MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 33 "Sisters"

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Although the fallen angels firmly believe that Her Majesty's words of "a world without decay and a clean world" are true.


But after seeing the magnificent view of the earth, I was still shocked from the bottom of my soul. Immediately after this shock, it was occupied by warm excitement and excitement.


There is no rotten world!


The fallen angels greedily sucked the moist air of the sea. This is like a sweet nectar to them. Just staying in the respiratory tract for a while seems to be like taking some kind of stimulant drug, provoking every nerve.


However, no matter how excited their hearts were, they were also very disciplined, without any commotion, and assembled neatly over the fissure of the Abyss.


An army of more than 250,000 fallen angels poured out in batches from the cracks in the deep sea. Commanders use the occult "regression calculation" all the time to counteract the repulsive feeling of crossing the barriers of the world.


Phoenix's giant chariot slowly emerged from the crack in the deep sea.


She lost a king's restraint and couldn't wait to step down from the throne, go under the steps, and look into the distance.


She tried her best to see further.


She soon discovered that the current earth has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes as she observed. Compared with eleven or twelve years ago, the topography and appearance of the two worlds are completely different. However, the breath that is deeply embedded in the roots of the world will not deceive people.


She felt very clearly that this is the earth.


She had lived on earth for twelve years.


Staring for a long time. She didn't utter a single sigh, but perhaps silence was better than sound now.


"Phee, it's on Earth." Alcott's shadow stood beside her.


"Well." Phoenix's golden pupils trembled slightly before calming down, "Oh, you know, after I came here, I couldn't bear to destroy every plant and tree here."


"But, Fei, everything you've done for over ten years..."


"Don't worry about me, emotional emotions may affect my appreciation of the scenery, but they will never occupy my will."


"What do you plan to do next?"


"The earth's resources are very rich now. Just the southern continent of South America is enough to supply the logistical needs of our army. First set up camp here, and then send diplomats to negotiate with the main forces." Phoenix frowned, "I I don't want this to really be a war of aggression. But if this is the only development... then be a villain."


"Fei, our most fundamental purpose is to solve the problem of decay, right?"




"In the rotten world, there are still many people waiting for us."


"Yes, O."


"If there is no solution to the problem of the rotten world... what will you do? What should you do with the people living in the rotten world? It should not be very realistic to move all of them to the earth. The resources of the earth are very rich, But that doesn't mean that people who originally lived on Earth would be willing to give up some of their resources."


Phoenix looked far away,


"Oh, there is no perfect answer to this question, only choice. In my opinion, fallen angels are fundamentally different from other races in the decaying world. The decay of fallen angels is inscribed in the will of life, while the decay of other races It's because of the environment."


She didn't make it clear what the choice was in her heart.


But Alcott seemed to have understood what she meant.


Alcott lowered his head,


"Fei... do you really think so?"


"Ao, it's meaningless to talk about things in the future now."


Phoenix sidesteps the question again.


Alcott was silent for a while, without saying goodbye, and fell into the shadows.


After all the fallen angel army was assembled, Phoenix began to gain insight into the world. She did not provide a comprehensive insight, but only tentatively determined the current level of power on Earth and the southern region of South America that was about to be encamped.




Phoenix perceives a lot of super power, which means that there are many gods on earth. But these gods are not of one mind. On the contrary, many of them are still in a state of opposition and restrict each other.


This situation made her feel a little more at ease.


The gods restrict each other, which means that the current earth is not united, and it is basically impossible to "jointly defend against extraterrestrial invaders". After all, most gods are extraterrestrial invaders themselves. Moreover, the traditional concepts of authoritarian government and state have long been weakened beyond the point of view due to the earth-shaking changes over the past ten years.


In other words, now everyone is on guard against each other, where can there be such a thankless idea of ​​"protecting the earth".


Aware of this situation, Phoenix is ​​even more convinced that he chose to invade the earth at this time period is correct.


If after hundreds of thousands of years, the power of the earth gradually stabilizes, it will not be so easy to invade.


After the insight, Phoenix quickly collected the current state of the army through "Return of the Throne", and then made adjustments to the command.


But soon she frowned, because she found that the fallen angel shrouded in her "Return of the Throne"... was missing one.


After repeated verification, she found that there was indeed one less fallen angel.


This confuses her. How could a fallen angel escape from the "return to the throne" without being aware of it?


She quickly checked and quickly found the missing fallen angel.


Then, she was even more confused.


Because, that fallen angel was not on the list of expeditions this time. It doesn't even have any relationship with other fallen angels.


what does that mean?


Phoenix understood that this meant that the fallen angel was mixed into the team. Even, they may not be fallen angels.


But how did that guy avoid the "Return of the Throne" feeling?


She wondered whether she understood this question, and planned to call Alcott out to ask. Immediately, she paused. Because, she gradually realized that the guy mixed into the team from last night to this morning, and this time period was the time when Alcott came back after checking the Survival City.


Her throat rolled.


Could it be that that guy was brought back by Alcott?


Phoenix is ​​very reluctant to doubt his sister. But thinking of Alcott's abnormal behavior and concealment from her during this period of's hard not to doubt.




Phoenix covered his heart with his right hand and closed his eyes for a while.


After opening her eyes, she swept away the previous entanglement and quickly ordered the commander on the front line,


"Enter the land ahead, cross the snow-capped mountain belt, and build a base in the plain area."


After receiving the order, the front-line commanders led a group of troops to Antarctica. The sound of flying at high speed was like thunder.


After they arrived in Antarctica, they immediately discovered the demon entrenched here, and then asked Phoenix for instructions on what to do.


Phoenix just replied with two words,




Facing the mighty army of fallen angels, the demons entrenched in the snow-capped mountains of Antarctica were completely powerless to resist.


The fallen angels are not only powerful, but also highly disciplined, like huge war machines, crushing through the snow-capped mountains.


The former demon was the "mythical world pest" as famous as the demon.

But after the war of God's calendar, it has long since fallen into disrepair. Compared to the army of fallen angels assembled into a great will, it is a piece of scattered sand. Most of them clearly realized that they could not fight the invaders of this level, and hurriedly fled. And those demons who were unwilling to move their nests were mercilessly and violently expelled.


As for the demons who resolutely resisted, what they got was the result of being suppressed.


However, according to Her Majesty's will, the suppressed demons have the opportunity to choose to leave. If they insist on not leaving, the fallen angels will not take prisoners.


Destruction in the true sense.


The highly disciplined army of fallen angels is not savage. Like a sand table, they methodically entered the plains of the southern region, and then began to build fortifications.


South America is rich in various resources, and the miracle of high-rise buildings has long been on the ground.


For the fallen angels, they have never fought such a rich battle. Inexhaustible mineral, land, forest and energy resources. The tacit understanding under the great will was extreme, and the fallen angels themselves were quite powerful. The front-line troops completed the instructions given by Phoenix in just one day.


A huge city is taking shape.


Although there is still a gap with the real city, it is only a matter of time to gradually improve various urban facilities.


After seeing the preliminary completion of the city, the commanders of the front-line team asked Phoenix for instructions on the naming of the city.


Phoenix replied without thinking:


"City of Hope."


This name is so common that it is a bit tacky, but it is undoubtedly the most suitable for the mood of the fallen angels today.


They have suffered for too long, and when they see anything novel, they feel that it is a hope that needs to be pursued and cherished.


After the City of Hope was established, the entire army of fallen angels settled in.


Under the distribution of the great will, each fallen angel has his own place of residence in the City of Hope.


It seems that it has taken root in this new world.


But Phoenix is ​​well aware that the real challenge lies ahead.


How to rectify the name of the City of Hope, how to rectify the name of the fallen angels, how to throw off the "invader" hat, and how to build a brand new kingdom in the new world.


In the world of decay, the fallen angels are the race of the world, and she Phoenix is ​​the king of the world.


But on Earth, it is obviously impossible, so how to change this ideology has become the key issue of whether the fallen angels can really gain a foothold on Earth.


The first is to negotiate with the main forces on Earth.


Considering these issues, after Phoenix entered the palace in City of Hope, he didn't have time to rest, and immediately summoned a group of accompanying cabinet members and the main commander to start a discussion.


The entire City of Hope is full of hope and full of busy atmosphere.


The City of Hope was built according to the specifications of the Royal City of the Rotten World. Therefore, Alcott also has his own place of residence, the same tower as in the world of decay.


Although the fallen angels don't understand the function of this tower, building one as planned is done.


Alcott was entrenched in his "new home", silently watching the palace in the distance.


"What are you thinking about?"


A voice sounded.


Alcott immediately raised a shrinking shadow,


"Mr. Joe!"


Qiao Xun stood under the tower and said with a smile:


"thank you for your help."


Alcott said:


"It doesn't matter whether I help or not, Fei can't find you anyway."


"Anyway, I'm still bothering you."


"What is Mr. Joe going to do?"


"Let's solve some personal problems first."


"Well..." Alcott paused and asked, "Mr. Joe, can the essence of decay really be eradicated?"


"Oh, the rotten nature can be eradicated, but it's not as easy as you think. This is not a simple three-stage formula of finding problems, seeking solutions, and solving problems. Phoenix has to face a lot of difficulties."


Alcott was worried.


Qiao Xun immediately comforted,


"However, if Phoenix himself always sticks to this goal... it will definitely be eradicated. I... will also help her."


"Mr. Joe, Fei..." Alcott said in a complicated tone, "I... want to break the blood connection with her, can you help me?"


Qiao Xun was very surprised.




"I think... our relationship is sick and abnormal. She sees me as a part of her in a way. Although she may not realize it herself, I have gradually felt it clearly. , her reliance on me became a **** to her. My actions, my words, would burden her will."


"Do you really think so?"


Alcott was very confused.


"do not know."


"You have been connected by blood for twenty-five years."




"Alcott, you should be clear. Once your blood connection is cut off, even if you connect again... it will not be the same as before. Pure blood is easy to connect, but the bond between hearts is difficult to sew perfectly. You may not have a connection in your heart, you may have an indelible gap between each other, and you may no longer be able to depend on each other as you did at the beginning."


After Alcott finished listening, his tone became a little weak.




"It's hard to accept."


"'s really useless."


"Alcott. Twenty-five years of blood connection not only affects Phoenix, but also affects you. It's normal to be reluctant. After all, it's difficult for anyone to separate from the person closest to them."


"I just think that because of my her personality is incomplete. I didn't think so before, and it was because I concealed Mr. Qiao's affairs from her during this period of time, and it became very obvious at once. Her over-reliance on me made her feel very insecure once she left me. But she is a king and has to walk a very hard road, which shouldn't be the case. Also, I have a feeling that sooner or later I will be with her It's different, so it's better to let her adapt in advance."


"Why do you feel this way?"


Alcott thought about it and said:


"It's an inner call. Maybe... I want to be independent of her."


Qiao Xun nodded,


"Alcott, thank you for your trust and willingness to tell these thoughts. However, I know that the division of blood is not so easy. Please think clearly and do not leave any regrets. Because once you choose, you will There's no way out. When you're really sure you want to do that, call my name three times in your heart. I'll come to you."


Alcott headed,






"Goodbye, Mr. Joe."


Qiao Xun swept into the air, glanced at the city of hope that was constantly being built, and then left.


He knew that the real crisis of Phoenix was still to come.


The eyes of heaven have already fallen on the earth.
