MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1206 Super God

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The gods were severely wounded by Ye Chenfeng, but there was a horrible atmosphere in his body, and this breath did not belong to the gods, but belonged to the ‘yuan’ that should have died.

"Well, isn't the true spirit of 'Yuan' not dissipated, but is merged with the soul of the gods, want to borrow him to regenerate, or the gods have got the power of other 'real' of the 'Yuan'!" /

I feel that this stock does not belong to the gods, but the power of the true spirit that is several times more horrible than the gods, Ye Chenfeng guessed in his heart.

But even if the 'yuan' is born again, Ye Chenfeng is not afraid, let alone the power of the real spirit.

"The **** is invincible, the battle is invincible!"

The **** of blood is a horrible roar. Under the control of the true spirit of 'Yuan', Shenhuang involuntarily burns the power of powerful life, and through the power of life, quickly enhances its own combat power and tears Broke the trench, flew into the air, summoned a number of treasures, and continued to fight with Ye Chenfeng.

This battle, earth-shattering, this battle, stone breaking, this battle, forever in the annals.

Although the true spirit of ‘yuan’ has recovered, Shenhuang has burned a powerful force of life, but still can’t resist the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng.

One piece of treasure summoned by Shenhuang is constantly being shattered by Ye Chenfeng and turned into nothingness.

"He, what chance did he get in the ruins, how could his strength exceed me so much!"

The more the gods are beaten, the more serious they are.

Slowly, the heart of Shenhuang has a retreating heart.

"The power of 'Yuan' breaks the law!"

Shenhuang continuously squirted a few mouthfuls of blood, inspiring the power of the true spirit of 'Yuan', condensed into a powerful blood mark, turned into a mountain-like size, hitting Ye Chenfeng, wanting to He slammed back and left.

"The gods are destroyed, the gods are robbery!"

The power of 'Yuan' came in. Ye Chenfeng inspired the power of the Eight-Shenjian sword, and took out a blow of the gods. A sword shattered the power of the 'yuan' and turned to the **** of great change. Huang.


The god's arm was smashed by Ye Chenfeng's sword, and the blood was mad.

"The blood of the true God, destroy!"

Shen Huang did not take care of the flesh, quickly applied the secret method, ignited the broken arm, and turned into a raging blood dragon attack to Ye Chenfeng.


The blood dragon of the left arm of Shenhuang attacked, and Ye Chenfeng took the sword of the eight wild gods and smashed it up. The sword smashed the blood dragon, once again on the body of the gods, the horrible swordsmanship was almost Split his body.


The injury is getting heavier and heavier. Shenhuang does not dare to fight with Ye Chenfeng again.

"Eight Gods Sword, suppressing the void!"

The moment when Shenhuang smashed away, Ye Chenfeng threw the Eight Senses of the Sword into the air, and controlled the Eight Senses of the Sword to become bigger and bigger. He became a Jianshan Mountain, suppressing the Eighths of the Universe and oppressing the body of God. So that he can't walk away.

"Ye Chenfeng, I hope you don't force me, forcing me, I will die with you!"

After being suppressed by the Eight Swords of God, there was a panic in the heart of the gods, and the threat of embarrassment.

"Shen Huang, are you still unclear, the strength gap between you and me!" Ye Chenfeng showed a cold smile: "Today, God allows you to know, the true meaning of God."

With the fierce killing of Shenhuang, Ye Chenfeng completely integrated the spirit of the gods. With the spirit of the gods, he easily tore the bottleneck of the realm and impact the new realm, and this realm has a popular name... Super God.


The moment when Ye Chenfeng hits the realm of super-god, the robbery clouds rush from all directions, quickly gather, cover the chaotic void, and lock Ye Chenfeng.

"Robbery, how can there be a robbery cloud!"

Looking at the robbery clouds appearing in the sky, and the constantly evolving gods in the robbery, Shen Yaotian, who is hiding in the distance, is stupid, and his heart is full of worries.

They know that once Ye Chenfeng is attacked by God, he will distract his energy and give the Emperor the opportunity to take advantage of it. Once God has turned the situation back, everything will end.

"Tian Tian help me, it’s really helping me."

The gods looked at the thicker and thicker clouds, revealing a cold smile, decisively giving up the thought of breaking through, preparing to wait for Ye Chenfeng to sneak down, launching a deadly attack on him and removing him in one fell swoop.

"Shen Huang, do you think that I am attracted to God at this time!"

Looking at the sorrowful face of the gods, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile, and he said with pride.

"I said, I want you to know that God is true, I am the master of this world!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng’s body bursts with endless power, transforming hundreds of millions of stars, covering the entire space.

The next moment, the billions of stars formed by the divine power released the horrible devouring power, injected into the horrible robbery cloud, madly swallowing the power of robbery, and igniting the great changes in the world.

"Swallowing the clouds!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, the heart of the gods has set off a big wave, and the eyes are almost out.

He knows the horror of robbery, and the robbery cloud brought by Ye Chenfeng is not the ordinary robbery cloud. It is the most horrible **** robbery. It is difficult to resist, let alone direct engulfment.

"He, what level did he reach!"

At this time, Shen Huang feels that Ye Chenfeng is likely to reach a realm that he can't imagine. The anxiety in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. If he doesn't think about it, he wants to leave quickly.

"Shen Huang, can you escape?"

The billions of stars under the control of Ye Chenfeng turned into a big star from the sky, banned the space, grabbed the gods, and let him attack, can not tear the stars.


The next moment, Ye Chenfeng borrowed the power of the gods robbed in the billions of stars to refine the gods.


Feeling that the flesh is suffering from hundreds of millions of stars, and the power of God's robbery is refining, and it is constantly broken. The gods have sent out the color of despair, burning life constantly, and wanting to tear the stars.

When he attacked with all his strength, he was horrified to discover that Ye Chenfeng’s body became bigger and bigger, and eventually became the Giant of the Sky, opening his mouth and swallowing the evolution of the mysterious **** figure. The whistling sound is enough to destroy the robbery of the universe.

"Super-deity, breakthrough!"

The power of the robbery cloud was swallowed up. Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the power of the robbery cloud. The deepest refining spirit of the gods shattered the bottleneck of the realm and stepped into the super-deity.


The moment when Ye Chenfeng stepped into the super-deity, the hard-pressed Shenhuang body was broken, and Ye Chenfeng borrowed the power of hundreds of millions of stars to directly refine him.

"Father, let me help you become a true God!"

The refining of the gods, Ye Chenfeng has brought the power of pure gods into the body of the leafless body that has just repaired the flesh. With the power of the powerful true god, the most fundamental transformation of his body and soul.

When Ye Wuji completely refines the true spirit of God, he will enter the true state without any suspense and become the second true God of the universe.


God, the highest peak of the virtual world, is also the holy place of the whole virtual world, and even the universe, and is admired by thousands of people.

The reason why the gods are so famous, because they live here are the two true gods of the universe, Ye Chenfeng and Ye Wuji.

Suddenly, one day, there were eight mysterious spaces above the gods, and the whole void was suppressed.

Under the eight mysterious spaces, there is a floating person. This person is the super-presence of Ye Chenfeng, and it is also the absolute master of the universe.

"Father, what are you doing?"

Looking at the display of the supernatural powers, Ye Chenfeng, who constantly consolidates the eight mysterious spaces, Yue Ye Ming reveals a hint of incomprehensible color.

"This is the game of God." Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile and summoned the eight great treasures.

The eight great treasures are the supreme gods he got at the Shenxu, the Supreme God clock, the time **** beads, the original birthplace, the sword of all things, and the brains that accompany his life, the blood of the true God, A slowly beating heart.

The most precious thing in these eight treasures is not the brain, not the blood of the true God, but the heart that slowly moves.

This heart is the heart of Ye Chenfeng's refining with the blood of the gods, containing the power of the true God.


Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved and placed the Eight Great Treasures in the deepest part of the eight mysterious spaces.

"God's game... Father, you are prepared to leave your own inheritance!" Yue Yeming instantly realized the intention of Ye Chenfeng.

"Yes, God is too lonely. Sometimes I should have fun for myself!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "Maybe in the near future, someone will get my inheritance and copy my life. At the top of the martial arts."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng brought the eight major inheritance spaces into the universe, leaving the immortal inheritance and invincible legend.

ps: After more than 2 years, more than 5 million words, eight wild swords and gods have finally finished this, thank you for your support, about the new book, Yun Tears will release information in the public number, the book will also be issued in the public number, please Everyone adds the public number of the tears: ylty83