MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-~ Works related (13)

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However, when she confidently said that she would belong to her sooner or later, he also felt that he should belong to her.

"Papa papa!"

Seeing how brave and tough her sister was, Lan Xin couldn't help applauding, breaking everyone's stunned silence and suffocation.

Murong Changkong's mind suddenly came to his senses, and he realized the thought in his heart just now. He felt slightly annoyed, and flicked his long sleeves, "I don't want to talk to you, a crazy woman!"

After speaking, he didn't look at Su Junli again, and walked gracefully into the place where the woolen materials selected by Boss Huang were piled up.

Su Junli didn't make too much entanglement, she firmly believed that if it was hers, it would definitely be hers, and she couldn't run away no matter what.

She cleaned up her emotions and saw a stone with irregular shape, yellow sand skin and ringworm on the surface. She had a strange thought in her heart, so she reached out to touch it, closed her eyes and felt it quietly.

A cool seepage seeped into the palm of the hand from the stone, and the feeling was very clear, as if touching the jade directly.

That's right, that's it!

Su Junli pointed to the piece of wool and said to Papa Lan, "Buy this one!"

Papa Lan frowned and looked at the piece of wool, and reminded: "Junli, the skin of this piece of wool is not good, there is no loose python belt, and it is covered with ringworm, you know? Ringworm, even if it is high green inside, may be completely eroded by ringworm and turned into a pile of waste."

"It's only a thousand yuan anyway, it doesn't matter." Su Junli said.

Papa Lan knew that it was impossible for him to change her decision, so he had no choice but to pay for the piece of wool.

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[054] Who cheated whom?

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:12 Number of words in this chapter: 4648


"Miss, do you want to relieve the stone here?" A clerk looked at Su Junli's handsome appearance and asked very courteously.

Su Junli shook her head, "After I have selected all the woolen materials, we will untie them together."

"Okay, please take your time, miss, and wish you good luck." The clerk said politely, and then left.

Seeing Su Junli picking out the ringworm-covered wool, Mr. Fang shook his head and walked into the back room.

Su Junli also roughly touched the waste outside, and found no jade feeling, so she followed in.

The light inside is relatively dim, and people who look at the wool are holding flashlights and magnifying glasses to carefully look at the stones they belong to.

Su Junli saw Murong Changkong at a glance. He didn't bend over to look at the wool, but sat on a chair specially prepared for him by Boss Huang, watching everyone looking for wool leisurely.

Su Junli's current goal is to make money by betting on stones for the time being, not Murong Changkong, so he doesn't bother to talk to her.

When Murong Changkong saw Su Junli coming in, he tightened his body slightly. Although he didn't look at Su Junli directly, he still couldn't help glancing at Su Junli from the corner of his eye.

Su Junli walked to the place with the fewest people, and with the help of the dim light, raised her eyes to see—

I found a fairly large stone at her feet, about 50 centimeters high and one meter wide, emitting a faint green light. The green light was concentrated and lingered.

Emerald fluorescence?

Su Junli was overjoyed, closed her eyes and stretched out her hand to touch it. Sure enough, the unique warmth of jade penetrated into the palm of her hand through the coldness of the stone, and it felt very clear.

She stood up and asked Boss Huang who was curiously watching her touching the stone, "How can I buy this stone?"

"Miss, can you tell me why you closed your eyes and touched the stone instead of looking at it like everyone else?" Boss Huang couldn't help asking back.

"I like it." Su Junli said lightly, "Now you just need to tell how much this piece of wool costs."


Boss Huang paused intentionally in the tone of a businessman, and then pretended to be very straightforward and said: "For the sake of your beauty, I will charge you one million."

"two millions?"

Lan Xin screamed from the side, "Boss Huang, why don't you grab it? How dare you call it two million for such a gray stone? It's clear that you're killing us Junli like a fish in water!"

"Miss, you are wrong. This is the old pit wool. It is big and has a good appearance. Looking at the belt that goes around, you can tell that it will produce high-green wool. If you untie the emerald , At that time, it will be worth more than 100 million. I am open for real business, so how can you say that I cheated you? If it is not for the beauty of the lady, I would still call it 5 million." Huang said the boss.

"I bought it!" Su Junli said without hesitation. Only now did she realize that her intention to buy this piece of wool just now was so strong that Boss Huang just sat on the ground and raised the price.

No business, no adultery, no evil, no business!

Next, she has to be more cautious, not to be taken advantage of.

When Lan Xin heard that she wanted to buy it, she almost choked on a mouthful of saliva, pulled Su Junli and said, "Damn woman, two million, we don't have many two million, and this stone may not be able to be solved. Emerald, what if you lose your bet, what if there are rotten flakes in it?"

"I don't think my luck will be so bad, just pay." Su Junli said confidently.

Reluctantly, Lan Xin took out two million RMB and handed it to Boss Huang with her eyes rolled.

Boss Huang happily asked the clerk to keep the money. Originally, he himself was not very optimistic about this piece of wool. The so-called belt is not at all, it is just to fool Su Junli who doesn't understand anything. With such an appearance, it can only be sold for 500,000 yuan at most. It's just, I didn't expect her to like it so much, so naturally I don't kill it for nothing.

Su Junli took in his complacent mockup in his eyes, his eyes narrowed, and he sneered secretly in his heart: In this world, whoever wants her Su Junli to be taken advantage of will be the biggest taker!

She continued to look at other woolen materials, and found a piece that was glowing red. She just wanted to touch it, but the old Fang bought it in advance. She could only feel regretful and continued to search for the target.

"Miss, do you still like other woolen materials?" Boss Huang asked attentively from the side.

"I'm watching." Su Junli said angrily, "Boss Huang, please don't disturb me, okay?"

When others are looking at woolen materials, the most taboo thing is to be disturbed by others. Boss Huang is also sensible and stopped talking. Instead, he ran to Murong Changkong, nodded and bowed and asked: "Mr. Murong, do you just want to take a look today? Rather than taking a gamble?"

"I don't like gambling." As Murong Changkong spoke, his eyes drifted to Su Junli, who was frowning slightly, feeling uncomfortable as if being pinched by a hand.

"That's that." Seeing Murong Changkong's coldness, Boss Huang, who has always been good at dealing with people, realized that he was a bit at a loss for words. He wanted to say some words of praise, but it seemed too obvious and unpleasant. Only the embarrassing Go away and greet other guests.

In another corner, Su Junli found a piece of gray-white wool about the size of a football, with purple fluorescent lights on it.

In order to avoid being tricked by the shrewd Boss Huang again, she walked over, closed her eyes and touched a few pieces next to her, and then touched the piece of wool with purple fluorescence, it was indeed warm and cool like jade.

"Boss Huang, how can I buy this one?" She casually pointed to one of them and asked.

Boss Huang looked at her with probing eyes, and then at the piece of wool, and found that its appearance was quite good, so he raised three fingers and said, "Three million!"

Seeing your mother's three million, you can keep it for yourself and slowly slaughter the wronged people. Su Junli cursed secretly in her heart, she touched the piece of wool just now, it didn't feel like jade at all, it was definitely a piece of waste.

She calmly pointed to another piece and asked. Boss Huang looked at her suspiciously and continued to ask for a high price.

Su Junli's eyes didn't move, and he even pointed at seven or eight yuan, which made Boss Huang blurred when he asked, "Miss, which one do you want?"

"It's too expensive, I can't afford any of it, alas." Su Junli sighed pretendingly, "I don't have much cash in my hand, you should leave it to other customers."

Boss Huang was a little panicked when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "The price is all negotiable."

"Didn't you just say no second price? How dare I discuss it." Su Junli said deliberately.

"Hehe, it was just now, and now is now, miss, if you choose again, I will definitely give you a suitable price this time. You see, these woolen materials are big in size, good in appearance, and have a high possibility of being green. A million dollars is absolutely necessary." Boss Huang said with a slightly embarrassing smile.

"What about this small piece?" Su Junli kicked the small piece of wool with purple fluorescence, and asked as if he didn't care.

Boss Huang carefully looked at the small piece of wool, which was ordinary in appearance and nothing special, so he said generously, "If you buy one of the big ones, this small one will make you an extra head." gone."

"How much would it cost if you just buy this extra head?" Lan Xin interrupted and asked appropriately.

Su Junli was overjoyed, and really wanted to take her sister and give her a good kiss. This question was asked by Lan Xin, and the effect was much better than her question.

"This is—"

Boss Huang scratched his head, because he was really not sure whether Su Junli wanted this small one. After thinking about it, he said, "It's not expensive, just one hundred thousand yuan!"

"Damn it, isn't one hundred thousand yuan expensive? The ones out there that are about the same size as this one only cost one thousand yuan." Lan Xin yelled.

"It's true that it's 1,000 yuan outside. I'll sell you as much as you want, but here, the price is different." Boss Huang said with a little shame. In fact, in his heart, this piece of wool can be sold for 10,000 yuan. Anyway, when he bought it, it was also given to him as an extra.

"Thirty thousand yuan, if you don't buy it, you will lose it." Su Junli said out loud, "I really don't have much money, and I can't afford the big one, so I just buy a small one and try my luck."

"Miss, you bargain too hard! I'll give you a 50% discount, 50,000!" Boss Huang said happily.

"Thirty thousand, not a second price." Su Junli said firmly.

"Oh, forget it, for the sake of the lady's beauty, I will only lose once, and thirty thousand is thirty thousand." Boss Huang pretended to be very heartbroken, and sighed, as if he really lost a lot .

Su Junli sneered: You don't need to pretend, you will know later how much you have lost!

Compared to the two million just now, 30,000 is considered a small amount, and Lan Xin readily paid for it this time.

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[055] The first pot of gold

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:13 Number of words in this chapter: 4368


"Junli, do you want to untie the stone now?" Papa Lan, who had been silent all this time, asked. For some reason, since Junli picked the first piece of wool, he believed her unconditionally, thinking that the wool she picked would come out. Gao Lu, as if at his home that day.

"Buy a few more yuan first, and then solve it when the money is not enough." Su Junli knew that if he solved the emerald in one fell swoop and wanted to buy wool again, Boss Huang would definitely ask for a higher price. Well, anyway, there are more than two million in hand.

"Okay, take your time." Papa Lan nodded.

Su Junli's eyes continued to scan the wool one by one like a scanner, and found that the piece of wool that Mr. Fang was looking at also had black fluorescence condensed. Walk.

The piece of wool was not small, a full one meter high and one meter wide, and its surface was black and black sand. Mr. Fang took a closer look, then left to look at another piece.

Su Junli's slightly nervous heart suddenly relaxed. She pretended not to care and walked over, greeted Mr. Fang, and reached out to touch the stone.

It is the Moyu feeling she is most familiar with, rich and strong.

"Miss Su, this stone is black with dust, and there are still small locks. Even if it can produce jade, it will not produce good jade." Fang Lao said to her from the side.

"Thank you Fang Lao for your reminder." Su Junli was very grateful to Fang Hao for reminding her kindly, but she believed in her own feelings.

"Hehe, you're welcome." Fang Lao smiled, stopped talking, and continued to look at his wool.

"Miss, do you fancy this one?" Boss Huang hurried over and asked.

"Mr. Fang said just now that this stone is black with dust, and there are still small locks. Even if it can produce jade, it will not produce jade. If I want to buy it, what price will Boss Huang give?" Su Jun Li Yu said jokingly, she didn't show any gesture of wanting to buy this piece of wool at all.

"As the saying goes, it's hard for a **** to break an inch of jade. The difference in appearance is often not necessarily the difference in the inside. I have been in the stone gambling business for so long, and I have seen many stones with different appearances. However, if the lady wants it, I can It’s cheaper to calculate, just one million.” A businessman is a businessman, and Boss Huang’s words are more beautiful than anything else.

"One million? Boss Huang likes to joke too much. I saw that the wool was big, and I heard Mr. Fang said that it might not produce good jade. I was a little curious, so I wanted to solve it for fun. I didn't expect to ask for a million. It's so expensive, forget it, I don't want it anymore." Su Junli shook her head and said.

"Hehe, miss, don't worry, I was just joking just now, well, I'm at a loss, if you want, you can take half a million."

"One hundred thousand is about the same, otherwise, I bet your stone will never be sold here!" Su Junli shook her head.

Boss Huang gritted his teeth, "One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, Miss, take it if you want it."

"Lan Xin, give me the money." Su Junli called.

Lan Xin didn't know wool, and when she saw such a big piece, it only cost 100,000 yuan, so she happily handed over 100,000 yuan to Boss Huang, then patted Su Junli on the shoulder and said, "Damn woman, you can do it, you can take it with you when you go shopping. If you go out and bargain, you will never lose money."

Su Junli smiled lightly.

Seeing her buying the wool, Mr. Fang shook his head helplessly, and then asked Boss Huang how much the wool he had was worth.

Boss Huang actually offered a price of 4.5 million. It seems that he is not only going to cheat Su Junli, but also Mr. Fang.

Mr. Fang countered the price a little with him, and finally the deal was settled at 4 million.

Su Junli looked at the woolen material Mr. Fang had chosen. It looked good, but she couldn't see any fluorescence on it at all. He probably lost his bet on the woolen material.

She wanted to remind him, but there was no way. She couldn't tell him that she could see the fluorescence on the wool.

And judging from Fang Lao's appearance, he is probably the owner of a rich man. Even if he loses the four million, it doesn't matter. What's more, he just bought the piece of wool that he saw red fluorescence, so it is probably a loss. Not much to lose.

"Tsk tsk, such a stone costs a sky-high price of four million yuan, **** it, it's really scary." Lan Xin caressed her heart and said, "No wonder my father took out more than 100 million yuan that day, and it disappeared in an instant. Shi is really a cheating industry!"

As far as Su Junli looked, she didn't see any fluorescent wool. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and deceive people, she estimated that she bought two pieces of wool with a bad appearance and a relatively low price.

"Uncle Lan, we are ready to resolve the stone now!" Su Junli said to Papa Lan.

"Okay, let me explain it." Papa Lan asked Boss Huang happily, "Can you use the stone analyzer here for free?"

"Anything you want." Boss Huang said generously, "If you don't know how to solve it, I can provide you with Master Jieshi for free."

"No need, we can do it ourselves." Su Junli refused.

"Uncle Lan, help me untie a piece."

Standing in front of the calculus machine, Su Junli said to Papa Lan.

Papa Lan happily picked up a piece of wool with the best appearance and fixed it on the stone breaker. Calculating stones is an exciting thing. Even if you are not solving your own stones, watching a piece of wool being blocked or gambling can satisfy people's gambler psychology. They gathered around to watch the fun. Su Junli saw that he picked the ones he picked at random, and there shouldn't be any high-green wool, so she couldn't help but secretly shook her head, sighing that he was unlucky.

"How to cut it?"

Papa Lan carefully asked Su Junli with a stone-resolving knife.


Su Junli said lightly.

Although she said it was random, Papa Lan cautiously cut to the side most likely to be green.

It seems that his luck is not too bad. After cutting it across the board, it turned out to be green——

"It's green!" the onlookers shouted excitedly.

Lan Xin hurriedly poured clear water on it, only to see a clear and elegant, light green as transparent as ice presented in front of everyone's eyes, it turned out to be an ice species with excellent water head.

Papa Lan's entire face was flushed with excitement, and he looked at Su Junli excitedly, "Junli, it's green, it's green."

"Three million, will you sell it?" a jeweler asked.

As soon as his cry came out, bidding immediately came,

"Three and a half million!"

"four million!"

"Four and a half million!"

"Five million!" A fat businessman from Cuiyuxuan, Li Merchant, shouted loudly. Recently, good jadeites have been hard to find, which has resulted in the cutting-edge routes that their stores can take are getting narrower and narrower, and they have to buy some goods.

Others who wanted to bid stopped their voices.

The piece of wool in front of me is just green with a knife. Although the water head is good and it is an ice species, it is not very big. But if you are unlucky and just rely on skin green, then the bet will be ruined, and many people who have weighed their own financial resources will stop bidding.

"Junli, what's up?" Papa Lan looked at Su Junli inquiringly while holding a stone-resolving knife.

Su Junli walked over and touched the other side of the jade that hadn't been cut off. She couldn't feel any warmth from the jade at all, probably due to the green skin. Anyway, she bought this piece of wool for only 70,000 yuan.

So she nodded and said, "Just sell it for five million!"

Lan's father nodded, and Merchant Li of Cuiyuxuan paid the money very readily, "Miss Su, if your other woolen materials can still produce green, remember to consider our Cuiyuxuan, maybe, if there is any emerald jade to make ornaments, we will take on this type of business.”

"Thank you." Su Junli said sincerely. After all, he spent five million to be taken advantage of, so how could she not thank her? Ha ha.

-----Off Topic-----

Betting on rocks is a transitional stage, and everyone may find it boring, hehe, be patient.

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[056] One knife heaven

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:17 Number of words in this chapter: 3859


Papa Lan was very interested when he saw that he had solved Gao Lu. He looked at Su Junli and asked, "I will solve the next piece?"

Su Junli nodded, "You solve one more piece, and I will solve the rest myself!"

"That's cool!" Papa Lan rejoiced, and casually picked up the next piece and put it on the stone breaker.

The corners of Su Junli's mouth twitched when he saw it. He chose another piece of wool that she picked at random to deceive others.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Papa Lan enthusiastically cut a piece of stone, which was filled with white stones, and after cutting again, it was still...

He became a little nervous and looked at Su Junli.

Su Junli smiled at him, "Uncle Lan, it's okay, even if this one goes bankrupt, we've already made back our money when we sold that one just now."

Papa Lan thought about it too. Jun Li sold a few pieces of wool this time, the total was less than three million, and it was impossible for each piece to be green. So, he relaxed his mind and continued to cut it neatly. In the end, there was no green at all, and everyone booed and shook their heads.

Papa Blue was a little frustrated.

Su Junli stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, "Uncle Lan, you are tired, I will take care of the rest by myself, just watch."

"Well, Uncle Lan's luck is not very good, I believe you will be fine." Papa Lan nodded and gave up the position of the calculus machine.

Su Junli is beautiful and delicate, with a graceful figure, and in her gestures, there is an indescribable confidence in her bones. Her dark eyes seem to have absorbed all the elegance of the world.

Even if you don't see jade, it should be a wonderful thing to see such a jade man interpreting stones.

Naturally, not everyone in this world knows how to appreciate jade, and not everyone has the vision to appreciate the aura and beauty in a woman's bones.

A fat body with well-combed hair, but wrapped in an expensive gray suit that looked a bit crowded on him, with a red silk square scarf on the mouth of the suit in an arty way, hanging around his neck Wearing a shiny gold chain the size of a finger, the upstart with triangular eyes squinted seductively, and said to Su Junli with a slightly frivolous tone: "Miss, you are weak and weak, don't take that tender white I hurt my finger, brother, I will be heartbroken, if you think highly of brother, brother will help you, brother is a master at stone cleavage."

Without raising her eyes, Su Junli said coldly, "I'm sorry, I just look down on you!"

The face of the nouveau riche changed slightly, and the pretentious self-cultivation disappeared immediately, and the rough truth was revealed: "You bastard, what do you think you are? I only talk to you because I think highly of you, but you don't know people. "

"What do you think you are?" A pleasant but cold male voice sounded behind him, the voice was not loud, but it made Tai Ruo feel as if he had been bitten by a poisonous snake suddenly, and his body trembled slightly.

When he turned his head and saw Murong Changkong standing behind him, those narrow red phoenix eyes, as if looking at him through the wind, snow and frost of the twelfth lunar month, he became even colder.

He doesn't need to recognize Su Junli, but Mr. Murong, he has to recognize him, that is someone he can never provoke.

His fat upper face was quickly filled with a fat smile, he nodded and said: "Mr. Murong, I... I'm just joking."

"I don't like joking people!"

After Murong Changkong finished speaking coldly, a foot that was originally hidden under the gentle robe suddenly stretched out and kicked the nouveau riche's **** viciously—


With a scream, the upstart's 180-jin body flew into the air and landed on a sofa not far away, howling like a pig.

Su Junli saw that the strength and angle of Murong Changkong's kick were very appropriate. He must have practiced inner family qigong. It seems that the Murong family is still born of talented people from generation to generation.

The corners of her lips were slightly raised, and she gave him a faint smile to express her gratitude.

Even though her smile was just a faint smile, it was like an epiphyllum, slowly blooming in Murong Changkong's heart, making him slightly absent-minded.

Although the nouveau riche was badly thrown by Murong Changkong, he didn't dare to do anything wrong. He could only hide where he was, and looked at Su Junli's beautiful face with a pair of resentful eyes.

What Su Junli wanted to dissect was the biggest piece of wool, with black tungsten sand on the surface, and a small strand, which was not favored by Mr. Fang, and he bought it from one million to one hundred thousand.

She had already felt through the stone and knew where to cut it, so she chose the side with the strongest feeling, picked up the calculus knife and cut it carefully.

Those who watched the stone unraveling saw Su Junli's delicate appearance. Most of them thought that she had no strength to cut the stone at all, but now they found that her posture was calm and her movements were neat. The stones peeled off like tofu.

At the incision, there was a cool black glowing with a glimmering light—

"Moyu! It turned out to be Moyu!" Fang Lao, who had been watching from the side, instantly became agitated on his calm old face, his lips trembled slightly, as if he had unwrapped his jade.

Papa Lan poured clean water on it and wiped it carefully.

The ink is crystal clear, the ink is translucent, and the ink is like Su Junli's pupils. The atmosphere is dignified, but it is full of stars.

Definitely a rare old pit glass type black jade!

It's even better than the ice-species black jade that Su Junli dissected at Lan's house before!

Su Junli was also taken aback. She originally thought that this was at most ice-type black jade, but unexpectedly it was glass-type.

"Girl, five million, how about selling it to me for half a bet?" Elder Fang asked.

Su Junli shook her head. If it was jade from other water species, she would certainly sell it, but she would never buy Moyu, a jade that would help her cultivate her skills and enhance her aura. Therefore, she regretted that she unwrapped this piece of jade in public here. She should have taken it home and unwrapped it secretly. However, she really wanted Boss Huang to vomit blood, so she unwrapped it in a fit of anger.

Although black jade is rare and precious, after all, this piece of wool has not been completely unwound, and there are many small locks on the outside of the wool, it is very likely that the jade inside will be fragmented.

Therefore, except for Mr. Fang who offered five million yuan, everyone else remained calm.

When Boss Huang saw that Su Junli sold her woolen materials that cost only 100,000 yuan, he actually offered excellent black jade, and Mr. Fang even paid 5 million yuan for half-gambling stones. He was a little angry. Looking into Su Junli's eyes, she wished she could spit out the money for him.

"Girl, are you sure you don't want to sell it? Make another cut, and maybe what you see will be skin green." Fang Lao asked a little unwillingly.

"That depends on my luck. I will completely untie this piece of wool!" Su Junli smiled lightly, and continued to lower her head to untie the stone. The movements were more graceful and neat, which made many people ignore her unscrambling. Under the knife, Mo Yu gradually revealed the whole picture, but was fascinated by watching her.

The black jade was all released, and it was as big as a one-year-old child. After washing it with clean water, the glistening dark green light amazed everyone's eyes and hearts.

The whole piece of jade is crystal clear, without a trace of blemish, fine texture, dense particles, dark as ink, noble and elegant, full of mysterious colors, as if it contains some unknown power.

-----Off Topic-----

Ask for collection!

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[057] Mysterious and charming man (please collect!)

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:20 Number of words in this chapter: 4264


Mo Cui, also known as Mo Jade, is a precious and rare high-grade jadeite full of mystery and full of luxury. The shadow of a successful man".

Mo Cui has a strong magnetic field because it is closer to the center of the earth. Fengshui masters also agree that Mo Cui has the functions of warding off evil spirits, preventing poisonous insects, and repelling beasts, and has a magnetic field that attracts wealth.

And for those who practice inner home breath, moyu can help in cultivation, clear away turbid air, absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and enhance spiritual energy.

The piece of black jade that Su Junli untied not only has an excellent water head, but also a good shape. It is about 60 centimeters high. If it can be used to carve a Buddha statue, it will definitely be priceless.

Mr. Fang was so greedy, he looked at Su Junli with pleading eyes, and gritted his teeth, "Girl, I'll offer 500 million, sell it to me, okay?"

When the onlookers heard the sky-high price of 500 million, they were shocked, and looked at Su Junli and the piece of black jade with envy and jealousy, wishing that it could be their own.

"I'll pay one billion." Murong Changkong's beautiful voice sounded leisurely. The purpose of his coming here this time is to find a good piece of jadeite and carve it into a Buddha statue for his great-grandmother. There is no jade that is more suitable than black jade.

The audience fell silent, and everyone couldn't even make a noise.

Moyu worth a billion dollars, why didn't I have such good luck?

Many stone gamblers who had seen this piece of wool just now but gave up because of those thin strands all stamped their feet and beat their hearts, as if they wanted to hit the wall.

When Boss Huang thought that Su Junli had only spent 100,000 yuan to buy this piece of wool worth 1 billion yuan, he was so injured that he vomited blood.

"I'm sorry, I won't sell this piece. I'll sell it later if I can find other jade stones." Naturally, Su Junli was reluctant to sell such a fine ink jade.

"1...1.2 billion, do you want to buy it or not?" Elder Fang gritted his teeth and asked.

Su Junli shook her head, "No matter how much you sell, you won't buy it."

Lan Xin's father and daughter were stunned when they heard that the offer was so high.

"Oh my God, dad, I thought you were rich if you had more than 100 million assets. I didn't expect that you would become poor directly when you came here." Lan Xin yelled.

"Junli is lucky!" Papa Lan was very happy for Su Junli. He believed that the rest should not be bad.

Seeing that Su Junli was determined not to buy it, Murong Changkong and Mr. Fang also fell silent.

Su Junli handed Moyu to Lan Xin to take care of, and asked someone to put the piece of wool that cost two million on the stone-breaking machine.

She felt the thinnest part of the skin with her palm, and picked up the knife to cut it down. The movement was fast, accurate, and ruthless, just like cutting tofu, but it was so graceful that it had an excellent visual effect.

When the knife is cut down, a palm-wide green can be seen faintly.

Everyone gasped: "It's green, it's green again!"

Papa Lan hurriedly splashed water to wash it off, and a clear and translucent, green with blue, soft and rich color jumped into everyone's eyes, making everyone feel that the dripping green made all the colors in the world lose their luster in an instant, and only it was shining. Hui.

"Emerald, Junli, emerald..." When Papa Lan said this, his voice almost choked with excitement, and his fingers trembled as he touched the magical green.

"Unfortunately, it's an ice species!"

As soon as Su Junli said this, everyone present almost felt internally injured.

Darling, don't be so greedy, okay, even waxy emeralds are the best among emeralds, let alone the rare ice emeralds!

"I'll offer five million!" Boss Li of Cuiyuxuan raised the price.

"I'll offer 6.5 million." The owner of Xiangyuxuan hurriedly called for the price.

"I'm eight million." Mr. Fang raised the price directly.

"Two hundred million." Murong Changkong slightly opened his thin lips.

Elder Fang glanced at Murong Changkong, smiled wryly and said, "Master Murong, do you insist on grabbing the jade with me today?"

"I'm sorry, great-grandmother Gaoshou, I have to grab a piece of high-quality emerald to make her smile." Murong Changkong said.

Boss Fang shook his head, with his financial resources, he really couldn't compare with the Murong family, not to mention, he was still half-gambled.

"I'm sorry, this piece is not a half-gamble. I want to solve it completely. After you solve it, you can bid again." Su Junli continued to cut with a cutter confidently, and then gradually polished the skin with a grinding wheel.

The emerald was fully unwrapped and was the size of a football.

Papa Lan carefully washed it with clean water, and Jade slowly revealed her most stunning side like a beauty with a veil.

In this world, there is no natural color that can make people so pleasing to the eye, making people never tire of looking at it and intoxicated. When it comes to emeralds, someone described it like this: "Even if the most ignorant savage stumbles across emeralds in a wet jungle, he will deeply feel the beauty and preciousness of this bright and crystal color."

"This kind of emerald, even if you just look at it, it is a blessing!" Fang Lao came back to his senses, sighed a long time, and looked at the emerald greedily.

"300 million!" Boss Li was the first to ask for the price again. He was thinking in his heart that if he could buy this piece of ice emerald and make it his treasure, he would no longer be afraid of not being able to take the cutting-edge route.

"400 million." Although Mr. Fang knew that Murong Changkong was determined to win, he couldn't help but bid. He is a jade-obsessed person, if he can take this emerald with such a large size and such a good water head, he will spend all his money on it.

"Six hundred million." Murong Changkong said. His great-grandmother had bad eyesight recently, and he heard that emeralds can have a certain therapeutic effect and prevent diseases, so he had to buy them.

If it wasn't for the Murong family, even if it was a billion dollars, Mr. Fang would have wanted to photograph it. But in this way, it is clear that he is against Murong Changkong, and it will be difficult in the future, so he no longer dares to bid.

No one else has the financial resources to bid either.

Su Junli was just about to give the emerald to Murong Changkong, when suddenly there was a male voice above his head that was as clear as a chime hitting, but as deep and magnetic as a drum.