MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 1102 The emperor also hates marrying his daughter!

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Chapter 1102 The emperor also hates marrying his daughter!

 Lu Feng also quickly took over the conversation, "Yes, manager, go slowly. If you have a chance in the future, I will definitely stay and have a cup of tea."

 After saying that, he sent Manager Yi out and stuffed a purse without leaving any trace.

 The other steward was very discerning and quickly invited the imperial doctor and two young eunuchs to take care of him.

Lu Zong was left behind and turned back to the study. As soon as he closed the door, there was a loud noise inside!

Lu Feng hurriedly sent Manager Yi away, then went back to see the imperial doctor and the two young eunuchs. When he returned to the study, it was already a mess.

 He sighed with a headache.

 But in the past six months, the prince seemed to have gathered together all the rebellion and violence that had been missing before.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Now that there are three royal eyes and ears in the palace, you can't lose your temper like this anymore. If the news reaches the emperor, I'm afraid the emperor will think that you are not satisfied with this marriage."

“Of course I’m not satisfied!” Lu Zong’s eyes were blood red, like a crazy lion.

“I was sent to Kyoto not long after I was born. I grew up on my own, studying and traveling, and then I moved to a new capital and continued to draw the ground as a prison.

“I have never complained or resented. My only wish is to marry the girl I like and stay together for the rest of my life. Isn’t this possible?

 “Why can’t it happen? Why can’t I get what I want?”

Lu Feng lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

Lu Zong smashed everything and finally sat down helplessly.

Lu Feng then stepped forward to persuade him, "Your Majesty, things have come to this, so we can only restrain ourselves first and see how we proceed in the future.

"Previously, you pretended to be ill and postponed your marriage. I'm afraid the emperor has become suspicious, otherwise he wouldn't have sent someone directly this time to monitor you in the name of taking care of you.

"Please put the overall situation first and marry the third princess first. We can slowly figure out the rest later."

Lu Zong didn’t speak, but he didn’t object either.

Lu Feng saluted and then withdrew.

 Getting married in five days is really too soon.

Although the wedding venue is at the princess's mansion, as the man, there are still many and cumbersome things to prepare.

 Fortunately, he had already started preparations behind the crown prince's back.

 I thought that if the prince could not resist and still needed to marry the third princess, he would not be caught off guard.

 Unexpectedly, this "what if" came so quickly...

 The emperor's imperial edict has always been a top priority for everyone in Xindu, and even for the whole world.

 General Manager Yi brought people into the Lu family's house, and everyone knew the good news that Prince Lu and the third princess would get married in five days.

 In the Ministry of Rites, the officials, big and small, are already very busy with the appointment of princes and the selection of concubines.

 Some people have not even gone home for five or six days. They eat and sleep in the Yamen. Their eyes are gray and their cheeks are thin.

Finally, when it was time for lunch, we packed a meal and made two steamed buns. We all gathered together to find a shade, ate, chatted, and took a break.

 As a result, such "bad news" came again.

 “Oh, I really can’t live anymore!” A doctor threw the steamed buns in his hand with a look of despair on his face.

Others also had their heads lowered, and they made eighteen shapes out of the steamed buns in their hands to express their anger. "That is, can't such 'happy events' come one after another? It's almost life-threatening to stack them all up like this."

“There are only a few people in our yamen, and we can’t keep busy even if we have three heads and six arms.”

“What is the reason for? Why are they all crowded together? They are the prince and the princess. Are they worried about getting married?”

One of the servants was also upset. He had just stepped out to get some air. When he heard his subordinates say this, he quickly stopped them, fearing that they would say something treacherous and cause trouble for the Yamen.

"Let's just say a few words. It's not necessarily a bad thing if things happen all at once. After this period of busy work, you can rest for a long time. Your Majesty, your kindness, maybe you will be sympathized with our hard work and be rewarded."

Everyone smiled bitterly, they would rather not receive a reward than be like a cow and a horse.

 But they didn’t dare to say this, they could only swallow all the complaints with a wry smile mixed with their food...

  In the yamen, although they are dissatisfied, they still have some sense of restraint.

 But the market is no longer there. People have rich imaginations and don't have so many scruples.

It was okay if the crown prince and the concubine were chosen together.

After all, the prince has been raised by the people, and the emperor's heirs are few. Now that he finally has an adult son back, the emperor wants to raise his son's status and help stabilize the court.

 It is understandable that she even hopes that her son will get married as soon as possible and start a new life.

 But why is the third princess joining in the fun? !

 Before, I had already arranged a marriage to Prince Lu and made a good deal.

  Wouldn’t it be better to wait quietly until after the crown prince is crowned prince and the concubine is chosen, and then choose a good day to get married?

Why bother joining in the fun, as if you are trying to steal the limelight from the prince.

Someone who was kind enough said when talking about this, "Little girls are all willful. Maybe the third princess is competing with the prince for favor, for fear that the emperor only loves the prince and forgets her as his daughter."

"This is possible, my daughter is always like this. Even if I buy some paper and pen for her brother, I must bring her a box of snacks, otherwise she will pout all day long."

 Others echoed, and even mentioned their daughter, complaining but with a smile on their face.

But some people thought they were smart and winked and said with a smile, "That's not necessarily true. I heard that the third princess was very satisfied with Prince Lu. Not only did she help Prince Lu pick flowers before, but she also often went there after Prince Lu fell ill. Visiting patients and going in and out of Lu's house.

“Maybe, haha, maybe there is already a ‘happy’ event, so I am anxious to hold a happy event.”

These two happy events before and after do not mean the same thing.

Everyone was a smart person, so they guessed it immediately, so they all stared in shock.

  After all, it is a royal matter, and no one dares to explain it clearly.

 But as they looked at each other, countless gossips had been exchanged silently for thousands of times.

So the news that the third princess had a dark knot in her pregnancy and was in a hurry to get married spread like wildfire, and was quickly accepted by everyone.

“Hey, her third aunt, have you heard about it? That one is pregnant and is in a hurry to get married.”

“I heard it, I heard it. I was surprised at first. It’s not like I can’t marry someone with such a golden branch, so what’s the rush? But now that I think about it, it’s no wonder!”

"Let me tell you, this girl is useless without her mother's guidance. The girl has been seriously ill for a long time, so naturally she can't take care of her daughter, so she can't avoid causing such a scandal."

"That's right, that's right. My Chun Xing never leaves the front door or takes a step forward. Even when she goes to the temple to offer incense, I always accompany her. I'm afraid that the little girl is young and doesn't understand the rules, which will ruin her reputation."

“Oh, Chun Xing is a good girl. Speaking of which, my nephew has passed the examination and is also a talented person. Do you want me to make arrangements for the two children to meet..."

 (End of this chapter)