MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 381 A change is needed!

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  Chapter 381 needs to be changed!

  After hearing Gao Ruizhen's words, Chen Nan was stunned for a moment.

  Chinese medicine textbooks?

   It was really a coincidence.

  Chen Nan was already thinking about the issue of teaching materials, and Gao Ruizhen brought it up.

  However, it is no exception.

   After all, now that we have reached the node of the 15th Five-Year Plan, the update of teaching materials seems to be needed.

  The so-called 13th Five-Year Plan, 14th Five-Year Plan, and 15th Five-Year Plan are actually the tenth five-year plan outline for national economic and social development.

  Mainly clarify the national strategic intention, clarify the government's work priorities, and guide the behavior of market players.

  Education also needs to be carried out around planning, and the development of medicine, in fact, cannot bypass the development of society, especially the tendency of key centers, which requires appropriate guidance.

  Similarly, Chinese medicine actually needs to be developed in combination with modernization.

  Here, Gao Ruizhen continued:

   "Director Chen, this new plan is about to start. I think you, as a representative of the younger generation, should be more aware of the development of the times, the development of Chinese medicine, and also better understand what young people really need and how they need to develop in the future."

   "So, your suggestion is still very important!"

  Hearing that Chen Nan was silent, Gao Ruizhen suddenly hesitated, and asked with a smile:

"What's wrong?"

   "I've been busy recently, can't you get away?"

   "Actually, you don't need to be under too much pressure. After all, our work is only in preparation."

  “Moreover, there are many experts on the editorial board of a textbook.”

  Chen Nan quickly explained with a smile: "Director Gao, you misunderstood, I just think... this burden is relatively heavy, and I am a little stressed."

  Gao Ruizhen couldn't help laughing when he heard the sound.


   "It's a good thing to pay attention to."

   "However, you don't need to be under pressure. There is not only one person nominated for the editor-in-chief. The editorial board still needs to discuss and decide."

   "And the editors-in-chief of the previous sessions are all here. The purpose of our first meeting is to discuss specific changes regarding the 15th Five-Year Plan."

   "After all, there are more than a dozen editions of Chinese medicine textbooks, and there are many experiences that can be referred to."

   "To be honest, this is a good resume, if you can really be the editor-in-chief of Chinese medicine textbooks."

   "This is a golden resume for your future promotion, to be honest."

   “This also means industry influence.”

  After Chen Nan heard it, he nodded. Gao Ruizhen was right.

  As long as you can be the editor-in-chief of any textbook, it basically means that you have already stood at the pinnacle of this field.

  Your right to speak, your suggestions, and your influence on the industry are all important.

   Those who can be nominated to be the editor-in-chief are those who have made outstanding contributions in this industry.


  Chen Nan also has some different views.

  He is a serious person, if he does something, he must do it well.

   Not to mention teaching materials!

  The so-called teaching materials, teaching materials are the root of learning.

  Textbooks are the source, and the compilation of subject textbooks is the most orthodox, standard, and standardized learning sample.

  There are hundreds of thousands of Chinese medicine students in China, and at the same time, they have to use such a textbook to start enlightenment education on Chinese medicine.

   Chen Nan still has a deep understanding of this point.

  The most difficult part of Chinese medicine is getting started.

  After getting started, it means that you have formed TCM thinking and concepts, and subsequent study and clinical practice can supplement and strengthen your knowledge framework in a targeted manner.

  However, why is it so difficult to learn Chinese medicine now?

   Nothing more than one point!

   The backwardness of enlightenment education.

  So, when he heard that Gao Ruizhen invited him to be the editor-in-chief, Chen Nan inevitably felt a little more pressure and a strong sense of responsibility.

   This is not a trivial matter, let alone a simple matter.

  If you make a mistake, he will destroy a whole generation. Five generations of Chinese medicine students who started from your textbook will cause serious consequences because of your neglect.

   After thinking about it carefully, you will naturally find out the importance of this matter.

  Chen Nan nodded: "Okay, Director Gao, I understand."

   "What time is it?"

  Gao Ruizhen saw that Chen Nan agreed to come down, and nodded with a smile: "Well, the first discussion will be next Monday, our conference room on the 8th floor, you have been here."

  Chen Nan nodded: "Okay, I will definitely go there on time."

  Gao Ruizhen smiled slightly: "Okay, then I won't bother you anymore."

  After hanging up the phone, Gao Ruizhen's expression returned to normal.

  He admired Chen Nan, a young man. Since Chen Nan participated in the youth Chinese medicine training class, Gao Ruizhen was full of vigor for this, and he was not afraid of power, and he had a right and wrong personality to attract him.

  The secretary looked at Gao Ruizhen smiling, recalled the phone call just now, and couldn't help reminding:

   "Mr. Gao, this...Professor Chen Nan doesn't seem to be nominated as the editor-in-chief?"

  Gao Ruizhen glanced at Hu Haisheng with a smile.

   "Little Hu!"



   "I'm not talking about nominating the editor-in-chief, do you think Chen Nan will take this matter seriously?"

  Hu Haisheng was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "I blame me for talking too much."

  Gao Rui waved his hand: "You are the secretary, you did the right thing."

   "But... some things, you still don't see deeply enough."

   "Teaching materials, teaching materials, success depends entirely on this basic education."

  "We need the young force of the younger generation to join in, and education also needs to increase fresh blood."

   "Besides, I'm not wrong, right? The editor-in-chief didn't nominate such a statement. The editor-in-chief needs to be selected by the editorial board, and then among the editor-in-chiefs, the editor-in-chief is elected."

   "Why is Chen Nan not qualified? Right?"

   "Everyone has a chance!"

   "Moreover, we have to use new people, value new strength, and fresh blood. Otherwise, what is the purpose of the reform?"

   "Eleventh Five-Year, Twelfth Five-Year... Fifteenth Five-Year, just use the first edition of the textbook."

   After Gao Ruizhen finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something and sighed: "By the way, when you select this year's editorial board, don't concentrate in the capital."

  Hearing Gao Ruizhen's words, Hu Haisheng couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "This...Okay!"



  Here, Chen Nan stood up from the office, moved his hands and feet, and came to Zhao Jianyong's office.

  Zhao Jianyong stood up quickly: "Director Chen."

  Chen Nan nodded: "Busy?"

  Zhao Jianyong smiled: "No, it's not... The second edition of "Chen Nan Zabing Heart Biography" has just contacted the publishing house."

   "First edition, we sold 100,000 copies!"

   "This achievement, in the era when physical books are dying, can be said to be very impressive."

   "No, now that the second book is finished, the publisher has read the first edition. After verification, the feedback came back. I will continue to read it."

   "If you have time..."

  Chen Nan smiled: "I don't worry if you do things."

   "You just need to take charge."

   "This is the second edition... so fast."

  Zhao Jianyong couldn't help but nodded: "Yes..."

   "The first version, we were still in Yuancheng People's Hospital at that time, and at that time... you were still the deputy director, hehe..."

   "Now they are all the ward directors of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital!"

  Chen Nan picked up the book and flipped through it, then suddenly looked at Zhao Jianyong, and asked, "What do you think is the most important thing about Chinese medicine books?"

  Zhao Jianyong was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of contemplation, he said slowly:

  “If it’s just a book on Chinese medicine for health preservation, the most important thing is to be down-to-earth, to understand what readers really want, or what useful knowledge they can really get.”

   "To put it bluntly, this kind of book needs to cater to readers and meet their needs."

"But...if it is a professional book such as popular science, reference books, medical records, etc., it is aimed at professional readers, which requires the rigor and...objectivity of the book, but what is really important is that this kind of Books can no longer simply cater to readers."

  When Chen Nan heard Zhao Jianyong's words, he couldn't help but feel as if something had been stirred up in his mind.

  He hurriedly asked: "Then need it?"

  Zhao Jianyong said with a serious face: "Then you need to... cater to the disease! Cater to the misunderstanding of thinking! Cater to the easy mistakes and difficulties."

   "Everything in this world requires dialectical treatment."

   "Books are no exception."

   "First of all, we must clearly identify the problems of the people who read these books, and then treat them based on syndrome differentiation."

  Zhao Jianyong's face was solemn when he spoke. Obviously...he didn't waste his energy these years, and he thought deeply about many things.

   "Hehe... Well, Director Chen, I'm also an axe."

   "Professional matters are still up to you."

   "I'm just stating my opinion."

  Chen Nan glanced at Zhao Jianyong with deep meaning, and patted his arm: "Yes!"

   "There are a lot of insights."

   "But... If I ask you, if it is a teaching material, what needs to be considered?"

  As soon as these words came out, Zhao Jianyong's eyes widened immediately, and he froze in place, his eyes were full of disbelief!



   "Professor Chen, this... this is... a big deal!"

   "Could it be... you want to..."

  Zhao Jianyong was still a little surprised. Director Chen is going it as a teaching material?

   Isn’t this too powerful? !

  Textbooks, in anyone's heart, are full of heavy feelings, and Zhao Jianyong is no exception.

  This is the foundation of learning, the backbone of talents, and the cornerstone of academics.

  Chen Nan looked at Zhao Jianyong and nodded: "Go on."

  Zhao Jianyong took a deep breath: "Teaching materials also need dialectical treatment!"

   "The first thing to do is to make a dialectic of the previous teaching materials."

   "Secondly, diagnose the students."

   "Finally, dialectical treatment!"

  Hearing the sound, Chen Nan nodded immediately: "Okay!"

   "Well, I will give you one thing. You go and collect the textbooks of Chinese medicine for me. I want all versions of Chinese medicine textbooks."

  Zhao Jianyong nodded quickly: "Okay!"

   "I'm going to do it now."

  During the speech, Zhao Jianyong was extremely excited. Although he was not the one who made the teaching materials, he had a strong sense of participation in the great cause.

  This feeling filled him with passion.



  Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Ward.


  Chen Nan was coming to the Cardiology Department for rounds today. He changed into a clean white coat early and came to the doctor's office.

  It was still early at this time, and Chen Nan was not in a hurry, so he simply found an empty seat and sat down.

   What he held in his hand was a copy of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

   There were not many people in the doctor's office after seven o'clock, and the office was very quiet.

  One after another, some students came first.

   "Director Chen's ward rounds today, come early, if you are late, Director Zheng will scold you!"

"That's right... Director Zheng respects Director Chen very much, but to be honest, Director Chen can learn a lot from rounds. Some time ago, Director Chen said that if you have an upset stomach, you will feel restless when you lie down, and you can even think from autonomic disorders. , I think it makes sense... I plan to write my doctoral thesis from this perspective."

   "Well, indeed, there are no such things in the textbooks... Hey... I always feel that during this time, my understanding of Chinese medicine and people have deepened!"

"Actually, there are some in the teaching materials. It's just hard for us to connect. Professor Chen's ward rounds and lectures are very interesting. Do you remember the patient who 'covered the cup and lay down' some time ago? Haha... After this time, I really did it again. I can't forget it either."

   "Excuse me, brother, what do you mean by lying down with the cup covered?"

  After all, students range from master's degree to doctoral degree, and when they transfer majors, the grades are different, so some people don't know much about it.

  The older man smiled: "Many insomnia patients are more or less anxious and depressed, or even obsessive-compulsive disorder. They are always thirsty in the middle of the night and want to drink water, and they can't close their eyes.

   There is a patient who also came here especially for the name.

   As a result...Professor Chen prescribed two medicines, one is pinellia and the other is rice.

  After listening to the patient... he was stunned, because these two medicines can cure the disease?

   As a result... Guess what Director Chen said? "

  The student was also taken aback for a moment: "What did you say?"

   "Director Chen said, ha ha... for this disease, medicine is not important, the most important thing is later!

  After you take the medicine, you must remember to turn the medicine cup over and put it on the table so that you can sleep peacefully. "

  The student was dumbfounded after listening.

   "This... will this work?"

  The older brother smiled slightly: "Okay! Of course."

   "After the patient finished drinking, he purposely turned the cup upside down and put it on the table, and the effect was remarkable."

  The student was shocked after listening to it: "My God, I have heard that Professor Chen has the way of wishing you. Could it be true?"

  The classmate on the side couldn't help laughing: "Okay, don't listen to him fooling around, lying down with the cup covered, it's about the rapid effect of the medicine."

   "It's Director Chen's precise medication, not what you think."

  The former senior brother also laughed: "That's true, the patient's illness is actually caused by the fact that the guard qi cannot enter the yin division, resulting in yin deficiency, so he can't close his eyes at night and suffers from insomnia.

  Weiqi must not enter the yin system. This pinellia rice soup has the effect of communicating yin and yang. Professor Chen said that for this new disease, with the right prescription, it has the effect of "covering the cup and lying down". "

   "But, don't make jokes, I just cover the cup and lie down here. Remember that the Wei Qi cannot enter the yin, and the pinellia rice soup can communicate with yin and yang."


  Everyone laughed.

   At this time, Chen Nan listened to these words, and carefully wrote a sentence on the paper.

   "For the dismantling of difficult cases, it can be used in the form of prescriptions..."

  At this time, a person suddenly widened his eyes, winked at everyone, and whispered: "Shhhhh, look...Professor Chen is here!"

  Suddenly, the surroundings instantly became quiet.

   Everyone looked for the reputation, and they saw a young man about their age flipping through a book.

   Isn’t this exactly Director Chen Nan Chen?

  Everyone didn't pay attention, and almost took Chen Nan as a student.


  Everyone became curious, what book is Director Chen reading?

   In the Guipei group, it was boiling.

   "Damn, luckily I didn't say anything bad..."

   "Haha, who would have thought Director Chen was here."

   "Who says it's not... touching the Great God at close range."

   "By the way... have you noticed, what book is Director Chen reading?"

   "I don't know, Director Chen read it, it should be very high-end, right? The latest guide? Or... a paper with a high impact factor?"

   "Who is going to see?"

   "My camera has high pixels, I'll take a picture for you..."

   Not long after, a photo was sent to the group.

   After a while, everyone was dumbfounded.

   "I'm going... this is... "Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine", right? Professor Chen is so still read such a basic book? I haven't read it for many years..."

   "That's right, do I have any misunderstandings about TCM internal medicine?"

   "Hey, I'm wrong, this is the three realms of looking at mountains. Professor Chen has reached the point of seeing whether mountains are mountains or not."


   Not long after, many doctors came in one after another.

  Everyone discovered that Chen Nan was reading internal medicine books one after another...

   For a moment, they were all stunned.

   Several doctors looked at each other, Professor Chen read internal medicine? Does this... mean something?

  Even several deputy directors and directors looked solemn, and began to think about the room for improvement in the future.

   After Zheng Zhibin, the director of the Cardiology Department, came in, he was a little dazed.

   "This...Director Chen, where are you reading?"

  Chen Nan smiled and nodded: "En."

   After Zheng Zhibin saw the cover of the internal medicine book, he couldn't help being silent.

  Could it be... This is back to basics?

   High-end knowledge, only the simplest way to open it?

  The next day...

  In the cardiology ward, many people held an internal medicine book in their hands.

  Everyone looked at each other and smiled...everything goes without saying.

   And Zheng Zhibin is no exception. He doesn't even care about the jokes of other department directors. He looks at each other like ordinary people. I am on the same level as Director Chen.

   In the past few days, Chen Nan seized the time to read more than a dozen editions of internal medicine side by side.

   After seeing the internal medicine, Chen Nan found many problems.

"First, the content of the textbook is repeated. Buzhong Yiqi Decoction appears 45 times, Dachengqi Decoction appears 37 times, and Xiaochaihu Decoction appears 26 times. There are more repeated diseases in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" and "Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine". 49 kinds of "Zhongnei" and "Golden Chamber" discuss 35 kinds of internal medicine, and there are as many as 21 diseases in the two books, and "Zhongnei" accounts for 42% of the repetitions."

   "Second, the content of the textbook is outdated, and the knowledge is seriously aging. Many infectious diseases recorded in "Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine" are no longer suitable for clinical needs, but... are still included in the textbook, which does not seem to make much sense!

  Where "Warm Diseases" is still only at the academic level of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there are very few things at the current stage. Chinese medicine is not a discipline that emphasizes the past and the present, and needs to deal with the problems of inheritance and development, as well as the problem of clinical practicality! "

   "Third: The disconnection between theory and practice! Chinese medicine is a practical science, and its theoretical system is formed and summarized in clinical practice, but there is a big gap between theory and practice in current Chinese medicine textbooks."

   After this investigation, Chen Nan couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling a little disappointed!

  To tell the truth, he focused on clinical practice and thought it was only a problem for students.

  But now it seems that experts don't pay much attention to the compilation of teaching materials.

   Even, when compiling the textbooks, many experts copied and pasted the previous things, and they didn't even have their own ideas and new understandings about diseases.

   Can this improve? !

  As an expert, you don’t even think about it. How do you let medical students improve?

  Suddenly, Chen Nan realized that the road of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance is not so easy.

   After reading the book, Chen Nan probably had some thoughts about this reform.


  He still needs to visit the school and listen to the students' opinions.

  Finally, Chen Nan found someone to apply for a student card of Capital University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  He needs to listen to the most simple and true thoughts of the students.

  Sit in the last row of the freshman classroom.

  Chen Nan suddenly felt like he was back in school, and that feeling was so nostalgic.

  However, this time, he didn't come here for the sake of nostalgia.

   This is a course on the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

  Basic theory of TCM is the core of TCM.

  The teacher stood on the stage and began to lecture with a serious face.

   "Today we mainly talk about gasification!"

   "The so-called gasification is the change of qi, blood and body fluid..."

  The students below started to lose their minds within 15 minutes, and after 30 minutes, a group of people had already fallen down one after another.

   "Hey, classmate, please call me when the roll call is held later, thank you!"

  Hearing what the students around him said, Chen Nan couldn't help but smiled wryly, and nodded. this really a student problem?

  Chen Nan smiled: "Is it not good?"

  The other party rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Brother, I'm a science student, okay?"

   "Now suddenly tell me about philosophy, oh my you think I can understand?"

   "Let's talk about it... What kind of Qi, blood, body fluid, hidden phenomena... It's invisible and intangible..."

  “I suddenly feel that Chinese medicine is a completely unfamiliar field. It is too difficult for me to learn this suddenly!”

  After hearing this, Chen Nan sighed helplessly.

   Then write on paper.

   "The meaning is profound, difficult to understand!"

   Afterwards, Chen Nan continued to listen to the lecture.

  He listened with gusto...

  However, I suddenly realized something.

That is…

  In fact, the basic theory of Chinese medicine is not so obscure.

  The problem that really leads to obscurity is not the teacher, but the teaching material!

   After looking through it, Chen Nan was surprised to find a problem.

   Difficulties and key points are all in front.

  As soon as you enter the door, you can feel a sense of weight.

   Is this okay?

  Since "Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine" was compiled as an independent book in the fifth edition of the textbook, the positions of the two chapters of Tibetan phenomena and gasification have been changing.

  The fifth edition first talks about Tibetan phenomena, and then discusses "Qi, blood and body fluid";

  In the sixth edition, "Qi, blood and body fluid" is in the front, and the hidden image is in the back.

  The first edition of the new century of China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the same as the unified compilation.

  The second edition is consistent with the sixth edition.

  But no matter which one comes first, a large number of concepts and principles in the latter chapter must be involved in the teaching process.

  The reason lies in the incomplete decomposition of Tibetan phenomenon and gasification in the current teaching materials, and the imperfect knowledge framework of the teaching materials, etc., which cannot be solved by adjusting the order of chapters.

   This is all arcane stuff.

  Don't talk about the high school students who just came up.

   It is for a master student, or a doctor, or even an attending physician, he can't tell clearly.

   Such things, when you just come up, you tell high school students, can you understand?

   This is where a key problem lies!

  This is a question that needs to be carefully considered in "Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine".

  So further analyzing and differentiating the theoretical system of Tibetan phenomena and gasification, and following the principle of "step by step, from shallow to deep", compiling the textbook of "Zhongji" is not only the primary task of the teaching reform of "Zhongji", but also the need of the development of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

  Later, Chen Nanlu continued to go to sophomore and junior...

   When he was in his senior year, he encountered an interesting thing.

   This is the scene of internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine.

  After the teacher on the stage came in, everyone found that the other party was empty-handed!

  The teacher is not very old, only 35 years old, and looks dignified.

   "Today, let's talk about spleen and stomach, diarrhea."

  Everyone seems to be used to this teacher not bringing textbooks, but the key is...

   There are a lot of people in this class!

  It far exceeds other classes, and the students are very serious and take a lot of notes.

  The man laughed and said, "Diarrhea."

   "Everyone should be familiar with it, but the cause of diarrhea... To be honest, I don't even want to read it!"

   "This hasn't changed since I went to school... You just say, can't it be changed?"

"Hey... It's still the same old saying. There are many causes of diarrhea. The main causes are external evils, injury from diet, emotional disorders, weakness of the spleen and stomach, failure of the fire at the door of life, etc. These causes lead to spleen deficiency and dampness. Loss of healthy movement, abnormal transmission and transformation of the large and small intestine, imbalance of ascending and descending, indistinguishable clearness and turbidity, resulting in diarrhea."

   "Come on, tell me, can I replace the previous diarrhea with insomnia?"

   "Switch to stomach pain, bloating... It's not the same."

   "What are the feelings of external evils, injury from eating, emotional disorders... These are a few words back and forth!"

   "And treatment!"

   "To be honest, everyone, please close the book. You don't need to read this book, and you don't need to read the principles of treatment!"

   "This is so backward!"

   "Professor Chen Nan has said internationally that inflammatory bowel diseases can be treated with external treatments...external treatments!"

   "Isn't diarrhea a type of inflammatory bowel disease?"

   "So, I think, we don't need to read books, think about it carefully, syndrome differentiation and treatment, this knowledge is too backward, you are a new generation of Chinese medicine, you should have an open mind."

   "External treatment can also cure!"

   "Acupuncture, breathing, cupping, fumigation, and external application of traditional Chinese medicine can all be cured!"

"This involves two points, first: the diagnosis and treatment of the disease caused by the disease; second, it is Professor Chen's point of view, it should be combined with the advantages of modern medicine, the targeted treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, for targeted diseases, Carry out direct drug treatment..."

  The man spoke very interestingly.

  It was also very interesting to hear from the audience.

  Chen Nan listened carefully and even started to take notes.

   "Student, you stand up and talk about it... If you use the disease position to treat this, how should you treat it?"

   "Stop taking notes, there's nothing to remember!"

   "You can just listen to me in class. What I have to do is to cultivate your healing thinking. This thing is alive, and the notes... are dead. If you want notes, you can just turn on the recording."

   "Go back and listen."

   "I'm talking about I need to invite you?"

   "The third seat in the middle of the last row, the one with the white coat, the hat and the glasses, with his head down... still down..."

   While speaking, everyone looked behind.

   But Chen Nan raised his head and was stunned because everyone was looking at him...

   For a while, Chen Nan was also a little embarrassed.


   "You called me?"

  The man on the stage nodded: "Could it be that there are others?"

  Everyone couldn't help laughing.

  Chen Nan deliberately wore glasses and a hat in order to avoid being recognized by others, although... no one would recognize him.

  Chen Nan coughed: "I..."

  The man on the stage suddenly frowned, he looked at Chen Nan: "This classmate, what's your name?"

  Chen Nan coughed, "My name is... Chen Nan."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone on the scene burst into laughter.

  The teacher on the stage couldn't help laughing: "Good name!"



   "Damn it!"

  Wang Jingming on the stage suddenly said that I can only say it.

  Everyone in the audience couldn't help laughing.

  But... Everyone didn't understand each other's meaning.

   At this time, Wang Jingming's eyes widened: "You... took off your hat? You also took off your glasses!"

  Chen Nan smiled awkwardly and took it off.

  Wang Jingming stood up directly: "I... dare not talk about this class!"

   "Everyone, give the applause to the classmate behind you!"

   "Let me give you an introduction."

"This one is the one who carried forward our Chinese medicine business on the international stage. He won the Most Anticipated Award at the World Cancer New Drug Conference, and won the Annual Excellent Surgery Award at the Asian Surgery Annual Conference. He won the World Inflammatory Bowel The disease conference brought Chinese medicine to the world!"

   "Chen Nan!"

   "Professor Chen!"

   "Applause welcome."

  Everyone in the audience was shocked.

   "Damn it!"

   "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"real or fake?"

  All the people who had reacted looked at Chen Nan in unison, shocked.

   Crazy voices filled the classroom.

   And Chen Nan felt a little embarrassed.

  Wang Jingming couldn't help but blushed and looked at Chen Nan: "Professor Chen, I'm your fan!"

  Chen Nan quickly waved his hand: "Don't do that, Mr. Wang, I'm your fan!"

   "Otherwise, I'm here to listen to your lecture."

  Everyone couldn't help laughing. Everyone liked this down-to-earth Professor Chen.

  After some farce.

  Chen Nan asked Wang Jingming out for a chat after class.

   "Professor Chen, why are you here?"

  Wang Jingming was a little shy and excited.

  Chen Nan smiled: "Let's see what the students think about the teaching materials."

  Wang Jingming was taken aback when he heard the sound, and then said solemnly:

   "If the teaching materials are not changed, any policy will be useless!"

   "This set of textbooks has been scrapped!"

   "In other words, more and more traditions and traditional Chinese medicine have been abolished."

   "I shouldn't say these words, but...Professor Chen, since you are going to do this, I think I have to say it."

   "Because Chinese medicine needs to be changed!"

  Hearing the sound, Chen Nan nodded solemnly: "I think so too."


   "Mr. Wang, can I invite you to join my team?"

  Wang Jingming became excited when he heard this.


"Can I?"


  ps: Don’t worry, everyone, it will take some time to finish the book, at least a few months, and the sudden speed up is actually because I can’t write emotional dramas... cough cough.

  This book has a general direction and outline, everything is developing normally, everyone can rest assured.

  Finally, thank you for your support and concern, thank you!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion