reason, no worries, and not many people will offer incense to me in the future."

   "In the future, when the descendants of Lao Lu come to worship their ancestors and visit their graves, I can also covet a few mouthfuls."

   "Wouldn't it be wonderful?"


"Ha ha…"



   Lu Pingren's departure had a relatively large impact on Chen Nan.

  He asked for a few days off and spent a few days with several teachers.

  Lu Pingren's departure also made Chen Nan realize that, in fact...this group of strong backing that he relied on at the beginning, now...have reached such an age.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that the sun is dying.

   During this time, Chen Nan was not idle.

   Chen Nan gained a lot from the reward last time.

  A perfect bad review reward.

  From Elevit.

  One comes from Ji Yishou, which is an expert reward.

  These two rewards made Chen Nan's strength significantly improved again.

  【Perfect Acupuncture Dacheng. 】

  【Expert Chinese facial features. 】

  These two rewards directly improved his strength to an unprecedented level.

  Acupuncture and moxibustion are absolutely an integral part of Chinese medicine.

  Breakthrough to the perfect level this time, Chen Nan can really enter the room, and he knows everything about acupuncture and moxibustion like the back of his hand.

   And at the same time.

   There is also expert-level TCM ENT.

   To be honest, this reward is not inferior to ordinary perfect rewards.

after all…

  Chinese ENT department, this is not a reward.

   This can be said to be five rewards.

   It can only be said that the system loves it.

  After that, Chen Nan didn't relax.

  The special research on Crohn's disease, after more than two months of development, is finally on the right track.

  Chen Nan no longer needs to be on guard every day, but only needs to check and correct regularly.

  Chen Nan can finally relax a bit.

   And July just passed.

  Chen Nan got two pieces of news.

  One is the Capital University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which hired Chen Nan as a tutor for master students.

  Secondly, Jin Province University of Traditional Chinese Medicine hired Chen Nan as a doctoral supervisor.

  When Zhao Jianyong sent the letter of appointment.

  Chen Nan couldn't help being stunned.

  Zhao Jianyong said quickly: "Director Chen, the other party also respects you."

   "If you are too busy, I can push you away."

   Chen Nan smiled when he heard the sound.

   "No need to push."

   "Talk to the other party and say that I agree."

  At this moment, Chen Nan also realized that he was no longer the little Director Chen.

  Now he has stood at the peak of the Chinese medicine career.

   And now, he will take over the baton from many teachers.

  He needs to do something that he should do.

  Therefore, Chen Nan took the time to attend the related meetings of the two schools.

  Chen Nan has never been a graduate student, and he is somewhat vague about the training mechanism and process.

   So take advantage of this time, but observe.

  After this observation, Chen Nan really had to notice a lot of problems.

   That is the textbook of traditional Chinese medicine, and there is no advanced version.

  Masters and Ph.D. personnel training mode is basically in clinical practice.

   Nothing wrong with that, but…

   There are big deficiencies in the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine.

for example.

   In undergrad, you studied diagnostics.

   However, you did not have an advanced course in diagnostics during graduate school.

  Chen Nan also found the reason.

   It is because of the advanced mode of Chinese medicine, which is not obvious.

  Western medicine is different.

  You only learned the basics of western medicine when you were in college, but there are a lot of guidelines for specific clinical work to help you improve.

  As for the master's degree, there are a large number of teaching materials for the master's degree.

   And all these, Chinese medicine does not have.

   At this moment, Chen Nan received a call from Gao Ruizhen.

  Invite Chen Nan to be the editor-in-chief of the new edition of the textbook, and participate in the compilation of a certain Chinese medicine textbook.

  ps: Recommendation: I recommend a new book "Alien King" that I like to read recently. The robot Wall-E has been writing weird novels with a professional taste in recent years. This book is also the theme of urban weirdness + live broadcast + superheroes, and it also incorporates the entertainment elements he is best at. It looks good, everyone can read it.

  (end of this chapter)

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