MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 754 Who would have thought

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  Chapter 754 Who would have thought of it?

  Fu Yu was listening to Xiao Lin and Zhang Jinyu chatting, while thinking about what ingredients could be used instead of pork.

At this time, Xiao Lin suddenly said to Zhang Jinyu: "In fact, since this pot of meat can't be chewed, it's better to change the dishes. At that time, Sister Wang recommended sweet and sour fish fillet and sweet and sour shrimp **** to them. If you don’t want to, you want to eat pot-packed meat.”

   "But this pot of meat is not made of pork, and other ingredients are replaced. Is it still called pot of meat? Only meat can have this taste!"

  When Fu Yu heard this, he turned his head and looked over.

  Only made with meat?

  If there is something that can replace meat, it will be softer than meat.

  Water gluten!

  If it is an ingredient that can replace meat, it must be water gluten.

  Fu Yu had done vegetarian food before, and knew that if the water gluten was made into stir-fried pork, it would taste very similar to real meat.

  If you make meat slices with gluten, and then deep-fry them, not to mention, it might taste like the real thing, and the taste will definitely be much better than real meat slices.

  Thinking of this, Fu Yu said to Zhang Jinyu: "Go get me some white noodles."

  Water gluten is to add an appropriate amount of water and a little salt to the flour, stir well to form a dough, and then wash it repeatedly with clean water to wash off all the starch and other impurities in the dough, and then cook the washed gluten.

  At this time, Zhao Meng had dishes on the plate, and Xiao Lin took the dishes and left with them.

  Zhang Jinyu responded to Fu Yu's order and quickly filled the flour.

  Fu Yu put the flour in a basin, and took some water, put a little salt in the water, then poured it into the flour, and stirred it thoroughly.

While Fu Yu was making the dough, Sun Mingze, who had finished a pot of fried potato cubes, turned to look at Fu Yu and the noodles, and asked curiously: "Chu Fu, if we want to change the ingredients for this pot of meat, can't we make it with tofu? How soft is the tofu?" , wrapped in noodles to make pot-packed meat, it also has a sweet and sour taste, and it should be quite crispy!"

Fu Yu looked at Sun Mingze, and couldn't help but shook his head: "Tofu is not good, it has a strong taste, even if it is wrapped in batter and made into sweet and sour mouth, it still has a bean flavor, and the taste is a bit poor many!"

The intern who came in the same batch as Sun Mingze had just finished cutting a large pot of potatoes, and when he brought the pot over to prepare vegetables, he heard Sun Mingze talking to Fu Yu, so he deliberately slowed down his movements and listened to what they were saying .

  After hearing Fu Yu's answer, the male student couldn't help curling his lips.

   Fu Yu turned around and continued making dough.

The male student glanced at Sun Mingze with a smile, leaned over, and said in a low voice, "I found that Fu Chu can pretend! It's not so exaggerated! When we were in school, you forgot, the sweet and sour one made by the teacher once Fish fillet, as I said at the time, can be made with tofu!"

   "If fried tofu doesn't taste good, why is there such a dish as sweet and sour tofu?"

  Although Sun Mingze knew that the male student didn't understand the cause and effect of the incident at all, what he said now was wrong and couldn't be matched at all, but he didn't make any excuses.

  He continued to cook the oil obediently, but he was single-minded throughout the whole process, and his attention was still on Fu Yu, wanting to see what Fu Yu planned to use instead of pork to make this pot-wrapped meat.

The male classmate was not angry when he saw that Sun Mingze didn't respond, he just glanced at Fu Yu and shook his head: "It's nothing special, it's just that he graduated two years earlier, what are you pretending to do! It's just a mystery, but it's nothing more than It’s just cooking, how can there be so many mysterious things!”

   The flour is quickly stirred into a sticky dough.

  The formed dough needs to rest.

  Fu Yu took advantage of this time to quickly cook two more dishes.

   Wait for the dough to stand almost, then put the dough in the sieve and rinse with water to wash all the starch on the surface.

   After a while, there is a lump of wet gluten stuck together in the sieve.

   The more times of washing, the less starch in the gluten, the higher the protein content, which means the better the quality.

   Fu Yu washed back and forth five times before he was satisfied.

  The next step is to steam. Under normal circumstances, it should be cut into small pieces, or steamed with small balls.

  But right now, the water gluten is going to be used to replace pork, so Fu Yu directly cut it into slices.

  This is a very difficult task. After the water gluten is steamed, it will expand, so it is impossible to accurately grasp the scale if you want to cut it into a suitable thickness at one time.

   Fu Yu deliberately cut it thicker, and waited until it was steamed before changing the knife.

  Actually, many people don’t know that the meat in vegetarian food is usually imitated by soy products.

  Pixel braised pork uses potatoes, but in fact the most meat-like thing is water gluten. Stir-fried shredded pork with Beijing sauce can be called real or fake.

   Especially the texture, it chews like meat.

  Before making this dish, Fu Yu was a little uncertain, but when he really started making it, he didn't think so much.

  The only thing left in my mind is how to make this water gluten into a meat-like flavor and texture.

   Fu Yu never set a fixed time for steaming, and all relied on his own control of time to judge the length of time.

  However, he did this because he knew in his heart that on the surface, he should order Zhang Jinyu or continue to order him.

  After all, others don't know how awesome his personal skills are.

  Fu Yu said to Zhang Jinyu: "Jinyu, help me keep an eye on the pot, don't steam it for too long, and also, a piece of shredded carrot and shredded ginger, and some shredded green onion."

  Zhang Jinyu agreed, and hurried over to help.

  The water gluten was steamed quickly, and Fu Yu asked Zhang Jinyu to serve it out.

   Wait until it cools down, then slowly cut into thin slices.

   When cutting, Fu Yu couldn't help frowning as soon as he got started!

  After the water gluten is steamed, it is not easy to cut, it trembles when touched, and it is even more difficult to cut it into the thickness of pork slices.

   Zhang Jinyu looked at it, and immediately leaned forward: "Isn't it difficult to cut with a kitchen knife, why don't you try using a small knife?"

   At this time, Fu Yu had already finished cutting a piece. Looking at the water gluten that he cut out, it was unsatisfactory at best, a bit thick.

   Fu Yu didn't stop moving his hands, adjusted the angle, and continued to cut.

   "The knife won't work, it won't work. I'll try again."

  Zhang Jinyu stood by and watched, and didn't say anything more, for fear of disturbing Fu Yu's operation.

  Actually, when water gluten is usually cut, if the piece is too big, it is torn along its grain, torn into strips, which is also convenient to do.

   But if you want to cut into large slices, it is easy to slip the knife, because the texture is too heavy, the blade can not pinch the angle correctly, and the water gluten cut out is prone to differences in thickness.

  Fu Yu tried a few cuts back and forth, and the movements became slower and slower, but the cutting effect was obviously getting better and better.

  He himself was quite relaxed, but Zhang Jinyu, who was standing by and watching, became inexplicably nervous!

  Water gluten is very tough, and very elastic. When cutting, the thinner it is, the easier it is for the knife to slip. Sometimes the tip of the knife touches the grain. If you don’t use enough strength, the angle will immediately deviate.

   And considering that it is going to be imitated into pork slices, when Fu Yu cut it, he deliberately adjusted the angle of the grain to be flat, which made it more difficult to cut.

   When doing it, I didn't think so much, and it was only after I started to operate it that Fu Yu realized that things were not as simple as he thought!

   It is said that "old meat is difficult to cut", referring to crude fiber.

  Although water gluten is not real meat, the texture is actually closer to the feeling of beef.

   Fu Yu cut two pieces, but he always felt that it was not convenient. After thinking about it, he used the method of cutting fat meat, and sprinkled cold water while cutting.

  Dip the water gluten with cold water, and then put it on the chopping board to cut. In this way, it saves effort when cutting, and the water gluten is not easy to slide, but it is easier to cut thin slices.

  Successfully cut out a few slices of moderately thick water gluten, and Fu Yu's subsequent cutting was obviously much smoother.

  Zhang Jinyu stretched out his head to look at it, and saw a stack of thin water gluten sheets soon appeared on Fu Yu's chopping board, and immediately said cheerfully: "Fu Fu, all these are really thin!"

  After Fu Yu finished cutting the last piece, he checked the amount and felt that it was almost done, so he put down the kitchen knife.

   "This thing is too oily, but it doesn't shrink. It can't be thinner. The taste should be bad."

  Zhang Jinyu nodded repeatedly, and handed over a plate with winking eyes.

   Fu Yu put the cut gluten on a plate, and began to adjust the batter, ready to fry the gluten slices.

   "Hot the pan with oil!"

   Fu Yu gave an order and began to put the water gluten slices into the batter.

  Zhang Jinyu quickly began to pour oil into the pot.

  Fu Yu’s sliced ​​water gluten looks thinner, but it’s actually similar to pork tenderloin. It shouldn’t be too thin, as it will dry out easily.

  Wrap the water gluten sheet evenly with a layer of batter. This thing is particularly easy to hang paste, and it will be a thick layer if you dip it casually.

   Fu Yu had to shake it, otherwise it would be too thick and the fried texture would not be crispy.

  When the oil in the pan is 50% to 60% hot, put the batter-coated water gluten into the oil piece by piece, and deep-fry over medium heat.

   This frying process is another attempt.

  Water gluten is not real meat, it is cooked itself, as long as the noodles wrapped outside are fried, the water gluten inside is fine.

   Moreover, the control of the heat is very important. It is necessary to ensure that the batter is golden in color and crisp in taste, and it must also ensure the taste of water gluten. It should not be too hard or too soft.

  When Fu Yu usually cooks, he rarely tastes it.

  He has a good idea of ​​his own cooking techniques, and the ratio of seasonings is extremely precise. As long as it is a dish he has tried, there must be no problem in terms of taste.

  But this is really the first time this fried gluten, I don't know how the taste is.

   Fu Yu fried the first pot and tried the taste first.

   Sure enough, it was as he thought!

  Water gluten is different from pork, and the frying time should not be too long. As long as the batter is fried, it must be taken out of the pan directly.

   A few more seconds, the taste will not work!

  Fu Yu couldn't help but feel a little thankful, fortunately, he thought of using gluten as a substitute.

  Otherwise, the old lady might not be able to eat this pot-wrapped meat dish as she wished.

   When the time comes, the customer will be disappointed, and he must be somewhat affected.

  Thinking of this, Fu Yu suddenly realized belatedly that he didn't know when he started to elevate his position so much.

  In the past, cooking failures were common.

  But now, no matter what happens, his subconscious reaction is to think that he can do it!

   A little too confident.

  Turn the medium heat of the oil pan to high heat, put the water gluten that has been removed into the oil pan again, and fry until it is crispy and colored.

   This time the time is shorter.

  Zhang Jinyu was a little surprised and said: "Fu Chu, this water gluten really looks like pork when fried!"

   Fu Yu smiled: "The effect is not bad."

  After passing through the oil twice, pour out the hot oil in the pan, leaving only a little base oil, add green onion, ginger, coriander, shredded carrot and stir fry evenly.

  Fu Yu didn't use the prepared sauce this time, but made a new one separately.

  A while ago, pot-packed pork was a popular dish in the store.

  Their store makes old-fashioned Northeast pot-packed meat, which tastes very authentic. You can’t eat such authentic pot-packed meat in other places, so the order rate is very high.

  Because a large amount of pot-packed meat is made every day, the pork slices are cooked in advance by small workers, and when the order is received, they are immediately cooked for the second time.

  Chefs like Fu Yu only need to fry the side dishes directly, put the fried pork slices in the pan, pour the pre-prepared sauce, stir-fry them over high heat, and then they can be served directly on the table.

   And the sauce is also prepared in advance in a big pot, which is convenient and trouble-free.

  But this time I made gluten with water in the pot, so the sauce needs to be more.

   The pungent acetic acid is a bit heavier.

   Put a little more sugar.

The entrance is the unique sweet and sour taste of Guobao meat. It is crispy and fragrant when you take a bite. The water gluten wrapped inside is moderately hard and soft, and people with bad teeth can eat it. Deeper, there is no obvious difference at all.

   Fu Yu put the extra two pieces of pot-wrapped gluten in separate containers, and took a bite by himself first.

  Bite down, Fu Yu couldn't help but feel relieved.

   It's done!

  Zhang Jinyu followed behind and asked curiously, "How is it?"

  Fu Yu raised his eyebrows, and handed over the remaining piece: "Try it."

  Zhang Jinyu took a bite, chewed, his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "Absolutely! If you don't know that it is made of gluten, who would have thought it! It tastes like pork!"

  Put the remaining half in his mouth and taste it carefully.

  Well, the taste is very crispy, and the water gluten inside is moderately hard and soft, which is softer than pork, but it will not lose the feeling of meat fiber.


  After Zhang Jinyu tasted it, he was full of praise: "Chu Fu, you are so awesome! Just serve this dish on the table, and it is guaranteed to satisfy the customers!"

   Fu Yu smiled: "That's good."

   Just at this time, Xiao Lin came back after running errands.

   Without waiting for her to ask, Fu Yu greeted first: "Come on, the meat in the pot is ready, let's send it to the customer."

  Xiao Lin took a closer look, and asked in surprise, "Chu Fu, have you replaced the ingredients?"

   Fu Yu nodded: "Well, then help me to pay attention to the customer's reaction. If you are not satisfied, I can redo it here."

  With Fu Yu's guarantee, Xiao Lin hurriedly responded with a smile: "Okay, Fu Chu!"

  (end of this chapter)