MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 15 Wuling Hongguang

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This scream is so familiar. Lu Qingjiu knew it was from Yin Xun when he heard it. He thought something was wrong, so he hurriedly got up and ran out. Before he got to the door, he saw Yin Xun rushing from outside. Entering, I grabbed my shoulder and started to go crazy: "Lu Qingjiu, are you **** carrying my five million dollars!!!"

Lu Qingjiu was dizzy and dizzy, and after hearing Yin Xun's question, he was even more dazed: "What? What's in five million?"

Yin Xun roared: "Look at your door!!"

Lu Qingjiu hurried to the door, and across the threshold, he saw Yin Xun's five million yuan after winning the lottery. He saw a beautiful blue convertible sports car parked in front of Lu Qingjiu's door. The car was marked with a winged car. The golden villain reflected a dazzling light in the sun, and Lu Qingjiu recognized that this car was a Rolls-Royce. As for which model it was, he really didn't know...

"Whose car is parked here?" Lu Qingjiu was dumbfounded.

"Isn't it yours?" Yin Xun turned to look at Lu Sake, "Who in this village would buy such a car? Even if we want to buy a Wuling Hongguang, we have to save it for several years."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Do you think I am someone who can afford a sports car?"

Yin Xun: "Who bought this car?"

Lu Qingjiu turned his head and looked into his house. After a moment of silence, he whispered, "Did you see the White Moon Fox?"

Yin Xun said, "I didn't see it."

Lu Qingjiu stood at the door and called, "Yuehu!! Baiyuehu!!!"

There was silence in the room, and no one responded.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, and said, "He should have watered the ground. I'll go find him in the ground."

"He bought this car?" Yin Xun's eyes widened.

Lu Qingjiu: "...I didn't buy it anyway."

As they said, they walked towards the ground, and when they were farming, they saw the white moon fox in the ground. He changed his clothes to facilitate his work, stepped on rubber black boots, and was bending over. Weeding a tomato plant, if it were not for the overly beautiful face, would really look like a simple farmer.

"White Moon Fox!" Lu Qingjiu cried.

Bai Yuehu turned his head, there was no expression on his face: "What's the matter?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Did you buy that car?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Sent it?"

When Lu Qingjiu heard this, he knew that he must have bought the car, but such a luxury car in this remote mountain village is too glaring: "Why do you suddenly want to buy a car?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's not that I want to buy."

Lu Qingjiu said: "What's that?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's because it was disgusted."

Not to mention Yin Xun, even Lu Qingjiu was confused. But Bai Yuehu didn't mean to explain. He gently touched the round tomatoes and said, "You guys use it, I don't drive much."

"No, it's not good." Lu Qingjiu was shocked. Although he didn't know the specific model, he knew from the configuration and brand that the car was at least seven-figure. "This car is too eye-catching—"

"Grilling?" Bai Yuehu tilted his head and glanced at him.

"Yes, it's too eye-catching." Lu Qingjiu said helplessly, "I can't drive this car to sell tomatoes."

Maybe the city’s social news appeared the next day: shock! The tomato vendor earns tens of millions a month and drives a luxury car to set up a stall... and so on.

"Then what kind of car do you want?" Bai Yuehu asked.

"Just the minivan, the most common kind..." Lu Qingjiu wiped a drop of cold sweat from his forehead.

Bai Yuehu nodded when he heard this, waved his hand again, and said, "Okay, I will change someone tomorrow."

Lu Qingjiu was relieved. In fact, he didn't want to be too eye-catching. After all, the Baiyue fox had an unusual identity, and there were vixens. Who knew if there were Taoist priests who caught the vixen? If it arouses other people's suspicion and provokes something wrong, it will be too much for the loss.

Although Lu Qingjiu likes luxury cars, he is still very clear-headed.

Yin Xun finally realized that there was a hidden local tyrant in Lu Qingjiu's house. After the two returned to the door of the house, he pointed to the luxury car and froze for a long time before suffocating the sentence: "White Moon Fox bought it?"

Lu Qingjiu nodded.

Yin Xun said, "Fuck, I thought he was just like me."

Lu Qingjiu sighed, patted him on the shoulder, turned around to cook, leaving Yin Xun standing alone at the door, sighing sadly that he was the only one who was poor...

Baiyuehu did what he said. One day later, the luxurious Rolls-Royce at the door of his house was replaced by an ordinary Wuling Hongguang pickup truck. Lu Qingjiu was relieved after seeing the car.

Bai Yuehu felt a little strange when he saw Lu Qingjiu's reaction. He said, "Don't you humans like expensive things? Why not?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "Like is like, but after all, it's not my own."

Bai Yuehu said, "I can give it to you."

Lu Qingjiu said: "It's too expensive. I can't take it. This car is good. You can transport some melons and fruits without bothering others."

Baiyue Fox, who heard Lu Qingjiu's words, looked at Lu Qingjiu's eyes increasingly strange.

Lu Qingjiu went to check the truck, but he didn’t know why. He always felt that the truck looked a little strange. After studying for a long time, he suddenly found that the positions of the two car lights were a bit wrong. The lights were all concentric circles. Leaning to the left, at first glance it looks like two eyes are peeking at something.

"Hey, why the position of the car lights is wrong." Lu Qingjiu was shocked, "Did you buy fakes?"

Baiyuehu glanced at the car lights upon hearing this, raised his hand and slapped the front of the car, and the lights returned to normal in the next moment.

Seeing this scene, Lu Qingjiu showed a frightened expression.

Facing Lu Qingjiu's astonishment, Bai Yuehu uttered three words very calmly: "Fixed."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Fuck! Damn it! He knew it was not that simple, this car was obviously a living thing! He slowed down for a while before trembling, "Can you ask what this is?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Car."

Lu Qingjiu: "...I know this is a car, I want to ask what's changed."

Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment, and asked quietly, "Do you really want to know?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Why is your tone so heavy? What is this?

Just when Lu Qingjiu hesitated, Bai Yuehu's lips opened, and he was about to tell what has changed in this small truck. At this critical moment, Lu Qingjiu's sixth sense of incomparable aura came into play. He stretched out his hand and blocked Bai Yuehu's mouth, and said, "Stop talking! I don't want to know."

Bai Yuehu squinted at him.

"You have to use it anyway, it doesn't matter what you change." Lu Qingjiu explained, and comforted himself by the way, "Knowing more is not a good thing."

Bai Yuehu nodded and motioned to Lu Qingjiu with his eyes to remove his hand.

Lu Qingjiu laughed dryly, and quickly put his hand back.

"It's really not a good thing." Baiyuehu said, "You don't need to refuel the car, just use it, if you don't obey..." His eyes moved to the car, and Lu Qingjiu clearly saw the car lights move to another direction silently, obviously. Don't dare to look at Bai Yuehu.

"Let's get a new one." Bai Yuehu made such a conclusion lightly.

The small truck was shivering nearby, Lu Qingjiu couldn't laugh or cry, so he could only pat the forehead of the truck to comfort it not to be afraid, he wouldn't do anything to it. This made the little truck comrade barely feel better.

After discussing the truck, Baiyuehu said that the tomatoes in the field are ripe again, and they can be sold in the market tomorrow. Now that there is a truck, there is no need to trouble Uncle Chen, which is a lot more convenient.

Lu Qingjiu agreed with this. Seeing that most of the spring has passed and the weather is getting warmer, he is about to prepare the seeds he needs for summer. Moreover, the old house didn't have air conditioning yet, so he planned to find some time for people in the town to come and help him install the air conditioning.

The other people in the village were surprised to see that the Lu family bought a truck. Lu Qingjiu also greeted them, saying that if there is a need for a truck, they can tell him. It is also a matter of the village folks to help each other. But in fact, Shuifu Village is not closely connected with the outside world. It is a relatively closed village. Lu Qingjiu who just came here is the most diligent one to go out.

Pack the harvested tomatoes in sack and put them into his small truck. Lu Qingjiu took Yin Xun to the market to sell vegetables. Today I brought a lot of tomatoes. I don’t know if I can sell them out. You can buy more when they are sold out. It doesn't matter if the meat is not sold out, anyway, this truck does not need to be refueled, and it does not cost money to run a few more times.

The two set off before dawn, just thinking about going to the market to occupy a good position. After arriving at the market, there are already many early-rising vegetable farmers in the market starting to sell vegetables.

Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun searched for a location on the side of the road, opened the trunk of the truck, revealing the tomatoes inside, and then laid a layer of plastic paper on the ground and shouted.

Although there are a lot of tomatoes today, Lu Qingjiu didn’t plan to lower the price. After all, they sold very well last time. This time it’s not a hassle to bring them back even if they are not sold out. Moreover, the weather is not hot and the tomatoes are not easy to spoil, so he thought about slowness. Sell ​​slowly.

However, what Lu Qingjiu didn't expect was that as soon as he opened the stall, a major customer came. The man rushed over here when he saw Lu Qingjiu. He opened his mouth and said, "Little boss, you are finally here to sell vegetables."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Ah, here, do you want to buy some?"

"I want it." The man nodded and pointed to the tomatoes in the truck. "I want it all!"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Is this person serious?