MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 16 Uninvited

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The speaker was a young man, no more than 20 years old, and should be about the same age as Lu Qingjiu.

"What did you say?" Lu Qingjiu stared, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"I said I want it." The young man picked up a tomato from Lu Qingjiu's truck and wiped it on his clothes. Then he bit off most of it in one bite, and said vaguely: "Yes, that's it. "

Lu Qingjiu said: "Are you sure you want it? There are hundreds of catties here." Lu Qingjiu estimated the hundreds of catties casually, and he didn't know how many.

"Yeah." The young man nodded and ate all the tomatoes in a couple of bites. Then he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Lu Qingjiu, "I opened a restaurant in the city. My friend tried it the other day. I took your tomatoes and said they tasted good."

Lu Qingjiu questioned: "Your friend said tomatoes are good? But didn't I just sell them once..." He glanced at his business card, which had the words Chaoyangyu written on it, and the position below was the general manager of the hotel.

"Yeah." Chaoyang Yu said, "that's the time."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Can you finish so many goods? I have a lot in my house."

"There is still a lot in the house?" Chaoyang Yu's expression became a little strange when he heard that, he said, "Where do you live?"

"Shuifu Village." Lu Qingjiu didn't conceal his address. The town is so small and everyone knows well about it. Even if he doesn't say anything, Chaoyang Yu will find out sooner or later.

"Can I go take a look?" Chaoyang Yu said, "If appropriate, I can contract all your tomatoes."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay." Contracting the food at home to the restaurant is naturally much more convenient than selling them in bulk.

"Then next time I find a free time, I can visit your house." Chaoyang Yu waved his hand, and two people came out behind him, and began to unload the goods from the truck, "I will weigh you later."

After the tomatoes were weighed, there were a total of more than four hundred catties. Chao Yangyu directly gave Lu Qingjiu cash, and Lu Qingjiu happily put more than one thousand yuan into his pocket, thinking that they could have a big meal in the evening.

It's just that during the whole transaction, Yin Xun, who has always talked a lot, didn't say much. It wasn't until Lu Qingjiu drove his car home that he said, "Sake, maybe it's not good to let him come here? "

Lu Qingjiu said, "What's wrong?"

Yin Xun's expression was a bit strange, he said, "Um... have you heard a legend?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "What legend?"

"That is, the door of the house is actually a kind of barrier. Dirty things outside can't come in casually." Yin Xun said, "Unless you send it an invitation."

Lu Qingjiu: "...but."

Yin Xun said, "But what?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "But there seems to be something dirty in our backyard."

When Yin Xun heard these words, his expression seemed to be struck by lightning, and his lips trembled slightly: "So are you not afraid at all?"

Lu Qingjiu: "I must be afraid to be afraid, but there is no money to buy another house."

Yin Xun: "..."

Lu Qingjiu, holding the steering wheel, sighed regretfully: "I seem to vaguely understand the purpose of the protagonist in the movie who refuses to move out of the ghost house..." Who the **** doesn't want to move? It's not poor, fortunately he The female ghost lady in the backyard of the house is of good quality. She doesn't often go out for wandering on weekdays, and occasionally helps her life grow. It can be said to be an environmentally friendly female ghost.

Yin Xun lay down beside him, saying drunk, I really admire you.

Lu Qingjiu thought I admire myself.

After making a lot of money today, Lu Qingjiu decided to have a big meal, and Yin Xun went to the nearby meat market to buy a lot of meat, and said that he would go back to make barbecue in the evening.

After arriving home, Yin Xun volunteered to say that he was going to make a fire, and Lu Qingjiu was in charge of curing the meat. Bai Yuehu also came over, standing beside Lu Qingjiu watching him cut the meat into small pieces, and said, "Is the car easy to use?"

"Huh?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Is the car? It's easy to use." This small truck is much more comfortable than the cars he usually drives, and it has a lot of power, even if it is climbing steep mountain roads.

Bai Yuehu nodded, but after asking, he did not go away. Instead, he looked at Lu Qingjiu up and down, and suddenly asked, "Did you meet any strange person today?"

Lu Qingjiu moved for a while, then turned around and said, "What do you mean?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It means literally."

"Strange person?" Lu Qingjiu put the beef on the shaved wooden sticks, and went through his mind. "No." He thought of something, and his actions stopped for a moment. "But there was a big customer who took our care We bought all the tomatoes, so we came back so soon."

"Oh." Bai Yuehu replied, turned and left, Lu Qingjiu couldn't figure out what he meant.

After putting on the marinated meat, it starts to grill. Lu Qingjiu's grilling skills are average, but Yin Xun is quite good at grilling.

This grilled meat must be half-fat and half-lean. When the fatty meat is burned on the fire, it makes a sizzling noise, and the fat comes out of the meat, dripping into the fire and making a puff. The sound, the smell of meat filled the room.

Lu Qingjiu was bowing his head and roasting seriously, but he felt that his trousers were being pulled by something. He looked down and saw two little black pigs sitting beside him looking at him with eyesight.

"Fuck!" Lu Qingjiu was shocked. "Why did you two come out?"

Xiao Hua grunted, then made a jumping gesture, indicating that she ran out by herself.

Yin Xun shouted strangely next to him: "Wow, Lu Qingjiu, your pig is going to rebel, and even the pigpen can jump out."

When Xiao Hua heard this, she rushed over and raised her short leg and kicked Yin Xun.

Lu Qingjiu already knew that the two pigs in his family were of extraordinary origin. He said, "What are you doing out? We are roasting pork. You can't eat it?!"

Xiaohua grunted straight.

Lu Qingjiu didn't understand, so he simply took two corn cobs and handed them to the two little piglets. Xiaohua was happy then, rubbed Lu Qingjiu's feet with his head, and ate happily.

Baiyue Fox went into the house to get the seasoning. When he came out, he saw two pigs gnawing his corn on the cob. His eyes were cold, and the movements of the very happy little black flower that had been nibbling instantly froze. Hei went straight to the sky, looking like I was already dead.

"Puff--" Yin Xun, who was drinking water next to him, spouted out a mouthful of water, and was choked to death.

Xiaohua was aggrieved and put down the corn cob in her mouth, bit her sister's leg, and stepped back a little bit, seemingly planning to return to the pigsty.

Lu Qingjiu couldn't laugh or cry, and said to Bai Yuehu: "Okay, don't scare them."

Bai Yuehu glanced at Lu Qingjiu, frowned and said seriously: "They eat my food."

Lu Qingjiu: "'s okay, today we bought a lot of meat, enough attention, the meat is yours, give them two unloved corn cobs." As he said, he took a plate of freshly roasted meat. Handed it to Bai Yuehu.

Baiyue Fox was satisfied, letting go of the two little piglets, and ate the meat.

Yin Xun also bought a lot of chicken paws specially. After roasting them, they are very soft and waxy. They are brushed with special seasonings, one bite at a time, and there is no need to deboning at all. The teeth will come out as soon as they are squeezed.

Happy eating, Lu Qingjiu also opened a few bottles of beer, the three of them were very happy.

After eating, they didn't clean it because it was too late, and went back to their rooms to sleep, thinking about cleaning up the next day.

Lu Qingjiu also drank a little too much. Lying in bed, he was dizzy, but he was so awake, he couldn't fall asleep. The sky was dark outside, and the whole sky was covered by night.

I don't know how long it took, but Lu Qingjiu suddenly heard a strange noise, which came from the yard, as if something was dragging on the ground.

Lu Qingjiu shook his head, not sure if this was an illusion caused by being too drunk. He slowly climbed from the bed to the side of the bed and saw a strange white figure appearing in his yard. It looked like a huge animal standing on the ground. The animal was covered with white feathers and its face looked like a bird. Its mouth had a long blood-red beak, but no bird was so big and tall enough. It was about two meters away, even blocking the moonlight.

Lu Qingjiu rubbed his eyes heavily.

The thing seemed to have noticed Lu Qingjiu's gaze, grinned slowly, revealing a weird smile, and then waved its wings and leaped towards Lu Qingjiu's direction. Lu Qingjiu was taken aback by the animal, but saw a black mist in the sky, which instantly enveloped the birdman.

"Ah—" Lu Qingjiu heard a screaming scream, and the sound of broken bones and meat being chewed in his ears. He vaguely saw a huge eye belonging to a beast in the black mist. Lu Qingjiu's whole person froze. It is difficult for him to describe how he felt at this time, as if the instinct of human existence was telling him that if he moved, he would die here.

After a few minutes, the eyes disappeared into the black fog, the black fog gradually faded, and the small courtyard returned to calm again.

It's just that on the ground of the yard, there was an extra area of ​​white feathers covered with blood. Lu Qingjiu blinked, only to find that the feathers were gone.

He lay back on the bed blankly, thinking whether he was drunk, dreaming, or everything that was strange just now was real. He really got a two-meter-high bird in his house, and then he was caught Something... swallowed it in one bite.

Is it the vixen at home? But the beast in the black mist, how you look at it, doesn't look like a fox...

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