MTL - Great Slaughter System-v2 Chapter 663 Pure land

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Chapter 663 Pure Land

The weapon of the strongest can be condensed to the will of the strong, so that the strongest can be reborn for a short time, so Shen Lang needs to succumb to the will of the strongest person for a book and so on.

It seems that Tian Tianyi also feels the crisis, and the self-consciousness begins to condense to the will of the strong, and a phantom slowly forms above the Tianzhu.

It was a bare-footed monk, looking sad and sorrowful, with a vast expanse of illusion in the eyes, very deep, let people see, can't help but want to get lost.

"I am compassionate"

The monk had just appeared, and he confessed to the Buddha’s name, and his hands were together. A round of golden light sprang out on him, and it was dazzling, like the sun in the sky.

Shen Lang’s double sighs, this person’s momentum is very strong, no less than the Dragon Emperor, and even still has it, but there is no such thing as the imperial power of the Dragon Emperor, but it has a feeling of peace of mind, as if to let People converted to Buddhism, cut off the red dust, and let go of everything.

"Duer Zen Master"

The Buddhist monk is the ancestor of the Supreme Master of the Fahua Temple. The Buddhist monk once had a great ambition to let the world have no sin. All of them are good and there is no dispute. Because of the great ambition, the Buddhist monk broke through. The realm of the strong.

During the life of Duer Zen Master, he was working hard for his great ambition, but current events were not allowed. The major forces were not fuel-efficient lights, and how could he let them turn them out, so the Buddhist monk At the time of the third decline of the five-day failure of the Tiantian people, they failed to sit in the Fahua Temple.

The illusion of the Buddhist monk has just appeared. After the Buddha’s name was announced, his eyes looked at Shen Lang.

"It turned out that there was a strong man who was born, I don't know the donor. What is the reason for my Fahua Temple to provoke you? Make you so angry."

The Buddhist monk looked at the waves and asked slowly.

Shen Lang smiled slightly and looked calm. "I just want you to hand over a person at Fahua Temple, but your disciples and grandchildren don't cooperate, so I have to take it, even if Tian Tianyi condenses your will. Let you be born again, but in your current state, I am afraid I can't stop me. If you are still alive, maybe I am still jealous."

The teacher of Duer is unchanged, and his hands are together. "Amitabha, causal reincarnation, this donor, are you not afraid of causality?"

Shen Lang haha ​​Yang Tian laughed, "causality, cause and effect, there are reasons for fruit, you hide the person in Fahua Temple, it is because, and I destroy you Fahua Temple, it is fruit, this is cause and effect, as for your causality I don't know, and I don't need to know. I am going to fight against the sky. You are waiting for the cause and effect. For me, it is nothing."

boom! ! !

The voice of Shen Lang just fell, and the Emperor of Heaven was shot out, and the universe shook, and the heavens and the earth were shocked.

A punching force to the peerless punching force from the Shenlang boxing, the whole world, it seems to be the punch of Shen Lang, people can not escape.

The priest of the dynasty did not change his mind, and he squeezed the lotus flower, and the light of the heavens was put on, and the Buddhist monk was covered in it. At this time, the Buddhist monk was really like the **** Buddha on the high, holy and solemn.

boom! ! !

Protecting the radiance of the scorpio outside the body of the Buddhist monk, began to distort, under the punch of the swell, constantly shaking, as if it would be broken at any time.

However, after all, Tian Tianyu still resisted the punch of Shen Lang.


Shen Lang was amazed, and Tiandi’s fist was his strongest punch. Even if he was the same as the ancestral dragon, he wanted to stop his fist and use all his strength, but he did not expect it to be a Zen master. Just a will, you can rely on the Tianzhu to block his Xeon punch, it seems that Tian Tianyi really does not lose is a strong defense.

However, this makes Shen Lang even more war-torn. After he broke through the ancestral world, he already had a feeling of loneliness. Only the illusory, high-ranking master would make him feel some pressure.

Although the strong ancestors have the ravages of the five renowns, the strength will be improved every time they pass, but Shen Lang is not too jealous. As long as the world is not too different, Shen Lang has absolute confidence, even if it can't Victory will never be defeated.

"Break the mountain river"

Shen Lang once again punched out, this fist is not a heavenly boxing, but a punch that Shen Lang uses his own will.

In this boxing, there is a unique respect for me, despising the momentum of the universe, and everything in the world will be turned into ashes under this boxing.

In the face of this peerless punch of Shen Lang, the face of Du Yi Zen Master finally appeared a dignified look, also as a strong one, the Buddhist master can feel the power of Shen Lang.


In the sky over the Buddhist monk, the scorpio was released, and the light curtain of the silky silk was released. The light curtain was like chaos. It was very dense. In the feeling of the dark waves, the silky curtain was like a copper wall. Generally, indestructible.

However, although the tactic of the Buddhist monk,, is very powerful, but under the punch of Shen Lang, there are still some small, and after Shen Lang is playing this punch, the whole person seems to be between heaven and earth. The master, the king who controls everything.

boom! ! !

The horrible giants swayed the entire Xiling, and some of the strong men, under the sigh of the Shenlang and the Zen masters of the dynasty, all trembled and did not dare to look up.

The battle between the two Supreme Forces is absolutely shocking. Even if they are strong, they must bow their heads under the momentum of Shen Lang and the two people can't resist.

Hey! ! !

A burst of sound came, and the light curtain that was released from the scorpio, finally reached the limit and instantly shattered under the punch of Shen Lang.

As early as the collision between the peerless punching force of Shen Lang and the light curtain released by the Tiantuo, the Buddhist monk was already beginning to seal, the light curtain was just broken, and the Buddhist master was already finished, pinching the fingers of the lotus. , gently forward a little.

"The Pure Land of the World"

A purifying force broke out in the hands of the Buddhist monk, and the peerless punching power of Shen Lang collided with the purifying power of the Buddhist monk, and instantly disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shenlang brows slightly wrinkled, did not expect this called the strong defense of the Duo Zen master, there is such a sharp attack.

However, Shen Lang is not too shocked. A strong person has a lot of means, but he is not known to outsiders. He does not necessarily attack powerful strong people. He has no defense means, but he has strong defenses. There is no need to attack.

Shen Lang's fingers are lightly touched, and a horrible light is shot at his fingertips. When the light passes, the space begins to collapse and becomes nothingness.

Purification and destruction met, and the sudden change occurred. A space crack appeared between the two attacks, and there was a human figure.