MTL - Great Slaughter System-v2 Chapter 662 conflict

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The monks who came to the front, the head of the compassionate monk, the hands of the ten pairs of Shen Langdao: "The strongest people drive, Xuan Zang has a far-reaching welcome, but also for redemption. m."

Shen Lang faintly glanced at Xuanzang, and coldly said: "This is the hospitality of your Fahua Temple? The monk has already arrived here, but it will not come out until this time. Do you think I can't feel it? ?"

When you hear the waves, all the monks in Fahua Temple have changed their looks. If Shen Lang is talking like this, it is simply not giving them the face of Fahua Temple. This is equivalent to being a face.

However, although Shen Lang’s words gave them a good atmosphere, they all endured. One of the most powerful people was not able to provoke their Fahua Temple. Therefore, they all suppressed the anger in their hearts.

Xuanzang's look is unchanged, and his eyes are low. It seems like Shen Lang said that he has nothing to do with him. "The strongest is that my discipline is not strict, let Xuan Ming and Xuan Zang collide with you. I will tell the commandments in a moment. Let them go to the ancestors before thinking, please ask in the Xeon."

After Xuanzang finished speaking, ask the sideways and make an invitation.

Among the two waves of Shen Lang, there is a flash of light. This Xuan Zang is the abbot of Fahua Temple, and the city is very popular.

What Xuanzang said just now has two meanings. The first meaning is to let the adults of Shen Lang not ignore the villain. As a strong one, don’t be too stingy, and the second one is at the Fahua Temple. The ancestor of the Supreme Master is pressing the waves, so that Shen Lang is too arrogant.

The cold waves screamed, and a powerful pressure instantly enveloped the entire Fahua Temple, protecting the invisible energy emitted by the Tiantian Temple outside the Fahua Temple. After feeling the momentum of the Shenlang, it suddenly violently vibrated. Autonomously resisting the pressure of the waves.


A cold sigh, Shen Lang's palm lifted gently, and suddenly grabbed the sky above Fahua Temple.

Huge shadows shrouded the sky in the entire Fahua Temple, and a sinister style of sinuous style slowly appeared over the Fahua Temple, colliding with the sky-shaking giants.

The scorpio giant earthquake, and the claws of Shen Lang, also slowly dissipated, two horrible attacks, thus disappeared invisible.

"The strongest, you this...."

Xuanzang saw the sudden shot of Shen Lang, his look changed, and he could not help but ask.

Shen Lang looked indifferently and looked at Xuan Zang and others. "I have been doing things in my own way. I have always been with my own mood. If you have made me angry in the Fahua Temple, then I have to bear my anger."

Just as the voice of Shen Lang fell, a page of books and the emperor rushed out of the momentum, and went to the Xuanzang and other people.

In the feeling of a page of books and the emperor's momentum, Xuan Zang and other people's face is even more ugly, one page and the emperor are actually two and a half steps to the strong, which makes their hearts extremely shocked.

The mainland of the gods has not seen the strongest in the last millennium. The most recent one is the Emperor of the Ferris, and after the disappearance of the Emperor, the entire gods have never seen the strongest. Even the half-step to the strong, but also rare, even if there is, is also retreating and preparing for the impact of the strong.

This time, their Fahua Temple actually ushered in a Supreme and two-and-a-half-step strong, how can this make them not shocked.

Shen Lang bears his hands and faintly said: "I came to Fahua Temple this time, I was looking for Jiaye. You told him to come out. He told me what I wanted to know. I will not embarrass you."

Just now, Shen Lang has already tried out the general strength of Tian Tianyi. If he breaks out all his strength, he should be able to break through the defense of Tian Tianyu, but some are not worth the loss. After all, Fahua Temple is the inheritance of the strongest, Buddhism pays attention to cause and effect. Maybe the Supreme Strongman of Fahua Temple has already taken this step. What is the backhand?

When he heard the words of Shen Lang, Xuan Zang and others changed their minds. Jiaye is the law of the gods of the gods. Shen Lang has already sensed that the Buddha is indeed hidden in the Fahua Temple, but it should be in a certain kind of shielding atmosphere. The ground is hidden, and Shen Lang cannot determine his position.

"The strongest, who is Kaye? I don't seem to have this person in Fahua Temple."

Shen Lang haha ​​laughed, and the laughter swayed the entire Fahua Temple. Even the clouds in the sky were shaken.

"You really don't hit the south wall and don't look back. If you don't hand over Kaye today, don't blame me for destroying your Fahua Temple. Even if you are afflicted with cause and effect, you will not hesitate."

Although Shen Lang is jealous of the cause and effect of those who are strong, but it does not mean that he is afraid, Shen Lang step by step to the present level, if you are really afraid of causal reincarnation, there will be no such strength.

This time, the people of Fahua Temple could not suppress the anger. Although Shen Lang was the strongest, his Fahua Temple did not suffer such humiliation when other Supreme Masters were alive.

"Let's go, my Fahua Temple is one of the great forces of the Jiuling thirteen domain. The ancestors were also the strongest. If you think you are the strongest, you can do whatever you want at Fahua Temple, then you are too self-righteous. Now, I have to look at it today, how do you destroy my Fahua Temple."

The first martyrdom of Xuan Yong’s look at the hall.

Hey! ! !

A sly sword light ~ ~ stunned from behind the waves, and flew out to Xuan Yong.

Xuan Yong’s body is full of golden light, and a virtual shadow appears behind him. The virtual shadow is in his hands, the Buddhist scriptures are in the mouth, the Zen sounds are bursting out, and the sword light of the emperor has not come to the front. Shattered.

Although Xuan Yong did not reach the half-step ancestral environment, it is already the peak of the road, and Qin Xiangtian is the same realm. Even if it is not worthy of the emperor, it can resist it.

After blocking the emperor's emperor's dragon, the shadow of Xuan Yong's body disappeared, and Xuan Yongkou spewed a blood in his mouth. His face paled back a few steps toward the back, and the ground was stepped on several deep. footprint.

"Bai Shi Jing Lun, laugh at the hero."

Just after the attack of the emperor was blocked, a page of book attacks followed.

A golden light is shining, and a big hand falls from the sky and grabs everyone.

"I am compassionate"

Xuanzang folded his hands together, and a Buddha voice came out of his mouth. Then Xuan Zang took a palm and the five-finger handprint greeted the big hand that turned into a book in the sky.

boom! ! !

The temples of Fahua Temple, the places where Shen Lang and others were located, the houses collapsed, and countless monks squatted and shunned the bricks falling from the sky.

Hey! ! !

The Tiantian Temple, which has been protecting the Fahua Temple, has suddenly been brightly lit. The aftermath of Xuan Zang and others have been resisted by Tianzhu, and it has not spread too much.

"You will deal with them first, and I will go to heaven."

Shen Lang's figure rises to the sky and greets him. If you don't break the scorpio, you can't completely kill Xuan Zang and others. If Xuan Zang controls Tian Tian, ​​I am afraid it will be a little troublesome.

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