MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1205 The Battle of the Real God

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"Promise, we will go with you!"

Looking at Ye Wuji was shattered by Shenhuang, and Shen Yao’s second heart was broken, and he was going to blew his body and go to die with Ye Wuji.

"Hey, in front of the god, do you have the right to control life and death?" Shenhuang snorted and instantly intertwined with a large amount of light, broke into the body of Shenyao Tian Er, and banned them, not giving They have a chance to blew themselves up.


Suddenly, the calming whispering sound of a deafening roar, an infinite space crack appeared in the void.

"Well, what is this?"

Looking at the sudden crack in the space, the brow of the gods was tightly screwed together.

Suddenly, there was a person in the crack of the torn sky.

"Ye Chenfeng!"

Looking out of the cracks in the space, the brows of the gods stunned, revealing the color of the accident. The accident Ye Chenfeng was not dead yet.

"How is this possible, how could he stay in the sacred market for so long, what chance he got in the ruins of the gods!" Shen Huang stared at Ye Chenfeng and wanted to see his truth.

Suddenly, he found that Ye Chenfeng disappeared in front of his eyes, and his speed could not be captured by his eyesight.

The next moment, Shen Yaotian, the **** of life, and Taiyi, Tian Xuan, who was banned by the gods, restored their mobility.

"Morning wind, your father has been killed by him, you are leaving here!" Shen Yaotian seized Ye Chenfeng's arm and said anxiously.

"What, my father is dead!"

Ye Chenfeng's face sank, and a raging anger burst out in his chest, shaking the space around his body instantly broken.

"Well, this breath..."

Feeling that the atmosphere of Ye Chenfeng is not weaker than himself, but also a little better, the face of Shenhuang changed, revealing an incredible color.

"Return to the Soul!"

After practicing in the tomb of the gods for several years, Ye Chenfeng smashed four thoughts, inherited the inheritance of the true spirit of 'Hong', and refining some of the spirits of the gods, and spent the true God in the Shenxu market. The robbery broke through to the true state of God.

Feeling the call of Ye Chenfeng, Ye Wuji floats in the space, and the soul that has not been scattered for a long time flies to him quickly and gathers in his right palm.

"Return to life, reborn!"

Following, Ye Chenfeng summoned the dead and returning Dan from the big frog, and melted into the soul of the leafless breaking.


Looking at the endless souls of Ye Wuji, they merged and returned to life, and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Shenhuang’s face sank and he was stabbed to Ye Chenfeng with a stun gun.

A shot of a thorn, the horror of the gods sprayed out of the body of the gods, the evolution of various forms of attack, the power of strength exceeds the extreme of the virtual world.


After Shen Huang’s shot, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned a sword that shines with eight lines of gods, and a sword greets him.


When the sword edge of the sword is touched with the tip of the scorpion, the sound of the stun gun sends out a broken sound. A force beyond the imagination of the gods passes through the sacred gun and passes into the arm of the god. In the middle, he directly flew tens of thousands of meters away.

"No, it's impossible, how can you break through to the true state of God! How can there be two true gods in this universe?"

Teaching to the horror of Ye Chenfeng, Shen Huang reveals an incredible color and cannot accept this fact.

"Frog god, my father gave it to you, anyway, my father must be born again!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mind was moved, and the frog goddess and the phoenix **** were summoned from the Qiankun environment, and they were seriously shouted.

"Do not worry, Ye Zhenshen, I must let your father be born again!" The frog goddess nodded and promised.

"Morning wind, you really broke through to the realm of God!"

Shen Yaotian, the **** of life and others heard the name of the frog goddess Ye Haofeng, and he was overjoyed.

"Well, I have broken through to the true state!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said: "Mother, you go to wait for me in the distance, I will avenge you, today I will twist the head of the gods." /

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng held the Excalibur and killed the **** with a dignified face.

Although the sacred gun in the hands of Shenhuang was refining the true spirit of ‘Yuan’, there are still many grade gaps compared with the Eight-Shenjian sword in the hands of Ye Chenfeng.

The two great soldiers collided together, and the power of the outbreak in the Eight-Shenjian sword directly shattered the stun gun. The power of horror shook the nerves of the gods and continued to regress.

"The power of heaven and earth, for my use, melt!"

As the true God, Shen Huang discovered that Ye Chenfeng’s combat power far exceeded himself, and immediately mobilized the powerful force of the heavens and the earth to integrate into the body, increasing his own combat power and blending into the stun gun.

"Shen Gun, Desperate!"

When the ancient **** pattern portrayed in the stun gun was fully activated, the **** thorns smashed a shot of annihilation and wanted to pierce the leaf morning wind.

Looking at the smashing space, like a dragon that was born like a dragon, Ye Chenfeng did not dodge, but greeted him with a sword.

"Sun and Moon Return to the Sword!"

A round of red sun that exudes the light of God, a round of flowing moon with a bright and chaotic break of the body of Ye Chenfeng, evolved the power of the sun and the moon, and hit the sacred **** of the gods.


Two powerful forces collided together, and the power of the explosion made the whole space vanish, and let the turbulent North Sea water evaporate out of thin air.


A hard regret, the morning light of Ye Chen did not move, but Shenhuang was shocked by tens of thousands of meters, and a lot of blood was sprayed in his mouth.

"The mark of 'Yuan' is fully integrated!"

Shen Huang simply could not accept this fact, quickly ignited the imprint of the ‘yuan’, and used the power of strong imprint to stabilize the body and improve his combat power.

"Useless, today is the ‘Yuan’ resurrection, can’t save you!”

The refining of some of the spirits of the gods, Ye Chenfeng’s combat power has reached the limit of the true body, even if the ‘yuan’ resurrection, it may not be able to defeat him.


Ye Chenfeng smashed the space that had just been repaired, and rushed to Shenhuang at a very fast speed. He held the Eight-Shenjian sword and continued to launch a fierce attack on him, completely suppressing him.

"Saved, we are saved!"

Looking at the suppression of the Shenhuang attack, Ye Chenfeng, who is constantly killing him, Shen Yaotian and others showed excitement.

"Ye Zhen Shen has reached the ultimate in true God, not the true God can compare! He will die!" Frog Goddess.

And the leafless combination of the dead and returning to life, gradually repaired the soul, began to repair the soul and body.

"No, I won't lose, I am the only true God in the world, the only master, no one can beat me!" The great martyrdom of the hysterical shrine, burning the blood of the powerful God, full of hands The rift of the rifle is desperately counterattacking.

His counterattack is horrible, but for Ye Chenfeng, it does not constitute any threat, and is easily resolved by Ye Chenfeng.


Ye Chenfeng smashed the void with a sword, and smashed the scorpion gun in the hands of the gods into two halves, squatting on his body, breaking his body defense and directly taking him away. In the midair, it fell into the North Sea where most of the seawater evaporated, and the bottom of the sea was worn by a deep ditch that did not know how deep.